
Love and Life in War

It's about a girl who went to study abroad to chase her dream, finds her love, her hopes to live, finds her new life, her responsibilities. What happens when she falls in love, in situations where she has to face war, face fight, holding a little hope of being alive , when there’s no hopes of getting out alive , will she choose her love or life? Will they be together forever? Will their love be forever? ———————————————————————————————————————————————————————— Hana falls in love with Ivan. They are from different countries, having different cultures and language. The war brings them closer, they come to know about each others true self . They fall for each other deeply. They know nobody can replace the other person in their heart. But their destiny has something else waiting for them. ———————————————————————————————————————————————————————— A young lady around late 20's, standing still , holding a bouquet of flowers , wearing a beautiful dress about knee length long which reminds of early spring . Her dress is as yellow as marigold flower while she is standing in large area filled with greenery with little bushes, small floral plants ,and grass spread like velvet bed sheet on heaven, making the scene look like princess waiting for prince on heaven gate. She turns back as she hears some noise, the person gives her the wooden box and says “Some people who are loved always live forever”. She remembers him…her past…everything…her life…her love…the war…separation…death…

Erica02 · Adolescente
Classificações insuficientes
6 Chs

Chapter 3: No one

Chapter 3

"Anne , did you get ready to go shopping, remember to dress up in warm clothes, I have checked the weather report, it's gonna be cold outside " Hana asked while waiting for her.

"I'm done, we can go now. What about you? Are you done yet?" Anne confirms as once again she sees herself in mirror for last time before heading out.

"I'm done too". Hana smiles brightly.

She is wearing dark blue jeans, black snow boots of knee length with little heels, light pink snow coat just above the knee matched with light pink beanie cap with pom-pom above it.

This attire was entirely matching with cute little blushed face of her. Her blushed checks were due to cold weather. It has started to snow lightly since two days.

They chit-chat the entire way from dormitory to shopping centre happily enjoying the light snow fall.

Shopping store is quite far from her dormitory, cause the nearest one was closed for few months as it is under renovation. The new one is 2 miles away from here.Now every time they need something they need to walk away to such a large distance.

They enter the shopping store, they shop everything they need on regular basis. Hana felt something different in her heart today she doesn't know what is this feeling, its like she doesn't want to go out from the store even after shopping. She returned dormitory with heavy heart, this is the first time ever she has felt this feeling.

She is happy chit-chatting along Anne, but her heart is not. It felt like it has lost it's important part.

After resting for an hour or two she started to unpack things from her bag, but today for the first time she has felt that she need to recheck the thing she has bought. She found out that she forgot to bring her milk bottle.

She doesn't know what to do now. It's already 7:30pm, deep dark outside. Her mind is saying it's not safe to go out at this hour and most of the store close down by 8:00pm in winter. But her heart is asking her run down to store. She doesn't know why but she couldn't ignore or let go of milk bottle.

May be because she had experienced poverty she knows the value of things, or may be because her heart has to find its lost part. She decided to go back to get it.

She gets ready in hurry with snow coat and shoes. She remembers to take bill, which might be required to prove that she has purchased the item but didn't take along with her.

"Anne can you come along with me?" Hana asks with pitiful look in her eyes.

"I'm sorry Hana, but I'm already tired walking to the store once, now I can't come once again. Even I have to cook dinner for myself. "

"Ok, I can go by myself".

"Hana, I don't think you should walk out this late just for milk. If you really insist, then you can ask my friends if they want to accompany you."

"Ok, see you later".

"Guys, can any one of you accompany me as I have forgotten some thing in grocery store?" Hana asks while getting down of dormitory to her classmates hoping someone would come along with her.

"Sorry Hana, we guys have come to tree-park to enjoy late evening ". Yashi replied .

"Oh, I see, sorry to disturb you guys. Have a great evening."

She tried to call Anne's friends while walking out of the campus on her way to store.

"What?... I'm sorry I can't hear you ! Do you need something Hana?" Kai shouted his throat out. There is a loud music banging across his side.

"Kai, where are you? It's pretty loud your side. Can you come aside for a bit and talk?"

"Oh, I'm at party in Cup House along with Eric, Haider and Sphor. Do you need anything?"

"Oh, nothing much important, you can continue with your party. Let's talk later. Sorry."

"Why do I feel like I'm rejected by everyone?" Hana mumbles herself.

She speeds up her walking pace to reach before closing. It almost looks like she is running.

It has always been like this, she tries hard enough to make friends and be with them, but they always treat her like a pushover who tries to do everything for keeping the friendship alive. They always call her when they need her to work or if they need any help from her.

"Why does it always happens with me? Why don't I have a single genuine person in my life who helps me at my difficult times without asking anything in return? Why is it always me who have to suffer? Why? Why? Why?" She asks herself while running to the store.

She is at her verge of crying.

"Why can't I reject directly when they ask for me to do their work? What they ask is not the help. They always give me orders to do their work. Am I really a pushover to them? Don't they have any value for the friendship between us?"

She is not crying because Yashi and Kai did not agree to help her. It just triggered the sad moment of her childhood from the past, where her friends used to make her write all their homework, if she doesn't, then they used to threaten her over friendship. She suffered many bullying in the past silently.

Now it's a new beginning for her she thought to get over it and to become a strong person. But she is unable and to forget completely what she had suffered.

But what she doesn't know is a person is waiting for her to help and support her through all the time without expecting anything in return.
