
Love in Darkness

Selena is a daughter of a farmer and Eon is a fairy. They both found each other in the forbidden forest when they run away to escape their life. A beautiful friendship has turned into something deeper. They spent time with each other in the forest, mesmerized by the beauty of nature. Selena and Eon found what they seek: happiness and love. But everything changes when Selena is destined to marry a businessman her parents met. Selena is heartbroken leaving Eon. Eon's world crumbles as he witnesses the love of his life marrying another man. As Selena and Eon continue living their life, they cannot forget their past. Sereia is a battered wife. His husband, Magnus, did not show her respect and love the way Eon did. Though her parents are happy to live a luxurious life, Selena wishes to escape her miserable life. On the other hand, Eon continues to prove his worth but to no avail. Fairies, including his parents, see him be worthless. Selena and Eon will meet again and this time, could they fight for their love? Or will they continue to live a sad fate?

MagicalSine · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
49 Chs

It ended sadly

Selena rides the old car that her father is driving. She is going to meet the stranger that is to be her husband. She is just looking straight ahead and did not listen to her father's instructions. Selena could only think about Eon and her freedom. She was thinking about running away but where would she go? She thought she could ask Eon to take her away but where would he take her? She is a human so she cannot go to his world. It is forbidden. Selena thought of asking for help but it could make things worse. She knows her father. She feels like her mind is going to blow up with so many ideas

As she is thinking about her decision, they have arrived at a luxurious restaurant in town. Selena wants to back out. She tries to think of a way out - a way that could postpone the wedding, giving her enough time to plan for escape. She goes out on the vehicle but she seems cannot find the strength to walk. Her legs would not let her move.

"What are you doing?! Let's go." Her father exclaims. Selena just looks at him. Her father becomes impatient and drags her by the arm.

Selena lets her father drag him. She wants to fight but she remembers what state her mother is in. "I have to do this. " Selena thought. Her father leads her to the table at the corner of the restaurant. There she sees a man wearing a tuxedo and has a nice, clean haircut. Selena finds him terrifying and intimidating. When the man sees them approaching, he stands up and greets them.

Selena's father makes her sit down in front of the man. The man extends his hands to her for a handshake. "My name is Magnus. Your father is right, you are a beauty. It is nice to finally meet you." Selena just looks at his hand and did not accept it. Her father nudges her but she still did not accept. She keeps her mouth shut. Magnus smiles and withdraws his hand.

Tony bows his head and apologizes. "I am so sorry for her attitude, Sir." Magnus raises his palm and speaks, "It is okay, not a problem. She must be in shock. I guess we have to proceed to the main event." He looks at Selena who has shown no emotion in her face and then back to her father. "Shall we get going then? A lot of preparation has to be made." Magnus is the first to stands. "Follow me to my car." Then he walks towards the exit door.

Tony drags again her daughter by the arm, making her stand up. "What is wrong with you?! You are embarrassing me!" Selena keeps being silent. Her father sighs, "Come along." She has no choice but to follow. They arrive at the parking lot and another man is waiting at the car door for them. The man opens the door for them. Tony hesitated and calls for Magnus. "Uhh, Sir, you go ahead and we will follow. I brought my car."

Magnus looks at their car and speaks frankly to Tony. "I am a busy man so I'm in a hurry. By the looks of it, you would not be able to catch up." Tony feels shy and ushers Selena to enter Magnus' car. "Do not worry, Tony, my men will drive your car to your home." Tony smiles and bows his head, "Thank you, Sir."

While traveling, Selena only looks out the window. Her mind seems to be somewhere else because she is not paying attention to what her father is saying to her. Tony finally gives up and lets her be. Magnus has been glancing at her while talking to Tony. "Behind that emotionless face, her eyes show sadness." He thought. Magnus disregards the idea and focuses his attention on Selena's father. "This is all just business. With that beauty and brain, she will be useful with my business trips with the clients."

Minutes later, they arrive at a big hotel. Tony and Selena are just following Magnus as he orders some people for the wedding preparation - the cake, the foods, the flowers, and all the needed pieces of equipment. Tony is curious about something and has found the courage to ask. "Uhh, excuse me, Sir. If you may, can I ask a question?" Magnus stops flipping a book with big springs on the side and looks at him. "What is it?"

"Where is the venue of the wedding? I am sure it is not here because you did not mention the arrangement of the reception room of this hotel." Magnus hands over the book to his assistant and puts both of his hands in his pocket. "You are right. I would like a garden wedding and the venue will be in your village."

Tony is shocked but manages to respond. "Pardon me, Sir? In our village? But why? I mean our village is not suitable for a good venue for your wedding." Magnus laughs. "I'm flattered. I'm doing this because it is business. Since I am buying all the lands in the village, it would be appropriate to share this moment with the villagers. It is a big occasion - the more, the merrier." He smiles and then continues with his work. Tony just nods and follows Magnus.

Selena has been just following them. They did not even ask her opinion. Though she is against the wedding, it is her wedding. "Does the bride do not have a say on the preparation?" Selena thought enthusiastically. But she remains silent and wishes that this day would be over.

