
13. Chapter 13

Chapter 13: My Little Moon

Disclaimer: I do not own Loud House or any form of media related to it, it is rightfully owned by its respective companies or owners.

AN: Hello everyone. It's nice be writing again, and I think you're happy as well. Now before we start, I just wanted to say I'm happy for all the love and support you've been giving this story. I also see some of you can't wait to see more of Lincoln's past and what happened to his family. Sadly you're going have to wait a bit before we get into that sad story. Don't worry though, you don't have to wait too long. On the bright side we're close getting into chapters where things won't be all gloom and doom. You know, the small things. Like Lincoln getting to know his younger sisters and reconciling with the ones he left. Also who knows, he might even find love… again. Alright, let's get right back where we left off. ON WITH THE CHAPTER! ENJOY! Also sorry if this took awhile to put out, I've been dealing with a bit of problems lately.

"If I do this, you have to promise me something son." Mr. Loud finally responded in a stern and calm tone.

"Anything." Lincoln said matching his dad's expression and tone. Which caused his father to slowly stand up, then he slowly made his way towards Lincoln. Who was now looking at his dad dead in the eyes.

"You have to promise me, that what happened in this room… stays between me and you. Can you do that son?" Mr. Loud asked as he continued to look at Lincoln dead in the eye, searching for a single sign of him flinching.

Lincoln of course was shocked at the request, but he didn't show it. He hated that he had to lie or make something up to the rest of his family why he's back and where he's been. But, it was better than not staying at all. So, after giving it a good long minute. Lincoln gave his answer.

"I promise." Lincoln answered simply as she gave his dad a nod. Something that Mr. Loud was happy to see. But the head of the Loud family did a good job of not showing it.

"Ok then, how about we get back to your mother before she decides to break in here and give us a real stern talking." Mr. Loud said half heartily as he gave his son a soft smile and a pat on the back.

"Yeah, I guess your right." Lincoln said back as he returned the smile. He then proceeded to make his way towards the door, but not before his dad decided to say one more thing.

" Oh and son." Mr. Loud called out getting his son's attention right before his turned the door's handle.

"Yeah." Lincoln responded as he continued to face the door while not turning around to face his dad.

"I'm sorry what you went through before you decided to come home… no one should bury their loved ones and grieve alone son. Especially... when your burying your child and that child's mother." Mr. Loud said in a soft and remorseful tone as he legitimately felt sorry for his son.

After hearing this, Lincoln didn't say a word as he lowered his head a little. He then slowly opened the door and proceeded to walk out of the room leaving Mr. Loud alone. Where he was still trying to swallow that he had a grandchild. He and his wife were grandparents… and they didn't even know about it. But now… they never will know.

'God… what am I going to tell Rita?' Mr. Loud thought as he contemplated what he was going to tell his wife. Or if he should even tell her at all and save her from the grief he was currently feeling.

Soon after awhile the room was quiet again. But if listened hard enough, you could probably hear the sound of crying. Which belonged to Lincoln's father. Who started to grieve over the loss of a grandchild he's never met… or ever will.

Meanwhile With Luna and her mom

While Mr. Loud was currently grieving and contemplating what to next, and Lincoln quietly making his way to wherever his mom was Both Mrs. Loud and her daughter were having a pleasant time with one another.

All things considered, it was a very strange but welcomed surprise. It was certainly nice for both Mrs. Loud and Lana to get closer. And with everything going on it did help, a lot.

Currently both Mrs. Loud and her punk rock of a daughter were sitting at the dinning room table where both were enjoying each others company and sharing a cup of coffee. While Luna was also taking the small occasional bite here and there on the plate of dinner her mom saved her. But the real thing Luna was focused on was sharing stories with her mom. Who was just about finished telling her very funny one. A story that involved Lincoln and his dad, and the time when both forgot to get Mrs. Loud something for mother's day. Something that didn't sit too well with Luan at the time, who was starting to embrace her devious side when it came to pranks.

"And shortly after that, both your father and your brother never forgot mother's day and my birthday from that point forward. I only wished Luan got them both covered in oil and feathers a lot sooner." Mrs. Loud said with a giggle as she thought back to those days with a bright smile. Something that Luna was also beginning to share. However, it appeared it wasn't enough to get the young rocker out of her funk.

So, Mrs. Loud quickly decided to finish talking about the past. And deal with Luna and what was bothering her.

"Alright honey, what's wrong?" Mrs. Loud finally asked in a plain and tired tone, a clear sign that Mrs. Loud was tired and done playing around.

