
Love in Darkness

Selena is a daughter of a farmer and Eon is a fairy. They both found each other in the forbidden forest when they run away to escape their life. A beautiful friendship has turned into something deeper. They spent time with each other in the forest, mesmerized by the beauty of nature. Selena and Eon found what they seek: happiness and love. But everything changes when Selena is destined to marry a businessman her parents met. Selena is heartbroken leaving Eon. Eon's world crumbles as he witnesses the love of his life marrying another man. As Selena and Eon continue living their life, they cannot forget their past. Sereia is a battered wife. His husband, Magnus, did not show her respect and love the way Eon did. Though her parents are happy to live a luxurious life, Selena wishes to escape her miserable life. On the other hand, Eon continues to prove his worth but to no avail. Fairies, including his parents, see him be worthless. Selena and Eon will meet again and this time, could they fight for their love? Or will they continue to live a sad fate?

MagicalSine · Fantasy
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49 Chs

Different path

Selena accidentally looks at the crowd gathered outside the garden fence and a man had caught her attention. He is wearing a white polo shirt and baggy pants. He is also wearing a conical hat so his face is almost cannot be seen. But Selena could still see the face of the man, the man he misses. It was Eon. Selena could no longer refrain her self from crying as she sees the man she loves among the crowds, watching her getting married to someone else.

No one can see Selena's tears because of the veil. Selena's heart is breaking. She thought of being a runaway bride and be with Eon but her parents are holding both of her arms. The orchestra starts to play a wedding melody. Selena could not move. She could only stare at the carpet - deciding if she will walk and looks again at Eon - deciding if she would run away.

"Selena?" Her mother calls out to her when she notices her daughter has no intention of moving. "Snap out of it and walk with us in the aisle."

Selena could not stop crying. On the other hand, Magnus' smile disappears when his bride takes a long time to walk the aisle. People are starting to talk, asking what is happening. He signals Selena's father to make her move. Tony panics when he got that 'do not make me wait any longer' look.

"If you do not move, I will drag your mother out of here, and what you see last time would be worst." Selena could not believe that her father just threatened her with his wife.

Selena looks at her father with hatred and shoves her father's hands. "You do not deserve to walk me. I am not your daughter and you are not my father." Her mother gasps while her father is dumbfounded. She then walks the aisle. While walking, she takes a look at Eon one last time. Selena smiles at him with tears in her eyes. She continues her way to the groom and joins him in the mini altar.

The ceremony started. Magnus' smile is visible when he delivers his vows and puts the ring on Selena's ring finger. Selena, on the other hand, keeps her serious face and without saying anything, she just puts the ring on Magnus'. People start to murmur. Magnus then takes Selena's veil off. The priest has not yet declared the statement 'You may now kiss the bride.' but Magnus already kisses Selena on the lips. Selena's eyes widen. She tries to push Magnus away without the audience noticing. Magnus pulls away and faces everyone with a smile.

While everyone is cheering for them being newlyweds, Selena looks around and could no longer see Eon. Sadness came flooding into her system. She just wishes that everything would be over so that she could lock herself in her room.

As for Eon, he returns to the forest with a broken heart. He recalls what happened this morning. It was hard for him to decide if he was going to see Selena again. It was dawn when Eon woke up. He even convinced himself that everything that had happened was just a dream but as he holds his chest where his heart is, the pain was there. Eon was just sitting in the shed, staring at nothing.

"What should I do? I can't lose her. She is the only one I have." Eon mumbles to himself. "Doesn't she love me anymore?"

Eon suddenly stands up. "No! She loves me. I am going to get her. I know she does not want to marry some guy she just met. Maybe her parents are forcing her." That thought made Eon's body boils with determination and confidence.

It was still early so Eon sneakily goes to a nearby house in the village and steal some clothes. He then returns to the forest, dressing himself up so that he could blend with the humans. Eon had no idea where to find Selena so he saw people gathered in the venue of the wedding, he approached them to ask. The crowd is busy talking that they did not notice him. He is about to call the old man in front of him when notices a lady wearing a very white gown. Even though the lady's face is covered with the veil, he could tell that it was the woman he loves.

"I'm too late." Eon thought. He could only stare at her. Selena's face is slightly visible through the veil so Eon could see that Selena is looking at him. He saw Selena cried when she saw him. Eon is convinced that her parents were forcing her into marriage because he saw how Selena shoved her parent's hands from holding her.

As Selena walked down the aisle, Eon stared at her. She then gazed in his direction and Eon saw her smile but it was not the smile she used to give him. It was a smile of goodbye. He wanted to approach her and wiped her tears but Selena continued to walk towards the altar. When Magnus kissed Selena, Eon could no longer stay. He left and returned to the forest.

After recollecting the event, Eon shouts. "Ahhh!" He keeps shouting until he falls to the ground because of exhaustion. Eon's hands touch the ground and everything becomes dull. The beautiful and magical forest that Eon and Selena had built is now looking ruined.