Selena's wish came true. A call made Magnus dismissed everything and asks the staff to take care of all that is required. He then orders one of his drivers to take Tony and Selena home. "I will see you both tomorrow." Magnus then quickly leaves with his guards.

It was already dark when Selena and Tony got home. Ria was waiting for them by the door and when she saw them, she greets them with a question, "How did it go?"

Selena did not respond to her mother and rushes to her bedroom. Ria could only look at her daughter with pity. She has to use herself to make Selena obeys. It was a terrible thing to do but her husband made her. She has no choice.

Tony goes to their bedroom as well and Ria follows her husband. "Well?"

He looks at his wife and answers, "It went well, okay? Magnus has prepared everything. The venue will be here in the village." Then he starts to change clothes. Ria is shocked. "What? Why here? Is he serious? What was he thinking?"

Tony got annoyed at his wife. "I do not know, okay? Why don't you ask him? Stop pestering me!" Ria falls silent and sits on the bed. Tony exits the room and takes something from the car. He returns after a minute and gives his wife what Magnus had bought. "This will be your outfit for Selena's wedding tomorrow. Magnus picks it up for you."

Ria receives it and is amazed by the dress. She has never seen anything like it nor wears something as elegant as the dress. Tony speaks suddenly, "You should rest. It is a big day for daughter." Ria puts down the dress and then she thinks about Selena. She feels pain remembering the face made by her daughter, who decided to agree with the marriage. Ria looks at her husband who is already sleeping on the other side of the bed.

"What have we done to our precious daughter?" She burst into tears silently at the thought.

In the other room, Selena is facing the mirror, looking at herself with the white wedding dress that Magnus had chosen for her. She just stood in front of the mirror, looking at herself over and over. Selena really cannot process the situation. All that she could think of is if she decides to follow her father, her mother's suffering will end.

Selena has been looking at herself in the mirror for an hour already. As she stares at her reflection, the emotions that have built up inside her have exploded. She falls down to the floor while wearing the gown and she weeps hardly. Her heart is heavy and all she wants is to express the weight. Selena covers her own mouth to prevent her parents from hearing her.

After an hour of crying, Selena feels exhausted and cries herself to sleep. She fell asleep on the floor while still wearing the wedding gown. Then she dreams about Eon. In her dreams, Eon and she are slow dancing under the big oak tree with so many fireflies and golden flowers. It was a magical sight. Their foreheads met while dancing and they smile at each other.

Selena's tears have stopped flowing. Despite the situation, she sleeps fine because of the dream. It made her smile and made her feel that there is nothing wrong.

Meanwhile, Eon is in the shed in the forest. What he heard keeps ringing in his mind. It seems like his brain is literally shouting 'Selena's wedding'. Eon cannot handle the truth so he thinks of many reasons to convince himself that he has heard them wrong. But what he sees is that the other room made him lose all hope. Selena was wearing a white gown.

"Maybe it is just a long dress. Humans like to wear long dresses." Eon is pacing back and forth but no matter what he thinks, it all comes to a conclusion. The woman he loves will be married to someone else. He lays on the floor of the shed and covers his eyes with his arm. Eon sighs and embraces the pain. He could only drift to sleep for him to not feel the hurt.

The next morning, Tony enters Selena's room when his daughter did not respond to his calling. He discovers his daughter sleeping on the floor while wearing the gown. "Why are you like that? Why are you wearing that? Today is your wedding and you look like a mess." Her father examines the dress from front to back, and above and below. "Good. There is no damage."

Selena grins while fixing her hair. "You are more worried about the dress more than your daughter?" She did not let her father reply. "Get out. I need to wash up.

Everything is ready for the garden wedding. The field that once is abundant in different crops and plants is now deserted. Magnus had made the place the venue. He asked a team to arrange the perfect garden wedding with a wood floral backdrop, wedding arches where the string lights are hung, a wedding cake on a table full of plants surrounding it, a white glittering carpet on the center, and many white chairs on both sides. The villagers are amazed by the setup.

"Wow. How beautiful. Their daughter is so lucky!" A neighbor exclaims while entering the venue. Many villagers are slowly gathering and are waiting for the bride. Magnus is already at the altar. Women cannot stop staring at Selena's future husband.

"He is so handsome." A group of women exclaims.

Selena, however, is still sitting on her bed. She is already ready - wearing the white gown and elegant pieces of jewelry, has a refreshing makeup look, and a stylish hairstyle. It would be every woman's dream wedding but Selena did not want this. She has plans, she has dreams, and she has Eon, the man she loves.

Her mother knocks on the door. "Come now, dear, everyone is waiting for you." Selena gets up and lets her mother guide her to the venue.

Selena is at the entrance with her parents holding her both shoulders. The guests stand up as they walk the aisle. Everyone's attention is now focused on Selena. They are all smiling at her. Selena, on the other hand, is breaking inside. She held back her tears but failed. When she accidentally looks at the crowd, a man caught her attention. It was Eon.

Selena could no longer refrain her self from crying as she sees the man she loves among the crowds, watching her getting married to someone else.