Something that Luna noticed immediately, which caused a small frown to form on her face. She then gently pushed her plate and coffee away from her as she let a deep sigh.

"It's not you mom, I'm… just thinking what I'm going to say to Lincoln is all." Luna replied finally in a somewhat down tone.

Now, any other person would leave at that. But Rita Loud wasn't just any other person. She was Luna's mother. And if anything she's learned about being a mother of 11 kid, it's knowing when something is wrong. Especially when it's one of her children. So, Mrs. Loud decided to press further.

"Honey, I know there's something else bothering you." Mrs. Loud said as she placed her cup of coffee gently on the table. "You know you can tell me, right?"

Luna who has yet to say a word, continued to stare down at the table with a depressed expression. Which only made her mom worry more. But luckily that worry soon disappeared when Luna finally decided to speak.

"I'm afraid I'll push him away." Luna whispered in a soft and quiet tone. So soft that it barley caught her mom's attention.

"What do you mean?" Mrs. Loud asked hoping for Luna to clarify what she meant.

"I'm afraid I'm going to push Lincoln away mom. Or only make things worse for him." Luna explained in a much clearer tone that her mother heard. But Luna wasn't just done yet as she continued.

"A-and… in some weird way… I- I want that to happen." Luna finally managed to whimper out in soft but ailing tone. Like what she said made her sick to her stomach. So much so that she couldn't bear to see her mother's reaction. In her mind she thought her mom would be sicken and shocked by her confession.

Yet what Luna didn't know is that her mom was only merely surprised by her daughter's confession. In fact, Mrs. Loud was kind of expecting this to happen to one of her daughters. But she would have never have guessed it to be Luna. Sure maybe Lori or Lynn, but never Luna of all people.

'But how would I know, I barley get to interact with her and when I do I still know so little.' Mrs. Loud mentally sighed as she gave Luna a mournful and regretful look. And sadly what Rita Loud was thinking was somewhat true. However that didn't mean it still had to be true.

After taking one last sip from her coffee, Mrs. Loud softly placed her hand on Luna's. Who immediately looked up and saw her mother giving her a sad but soft smile.

"Luna, I know what your feeling is strange. But you have to know that it's also normal." Mrs. Loud said as she continued to try and comfort Luna. "Especially in your situation."

However even though what her mother said did comfort her, Luna still remained unconvinced.

"But how is this normal, how is this whole situation normal!?" Luna said in a frustrating and raised tone as she looked towards her mom awaiting an answer.

Now normally Mrs. Loud would be shocked by Luna's tone. But considering what the poor girl was going through, she was willing to let it slide and help her through it.

"Well… I guess you're right. This kind of thing isn't normal. But how you feel right now… that's normal" Mrs. Loud explained softy as she tried her best to calm down Luna. Who was but only a little.

"Your angry at him for leaving, in fact I bet almost all your sisters feel the same way." Mrs. Loud continued to explain. "You want him to feel the same you're feeling, even if you know it's wrong."

"But even though he made you feel this way Luna, you have to know he didn't mean to hurt you… any of you." Mrs. Loud said finally giving Luna the best explanation she could. All the while hoping her words got through to her daughter. But it would seem that Luna's emotions would get the best of her.

"BUT HE DID HURT ME MOM, HE HURT ALL OF US! WHY SHOULD I GIVE HIM ANOTHER CHANCE TO HURT ME EVEN MORE!?" Luna screamed finally letting her frustrations out on her mother, who flinched by the sheer volume by her daughter's outburst. It only got worst as Luna continued.

"HE RAN AWAY FROM US MOM, AND HE DID IT KNOWING FULL WELL IT WOULD HURT US! I CAN'T JUST FORGIVE HIM LIKE IT NEVER HAPPENED… I-I just can't!" Luna finally managed to say before utterly breaking down in tears. A sight that most wouldn't see Luna in, but the young girl didn't care. As Luna kept crying like no tomorrow. Her mother slowly let out a small frown as it broke her heart to see her daughter like this.

But before she could say anything to comfort the poor girl, an unexpected voice suddenly came to be heard.

"Then you shouldn't forgive me."

Soon after those words were said both Luna and her mom looked towards the dinning room's entrance to see Lincoln.

Who looked visibly tired and almost down right miserable. Most likely caused by the last few hours of this crazy day. Sadly the day wasn't over for Lincoln just yet. He needed to have one last intense conversation before he could call it a day, even then Lincoln still had a lot on his plate.

