
Love Amongst the Millionaires

In the bustling streets of modern New York, "Love Amongst the Millionaires" unfolds a captivating tale of passion, ambition, and deceit. Isabella Stone, a determined fashion designer from humble beginnings, finds her career on the brink of success. Little does she know, her path collides with Jamal Christopher, a charismatic billionaire with a troubled family legacy. As sparks fly between them, secrets unravel, revealing Jamal's ties to a dark past involving Isabella's parents. Caught between love and justice, Isabella must navigate treacherous waters to expose the truth, even if it means risking everything she holds dear. In a world where love blooms amidst million-dollar secrets, will they find redemption or be consumed by hatred?

Sharon_Whyte_2351 · Urban
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Chapter Three

Isabella ran home excitedly from work, she couldn't believe what she just heard.

"Congratulations Isabella, your name was among the list of contestants for the show." Those were the words Miss Kate said to her. She was able to get the information from her because the company she worked for was among the sponsors.

"Mum, mum, mum." She screamed at the top of her voice immediately she rushed into the house.

"Isabel, why are you shouting?" Mrs Stone asked surprised

"Mum, guess what." 

Mrs Stone saw the excitement in her daughter's eyes and immediately figured out what it was.

"Wait, don't tell me your name was among the contestants." 

"Yes mum, you got it right." They both jumped and screamed which was accompanied by strong laughter and tears of joy.

"Am so happy for you my love." Mrs Stone said with a shaky voice as she stared at her daughter with teary eyes.

"Thanks, mum, where is everyone?" Isabella asked when she noticed that there was no other person except her and her mum 

"Oh, your dad and Steve went to have a haircut." She answered walking towards the kitchen. "Lunch is ready." 

"Okay Mum, let me go take a quick shower, I will join you shortly." She ran upstairs in a hurry and full of excitement.

Mrs. Stone was glad to see her daughter in such a mood, it had been a while since she saw her smile and happy.

"Take your time while I set the table." 

"Ok, mum." She said shutting the door behind her. "Wow, so good to feel good." She murmured and smiled at herself.


Hurriedly, she had her bath and joined her mother in the dining room where they both had their lunch. Isabella ate till she was full, she enjoyed her meal because it was her favorite.

"Mom, we don't have time," Isabella said dropping the glass of water back on the table. "The show is in five days, what am I going to do, where and what will I begin?" She began to panic like a child.

"Don't worry, I will show you something important once we are done eating." She smiled at her as she continued to eat her food. "Eat up quickly before it gets too cold, you are very much aware I don't like seeing you in this condition especially when you have a great thing ahead." 

"Ok mum, am brave, am strong, I can do this." 

"Yes darling that's the spirit, let's dig in."

Later that evening, Isabella went to the bathroom, had a quick shower, and changed into her nightgown. She sat on the edge of the bed, brought out her sketchpad, and began sketching out some new designs for tomorrow. She spent the best part of the night doing that, she didn't even notice it was daybreak. 

The alarm rang at exactly 7 am, and she managed to stretch out her hands and turn it off. She rolled to the other side of the bed and continued sleeping.

"Good morning darling, get up or you gonna be late for work," Mr Stone said opening the windows. The reflection of the sun on her face made her jerk out of bed, she immediately glanced at her watch, it was already 8 am.

"You slept late" he confirmed looking up as Isabella strolled into the bathroom.

"Yes, I did. I had trouble sleeping last night."

"Nightmares again?"

"Yes" she lied 

"Don't worry Isabella, you gonna get through it, I assure you." He gave her a warm pat on the back and walked out of the room.

After having breakfast with her family, she informed them not to wait up for her as she was going to come home late. Her mom was worried about her, she knew she was overworking hard lately.

"Okay, but make sure you have lunch" 

"I will, I promise," she said and rushed out of the house.


The whole place was becoming too suffocating for him, especially when he received the information from the council about the case with the FBI. Gosh, the whole issue was beginning to drive him crazy. 

He needed a vacation to clear his head, so driving with great speed he put a call to his secretary

"Jane, book me on the next flight to London" he hung up immediately.

Jamal Christopher got home, packed his bag, and headed straight to the airport

"Sir, I've booked you on a 10 o'clock flight and made reservations for you in a hotel in Paddington already," Jane said walking briskly to catch up with Jamal who paid little attention to what she was saying

"Thanks," he said and walked away 

She watched him walk out. So rude and arrogant, but so handsome, she said to herself and walked out of the airport.

When Rollins Christopher returned to New York, he decided not to tell anyone about it. He wanted to surprise Jamal and Betty his wife, and his driver was secretly waiting for him at the airport. He disguised himself a little to avoid being noticed by people. Being popular is stressful, he said to himself as he entered the car.

Traffic was quite slow, but then it was quick when approaching his house.

"It's so good to be back," Rollins said to his driver 

"Yes sir" he replied with a nod 

They arrived at the compound at exactly noon, Betty was surprised to see Rollins. He had been gone for almost two years and all her efforts to bring him back seemed effortless.

They both walked into the living room and sat down. The room was silent for a while, he noticed she had a lot of questions.

"Am sorry for staying away for so long" he finally broke the silence 

"What brought you back to New York" she asked with a little frown

"Where is Jamal?" he immediately changed the topic.

His abrupt change of topic made her more annoyed, she hissed and walked out on him. He didn't bother saying a word, he just watched her as she made her way upstairs.

"Come over here Edward," Rollins called out to Edward one of Jamal's favorite bodyguards. "Where is Jamal?" 

"He left for London sir," Edward replied 

"He needs it, he deserves a lot of time to be his own." He smiled and headed straight to his room.