
Love, ever after

Chapter 1.

Flora laughed as she watched, through the screen glass of the hospital window, a dog chasing down a squirrel. The dog's tongue was flapping and it's tail wagging happily.

The dog continued chasing the squirrel, occasionally letting out a resounding bark. The squirrel finally ran up a near by tree and the dog tried to follow.

The dog let out a devastating whine as it realized it had been bested and 'squirrel' won't be part of breakfast that day.

The squirrel seemed to know it had won because it came down the tree only to run back up each time the dog took a leap.

Flora chuckled and turned away from the display. She rubbed her hand over her swollen belly, imagining the life inside of her.

Even after 8+ months of being pregnant, it still felt surreal that a life was growing inside her and she couldn't wait to hold her little bundle of joy in her arms.

Suddenly, her vision went black as a pair of hands from behind draped over her eyes.

"I am from the realm of the dead and have come to take what I was promised." A husky voiced whispered into her ear.

Flora smiled, " And just what were you promised?" She asked.

"A life long of kisses from the most beautiful woman on earth." The voice replied, dropping the hands covering her eyes

Flora smiled grew wider as she turned around to kiss her husband,

"Well, that can be easily fulfilled." She said, still kissing him.

"I missed you." Adam whined with a pout.

Flora kissed away the pout and pointed out,

"You were here two hours ago."

"Felt like the longest two hours of my life." Adam declared, still kissing Flora as she laughed.

"How are you mama, and how's our little girl doing?" Adam asked, his hand moving over Flora's belly, where their child lay.

"I'm great and our BOY is doing fine" she laid emphasis on the Boy.

They'd agreed not to find out the gender of the baby, wanting to be surprised the old fashioned way.

It was a constant debate between them, what they think the sex of their child is. Flora felt they were going to have boy and Adam felt it would be a girl.

Adam just chuckled, leaning down to place a kiss on Flora's stomach.

"Hey, champ." He said "You haven't caused any false alarm again, have you?"

Flora started feeling pains the day before. The pains were more than the normal pain she normally felt, so they had rushed to the hospital, only for the doctors to confirm that it was a false alarm and she wasn't due yet and had placed her under fluids.