"You're right Luna… I did hurt you… and I know last thing I deserve is forgiveness." Lincoln admitted with regret laced in his tone. But he continued on.

"But I'm not asking for you to forgive me, I just want you to give me a chance… a chance for our family to be together again." Lincoln said as if he was almost begging on the floor. And it nearly seemed like by his expression from what both Luna and his mother could see.

It made Rita's break to see how her family was. To see her son practically begging for one of her daughter to give him a chance to earn back even a little bit of her trust back. But she had to be strong and power through this. And as much as it pained her to do it, she had to let things play out.

Now some would say that would be a terrible idea and idiotic. But she had to let Lincoln do this himself and let him deal with the consequences. Or things could only get even worse. Also she can't force Luna to give her brother a chance, in fact she couldn't do it to any of her girls. Even though she wanted her family to be whole again, years of heartbreak and resentment aren't easy to go away. No matter how much you want them to.

"Was it true?"

Immediately after those words were said, both Lincoln and his mom's attention were back to reality. And both were completely caught off guard by Luna's question

"What?" Lincoln asked as he was legitimately confused.

"Was it true… what you said to Lori… were you telling the truth?" Luna asked clarifying her question while looking at Lincoln with a serious expression.

Lincoln looked shocked by Luna's question, but that shocked soon disappeared as he finally understood Luna's question. He quickly thought back to his heated and very painful confrontation with Lori. Just thinking about it made Lincoln cringe. Something he and his nether regions will forget. But him being kneed in the nuts aside, he finally remembered what Luna was taking about.

'The very first she said… was it true? I never did give her a proper answer did I?' Lincoln mentally sighed as he almost wanted to face palm himself. But that would have to wait since Luna looked as if she couldn't wait any longer for his response.

"Yes… what I said was true." Lincoln finally responded as he looked at his sister in the eyes with a dead set expression.

"Every word?" Luna asked pushing for the an honest answer until she was satisfied.

"Every word." Lincoln clarified as he kept his ground and showed not sign of faltering as he kept his gazed locked on his sister's.

As this somewhat heated exchange continued, Mrs. Loud still remained completely lost on what was happening. But by seeing how both her children's expression currently were. She decided it would be best to keep quiet and let things continue to play out.

"Why should I believe you…?" Luna asked as she looked away from Lincoln in a soft and disheartening tone.

Lincoln then flinched a little as he was taken back by Luna's question. Why should she believe him, after everything that's happened. After hurting her beyond belief. Why should she trust him again.

After a couple minutes of dead silence, Lincoln finally answered.

"Because… a long time ago I made a promise to you… to all of you… and I've kept that promise."

And it was with that single sentence that caused Luna to let out a small gasp. Then immediately after that, she quickly got up from her seat and looked at Lincoln in shock.

The reason why she was so shocked was because after hearing those words. Luna slowly started to remember something that she almost forgot. And that something was a memory that Luna remembered very vividly now. Because it involved herself and Lincoln, back when she was still a shy little girl… and it was a few days before Lincoln left.

Flashback 9 Years Ago, 3 Days Before Lincoln Runs Away

A young 6 year old Luna could be seen crying on her bed in her room with the lights turned off. And the door locked. The reason why she was crying almost obvious. The poor girl was almost covered head to toe in dark purple paint and feathers. The paint was dry which meant whatever happened, happened most likely an hour ago or less.

As Luna continued to cry while curled in her blanket like a caterpillar. A loud knocking and voice could be heard from behind the girl's door.

"Luna! Are in there!? Open this door right now young lady!" A booming yet fatherly voice said. Most likely belonging to her father

"Honey please listen to your father! We're only worried about you!" Another voice called out only this one was more feminine and worried. Which could only belong to her mother.

"G-GO AWAY!" Luna cried out as she tighten herself more into her blanket even more.

"Luna Loud if you don't open this door right now I'm coming in!" Mr. Loud called out in a serious and booming tone which meant business.

But before that could happen, another voice soon could be heard.

"Dad, let me talk to her!" The voice exclaimed in a calm and somewhat anxious tone.

Soon after that it sounded like her dad and the other voice started to argue. It quickly stopped when her mom stepped in. Then after a short while the doorknob to Luna's door started to jiggle and shake.

"Luna, it's Lincoln… I'm coming in." Lincoln called out as he slowly started to open the door. He then quickly entered and shut the door behind him

Which only made Luna retreat more into her blanket. Probably because she didn't want anyone to see the state she was currently in. Least of all her big brother.