Eon did not care anymore. He does not feel any desire for restoration anymore. He stands up and decides to go back to the magic realm. Eon left the humans' world with dead nature. As he enters the portal and brings him into the realm, he vows to never use his powers anymore. He walks promptly in the direction of their home. At the door, his father is there, sitting on the almost invisible porch. When Fero sees his son, he stands up. "

"Probably going to scold me again." Eon though. But Eon has no plans of talking nor listen to his father so he just passed him.

His father stops him by holding his shoulder. "Talk to me. You look devastated. What happened?" Eon looks at his father with a stern face and shoves his father's hands. He goes straight to his bedroom and ignores his father's calls.

Eon just wants to be alone.

So does Selena. She wants to be left alone but her parents would not let her.

"Why are you in your room? You should be outside. There are so many guests. You should join your husband." Her mother cries outside her bedroom door.

"Leave me alone, Mom." Selena sighs as she hears her mother walking away. A minute later, she hears heavy footsteps coming to her bedroom. It is definitely not her father's.

"Selena." She recognizes the voice. It's Magnus. Selena did not respond.

"Will you come out? You are embarrassing me by being in that room instead of socializing with the people outside." Selena still falls silent.

"Do not make me wreck this door and carry you outside." Magnus's voice is deep and scary. It made Selena stands up in an instant and opens the door.

Magnus smiles at her. "Good. Now let's accommodate our guests." He offers his hand to her. Selena hesitantly accepts it and goes outside.

Selena spent the day being at Magnus' side. Together they respond to questions, greet guests, and showing fake smiles as if they are a married couple that is truly in love with each other.

Evening came and the guests keep coming. It made Selena so tired but her husband is very happy about it. Magnus is also giving business cards and marketing his business. Selena could only smile bitterly. She decides to go on the field to smell the fresh air.

In the fields, Selena could see the border that goes to the forest. Suddenly, she could feel her heart aching. She puts her hand to his left chest and utters to herself while looking to the forest, "I miss you." Tears are flowing from her eyes - she is crying again. She cries and cries until there are no more tears. As she is wiping her eyes, she recalls all the memories she has with Eon. This made her smile. She looks at the forest again with sorrow in her eyes. "I wish I could tell you how grateful I am to have met someone like you. I wish I could tell you that you made me so happy that I can forget what bothers me. I wish I could tell you how much I want to stay with you. I wish I could tell you that I love you."

In the magic realm, Eon is looking at the window and reminisce about his days with Selena. Her smile, her laugh, her face, her care, and her presence - he misses it all. He then starts to talk to himself. "I wanted to ask you if you want to run away with me. I wanted to give you everything. I said to you that I'll be seeing you later but you did not come. Why did you give up on us? On me? You should have told me so that I could prepare myself for pain." Eon laughs sarcastically. "I waited for you but you never came. I became worried so I look for you, only to find out that you are getting married."

Eon sighs. "I should have given up. I should have slapped myself but I convinced myself that you love me too. So you would not leave me. But I was wrong. I should not have come to see, it just made my heartache." His voice is full of regrets but what is done is done. He realizes that there are things not meant to happen.

A couple of months later, Selena is now being picked up by her husband. Magnus has been busy so Selena still stays in her parent's house. Now that Magnus is back, Selena is going to move to his wife. She only packs what she needs. Everything is already bought and prepared.

Selena bids goodbye to her mother and looks straight to the road. Magnus is asking her questions but Selena's attention is distorted. After being ignored, Magnus did not speak again. They reach their house after an hour. Magnus guides her wife to the bedroom and lets her rest. He then leaves the room and calls for a maid.

"Make sure you take care of her." The maid nods. Before Magnus could leave, he instructs the maid. "Observe her behavior or any unusual on her. Report it to me. The maid replies, "Yes, Sir. You do not have to worry."

Magnus is in the car, ready to go to the airport for his business trips when suddenly he looks up to the window where his wife is and utters, "There would be no honeymoon then." He slightly smiles and orders his driver to take him to the airport.

Selena is sleeping soundly and is having a dream. In her dreams, Eon came to see her. In his hand is a dead bouquet flower. Eon grips the bouquet and then it came back to life. it was a white rose bouquet, her favorite. Selena smiles at Eon. The dream then shifted into the day they went to a waterfall. They are both on the pool at the bottom end of the waterfall. They are laughing so hard as they keep splashing each other with water. Eon attempted to come closer to her but he slips, making her laughed so hard. Eon grabbed her hand and she falls into the water. They are both wet and happy.

The dream is making Selena cry while sleeping. The room is filled with Selena's sobs and there is no one that would comfort her. Selena's eyes then slowly open. She gets up and could only further cry. Her eyes are starting to swell because she has been crying all day. But she does not care, all she wants now is to express the pain she is feeling. Selena spent all night crying her hearts outs. She falls asleep again and this time, no dreams.