
Love beyond time

A young woman born with an extraordinary gift of second sight who comes from the present time. She is hurled back into ancient Greece and must learn to adapt and protect herself in the past. For there are those who would use her gift of second sight for their own dark purpose. The mortals who serve the gods and Titian's will do anything for power, and a mortal born with a gift from the gods is seen to be blessed or some say cursed. Yet, this young woman finds herself in the protection of a warrior king. Among the people who would use her gift to their own dark purpose of being more powerful than they are now. The young woman finds herself falling love with the warrior, but she knows she mustn't because it could alter history itself. She knows must give her up possibly her one true love and find her way back to her time...

Samantha_Maffei · Fantasy
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27 Chs

Chapter 13

After that terrible storm had passed, Lysander and his boat were never recovered. I didn't know how to tell our girls what had happen to their father. I knew to leave out the part about Poseidon and his threats about taking away all that I held dear to me. They have already been thru enough, and didn't need to suffer more. My poor girls were devastated by the news, Cassandra my youngest never got over her fathers death, and same with her husband's who passed away not long before. She decided to commit herself to becoming a priestess to the goddess Aphrodite. Cassandra would make a wonderful priestess according to those who served at the temple, it was because of her rare and powerful gift in healing was sought out by others and those at the temple knew she would make her even more extraordinary. I knew she wished to serve the goddess, because she had lost her husband who she loved so much and then to learn about her father it was to much for her. Then there was Lilly my oldest, she took the news a little better than I thought, but she too had a similar vision about the storm and her father being caught in it. I felt so guilty that she had received my gift of sight, and had to witness that terrible vision. She also had a feeling that there was more to it but she didn't bring it up with me, for I think she knew what could happen if the gods were really up to.

It was a few days after we held a funeral service for my beloved Lysander that I had my girls come and visit me at my home. I knew what I was going to tell them wasn't easy for they just lost their father and that I would have to leave soon to keep them safe. I couldn't stay here knowing what Poseidon had told me, he could take away my girls and I wouldn't have that. I had to do whatever it took to save them. Even it meant leaving them and the home I built on the island, but if it keep them safe I would exile myself a second time. My dearest Cassandra took the news the hardest, she broke down and had tears running down her face. She begged me to stay for she had lost to many people she loved, I told her it was to keep her safe. I wanted to tell her more, that it was the god of the sea who was had cursed me and kept me from my girls and home.

I also knew it wasn't just Poseidon but his brother Hades and Ares that were working together by killing off half mortal offsprings of the gods. They believed that only immortals should inherit powers not demigods. That is how my Aeolus was killed, by his half brother who was manipulated by Ares and Hades to kill him by using a powerful blade made in the forge of Mount Olympus, it could cut thru anything including those that are immortal or even being a demigod, half mortal, half immortal. I was terrified that my girls could be killed by not just Poseidon but his brother and nephew. Even though I was only a sea nymph but a daughter of Nereus,

and my girls could still be a threat to them. I had to keep them safe even if it meant leaving them and the home I have here.

My oldest took the news better than her sister, she knew more than she let on. Lilly saw in a vision the storm that took Lysander from her and she knew the reason why I had to leave to protect them. She wouldn't let on what she knew, because of Cassandra being there and it was already to much on her. Once she calmed down I explained to Cassandra that it was for her and Lilly's safety that I had to leave them but I wanted them to know how much I loved them. She understood once I explained it to her, and she knew that I loved them so much that I would do everything that I could to keep them safe. I told the girls that I would leave everything here at the house for them. All the jewelry I've made out of shells and sea glass were there's to keep or to trade at the market, and whatever other possessions that were here would be theirs. Cassandra insisted that I take some of my things with me but everything I owned had to many memories attached to them. My girls didn't know I was cursed with immortality. I couldn't bare to tell them what had happened to my Aeolus, and the reason that my oldest would forever have the second sight, and all daughters born after will gain it and be cursed with it.

Cassandra then retired to her old bedroom for the evening, and it was only Lilly and I stayed up late into the evening talking about how she knew more about the reasons I had to leave. She figured out that it was one of the gods, that it was possibility that it was Poseidon who had come to see me and spoken to me. I told her she was correct but she had to be careful with that knowledge, and with her gift of second sight. I told her all girls born in our family will have the gift of sight, part of my punishment from the vengeful god of the sea. Lilly promised to keep it a secret, and to watch over Cassandra while I was gone. I told her I would try to come back if I could but she understood that I was doing this to keep them safe. I would miss my girls so much, but I had to do the right thing for them. She and I stayed up late into the evening, talking about all that has happened, and of the future for any girl born into our family. Lilly knew the risks but she wanted to have children of her own some day. She and her husband had yet to have any but they had recently married only a short time ago.

After talking what seemed like for hours and she and I both retired for the evening. I would be leaving some at point in the morning after I have said goodbye to my girls. I was tired but I couldn't sleep, and just kept thinking about all that has in my life happened. Finally sleep did come and morning came all to quickly. Lily and Cassandra were both up before me as I made my way into the main area of the house. They were making breakfast together, and I knew this was going to be the barest thing to do is saying goodbye to them.