Lincoln then slowly started to make his way to Luna's bed where the poor girl was still quietly sobbing underneath her blanket. Shortly after making to his destination, Lincoln quietly took a seat near Luna on the bed.

"I… heard what happened." Was all that Lincoln said as he looked down at his sister, who was still curled up in her covers.

"I'm sorry what that girl and her friends did to you little sis." Lincoln continued to say in comforting and loving tone as he placed his hand on the covers where Luna's head was located under. Which only made her cry even more.

"T-then y-you know their right!" Luna cried out as she kept crying.

"What?" Lincoln asked clearly confused by what his sister had said.

"That I'm a shy and shut in loser! That's what Carol and her friends said!" Luna started to say before tearing up again. "I bet everyone at school is talking about me! And their right!"

And just as Luna said that, Lincoln had just heard about enough. Hearing people talk down on his sisters was one thing. But he wasn't going to let them talk down on themselves. Especially when he knew it was wrong.

"Luna, your not a loser." Lincoln said softy as he gently started to pull away Luna's covers. Something that she fought at first, but when she felt her brothers gentle hand touch her face. She immediately stopped and let the covers be pulled away.

"The Luna I know is a talented and brave girl, some one who makes me happy everyday when I see her smile." Lincoln softly said as he brought Luna out of her curled up state.

"D-do you mean that?" Luna softy asked as she looked up at her brother in the poor state she was in. Her hair and face partly covered in paint and some of the paint on her face was wet. Probably from all her crying.

"Of course, why would I ever lie to you my little moon?" Lincoln playfully asked as he placed his hand softy on her cheek. Where he started to wipe away any leftover tears from her sisters cheek.

Hearing those loving words brought Luna comfort and almost made her tear up again. She then without hesitation hugged her brother with all her might. Which made Lincoln let out a small smile before he hugged her right back.

After a few minutes of Lincoln and Luna enjoying the quiet and each others company. Lincoln slowly started to get up, which made Luna feel a bit disappointed.

"Now, how about we get you cleaned up sis?" Lincoln said in his usual sweet tone and with his signature smile.

Luna only response was a small nod and faint blush that her thankfully didn't see. At least being covered in paint and feathers was some sort of good thing.

Lincoln then presented his hand to Luna, offering her for him to help her up. Something his mousy little sister immediately took. He then gently pulled her up. Afterwards he and Luna made there way towards the door hand and hand.

A Few Minutes Later

"And there go! You look good as new!" Lincoln stated with pride as he gave his shy sister a thumbs up.

Both Lincoln and Luna where currently located in the bathroom. Where Luna had just about finished taking a shower and after that was now fully clothed in some new garb. Something of which Lincoln got downstairs in the laundry room.

And when he got them he placed them by the door outside the bathroom. Where Luna would soon get when would Lincoln go downstairs to check on his parents and little sisters.

Soon after telling his family that Luna was alright now, he would go up check on her and that's what's currently happening now.

"H-how is everyone?" Luna nervously asked hoping she didn't cause too much a fuss.

"Oh you know, Lori and Luan are on the war path. I hate to be that Carol girl right now." Lincoln lightheartedly joked with an uneasy smile.

" Mom and the rest of the girls are just worried, dad on other hand was calling the school and giving them an earful… nothing new there." Lincoln said the last part with a frown and low tone. Something Luna noticed.

It was no secret that Lincoln and her dad were at odds with each other lately. Thankfully it hasn't gotten to the point where both are just plain yelling and arguing. Though Luna wished she could say the same about her parents.

Lately their arguing has been only getting worse, and it kind of frighten her when they did that. Luckily Lincoln was there to put an end to it if it got worse. Or when he was there for his sisters. Namely herself.

"Well enough about dad, you look on the other hand look nice." Lincoln said back in his usual upbeat tone and smile.

And he was right, there was not a single drop of paint anywhere on her. Luna then shifted her eyes around nervously with a small blush. Luna was currently wearing the new clothes Lincoln had just got her. Her long shoulder length was spotless but was still a little wet. But it didn't matter because it still made her look cute. She had on a girlish light purple shirt with her signature square-patterned skirt. She didn't have any shoes on or her white earrings but had some socks on.

"Now, how about we go downstairs and show everyone you're alright." Lincoln proudly announced with a smile. But before he could grab his sisters hand and take her out the door and downstairs. Luna asked a very surprising question that made Lincoln stop in his tracks.

