
14. Chapter 14

Chapter 14: Not So Loud Morning

Disclaimer: I do not own Loud House or any form of media related to it, it is rightfully owned by its respective companies or owners.

AN: And I'm back! Hope I didn't make you wait too long. But if I did I apologize. You see I've been dealing with my troublesome somewhat alcoholic parents and taking care of my younger brothers and grandfather. Something I bet a few of you guys have done or been doing. So I hope you can understand. If not then I'm sorry. Alright, I think you guys know the drill. I'll talk for a bit then get into the chapter. So, I can see you guys are ok with my little Gravity Falls reference and whatnot. Yeah, Lincoln dated Wendy and hung out with Dipper, Mable and the gang. Now before I say anything else, I have to remind you guys this isn't a Gravity Falls crossover story. You'll maybe see a couple of references and a bit of things but that's it I'm afraid. However, that doesn't mean I'm against writing some like that it the future though. I might even show how Lincoln end up in old Gravity Falls and how he met and everyone. But sadly that will have to wait. Though if you would like to read a good Gravity Falls story or stories I recommend you read Loud Gravity and Gravity Loud by Thunderstrike16. His work is pretty good, in fact he's probably better than me to be honest. Now one last thing I like to add before I start the chapter. Lincoln is still just getting back on his feet and dealing with his family and the drama that is to come. So he won't be looking for someone to be with just yet. Though that doesn't mean there won't a bit of moments here and there. Now like I said I really don't care who Lincoln's with or even if he's just ok with being alone. But that doesn't mean I won't take your guys opinions and requests out of consideration. However for now Lincoln will be focused on his family and whatever happens. Alright now that we're done… ON WITH THE CHAPTER! Enjoy!

"T-to my future husband and father of our future child. Love… Suki… your loving fiancé." Lincoln managed to say before letting his emotions get the better of him. Tears began to fall down the poor man's face. Shorty after that, Lincoln started to wipe away any tears.

After doing that he gently placed the pictures back in his pack where he zipped up carefully. Lincoln then brought the backpack down to the side of his bed.

He then decided to take off his jacket but decided to leave his shirt on. Either because he didn't feel like taking it off or he was too exhausted both physically and emotionally to do.

Afterwards, Lincoln flopped back on the bed where after a few minutes later he drifted off into sleep.

But what Lincoln didn't know is that someone was watching him. And that someone was someone small enough to fit the vents that were Lincoln's room. Soon after witnessing what had transpired, that person slowly started to make their away from Lincoln's room while thinking over what they had just discovered about Lincoln.

The Next Day

It was right around 5:00 in the morning in Royal Wood. And the Loud house was quiet just like any other neighboring house. Understandable since it was so early in the morning. Only a few people would wake up around this time and that was if they had jobs to get to or they were just early birds. Like really, really early birds.

Unfortunately for one person in the Loud house, he was just that kind of person.

As Lincoln continued to softly sleep peacefully in his small but comfortable bed. Only to toss and turn on a few but small occasions. A sudden loud ringing and rumbling began to go off in his right pocket of his leather jacket.

Which on the floor by his bed only few inches away from his backpack.

The ringing and rumbling was most likely Lincoln's phone. Which either meant someone was calling him or it was his alarm.

After few solid minutes of ringing and rumbling it was safe to say it was probably his alarm.

Lincoln who slowly began to wake up gave a loud sigh.

"Got to remember to turn that alarm off indefinitely later." Lincoln said to himself in a very annoyed tone as he opened his eyes. He then gave a rather loud yawn before bringing himself up to the side of his bed. Where he didn't make any attempts to get up just yet, he just sat there. Trying to get wake up.

After a couple more minutes later the ringing and rumbling slowly stopped. But Lincoln knew it would just start again in a few minutes if he didn't do anything. Thankfully he would just do that.

Lincoln then groggily brought himself up where he slowly reached down to grab his jacket. After accomplishing this, he reached down the right pocket where he slowly grabbed his phone to hit the snooze.

Afterwards Lincoln have yet another yawn, but not before taking a small whiff of himself.

