
Love Amongst the Millionaires

In the bustling streets of modern New York, "Love Amongst the Millionaires" unfolds a captivating tale of passion, ambition, and deceit. Isabella Stone, a determined fashion designer from humble beginnings, finds her career on the brink of success. Little does she know, her path collides with Jamal Christopher, a charismatic billionaire with a troubled family legacy. As sparks fly between them, secrets unravel, revealing Jamal's ties to a dark past involving Isabella's parents. Caught between love and justice, Isabella must navigate treacherous waters to expose the truth, even if it means risking everything she holds dear. In a world where love blooms amidst million-dollar secrets, will they find redemption or be consumed by hatred?

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Chapter Four

Isabella and her girls left for London for the show, she was fully prepared and ready. It was not an easy job to find girls who could model for her for the show but thanks to Miss Clarie her aunt who was an expert in solving situations like that.

She slept through the journey but woke as the train drew into Paddington and passengers with luggage began finding their way out of the train. She waited for her girls and the others to get off before retrieving her two cases, dragging them down the steps, and walking towards where the driver assigned to her stood.

She was determined to win this competition, it was an opportunity to move her career to the next level. She couldn't afford it to slip through her fingers.

Glancing at her watch, She saw that they had been driving for over three hours. Her girls were already fast asleep, there were just four of them she picked, and she didn't need many. 

"Aren't we there yet?" Sam said stretching her hands

Isabella smiled at her. She didn't bother glancing out the windows, the glass was deeply tinted.

The limo slowed to a stop and the driver got out of the car. A few minutes later he returned to the vehicle and began to slowly approach. Security gate, Isabella guessed. 

She reached into her purse and brought out a mirror from her bag. She smoothed her hair and renewed her lipstick. The Car pulled to a stop and she replaced the items she had used back into her purse. 

The door opened and the driver extended a hand to her, Isabella accepted his help and stepped out of the car blinking in the sunlight. Her girls followed after her as they were being led into the hotel. It was the biggest hotel in Paddington, Dave Foster was the owner of the hotel and the host of the prestigious fashion show.

"Wow, it's so huge," Amanda said excitedly. She was happy Isabella chose her, she saw it as a privilege to model for her.

Isabella handed her suitcase and keys to their rooms to them, she walked out of the lobby. She was staring at a couple who were holding hands tightly in the hallway when she accidentally bumped into him, she was about to fall backward when he cut her by the waist and pulled her gently towards him. They stared at each other for a while before he released her. She was amazed at the handsome man standing right in front of her

"Am so sorry sir, it was an accident." She said with a shaky voice.

"Watch where you're going," he said with a grimace and walked away.

"He doesn't even recognize me, so arrogant and annoying." 

Isabella frowned her face as she watched him walk out of the hallway, she remembered what happened the other day at the company.

"Miss Isabella, we have been searching everywhere for you, Sam ran to meet her. What are you doing here, who is that?" She asked

"No one important" 

"Your room is so lovely and beautiful miss."

"Is it?"

"Yes, we gonna take lots of pictures." They both smiled.

"Let's go."

The large furnished room she was shown to looked out over the front lawn. Her luggage was already there, stacked in a neat pile. She thanked Sam who accompanied her to her room and waited for the door to close behind her.

She went to the largest of her suitcase and lifted it onto her bed, she removed a small CD player set it on the table, and turned it on.

She quickly finished unpacking. Checking her watch, She decided there was time to explore the area before changing for dinner. 

Since the show was the next day, Isabella suggested they practice a few steps and speech.

After hours of practicing she instructed them to get some sleep after dinner. Soon she was alone again in her room, she opened the door and stepped out of the room.

Continuing down the hallway, she remembered what happened earlier. So rude and arrogant, she said to herself.

She walked around for a while and returned to her room, she entered the bathroom and had her bath.

After dinner with her girls, she retired to her room and turned the CD player on again. She strode to the middle of the room and began swinging her hips to the rhythm of the music.

She danced for a while and headed to bed where she slept off.

The next morning Isabella woke up with a throbbing headache. Each time she moved the pain got worse so she lay still, trying to reach for her phone her door opened. She watched as her girls walked in elegantly towards her, she smiled at them and lifted herself from the bed.

"Good morning ma'am" they all greeted her 

"Morning ladies, how was your night?" 

"It was fine ma"

"Are you feeling well?" Sam asked 

"Yeah I just had a slight headache but am fine now," she said pushing back the blankets, got out of bed, and searched for her slippers. She took the sketch pad from her handbag and hurried back to the warmth of her bed, plumping up the pillow so she could sit comfortably on it. She asked her girls to sit on the couch while she prepared the last design. But then she remembered something else was missing. Music. She had to listen to music. She slipped out of bed again picked up the CD player turned it on and went back to bed. Then she began drawing on the sketch pad and nodding her head to the rhythm of the music.

"Miss Isabella, I noticed that you can't go for a day without listening to music," Sam said turning to look at the others who nodded in affirmation.

"Sam you are so smart and intelligent. You barely even know me, how did you notice it?"

"It's so obvious." 

"Awwwn, you guys are so sweet. Come here." They all stood up for a big warm hug.