"Lincoln… a-am I pretty?" Luna shyly asked in a downcast yet shy tone.

"H-huh!?" Lincoln exclaimed completely shocked by his sister's question.

"I-I mean… after Carol and her friends jumped me… they called me names and said I was ugly…" Luna started to as if she going to cry again. "I-I'm just wondering if they're right…"

Just hearing this made Lincoln's blood boil. It was bad enough that those bullies pranked and bully her little sister. But talking her down to her like she was nothing… it made Lincoln wish he could do something about those girls. Thankfully he wouldn't have to do anything. Mainly because he knew Lori and Luan would give Carol and her friends what they deserved. Luan more so than Lori, if there was anyone that you shouldn't tick off it was Luan. Especially when it involved her family or pranks.

But back to the matter at hand. Lincoln could still see that Luna was still waiting for his answer.

"S-so do you they're right?" Luna asked again as she continued to shift her eyes again out of shyness.

Now while Luna couldn't see it, Lincoln had an faint blush on his face. Normally something like this wouldn't happen but Luna pretty much put him on the spot. It wasn't because he thought his sisters weren't pretty in their own right. In fact he thought all of his sisters were cute or pretty in their own way. But if he was being honest… they were all angels in his mind.

They were all beautiful on the outside and inside. Like for example Lori, she could be bossy and somewhat mean to her younger siblings. Yet she always makes up for it and shower them in love. All of his sisters were beautiful in their own way. Lori with her bossy yet loving nature. Leni was a klutz but she made with her big heart. Luan was a person who wouldn't stop to make smile, even if went kind of overboard. While Lynn was still growing up, Lincoln could see she was going to be a superstar when she gets older.

And finally… there was Luna. His shy little moon. Lincoln could clearly remember all the times when he first met his sisters. All of them were blissful and magic. But with Luna it was different. You see when Luna was born… it was sooner than expected. And because of that there were complications. For one Luna was so small and was born so soon that the doctors gave her a low chance to survive.

Which of course devastated his parents. After hearing Luna's chances both assumed the worse. But not Lincoln didn't believe any of it. Not even when his parents doubted Luna's odds he knew she was going make. And after a couple of days later she did indeed get better.

Soon after they got out of the hospital. Lincoln finally got meet his new baby sister. And when finally got hold her in his arms… he was speechless. She was so small and fragile. Yet she looked like a tiny angel in his arms. His little moon.

"U-um Lincoln, are you ok?" Luna asked trying to get her brothers attention.

"Oh, sorry I was just thinking about something." Lincoln answered with a nervous chuckle with a small embarrassed blush.

Luna then nodded but before the young girl could say anything. Lincoln beat her to it.

"You know, I don't think I've ever told the first thing I did when you were born."

After hearing this Luna's attention was focused only on Lincoln. Who only smiled as he peaked the girl's interest.

"It's something I've made a silly tradition out of. You see, when Lori was born and then Leni and finally you… I made an unspoken promise that I've never told anyone…" Lincoln said as he shook his head a little trying to find the words to say. "A promise that mom or dad don't even know."

Luna continued to intensely listen since the girl wanted to desperately know what kind of promise her brother made.

"That promise… was that no matter what I do or did… or what kind of people you girls grow into… the last thing I'll ever do is stop loving you." Lincoln finally said revealing his promise.

And just like clock work, hearing her brothers words made Luna's heart flutter but even though her brother's words touched her heart. He still haven't answered her question. But luckily Lincoln was a step ahead of her.

"So, Luna it doesn't matter what anyone says. To me, you girls are one of the most beautiful things that I've ever seen." Lincoln said with a smile as his tone was soft and uplifting. "And I'm one lucky guy to be a brother to any of you. But being a brother to all of you… well, I wouldn't trade it for the word."

Hearing those words leave her brother's mouth, almost made Luna gasp. But thankfully the look of shock said it all. It would appear Lincoln words have had a great effect on her.

So much so that Luna did something very uncharacteristically of her, she leaped towards her brother and brought him into a big hug. Which almost caused Lincoln to lose his footing on the already wet bathroom floor. Fortunately Lincoln managed not fall and more fortune he didn't cause Luna to fall either.

'Now that was a close one!' Lincoln mentally sighed relieved that he didn't fall and take Luna down with him.

Lincoln then took a look down at Luna, who had a very surprising smile on her face as she kept her hold on him. But what the young girl did next would be completely unexpected. Without hesitation Luna tip toed up to match her brothers height. Then after doing that, she gave Lincoln a short but loving kiss on the cheek.