"Guess it's time for a shower." Lincoln managed to murmur out before rubbing his eyes then yawning once again.

But before he could head out to the door, he need some fresh clothes first. So, Lincoln proceeded to pick up his backpack where he some clothes but not a lot though. That was one of the most annoying thing about traveling light. You well, travel light. Especially on a motorcycle. Yet another thing has to check on later. Because when he was heading in yesterday he noticed it was performing as well as it was a few days ago.

"Yet another thing to put on my list for stuff to fix. First my estranged family, their trust and now my bike… my life is so great." Lincoln said very cynically as he pulled out some clothes. Which were a shirt that matched the one he was wearing, some black work out sweat shorts with some socks to match it. And finally some white briefs which was the last of his clean underwear.

Which meant he needed to do some laundry or buy new clothes. Probably best for him to do both later today.

However right now all he had to worry about was taking a shower. And believe it or not, right around this time he usually do. Even before he left home. Guess being in a big family and being outnumbered by mainly girls in the house made him do things differently. Like waking up so early in the morning to use the bathroom and take a shower.

Lincoln gave another yawn before starting to head out the door. After closing the door behind him he now headed to the bathroom where he hoped wasn't already occupied.

15 Minutes Later

"Boy, I really needed that!" Lincoln said happily before giving a very satisfied sigh.

Lincoln had just gotten done taking a shower which he in all honest was pretty darn satisfying. While most would think it was just a normal shower and would think he just overreacting. They be wrong. You see, the reason why it was so satisfying was because he just took a shower in his own house.

While that wouldn't mean much to most people, it meant a lot to him. Especially for the last 9 or 8 years of being on the road where you were just lucky to brush your teeth. There were times when Lincoln would go unbathed for days. However that was when Lincoln was just starting out on the road with very little money. And when he did get some money he couldn't just go to some random hotel and get a room. I mean sure there were some cases he did but that wasn't the point.

Having a small young come in wearing ragged clothes and look worse for was a good reason to call the authorities or child protective services. And Lincoln couldn't have that, especially being a run away.

Anyways, it was just great for Lincoln to have a shower that wasn't in a hotel for once.

"Alright, better get dress. Don't want anyone literally catching me with my pants down." Lincoln chuckled lightly as began to carefully step out of the tub. He then began to quickly dry himself off. After doing so he start to get dress. But after putting on his underwear and drying his hair. He couldn't help but take a look at the mirror. Where he took a good long at himself.

"Geez, whatever happened to me?" Lincoln said to himself as he gave a rough sigh. It had been awhile since Lincoln ever took a good long look at himself in the mirror. Especially not since… well, when Suki and their child passed away. Just thinking that made Lincoln's heart hurt a bit. But after a minute he gave himself one more look at mirror.

Lincoln's body sure had changed over the years. But that does when you go through puberty, wrestling training, doing wrestling and all the stuff he's been through. While he wasn't jacked up with muscles and abs. He was very fit for some one his age. Most could see why because of his modest four pack abs and a few muscles here and there. Not to mention he was somewhat good looking, something that he still didn't see.

"Don't know what most girls saw in me. I'm not exactly prince charming." Lincoln said as he started to examine his body more closely. And what he was referring to were the scars on his body. By his count he only had two or three but that was just in front since he couldn't see his back very good. But he did know he had a tattoo back there though. Something he got during his wrestling days.

But there was one scar that Lincoln remembered, something he remembered too well. It was located on his stomach right by his abs.

The scar was small but still looked pretty gnarly. The reason why was because this was a stab wound that Lincoln unfortunately received when messed with the wrong person. This of course was when Lincoln was a pickpocket and a shoplifter at time. So, any scars or injuries he got were back in those days. A time he'd like to forget.

Lincoln gave a small frown as he touched the scar. He then looked back at the mirror as he began to slowly to turn around and present his back to the mirror. After doing that, he turned his head around to get a good look at his tattoo on his back.

