
Lost in our Youth

Without any resolve or motivation to move further with his life, Alastair Duncan, a failed author, is coerced by his imaginary delusions to recount the events of his previous book. The further he dives into his memories, however, the further down his life spirals into an abyss of self-hatred and confrontation with the man he once was.

Rudolph_Kirkland · Fantasia
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19 Chs


Looking back to the time where I first explained the beginning of the story, I recollected the certain part of the story where I must continue it from.

Toiling hard on foot, Sylvia, Mary, and Joseph marched on continuously night and day with barely any life within their flesh. With nothing but the clothes on their back and the bags of diminishing supplies in their arms, it might as well only be a matter of time until the three will die in the midst of walking. However, be it a miracle bestowed from Heaven or not, a divine discovery had been made that brought up the spirits of the three.

Two grand and massive manors were seen right along the path tread upon. After a few moments of rushing out of the forest, they were greeted with the land those two estates seemed to be in possession of. Both of these estates laid upon opposite sides of the road and were both well guarded with high fences and brick walls. Weirdly enough, both manors and the small buildings surrounding the area were eerily similar except in terms of color.

The three did not question anything at all as they approached the gates on both sides of the road. Within the purple estate, no one was seen in the front yard yet the interior lights indicated that there were people inside whilst within the green estate, A young woman was seen cleaning the front yard.

"Please, help us!" The children shouted to grab the woman's attention.

The woman was not permitted to let strangers into the estate but fortunately, she quickly turned around facing the front door and ran inside the manor to grab the owner's attention. Within a few minutes, the owner of the green manor had appeared before the three and greeted them with a warm smile. The owner, in particular, was a tall elderly woman who seemed to be quite athletic given her seniority. Similar to the manor, She also wore a viridian green dress and her eyes shined like emeralds.

"Oh, you poor things!" She exclaimed, "What kind of parent would abandon such beautiful jewels? Come now, I will have the three of you stay here for the night." The woman welcomed the children with open arms and thanked her maid.

The children smiled brightly to show their thanks but remained silent for the woman's towering stature had frightened them as she escorted them inside the mansion. Upon entering, their faces grew with fascination as they witnessed flower-patterned wallpapers, mesmerizing artworks, and intricately designed furniture. Within the enormous lobby of the mansion, rows of people were seen upon the second floor seemingly staring at the three unexpected guests walkabout in their home.

The woman clapped her hands twice and called for everyone who stood there watching to come downstairs to greet the children. The group of people rushed down immediately to the woman's call and presented themselves properly.

"Now, before I take care of you children, I should give you an introduction to who we are. My name is Edith Green and this place you stand inside of is The Manor of Green, our family home." She stood before the children as she spoke then showed off the people who stood behind her, "The ones you see here are my family, all of them being my sisters, brothers, nephews, and nieces." Once they had been introduced, the rest of the Green family did not speak or give their names since they knew how awfully lengthy their introductions would be. Instead, the family waved hello and smiled dearly towards the three.

"We thank you for your hospitality, Miss Green." Sylvia spoke first to break the awkward silence she kept, "May we ask where in this extravagant place can be used to bathe ourselves?"

"Of course, young lass." Edith immediately answered, "Gabriel! Theresa! Would you two be so kind as to escort our guests to the bathing rooms?" She waved her arm to signal those two to come forward and instantly, they followed her orders.

These two, Gabriel and Theresa Green, were one of the many nephews and nieces Edith had and were practically the same age and physique as Sylvia and her friends.

"Though we may not know your names yet, please feel free to live here as if this was your home as well." Edith smiled as she said, "During dinner, perhaps, we will have a more proper greeting."

The children smiled and nodded in return as they were guided towards the labyrinth that was the manor's interior. Throughout the many twists and turns within the hallways, not one of them exchanged any piece of dialogue with one another. Fortunately, Mary was able to muster up the courage to speak despite being usually silent at times.

"I like the colors of this place, it's very expressive." She complimented the two escorting them but no response was made. Mary felt slightly embarrassed that they did not answer her and in doing so, Mary tried to grab their attention again, "Might I ask about the purple manor across the street? Surely by now, it seems that your family does not own it." Unknowingly, Mary had struck a nerve between the two Green siblings but both Gabriel and Theresa sought to keep their composure whilst they traversed through the hallway.