"W-what was that for!?" Lincoln loudly exclaimed with a large blush while being completely shocked by what his shy wallflower of a sister just did.

"Just… thanking you for being honest you big dope." Luna jokingly replied with a small smile and a faint blush that almost matched her brother's.

After hearing his sisters response Lincoln's expression remained that of shock. But that quickly went away and was replaced with a small but happy smile.

"Hmm, if being honest gets you out your shell I should do it more often then." Lincoln playfully retorted as he returned his sisters embrace.

Luna gave a small giggle before playfully placing her head on Lincoln's chest as she got deeper into his hug.

"What would I ever do without you?" Luna lightheartedly asked as she closed her eyes and tighten her hug around Lincoln. Who gave a surprised expression when hearing his sister's comment.

His expression was soon replaced with a solemn one. Thankfully Luna didn't see this before Lincoln gave a small sigh.

'Yeah… what will you do without me?' Lincoln thought sadly as he closed his eyes and tighten his hug around Luna like she did with him.

Flashback End

For Luna and Lincoln, that was a precious and loving memory. One both remember well. But at the same time that's all it was. A memory. A memory that happened a long time ago. For some… it was a lifetime ago.

But back to the matter at hand, both Lincoln and Luna continued to stare intensely at one another while their worried mother could only watch on.

"You might not believe me sis… but even though I hurt you… and lost your trust. The one thing I won't stop doing is loving you." Lincoln stated solemnly with a stone like expression.

"STOP! JUST STOP!" Luna shouted with all her might.

Mrs. Loud was clearly shocked by her daughter's outburst. But Lincoln was as she still had the same emotionless expression. Something that was beginning to anger Luna beyond all belief.

"You can stand there and lie to me all you want! Hell keep bringing back all the loving promises and memories you've made! I DON'T CARE!" Luna continue to shout with anger and resentment at her brother. Who kept the same expression.

"You might have everyone fooled, but I'm not going to let you hurt me ever again!" Luna started to say as her voice was now calm yet still filled with bitterness. The young girl then decided she's had enough of this. So she angrily started to make her way out of the room.

"Honey please! Let's talk about this!" Mrs. Loud called out to her daughter finally deciding to intervene before Luna did something the poor girl might regret.

"No mom! He might have you fooled but not me!" Luna angrily shouted at her mother with such bitterness that it made the poor woman flinch in fear.

Lincoln of course kept on his emotionless expression, but it was beginning to get a little harder to control. Especially with Luna yelling at their mother. It was one thing to scream and yell at him. But screaming at their mother who was innocent in all this was just wrong.

But Luna didn't care since she was just running on raw emotion. Shorty after yelling at her mom. Luna continued to make her way out of the room and headed towards the exit. Right where Lincoln was.

Of course Mrs. Loud assumed the worse was going to happen next. However what happened next was very unexpected. What Mrs. Loud thought was that Luna was going to attack Lincoln or do something worse. But that didn't happen. Instead, Luna just simply stopped right next to Lincoln. Both still wearing the same expressions while look forward. For Luna it was because she couldn't stand to see her brother's face. While for Lincoln, he didn't need to see the look on his sister's face to know that no matter what he did she still wouldn't bother to listen to what he had to say.

"I know I can't make you leave, you made that sure enough already." Luna said with distain. "You might have fooled everyone else, but you haven't fooled me or Lori."

Hearing Luna say that made Lincoln heart sting a little. But he had to keep his composure and take it.

"But just so you know, the only reason I will stomach you being here is because I know you'll hurt them again." Luna stated harshly as she clenched her fist a little. "And when you do… me and Lori will be there to pick up the pieces… just like last time."

And with that Luna angrily left the room. Leaving a very heartbroken Mrs. Loud and a very guilt ridden Lincoln to ponder what Luna had said.

"I'm… sorry for making Luna snap at you mom." Lincoln apologized in a regretful and quiet tone.

"I-It's alright son, I shouldn't have pushed your sister." Mrs. Loud said with a slight sniffle before wiping any tears that had appeared on her face. She then gave Lincoln a rather mournful look.

Lincoln's expression had soften and was replaced with a very depressed and regretful one. After seeing the state her son was in, Mrs. Loud decided to give Lincoln some comforting words.

"Just give her some time honey, she and Lori will come around eventually." Mrs. Loud said trying to give her son some reassurance.