It was a long and fairly large tattoo that went to both his shoulders and reached a little low down his back. The design of the tattoo was humming bird with its wings opened wide like it was preparing to fly. That wasn't all either. Right below the bird were a few words tattooed in Spanish. It said "Mi Estudiante, Mi Hijo, Mi Familia.

"My student, my son… my family." Lincoln sadly recited the words on his back.

He remembered getting this tattoo after winning his first match as a luchador. His teacher and friends talked him into getting it after they partied a little too hard. But even so, this tattoo meant a lot to him. Even though deep down he knew didn't deserve it. Being call student teacher was one thing, but being call son was an honor he felt he didn't deserve.

After a few minutes of looking at the mirror and recalling all the pleasant and unpleasant memories. Lincoln gave a loud sigh before taking one last look at the mirror.

"Better finish getting ready, probably only got an hour or two before everyone else gets up." Lincoln said with a heavy sigh as he continued to get dress. Which only meant he had to put on his shirt, work out shorts and sock.

Shorty after putting everything on Lincoln was set. While still a bit wet here and there overall he looked good.

"Alright, time to start the day!" Lincoln exclaimed with cheery smile and tone. But even though his demeanor was a happy one, what was going through his mind was a completely different feeling.

Guess bringing back old memories started to weigh a lot on Lincoln's mind. Fortunately though he had just the thing to fix it. Something he'd been planning since last night.

Just by thinking about it lifted Lincoln's spirits a little. He then gave a very satisfied smile as he started to quickly leave the bathroom. After quietly and softy closing the door behind him, Lincoln started to make his way to the stairs and when he got downstairs he'll put his plan into action.

Two Hours Later

"And boom, I'm done!" Lincoln happily exclaimed as he took off the oven mitts and apron he had on. While he didn't mind the oven mitts Lincoln did find the apron unusual. Not that there was anything wrong with it, it was just… pink. Very, very pink.

Giving a small sigh Lincoln quickly left the dining room and went into the kitchen. Where he placed the oven mitts and apron back where he found them. Shortly after that, he gave a small smile before heading back to the dinning room

After entering the room once again Lincoln gave a good look at the table.

"The apron aside though, I have to admit. I'm a pretty damn good cook." Lincoln declared cheerfully like he was patting himself on the back. Something he should receive for making a delicious looking breakfast feast.

Well, it really wasn't a feast but it was a very sizable breakfast for the size of his family. Not counting him though since he'll probably get something later when everyone else gets their fill. But that didn't stop him from taking a piece of bacon and toast alongside a cup of fresh coffee he just made.

It wasn't just bacon, toast and coffee he made either. Lincoln decided to go all out. On the dining table was a collection of food that would make anyone drool. A breakfast even the most prudish of people would love.

There were plates laid out on the table with silverware right next to them. Lincoln even placed some at the kids table as well. Now onto the food, Lincoln wasn't wrong when he said he was a good cook.

In the middle of the dining room table were two decent sized kitchen trays filled with food alongside a couple of small plates filled with food as well. The on the plates and trays were your regular breakfast type food. Bacon, pancakes, French toast, eggs both scrambled and over easy, toast and some hash browns he managed to make. Also in the kitchen was a pot of freshly made coffee with some orange juice he found in the fridge.

"Well, since my job is done here. I better go do my morning jog." Lincoln said with a huff reminding himself of his morning routine. Which involved getting a bite to eat and his early work out and jog.

'Might have to skip most of the work out, but I'll probably do the rest later after.' Lincoln thought as he had a bit of things to do today.

But before leaving the room and out the front door. Lincoln immediately stopped before snapping his finger. Like he forgot something. After doing that, Lincoln immediately turned around and headed back to the dinning room. Where he pulled out a small piece of paper he had and quickly looked for a pen or pencil.

Luckily for Lincoln he found one in the next room after looking for a good few minutes. He then quickly wrote down some on the small piece of paper. Where he then placed on the dining table.

Lincoln gave a small sigh of relief before leaving the room and out the front door.

A Few Minutes Later

Lynn Jr. Loud wasn't happy not one bit. Well, to be fair she normally wasn't a morning person. Who in this family was?

