
Love and Dangers

With great power comes great danger. Riley is a 16-year-old who thinks her life is miserable because she was born with great power that she can't control. People blame her for her parent's death and don't want to have anything to do with her, calling her a witch. Riley accepts her loneliness but things got more complicated when she finds herself running for her life from people who desire her power. She is saved by Aiden the strange guy from school who turned out to be what she never expected. With time she developed uncontrollable feelings for Aiden. Riley finds out her true identity and Aiden's true mission, this leaves her heart broken. But the love she had for him made it hard for her to hate him. Now Riley has to choose between love and death

Slay_kwen1975 · Adolescente
Classificações insuficientes
55 Chs

Chapter 25

" Are we going now? " Riley asked with eyes on Aiden

" Yes," he replied while offering his hand for her to hold. Riley walked away from Linda to Aiden and took his hand " I got you " he said. they didn't look away from each other even for a second.

" ok, let's go " Linda instructed.

the car was so quiet. Aiden sat at the back with Riley while Linda was at the front with the driver. there were several cars in front and behind them. Riley was still holding Aiden's hand even as it got sweaty she didn't let go and Aiden didn't mind. well, she wasn't sure if Aiden didn't mind, she couldn't see his face, he had his hood on.

" you most me excited to see the boss " Linda broke the long silence

" I don't even know him" Riley replied in a low tone. Linda gave Aiden an amazed look, that made Riley made Riley wonder

" I am impressed. you didn't cause us trouble this time " it was more of a mock than a compliment

" trouble?" she whispered while looking at Aiden for an explanation, but Aiden said nothing. " what trouble,?" she asked curiously. Aiden slightly squeezed her hand shouting her up

" trust me, you will be excited " those were Linda's last words

They drove for almost 30 minutes, out of town. Riley watched as they got off the road into a wide empty field and they stopped. from a distance, she heard a loud noise, it was coming from Above them. she looked at Aiden in fear " it's alright. it's just our ride " he assured her

As they got out of the car. immediately Riley lifts her head to see what caused that uncomfortable noise " oh " she whispered. it was a Helicopter" that is our ride? "

" Yeah " the strong wind already brew down his hood, she could see his face now. the wind was so strong as the helicopter land. they all did their best to keep their ground. at a point, Riley thought it will blow her off.

The helicopter came to a stop after landing and the men dressed in back suits lead them to it. Riley noticed how protective they were, this made her even more curious as to why she was so important

" Are we set?" the Pilot asked with a British accent. Linda smiled

" yes "

" Aiden?. long time to see " the Pilot greeted with an excited tone

" hey Noah " Aiden said plainly

" still give me that attitude" Noah rolled his eyes making Aiden release the smile he was holding

" How are you doing men " smiling brightly

" you know, just travelling here and there " he shrugged

" no time for chatting. we got to go " Linda instructed.

they got into the helicopter. Aiden helped Riley put on her headphone and then wore his " are you good " he asked and she nodded in response " Good "

" alright. we're going up " Noah announced and they took off.

Riley was from a rich family. she was privileged to do a lot of things with her parents but this was her first time flying a helicopter and it felt wonderful. the sight was breathtaking. that flew past the ocean, heading to the mountains. Riley couldn't stop herself from smiling and she held Aiden's hand all the way " where are we headed" she asked Curiously

" don't worry, we are almost there " he replied

Linda notices something off between Aiden and Riley. they seem really close and not just close, there was something more. she wanted to ask but just ignored

They got to the mountain. it was a bit cold and Aiden notice that Riley was getting cold" we are here " Linda announced.

" where " looking around. she found nothing. her eyes fell on Aiden who then smiled at her and she raised an eyebrow in confusion before looking back at Linda. Riley thought they would land, but they didn't. she watched Linda bring out a walkie Torquay from inside her suit pocket " this is Dr Linda speaking, do you copy, over "

" yes we copy, over " a voice spoke from the other side

" we've arrived at the front gate. open it, over " As she spoke, Riley looked for a gate but found none

" Opening front gate in 5 seconds, over " The voice replied and Linda returned the walkie Torquay. Suddenly the mountain began to shake, below them was a magical opening, no one will ever know that there was a gate down there because it was covered in snow

" wow " she whispered impressed " cool "

they flew in. Riley was stunned by the view. it was a whole new world down there. two men directed the helicopter to land while the gate closed above them. the place became less bright. as they landed, Aiden got out first and then offered his hand, helping Riley down " thanks " she whispered looking into his eyes. he looked bothered, really bothered " are you alright?"

" yes. why?" he had a curious look

" you look bothered " she marked.

" don't worry I am alright," he said and held her hand " and you " Riley took a deep breath

" A bit nervous" I informed

" I can see it in your beautiful eyes," He said making her blush

" Aiden?" they were suddenly interrupted by Linda. turned to see the confused woman " what is going on between you two " she asked. Aiden and Riley didn't expect her to ask that all of a sudden. Aiden was about to reply when Riley interrupted, remembering that Aiden told her last night that the Organisation won't approve of any relationship between

" Why are you asking?" she smiled

" you two look oddly close," Linda said with an eyebrow raised

" We are close. He saved my life severally, why won't we be close" Riley replied with a confident tone. Linda stared at the both of them not satisfied with her answer but she bought it anyway

" understand able " nodding her head

" where is the boss, " Aiden asked her. there was a sudden seriousness in his tone that Riley found scary

" he should here any moment," Linda said

" Wow Aiden, you are a lot bigger now " A male voice spoke from behind them

that voice. that voice Riley won't recognize anywhere and anytime. that voice that told her bedtime stories, that voice that called her princess, that voice that had the power to take away her tears. that voice she hasn't heard in two years, that voice that she has almost forgotten. Riley turned around and there he was. standing in front of her smiling brightly . she has almost forgotten that smile " D....Dad?" the word managed to roll off her tongue

" hey princess "