"I… don't think that'll happen mom… at least not anytime soon." Lincoln said knowing the hard truth. And deep down, his mother knew that as well. But she was either too stubborn to admit… or was just a hopeful fool.

An Hour Later

"Well, here it is honey. Your old room." Mrs. Loud happily said as she opened a door to reveal a tiny room that would be no bigger than a large closet. Which it was of course that didn't really matter to Lincoln. Who was right behind his mom with his backpack strapped on his shoulder.

"Wow it's… dusty" Lincoln said with a sweat drop while trying not to sound ungrateful or anything.

"Oh um sorry about any dust, it's just after you left we just stopped coming in here… well with the exception of Luan and Leni that is." Mrs. Loud sadly admitted with a bit of a regretful tone.

Lincoln not bothered by what his mom said, slowly moved around his mom and entered his old room. Overall, everything was still where he left it oddly enough. To be honest it made Lincoln feel as if he never left in the first place. But he did and showed. Like he said before, there was dust… a lot of dust.

'Nothing a good dusting won't fix.' Lincoln thought as he dropped his backpack on his bed. Which looked a bit small. But it didn't matter to him. He'd manage.

"Um honey, if it's not comfortable for you..." Mrs. Loud started to suggest before Lincoln stopped her.

"Oh its no problem mom! It's perfect!" Lincoln exclaimed trying not to stammer.

After that was said Mrs. Loud gave a Lincoln a small but happy smile.

"Oh honey, I'm so happy your back home." Mrs. Loud happily said before entering Lincoln's tiny room and delivering him a big tight hug.

"I'm happy too mom." Lincoln replied with a smile as he hugged back. Something his mom was thankful for. But even with him smiling, she knew something was bothering him. And she had an idea what it was.

"Lincoln… is what your sister said bothering you." Mrs. Loud asked softy as she stopped giving Lincoln a hug. Who stopped as well, but not before letting out a small sigh.

"Is it that obvious mom?" Lincoln asked before scratching the back of his head. "You heard what she said, both her and Lori made it clear they want nothing to do with me."

"Son, it's a big family but not a big house." Mrs. Loud sadly pointed out. "You can't avoid them forever."

"Yeah… which means tomorrow is going to be pretty awkward." Lincoln said before giving another sigh.

"Don't worry about tomorrow honey. You just worry about getting a good night's sleep. After the day you've had I'd be exhausted too." Mrs. Loud said giving Lincoln one last hug and small kiss on the cheek before heading towards the door.

"Goodnight mom" Lincoln said with a smile

"Goodnight Lincoln." Mrs. Loud said with a smile and a motherly tone before closing the door.

Shorty after the door closed Lincoln gave one last big sigh and flopped on the bed. Which caused a lot of dust to shoot up in the air and started to make Lincoln cough a bit.

"Wouldn't trade it for the world eh?" Lincoln commented to himself while he continued to cough.

After the dust started to clear and Lincoln coughing stopped. He just laid there on his bed motionless. Either because he was exhausted beyond anything or he was still trying to process how this day has been. Either way, Lincoln was just dead tired.

But instead of drifting off to sleep, Lincoln gave a look towards his backpack. He then softy huffed and gave a soft groan before sitting up on the bed. Where Lincoln reached for the backpack.

Immediately after grabbing his backpack he slowly opened it and started to dig through it. Soon Lincoln slowly pulled a couple things out. One was a strange type of mask. Which could only be described as a luchador mask. The mask was black and white el generico type mask with a three small white ribbons on placed on the back.

"My other face… free of all the guilt and sadness." Lincoln simply said before putting it back in the pack. The second thing he had out was a small whisky flask that was engraved in some language. Most likely of Japanese. If you could understand it, the engraving said sensei

"Ah, my little going away present. Those guys sure do have some sense of humor." Lincoln commented before giving the flask a shake. After hearing it was empty Lincoln placed it back where it belonged. And last thing he had out where a couple of things were a in fact a couple of thing. But they each had one thing in common. They were pictures.

As Lincoln began to go through them he couldn't help but smile. Even if being on the run and going through place to place just with the clothes on your back and luck. He wasn't always alone.

Most of the pictures were of him with someone or a group of people. One was of him a small group of people. The people in the photo were the people that took him in when he stopped into some strange town in Oregon in his younger years. Where a lot strange stuff happened… a lot. But the one noticeable thing in the picture that Lincoln had his arm wrapped around one of the people in an intimate type of position. This person was girl around Lincoln's age at the time or younger. She was a very tall and skinny yet pretty. She had green eyes with a fair complexion and some freckles. She has long red hair just past her hips and was wearing a tan and dark brown lumberjack hat with an emerald green plaid shirt with a white tank top underneath. She also had on green stub earrings, blue jeans, and muddy rain boots.