'Especially when your roommate is miss gloom and doom herself.' Lynn thought with a grumpy huff as she started to get off her bed. She then gave her young sister and roommate a tired but tiny glare.

Things between the young goth and tomboy have been getting kind of heated. Not that it always been like that, sure they have their arguments here and there. But they'd usually solve in time. Now though, things get ugly pretty quickly when they have an argument.

Even with the sister protocol things still only got worse each time they got fought. Something was going to give, and Lynn hoped it wasn't her who caused it.

After looking at Lucy's still sleeping form, Lynn couldn't help but give a small smile. But that quickly disappear as she let out yet another yawn.

But before Lynn could leave, she made sure she had something on appropriate. Wouldn't want to go downstairs half naked, especially if Lincoln is up. As Lynn inspected herself, she saw that she had on her usual nightwear. Which consisted of a white tank top, red shorts, and ankle high socks.

Seeing that she was dressed decent, Lynn immediately left the room. While leaving a still sleeping Lucy in her bed.

Now outside in the halls Lynn started to make her way to the stairs. But as she got closer to the stairs, something immediately got Lynn attention. Specifically her nose.

"Hmm, something smells good." Lynn quietly said as she started to slowly come down the stairs. But before her stomach began to grumble. Probably because of the food she was smelling right now.

Finally as Lynn made it downstairs, the young tomboy started to make her way in the kitchen to get her usual coffee. But since the only way to the kitchen was through the dining room she had to go through there if she wanted coffee.

But as Lynn entered the dining room, she stopped dead in her tracks. The reason why was pretty clear.

"Whoa!" Lynn exclaimed loudly surprised by the sight before her, but she quickly covered her mouth shut remembering everyone was still asleep.

However that would be proven wrong as Lynn started to hear a couple of footsteps coming downstairs along with a few yawns that followed.

"Lynn, I swear if you broke the coffee maker again…" Lori began to say in a very annoyed and groggy tone but stopped in her tracks when she saw what Lynn saw.

And she wasn't the only one, right behind Lori were Luan, Luna and Leni all in their usual nightwear. And all with shock written on their faces when they saw what was in front of them.

"I really hope someone isn't yoking around here… cause that's my job!" Luan joked with a small laugh as she couldn't help herself.

However it seemed Luan was the only one who got the joke or cared. Because everyone was focused on the dining table and the bountiful breakfast that laid before them.

"Wow, did mom and dad do this?" Leni asked as she started to make her way to the table. With Lynn close behind. Who appeared to be the only one who notice the piece of paper with writing on it on the table.

After arriving at the table Lynn reached for the paper and after grabbing it, she started to read it out loud for her sisters to hear.

"Went out for my morning jog, be back in half an hour or less. Enjoy the breakfast, love Lincoln." Lynn finally finished reading the piece of paper before setting it back on the table

"Wow, Linky made all this?!" Leni exclaimed surprised that her big brother could do all this. "That's so totally sweet of him!"

While Leni was completely ecstatic by her brother's unexpected and touching act. There were mixed feelings about the whole thing from her sisters

For example, Luan and Lynn were more shocked than happy. Not that they weren't happy or grateful. Who wouldn't? It wasn't everyday your long lost brother returns home the night before and then the day after that cook up an amazing breakfast for you.

But not everyone felt the same sadly.

"I think I'll pass on breakfast." Lori scoffed quickly dismissing the amazing breakfast in front of her. Even if her stomach said otherwise.

The reason why was pretty clear like the contempt in her voice. She wasn't the only one either.

A look of disdain on Luna's face said it all. The conversation she had her mom and Lincoln last was still on her mind. That much was clear.

"I'm with Lori on this one, I think I'll just go with some coffee." Luna spoke up in a rather groggy and expressionless tone. But her expression was still the same.

So that's just what Luna did. The young punk rock girl soon followed her sister in the kitchen. Both looked completely unconcerned with the breakfast as they left the room and headed into the kitchen.

The only ones left in the room were Lynn, Leni and Luan. And it was clear that how both Lori and Luna were acting was showing.

