
Love again(unexpected)

"Stop!! please don't go away I know I was wrong by going out to see him again when I made a promise to never meet with him" Gao Yi gritted his teeth in anger and glared at her Suddenly an eerie smile showed on his face "Seems like I haven't been punishing you enough....don't worry I know what to do about that "Saying that he grabbed her hands and pulled her towards his bedroom " Gao Yi was a retired General in the imperial army who came back home because of am injury he sustained in his last mission, coming back to his city Shanghai china he decided to take his mother away from his father's hands And started his own business.Along the way he found his long lost love and he decided not to let go again Lin Rouxue is a beautiful Young lady of 23 years she attended the same secondary school , the first day she resumed the school her eyes clashed with his when he bumped into her in the school hallway and when he turned around to apologize he was so mesmerized by her beauty that he decided to pursue her but unfortunately she couldn't notice him Later on There was a twist in fate and they got separated for seven whole years Would they ever be able to love again ?

Omma014 · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
30 Chs

Take you away

"Am so sorry xuexue I couldn't do anything when

all that happened....but it's not your fault maybe

this is God's way of saying you deserve better"

Lin Rouxue sniffled and spoke again

"it hurts so much "

"yeah I know that " Her best friend spoke

"I know it will take a lot of time to heal but with time you'll survive...so don't cry anymore or I won't talk to u anymore...I mean it's been two whole months and you still cry over a relationship you knew would not lead to marriage so get over it besides you are beautiful and there are many fishes in the sea why don't you take a pick hmm"

Lin Rouxue looked at her best friend and thanked the heavens for giving her such an understanding person as her best friend she cleaned her tears and smiled

"Okay...I promise I won't cry over him anymore

he's my past and I probably can't keep going back to the past because I still have my future to look up to" she replied

Ma Xuiying smiled when she heard her words

"That's the spirit.....

so u still haven't told me why u didn't return home last night so what happened"

at that question, Lin Rouxue's beautiful eyes turned a shade darker and she explained everything that happened from last night till she left the hotel .

meanwhile after hearing what happened, Ma Xuiying eye's darkened and she clenched her fist in anger and she rolled upn the sleeves to her jacket while speaking.

"That scheming bitch!!!! dared to drug you?ohh she has messed with the wrong person am so gonna deal with her, she surely needs a good beating, hehe and she's gonna get it from me"

after speaking she dragged her friend from the floor and hurriedly walked toward the door

as she walked Lin Rouxue shouted her name to stop her in time

"XUIYING!? stop okay that's enough do not try anything stupid she's not worth your energy"

Ma Xuiying tried to reign in her anger after hearing her words

"Fine but you'll have to promise me one thing though,... anytime she calls you and says nonsense on the phone you have to match her iron to iron you mustn't let her words get to you

and finally, I don't want to ever see you cry over the both of them " she finally replied after relenting

Lin Rouxue felt a warm feeling in her heart and "sure ... I promise"



Ma Xuiying looked at Lin Rouxue's red face and poked her cheeks while laughing "looks like someone is hungry"

"what do u want for dinner"

"Hot pot"

"Sure let's go I know a good spot...go clean up first you stink"

Lin Rouxue: .....

thirty minutes later they both got ready and went to the closest Hot pot restaurant


After finding a good spot to sit they collected the menu Picked what they wanted in the hot pot and ordered it

while eating, Xuiying was suddenly curious and she asked,

"You said someone saved you "

"yeah... why?"

"did you guys do anything"

"Huh no no no way "

"hmmm okay after eating let's take a walk "


20 minutes later two women walked out of the restaurant and took a walk

"Today's hot pot tasted sweeter"

"sweeter? how so"

"nothing am just really happy"


after the walk, they went back home to rest for the night


"yes sir"

after driving, barely 2 minutes after that, the door to the mansion opened and a petite woman stepped out and ran toward the man

"Xiao Yi...you're back...you don't know how I have missed you all these years"the woman looked up to the man and touched his face

"You have grown so much this past seven years

why didn't you tell me where u were going to enlist in the army hmmm?"

"Ma let's go in there's plenty of time to talk and ask questions outside is so cold and why are you wearing so little?"

" hmm let's go inside"

while walking the man suddenly stopped

she looked at him surprised and asked In exasperation

"What's wrong"

"Is he in"


"That man"

" no, he's not yet back from work "


After entering the mansion Gao Yi marveled at the changes that happened there and the Mansion suddenly looked new to him as he looked at the place where his mother and he had suffered to survive in he clenched his fit in anger.

Gao Yi had to suppress his feelings and heartache he looked at his mother and saw that she looked well, okay, and well fed

After walking in he went up first to take off his uniform and freshened up .

As he walked down to stairs case he saw The last person he wanted to see

and when their eyes met, the man's face didn't hide the displeasure he had for his son

"So you finally decided to return home after seven years...why? did you get tired of going on adventures and playing with guns hmm"

The man walked past him and didn't even stop to respond to him

"Gao Yi!! I am talking to you!!!! don't you dare walk out on me "

the man suddenly stopped but didn't turn to face him

"why didn't you just die during one of your peacekeeping adventures at Least I won't have to see your face that reminds me of my greatest mistake in my life"

the man clenched his fist and turned back to his father to reply to him but when he saw his mother's gaze he told him

'pretend like you didn't hear it and ignore him'

and he walked away

After Gao Yi left, the woman spoke first

"Chonglin pls don't be angry with him and don't take his reactions to heart"

"Hmph... don't tell me what I should do!

you and that useless son of yours have ruined my life "

Hearing that the woman's face tired pale and her body shook in fear and anger

when the man saw her face again

he suddenly got angry and walked out of the sitting room to his room

In the dining room,

All the nannies that helped take care of Gao Yi when he was a baby gathered around him and the eldest one spoke first with tears in her eye

"Xiao Yi...you are back I thought something happened to you or maybe you got tired of staying in this Mansion so you ran away "

another nanny spoke after her

"Yes yes we thought you ran away"

"Second madam was so sad that she cried for a whole month and refused to eat"

Gao Yi looked at all of them and his heart swelled with happiness and warmth after seeing their reactions

he smiled and replied

"hmm am back for good this time no more running away"

After his meal, he walked out of the house and stood close to the pond in the backyard

he opened a pack of cigarettes and took one out then took his lighter and lit it up

after smoking 3 more cigarettes his anger subsided.

after ten more minutes, he entered the house and headed toward his mother's room

when he go there he knocked and entered when he heard her reply for him to come in

the room was dimly lit and was filled with a depressing aura he frowned at this and when he saw his mother's eyes swollen from crying

he walked towards her and hugged her tightly to his chest

"Ma it's alright... it's been 27 years yet you are still crying over that man and you know he's not worth your tears am not hurt from what he said so don't take him seriously "he tried to console her but to no avail

she finally calmed down after a few minutes

"Ah Yi please don't take his words to heart

remember he's still your father don't do anything to anger him"

the young man frowned at this and said

"Ma stop it...I don't need a father like him

I have you to accompany me so don't worry about what happens"

"Xiao Yi"

"Shhhh that's okay for tonight. tomorrow morning pack your things and leave with me "

Gao Suyin was shocked and looked at her son

"What do you mean to leave with you where are you taking me to and why?"

"Mom am here to take you away from this cage ...you can't keep living like this so don't ask questions

because my main reason for coming back was to take you away "

okay this is the fifth chapter

don't forget to Follow for more information on IG: Omma014

smooches 😚