Seeing the bright smile on the girl's face made Lincoln crack a smile, but not before it was replaced with a sad one.

"I'm sorry I couldn't be the one…" Lincoln sadly said with a small sigh. He then continued to go through the pictures while reminiscing how or where they were taken.

Like for example, one had another group of people in it with him. This one was different though. In this one Lincoln was dressed in his mask and some type of wrestling gear and white and black leggings tights. The people also in the group where in wrestling garb as well. And all around they were smiling at the camera with Lincoln.

Seeing this made Lincoln grin and caused him to shake his head. When he was on the pro wrestling scene these people were close to him. Kind of like family. They slept together, rode together and fought together. Sometimes even with one another.

"Man the crazy stuff I got into back then. Can't believe I almost made pro wrestling my life." Lincoln laughed good heartily as he placed the picture away.

As Lincoln kept going through the photos of people he's met and bounded with. The three photos he had made his heart heavy with guilt and somewhat happiness. One was with him in a gym of some kind, where he was in his wrestling gear but without his mask. Which he currently holding in his hand while standing next to a rather large Hispanic elderly man. Who was smiling at the camera while having his hand placed on Lincoln's shoulder. Like a father would do for a son.

The second photo was him in yet another group of people. But this one was different because of who he was with. In this one, Lincoln couldn't be no older than a year or two when he left home. And in this one Lincoln was with a small group of kids no older then him and younger. But the strange thing is that their faces were somewhat dirty and the clothes they had on were kind of ragged. Lincoln was in the same shape like the kids in the photo. However even looking dirty and ragged, he and the kids were smiling.

This caused Lincoln to give a faint smile, but before it was gone and switched with a frown.

And lastly the final one was the hardest for Lincoln to look at. Not because it was bad or anything. No, it was because this photo took place during one of the happiest moments in his life. Something that he would never forget.

In the photo Lincoln was dressed in some kind of black traditional kimono. Also in the photo was a woman, who was also dressed in a kimono. But this one was pure white with Sakura peddles on it. The woman was Japanese and was around Lincoln's age if not younger. She was also around Lincoln's height and somewhat skinny. Yet she was also beautiful and had fair pale skin with long dark lavender hair and dark green eyes. Also in the photo it showed the woman in Lincoln's arms and showing one last distinctive detail about the woman… she was pregnant.

After taking one last long look at the photo, tears slowly started to form around Lincoln's eyes. He then slowly turned the photo around to reveal some writing in English.

"T-to my future husband and father of our future child. Love… Suki… your loving fiancé." Lincoln managed to say before letting his emotions get the better of him. Tears began to fall down the poor man's face. Shorty after that, Lincoln started to wipe away any tears.

After doing that he gently placed the pictures back in his pack where he zipped up carefully. Lincoln then brought the backpack down to the side of his bed.

He then decided to take off his jacket but decided to leave his shirt on. Either because he didn't feel like taking it off or he was too exhausted both physically and emotionally to do.

Afterwards, Lincoln flopped back on the bed where after a few minutes later he drifted off into sleep.

But what Lincoln didn't know is that someone was watching him. And that someone was someone small enough to fit the vents that were Lincoln's room. Soon after witnessing what had transpired, that person slowly started to make their away from Lincoln's room while thinking over what they had just discovered about Lincoln.

To Be Continued

AN: Wow! Now that was a long chapter. Also a very emotional and revealing one might I add. Something I hope you all enjoyed. After reading that I think you all might have some questions. Sadly you have to wait until the next chapter if you want any answered. Also before you ask yes that was a clear gravity falls reference in the first photo. If you caught on immediately I tip my hat off to you. And before you ask this is not a gravity falls crossover. It might be in the same universe but it's not a crossover. Also you guys got a good look at what it was like back when Lincoln was around in that flashback. You also got a good look at what Lincoln did when he was away as well. A lot of good stuff happened and bad too. Anyways sorry if this took long but I write at my own pace and with everything happening in my life it's been hard. However though expect the next chapter to out next month. When exactly I don't know. Alright, now that we're done with that you know the drill. Please leave a review with any questions, feedback and what you thought about the chapter. Now with that out of the way this is Chubby Snorlax signing off. See ya!