
Lost on The Path of Life

The main character Rían gets another shot at life, meanwhile being a source of entertainment for cosmic beings. Follow along as the once cold character learns to be warm and forge his own path. Maybe a little lost, but we’re all lost on the path of life… ~Author’s Thoughts~ Getting tired of waiting for some stories to update so decided to write my own. The main world will be Pokemon the anime, but with some twists. My hope is to have the readers also make suggestions as the story is written, I love author reader interactive stories. However, I won’t go too crazy and change the story completely. Also I don’t any of the franchises that are referenced (wish I was that genius), beside the characters I create.

ReinAndHalos · Anime & Comics
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22 Chs

Chapter 02 Welcome to the Working World Baby

The wheel finally stopped on [Pokemon], internally I couldn't help but to be excited. It also seems like GoR was also pleasantly surprised by the result as well, not entirely sure how a heavenly light can make expressions but hey that's outside my realm of understanding.

"What an interesting surprise it seems like the Goddess of Fortune favors you. I can tell this is something you've wanted. Well anywho, now comes my part, tell me boy what are your wishes for your journey? Keep in mind we might send you to other worlds beside your new home world. Don't take too long, or you might not get every wish."

I never in my wildest imagination thought I'd ever be in this situation. So with every last brain cell I had available to think of some 'good' wishes. With the little time at hand I decided on some and decided to wing, as I like to say momentai.

"For my first wish I want to have a partner that can follow me through everything, a Hisuian Zorua with the original zorua colors, unlimited potential for growth,being able to learn different moves from its original pool, and its own unique evolutions." I've always dreamed of having my own unique pokemon and zorua happens to be my favorite. He just nodded, taking that as permission to continue. I move on to my next wish.

"For my second wish I want an ideal body, with unlimited potential for growth, immune to disease and poison, resistant to extreme temperatures, enhanced mental facilities, and enhanced physical capabilities." Another great wish in my opinion, because I might not only be in the Pokemon world, and personal strength is important.

"For my third wish, I want to be able to use aura, but make it so it's usable for other systems of power like haki, nen, ki, etc." Just cause I'm in pokemon doesn't mean I can't start training other versatile abilities, granted I may never use them in my home world but you never know.

"For my fourth wish I want an eye ability that can scan both people and pokemon, allowing me to see its information and evolution requirements, and the ability can also show danger and fortune in colors." With this I can get an edge over my opponents by appraising their skills and stats. I can also increase my survival rate by being able to see danger with pseudo precognition.

As I was about to say my last wish he cut me off, "Alright that's enough out of you, your pretty lucky kid. Getting 4 wishes is quite a bit, some people end up with none. You made some interesting wishes. Nothing generic like sharingan, damn those Sasugay lovers. Well congratulations, you got what you wished for, but the more vague wishes we had to improvise on but you'll figure it out. That's part of the fun! So, I welcome you as one of the few beta testers for the new Pathfinder God-Quest or PGQ for short. As one of the users of this new system, you will get quests from different deities with rewards provided by them. While you can choose to ignore these… but if you lose the interest of the viewers, then you will be disconnected from the system. You may keep all the rewards you earned but you will lose any future rewards you may have gained. Also any vindictive viewer can sponsor some world resident to attack you as you will no longer be protected by the system. Well I've gone for long enough, sooooo, begone!"

With that GoR smacks the evil out of me and I'm yeeted across the cosmos to a new home…


In some region in the pokemon world, in a castle resides a nervous man awaiting news on the birth of his child. Unsure of what he should do with himself he chooses to bite his thumb while pacing in circles. That is until he hears an infant's cry and the voice of the doctor allowing him to enter. He is then greeted by the beautiful scene of his wife and child in a loving embrace. The doctor greets the man giving him the good news, "Congratulations Duke Ambrose your wife has successfully given birth to a healthy baby boy. There were no problems with the delivery, if you need anything else you need only send word." With that she leaves the family to their privacy.

Leaving a sweet mood between the family until the duke decides to speak. "Emilia, what should we name our son? I would make some suggestions but you know that my naming sense is awful."

"I've decided to name him in memory of my late father, his name will be Rían." Tearing up a bit as she's reminded of family who couldn't be with them at this moment. The melancholy was broken by a goofy husband who wanted to cheer up his grieving wife.

"It's a wonderful name love, I'm sure your father will be watching over him in heaven… Look! Little Rian is trying to cheer you up too. Just look at him smiling at you." The newborn baby as if feeling his mother's sorrow smiles trying to reach her face. Meanwhile the mother holds her baby close and silently sobs. The atmosphere filled with love and sorrow comes to a close as the little one slowly falls asleep in his mother's embrace.

~4 years later~

Looking out the window enjoying the morning ambiance I reminisce about my second life. I was very fortunate, not only to be born in a loving family, but because I didn't need to experience the awkwardness of being a helpless baby. I only formed my awareness a year after being born, and by then I could already move about on my own and communicate with my extremely limited vocabulary. I guess people in the pokemon world are just built different because my development didn't seem to phase my parents. That or it's just normal for our family, because according to my father's stories dragon blood runs through our veins. Apparently we are also royalty having been descended from the first king's family. Oh I guess I shouldn't gloss over details of where I have found myself in my second life. Apparently I was born in Hisui (aka Sinnoh) and my family is in one of the three major kingdoms that occupy the region. The Celestine Kingdom, the other two being the Pearl and Diamond Kingdom. I was a little disappointed to find out that I was possibly thousands of years from the start of Ash's adventure. There's also the relationships between humans and pokemon. I've confirmed that there are pokeballs in my current era, even though they are kinda shabby. Also only nobility and the army are allowed access to pokeballs. While common folk have pokemon they are mainly peaceful pokemon that live in harmony with each other.

Long story short having pokemon is more of a show of power, a deterrent of sorts. With most noble families investing in one or two pokemon typings. Research hasn't gone anywhere and information is mostly kept secret within families to be passed generation to generation. My family, the Ambrose family, a Dukedom of the Celestine Kingdom, specializes in dragon/ghost type pokemon. Well my father does at least, apparently my mother is from a ruined family that fled from the Pearl Kingdom. Her family specialized in dark/water pokemon. She's the last of her family as far as she knows. I know she carries a deep sorrow which I try to lighten. *Sigh* Why can't things be easy? Anyways, children of nobility get their first pokemon when they turn 10, this was mandated by a royal decree. A bummer it can't be sooner but I must have patience. In the meantime I'll go through my lessons and prepare for the future…

"Young master Rían, it is time for breakfast, the Lord and Lady are waiting." And like that my musings are over, but why can't I shake this dreadful feeling that something terrible is going to happen in the future?

When the young boy turned away, the once green aura in the horizon had a sliver of black appear…

I’m currently torn between making the story a harem or not. No solid plans on the romance yet till I decide this. However, I would appreciate your opinions in the comments of this chapter. Also can guys and girls just be friends?

ReinAndHaloscreators' thoughts