
Lost on The Path of Life

The main character Rían gets another shot at life, meanwhile being a source of entertainment for cosmic beings. Follow along as the once cold character learns to be warm and forge his own path. Maybe a little lost, but we’re all lost on the path of life… ~Author’s Thoughts~ Getting tired of waiting for some stories to update so decided to write my own. The main world will be Pokemon the anime, but with some twists. My hope is to have the readers also make suggestions as the story is written, I love author reader interactive stories. However, I won’t go too crazy and change the story completely. Also I don’t any of the franchises that are referenced (wish I was that genius), beside the characters I create.

ReinAndHalos · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
22 Chs

Chapter 01 Life in a Nutshell

As I look at the setting Sun in the horizon, watching as the shadows in the canyon move to its tune. I can't help but to appreciate the hidden beauty in nature. I would've never looked for this scenery if it wasn't for the coincidence of my circumstances. So I do the only logical thing, I take one last smoke as the night encroaches. I savor the sweet vanilla flavor and exhale with some difficulty.

From a distance I'm sure I would look like someone in their feels while basking in the soon to be night. However, if you were to look more closely you would see the blood seeping through his black sweater. You would think that he should go to a hospital, but he would say, "It's too late for me, at least I get to choose where I die. It's not so bad, look around, it's a good day to die."

Reigning in my miscellaneous thoughts, I can't help but reflect on how I got to this point. I guess this is the part where my life flashes before me. I had a normal childhood, well it was normal until everything went downhill. I was orphaned after my mom committed suicide because my dad was found dead with another woman at a hotel. Apparently they were robbed on their way out of the hotel in the dead of the morning, a robbery gone wrong, the authorities said. I don't think my mom could handle knowing the love of her life had not only died but also died while caught cheating. After being left behind I refused to toil in some orphanage waiting to be adopted like some pet. So, I took the savings my parents had left me and sold our old house and bought some cheap apartment in the city.

From there it was me struggling to make some money by learning various trades; like fishing, sewing, entertainment, tour guiding, cooking, and business. Once I finally was stable I finished up my GED and began my career as a small time music artist and model. What? I didn't want to be looked down upon because I didn't have a high school education. I was satisfied with everything I had but I made one mistake. I tried to believe in the illusion that is love. I met her when I was still struggling to make ends meet with the various odd jobs, she was a pillar of support for me. Always encouraging me, making me believe that I found "the one". I always felt bad that I couldn't get her nice gifts or jewelry, but she said it was fine and that having each other was enough. Truly an example of a sweet nothing…

Because when I finally had achieved my dream, I had the money to buy her more gifts and show her how much I loved her. However, that rose-colored fantasy shattered on that one day. On my way back from shopping for our anniversary gift I saw hew covered in various jewelry that I had never seen before acting sweetly with some rich prick. Her eyes went wide when she saw me, and the face that I looked forward to seeing everyday looked at me with disdain. I was half tempted to attack them, but I wasn't about to ruin my whole life for one slut. But, I wasn't about to act like some cuck and do nothing. I went on my social media and live-streamed me ranting about everything I did for her and ending it with a, "I don't need you so have fun throwing yourself to rich tools getting passed around like a filthy used penny."

I changed a little after that, I became cold to the world around me keeping everyone at arm's length. People started calling my public persona The Cold Prince. I eventually quit producing music and only did the occasional modeling, but I saved enough money. I did find a new hobby that brought me some joy, so I immersed myself in novels, anime and games. I particularly liked Pokemon, I don't know but traveling with your companions that were pretty much family, it appealed to me. Then it happened, I booted up my switch and loaded the latest pokemon game Legends Arceus. Halfway into my gaming session I hear a door knock in my high rise apartment. Thinking it was the food I ordered I opened up only to find my disheveled ex with a gun in hand.

I won't drag this part too much so in short she shot me because I ruined her life. By making her a gold digger known to everyone, thus being shunned and becoming a laughingstock to the masses and an embarrassment to her family. After leaving me to bleed out in some canyon.

Laying on my back I take one last look at the night sky before I finally close my eyes. I can't help but chuckle because my last thought was some cheesy quote, "Death is not the greatest loss in life. The greatest loss is what dies inside us while we live."


(The Afterlife)


A loud voice shouted bringing me to my consciousness. As I look to the owner of the voice I'm forced to look at a giant ball of heavenly light. Continuing to stare at it, I'm left thinking that this certainly isn't good for my eyes. Setting aside any other anxieties that I have, with some courage I try to talk to the obvious heavenly being.

"Hello, Are you God? This is obviously the afterlife because the last thing I remember is bleeding to death in a canyon. Another thing, what now??"

Some might think I'm acting like a know it all and that I'm too calm for the situation at hand. But what else am I supposed to do? Act arrogant and demand to be reincarnated, whine about dying or timidly wait to find out where this goes? No, I'd rather get the ball rolling even if this conversation ends with me getting sent to eternal damnation.

"Well isn't this a surprise, you're not freaking out or acting like an entitled know it all. Well to answer your question no, I'm not THE GOD, but one of the God's in charge of the reincarnation cycle. Just call me GoR. As for what now… I'd like to say congratulations for you are the first soul to be voluntold to be entertainment for a greater purpose than your previous life. Don't worry though you'll get some wishes for the ride, nothing too crazy though. Now, Spin! THat! WHEEL!!!"

And with that came a wheel spinning like the swirl of death when your computer is taking forever to load. Eventually I see it slow down and some of the options. Game of Thrones, DC Comics, MCU, Danmachi, and a bunch of other fictional worlds, some of them I've never heard of. Eventually it comes to a stop, and I can't help but feel like fate is at play. Cause it landed on…..