"Obviously so" Theresa took charge and responded, "The Violet family owns that manor and if you wish to know further, we suggest that you do not talk about them at all."

"How come?" This time, Joseph intervened and became a part of the conversation.

Though it was wise for Mary to not talk about it further, Joseph's curiosity had caused the Green siblings to stop walking.

"It is because everyone in our family knows of the devils that live within the walls of that manor and the burdens those monsters place upon our home." Gabriel looked right into Joseph's eyes as he spoke.

Joseph felt ashamed but the group continued to find the bathing room once Gabriel finished speaking. Though his spirit had not been broken yet, Joseph became adamant in knowing more about the history between these two houses but he needed a more private area to discuss this matter with one of the Green family members. For Sylvia, though she had been silent throughout the time, she also thought it to be her obligation to know more of the Green family but she did not feel the need to ask a family member about it. As for Mary, she felt the urge to look over Joseph if he may cause an uproar against the Green family considering how easily he offended Gabriel and Theresa.

After a journey that seemed to have gone on for a span of minutes, the girls and boys separated into two bathrooms whilst the Green siblings who escorted them waited outside. In their private moment, the three decided to execute their separate plans. Sylvia immediately looked out the bathroom window and decided that she should use that window to traverse through the manor without being detected. Mary protested Sylvia's actions and attempted to dissuade her from leaving but once she knew her actions were futile, she sought to look after Joseph, that is if she can find a way to him. Joseph called Gabriel over for a conversation but once Gabriel's temper bursts one more time, it could spell Joseph's doom.

The three had gone off separate ways and their fates can only be unraveled one by one. Firstly, in Sylvia's endeavors, carefully treading off the ledge did not last for a long time. Once Sylvia had successfully managed to get to the next window to the right of the bathroom, she immediately entered the mansion again and promised herself to never try that again. Within this unoccupied bedroom that she had found herself in, she crept over to the large wooden door and carefully twisted its golden knob to open the door slightly. Her vision peeked out into the hallway and spotted Theresa to the right in the hallway. Fortunately enough, Theresa seemed to be occupied with a different room.

Once the hallway became free of other people, Sylvia sprang out of the room and quietly tread through the hallway attempting to enter other rooms for the sake of discovery. However, it appeared that all the other doors in the hallway had been locked shut and her only hope was to continue further down.

In the air of the manor, an enticing aroma roamed through and caught Sylvia's attention. How pleasant this scent must be for dinner, Sylvia thought and at the same time, she also thought it to be wise to keep herself twice as vigilant once the scent grew stronger. As the scent became thicker, so did the sounds of chewing and the faint candlelight grow brighter at the end of the hallway. To assure herself of any possible threats, Sylvia took another peek this time.

What lay before her was the rest of the Green family, dining happily and drinking merrily with one another. Though they may seem like a joyful family, the experiences in Mightily Stand had caused Sylvia and her friends to become significantly cautious of other people especially people who seem to carry secrets or grudges like the Green family. Amid their dining, something peculiar had caught Sylvia's thinking.

The scent of delicious food had turned into something unfamiliar to the nose. Upon closer investigation, the sides of the main dish that the family ate did not appear to be lamb, chicken, or even steak. Sylvia, consumed by her curiosity, stood up slightly and extended herself upward by standing on the tips of her toes to know just what exactly were they eating. Even on her toes, she could only see a vague shape of what it was and the food, in particular, appeared to be bigger than what she could have imagined it to be. For a small moment, she jumped into the air, and finally, she knew that these people had not been eating from an animal's flesh but from a human's.

As soon as her feet made contact with the floor, the small sound of the impact had made the voracious family vigilant. Edith stood up immediately to see what was disturbing her family from dining and caught Sylvia in the corner of the dining hall.

"Young lady? I thought you would be taking a bath as of this moment. Would you like a drink before I take you to the bath?" Edith spoke ever so casually as if she had not committed an atrocity, to begin with.

Sylvia could not gather her words properly into her mouth as she continuously gasped from the shock. The Green family, including Edith, felt disappointed as if this was not the first time a guest had unexpectedly seen what they do. The rest of the family turned their heads away from Sylvia whilst Edith walked over to her and held her shoulders firmly.

