
Love beyond time

A young woman born with an extraordinary gift of second sight who comes from the present time. She is hurled back into ancient Greece and must learn to adapt and protect herself in the past. For there are those who would use her gift of second sight for their own dark purpose. The mortals who serve the gods and Titian's will do anything for power, and a mortal born with a gift from the gods is seen to be blessed or some say cursed. Yet, this young woman finds herself in the protection of a warrior king. Among the people who would use her gift to their own dark purpose of being more powerful than they are now. The young woman finds herself falling love with the warrior, but she knows she mustn't because it could alter history itself. She knows must give her up possibly her one true love and find her way back to her time...

Samantha_Maffei · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
27 Chs

Chapter 14

Actaea smiled as she came into the kitchen, to find her girls making breakfast. It smelled like fresh baked bread and Lilly had picked fresh fruit from the garden. How she wish things could be different and she didn't have to leave. The girls set the food out onto the table and they sat down to eat. They sat in silence for a several moments and then Cassandra spoke. "We will miss you so much, but Lily and I understand why you must leave. If it's to keep us safe then we understand." She took ahold of my hand and squeezed it tight. "I will miss you my girls, you must look after each other, and do not give the gods a any chance to suspect anything." Thru both nodded their heads, for they both knew that which gods were behind all of this. The three of them spoke some more, the girls asking where I would go but I thought it best I didn't tell them where I would end up. Especially if the other gods might be looking for me, I wanted to keep the girls safe. I told them that everything here in the house was theirs, all the remaining jewelry I made was theirs to do with they want. They asked if I wanted to take anything with me, and there wasn't really anything I wanted expect a few of my dresses, I had a cloak that made to keep warm during the cold months, and a necklace I made of glass beads that the girls picked out on the beach together when they were younger. They asked how I would get to wherever I was going, i told them I thought about heading to the only main fishing port in the village and taking the first ship that was heading out. I didn't know where I would end up, but I knew that I had to go as far as I could.

Once we were done talking, and cleared away the food, I knew that I couldn't put off saying goodbye. The girls asked if I wanted to walk to the main port near the vill together. I told them it was alright, for it would be even harder to say goodbye and I wouldn't be able to get onto a ship. We stood near the front of the door, my belongings in a small bag, I then hugged both my girls at the same time, not wanting to never let go of them. I will miss you so much but i will always be with you both I told them. I was trying so hard not to cry in front of them, I put on a brave face on for them. We said one last final goodbye to each other. I then turned around to face the path in front of the house and started walking away from my home. This would be the second time in my long life I had to leave behind my home. I stopped for a moment to look out at the sea and thought back to first time I meet Lysander all those years ago. I turned back to look back at my girls up at the house. They stood in the door way watching me and they waved to me. I waved back and turned back to the path then headed towards the village to the one and only main port. Some of the locals watched with curiosity as I made way through the street towards the marina

and there were two ships sitting there. Hopefully one of them would be leaving soon and willing to take on a passenger. I had some money that made in sales from the jewelry I sold, that I took along with me.

I walked my over the pier and approached one of the ships. "Actaea? Is that you?" I tuned around to face one of the local fisherman, Marcus, that had worked along with Lysander from time to time out at sea. "Marcus, yes it's good to see you."

"I'm so sorry to hear about Lysander, I've only just returned a short while ago and heard that he had passed during the storm we had. If there is anything I could do for you please let me know."

"Actually, I was hoping to find someone willing to take on a passenger."

"You're leaving your home here, what about the girls? Do they know you're leaving?" I tried very hard not to let the tears come, and put on a brave face. "What has happened Actaea, are you alright?"

"I cant say, I just need to find someone willing to take me on as a passenger." Marcus looked concerned and then asked her, "I'm actually heading back out soon, just have to finish a few things here, but I can take you anywhere you like. My first stop on my route is the island Skyros, then from there the main land. You can go anywhere you like once we come to the main land."

"Thank you so much Marcus, I can't thank you enough."

"It's really no problem, I'll take you to my boat and you can get settled while I finish a few more errands here." He lead me to his boat which sat at the end of the marina. He then helped me walk up the gangway and onto his boat, where he then took me to main cabin. Once I was settled there he said he would return in an hour and then we would cast off.

After I was all set in the cabin, Marcus had to return to the market but promised he would return soon. Once I was settled in the cabin and put my few belongings away, I felt more alone than ever before. All that has happened in my life, all that I have lost, and what I had gained and now trying to start over again. It just seemed all so much for a sea nymph, who what of thought that I would have angered a god, lost a son, a husband, her home and daughters. I didn't realize but I felt tears running down my face, how I wish I was still in the sea with my sisters and father, I couldn't feel the tears then being in the sea. When would all of this end I thought, I couldn't sit here any longer I decided to head up to the main deck.

There were only a few men of Marcus's crew on board but they didn't seem bothered by my presence. I walked over to the bow of the boat and looked out at the water, and I tried to not think of everything that has happened. How I wished that I could go back to my home island on Naxos, and that my Aeolus would still be alive, and be able to see his son grow up. I knew that I couldn't go back and change the past but if only there was some way that I could, then I wouldn't have to leave behind my girls or the life I made here. "Actaea? Are you alright?" I didn't realize Marcus had returned and was standing behind me. "Yes, I'll be alright. Just looking out at the sea."

"We are going to cast off in a few moments, let me know if you anything during this voyage, and we will take you anywhere that you like."

"Thank you Marcus, that is very kind of you." She smiled at him, and he smiled back, and then he turned back to the crew and she looked back out at the water. She could hear Marcus giving the orders to cast off, and raise up the anchor, and she thought to herself this it, she would be leaving behind her second home. She didn't know where she would end up, but she knew it was the right thing to keep her daughters safe. Actaea felt the boat starting to move, and soon the pier become smaller and smaller until the island itself could barley be seen. She still stood at the bow of the ship, she could feel the wind hitting her face, and the familiar smell of the sea. Actaea closed her eyes and pictured her and her sisters deep in the sea together when she was younger, which it was so long ago. It was when she and her sisters were happy swimming and playing together when they were younger. It bought tears to her eyes and she could feel them rolling down her face, she goodbye to those days and the lives that she lived.