
Love and Life in War

It's about a girl who went to study abroad to chase her dream, finds her love, her hopes to live, finds her new life, her responsibilities. What happens when she falls in love, in situations where she has to face war, face fight, holding a little hope of being alive , when there’s no hopes of getting out alive , will she choose her love or life? Will they be together forever? Will their love be forever? ———————————————————————————————————————————————————————— Hana falls in love with Ivan. They are from different countries, having different cultures and language. The war brings them closer, they come to know about each others true self . They fall for each other deeply. They know nobody can replace the other person in their heart. But their destiny has something else waiting for them. ———————————————————————————————————————————————————————— A young lady around late 20's, standing still , holding a bouquet of flowers , wearing a beautiful dress about knee length long which reminds of early spring . Her dress is as yellow as marigold flower while she is standing in large area filled with greenery with little bushes, small floral plants ,and grass spread like velvet bed sheet on heaven, making the scene look like princess waiting for prince on heaven gate. She turns back as she hears some noise, the person gives her the wooden box and says “Some people who are loved always live forever”. She remembers him…her past…everything…her life…her love…the war…separation…death…

Erica02 · Teen
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6 Chs

Chapter 4: First Encounter

She runs and runs on footpath across the roadside till she sees the red signal for pedestrians, she halts for a moment to realise it's red light. She is breathing heavily she have long forgotten about the cold winter.

Her consciousness has been alerted . She is completely focused on red light to change green, but she has no consciousness around her surrounding.

Hana rushes to the conventional store. She searches for the person who has done billing of the groceries she has bought. But the person is nowhere to be seen. She panics for a second, but she tries to be calm, she tries to gain her composure .

Then she sees a man in early twenties wearing a blue hat and store uniform with full sleeves. She goes to the man and stands near him to ask about her milk package.

He is around 180cm or little more taller. He has a blonde hair which is neither too short nor too long, reaches till neck length. Has fair and light toned skin, with pink undertoned cheeks giving a tint of peach blossom .

Wonderfully and perfectly arched soft brown coloured eyebrows with around 3 cm gap between them.

The perfect curved eyelashes welcome to the new world of his eyes. The big and round eyes seem to be a whole world.

He has little bit of greenish blue eyes, to be exact turquoise blue eyes, reminding one, of the Caribbean Sea. Those eyes seems to capture the whole universe in them . Hana felt she had been held captive in his eyes. But this captivity doesn't hurt but it's kind of gives joy, happiness.

This is kind of totally different feeling. His eyes have taken her to new world. She is completely lost in his eyes. She wants to dive deep down in the ocean of his eyes.

Her heart felt happy. It is throbbing with joy as it has found it's lost part.

She has never met anyone with those kind of deep eyes, which can hold her whole heart. There is a hint of gentleness in them. Those moist eyes seems to do magic on her. They have hypnotise her, forcing her to see them forever.

"So beautiful!". Hana thought beholding his eyes.

As her gaze follows down, his straight, sharp, pointed nose stands out on his handsome face increasing his features.

As her vision moves down, his lips are shaped like an archer bow that can shoot the arrow in the other person's heart. The two lips are the guard to the world of sweetness. They are as smooth as freshly blooming rose petals, as red as cherries, holding line of teeth which are as white as fresh snow.

She is analysing the man in front of her. Adoring the beauty of man who is standing in-front of her. She lost the track of time for how long she has been standing in front of him. It felt like ages. But the ages seem to be less to see him to adore him to praise him, his beauty.

"How handsome!" but unknowingly she said out loud.

She have run through her thoughts within few seconds which seem like ages to her.

"Hun?"He sees her with doubtful eyes. "Miss, do you need any help? Or do you need anything? You seem lost." He asked in local language.

She snaps out of her thoughts by sudden questioning. But his voice takes her to another different thought, another different world.

His voice is as deep as ocean, as clear as crystal, as sweet as honey, as smooth as ice-cream that melts the other person listening. His voice is music to ears. His voice have shaken the strings of her heart. Her heart is vibrating to the melody of his music. No music has been ever this melody as his voice to her heart.

"Miss?" He calls out again.

"Oh!,one minute please."She takes out her smart phone and opens the translator. Because she doesn't understand what he is speaking as she is still new to this country she doesn't understand the local language.

She is taking classes on language but it does takes some time to learn new language.

She is typing something on her phone. He stands in front of her watching her curiously about what she is doing.

He is patiently waiting for her to speak.

She types that how she has forgotten to take milk package with her also she has brought the bills along with her, if necessary he can check the bills, she has paid all the total amount.

"Oh, I know. I have seen you coming to our store earlier ". He replied in English.

"What?!!! Can you speak in English?!" She asked. She is shocked to see him speak English because many of the localities doesn't know to speak English, they have their own regional languages. But she is also happy as well as she doesn't need to struggle to explain things. She can easily converse with him.

" Yeah, pretty well, I think so." He replied smiling slightly.

"I thought he doesn't know English, but he knows perfectly well. And here I am making fool of myself and struggling with this to make him understand about the situation. Can't he tell earlier that he knows to speak in English? Why would have I struggled to this amount? I have made a fool out of myself on our first encounter itself. How am I going to face him again?" She thought to herself.