"Talk about ungrateful." Lynn growled heavily under her breath so her Luna and Lori couldn't hear her. Unfortunately that didn't mean Luan and Leni couldn't.

"Gosh Lynn, I know Lori can be a total jerk sometimes but you have to give them some space." Leni said innocently enough while a bit concerned by her younger sister's attitude.

"Well it's not like they're hiding it at all. It's no secret they can't stand Lincoln!" Lynn roughly shot back at Leni. Who looked a little hurt by her sister's words.

Lynn of course quickly realized her mistake.

"Ah man, I'm sorry Leni. I know it's not your fault." Lynn softly apologized with a bit of regret in her tone. "It's just that I can't stand it when they act like this."

After hearing Lynn's apology and reason, Leni almost immediately smiled.

"It's ok Lynn, I know that Lori and Luna feel about Linky." Leni sadly admitted with a sad smile. "Just give them some time sis, I know thing are gonna totes be alright."

Hearing the sheer reassurance in her bubbly old sister's tone made Lynn smile. It made the rough and tough girl happy to hear Leni accept her apology like it was nothing.

But sadly Lynn wished her optimism was like her airhead of a sister's. Because Lynn unfortunately knew better than Leni. The young tomboy knew it would take longer than "some time" before her two older sisters to forgive her brother.

'I can only hope that things don't get worse than they are right now.' Lynn thought with a small frown.

Noticing her younger sister's frown, Luan decided to change the subject before Leni saw Lynn's frown

"Boy, how about we get down to eating before this stuff gets cold." Luan suggested happily with a with a smile. " I don't thing Lincoln wouldn't be too thrilled if we missed this eggcellent breakfast!"

Immediately after hearing Luan's little pun, Lynn proceeded to let out very annoyed groan while face palming herself in the face. Leni on the other hand, got the pun instantly and started to laugh.

"Ha, I get it!" Leni cheerfully stated as she stopped laughing.

"Alright, alright we get it Luan just please… stop." Lynn practically begged with a very loud groan.

"Okey dokey Lynn, but only because I like you… a waffle lot!" Luan happily said with a giggle as she couldn't help herself. Which only caused Lynn to groan in annoyance even mote. While Leni was caught in a giggling fit.

"I really hate mornings." Lynn groaned with a very wooden expression as she started to make her way out of the room and begin climbing up the stairs to wake everyone up to come down to breakfast.

But as Lynn made her way up the stairs, she couldn't help but wonder what Lincoln was doing right now other than jogging.

'Probably wandering around town and thinking on what he's misses over the last 9 years. Maybe he'll run into some of his old friends out there too.' Lynn thought but shook her head at the notion. What were the chances of Lincoln running into some he'd knew? And what was to say they'd even recognize him too?

But while the chances were slim, Lincoln would encounter a few things on his jog. Whether they were people or places were yet to be seen.

To Be Continued

AN: Sorry if this chapter was short, but at least I finally finished it. Oh and I'll try to make sure the chapter is longer. But aside from that I hope you enjoyed the chapter. It would seem more of Lincoln's past is beginning to come to light. Also things between him, Lori and Luna seem still to be in the red. Things also seem pretty grim with Lynn and Lucy too. Overall everything is still in the yellow involving the Loud family. Hopefully things can better, or was Lynn right and things might get worse? Stay tuned for more chapters for answers. Now, with that out of the way. I need to ask you guys and important question. Do you guys want Ronnie Ann, Clyde and people like Haiku, Tabby, Polly Pain and Rusty to be aged up like Lincoln? Basically anyone around Lincoln's age group in the show is what I'm asking? I mean I would like to do it because that means more potential parings for Lincoln and I would love to write Ronnie as the big sister to Bobby. Who will be brought up soon. But I want to ask you guys and see if you're cool with. And if you are can you guys tell me designs and how they would look in a review or PM. Honestly I'm good either way. Alright, I'm done for now but expect the next chapter to be out by the end of the month if not sooner. And if it's not then expect it to be out next month at the latest. Ok, I hope you enjoyed the chapter. And please do leave a review for any questions you have or just leave your feedback. See ya until next time!