"I know that what you may see here may not be the appropriate thing a human being should do, but please, hear our cause." Edith pleaded with Sylvia, "The one you see here on our dining table is a member of our greatest enemy, The Violet Family who lives just across our street. Those devils who live so dangerously close to us have burdened our family for centuries with their acts of murder, rape, and violence. Would not our acts here be justified just as death is justified against a murderer?" Edith looked intently into Sylvia's eyes to let her know that every word was meant with serious motive.

"What? Justice? To what group of madmen would consider this as justice?" Sylvia almost stammered within her words for fear had taken a strong grip around her tongue.

"To anyone with a shred of understanding" Edith answered quickly and casually, "These people, be it they are mothers, fathers, or even children all deserve to die for as long as the Violet family lives, they carry the responsibility and purpose to oppress my family. Surely, you would understand our dilemma, wouldn't you, young lass?" As Edith tried to comfort Sylvia, the two slowly walked towards the table where Sylvia was given a seat.

Edith grabbed a fork and knife to cut off a bite-sized chunk from the human corpse. As the fork slowly approached Sylvia's mouth, her thoughts ran wild as if her thinking started to malfunction. It is true that once she knew of the affair between these two families, Sylvia prayed for peace to come between them one day but ultimately, she never knew how that peace could be achieved. Could it be through impartial judgment? Impossible, Sylvia thought, for both families have wronged each other greatly yet she had thought that a family who would offer their kindness to a stranger must be just and proper.

But what amount of kindness could cover up such an evil as murder and cannibalism? Who is to say what makes these actions evil in the first place? If the Violet family had oppressed them for so long and if the Green family sought it to be just to cannibalize them, is it not justice to grant unto the Violet family what they deserve? For if a resolution had not been reached in these past centuries, then the only solution is to pick up arms and annihilate those who stand in the way of a bright future.

Amid her thoughts, she had already chewed and eaten a piece of human flesh. The taste was not awful at all but rather, it tasted like a delightful home-cooked dinner. The children at the table looked at Sylvia with such childlike innocence and the grown-ups smiled at her as if they welcomed her into their family. Never before in Sylvia's life did she feel such welcoming air as wholesome as the Green family's. With an enlightened and joyful attitude, Sylvia happily asked for a plateful.

For the moment, we must not forget her two other friends, Joseph and Mary, whose thoughts about the Green family may differ from hers.

From the time Sylvia came out of the window, Joseph continuously irritated Gabriel with questions about the history between the Green and Violet families. For a while, it appeared as if a child continuously annoying a parent with his questions but soon, matters would escalate with Gabriel's short temper.

Gabriel, who has lost himself towards his anger, held Joseph by his collar and threw him outside the bathing room with great strength that Joseph was sent flying into another room. Gathering what little strength was present, Joseph attempted to assess his environment and his enemy to strategize his fighting plan. However, his thought process was abruptly interrupted once he was able to properly see what was surrounding him in the room. It was the colors of crimson red and an indigo purple that filled the room rather than the usual viridian green that conquered the manor's walls. From the ceiling, there hung many purple coats all dripping with blood. It did not take long for Joseph to connect the ownership of these coats to the manor across the street. The terrified boy stood up and even though fear had shaken his body, his resolve burned with rage. Gabriel the brute had finally entered the same room as Joseph and the two were prepared to fight with all of their vigors.

The first to engage was Joseph, who had picked up two small pieces of sharp wood from the broken door. With a great speed that was seemingly tantamount to Gabriel's inhumane strength, Joseph dashed towards Gabriel and attempted to stab both pieces of wood into the enemy's eyes yet only one eye was taken out. Unfortunately for Joseph, his left hand was held captive to Gabriel's grip strength. Though he had only one eye to see with, Gabriel was overjoyed to see the terror in his enemy's eyes as Joseph continuously fought for his freedom in vain.

Monster, devil, demon, hellspawn, murderer, sadist, and animal – these were the names that Joseph shouted against Gabriel as he punched and kicked his enemy knowing full well it would only mean a wasteful expense to his stamina.

"You are free to what to call us what you wish, but know this, in the history between the Green family and Violet family, we have always fallen victim to the Violets. Acts of murder and other serious crimes are but the smallest deeds the Violet family deserves. If you continue to fight, then I will have you beheaded the same way as we do to all Violets who fall into our hands." Gabriel spoke effortlessly despite the blood spewing out of his deformed eye socket.

Joseph made no reply with words, but rather, pushed the piece of wood further into Gabriel's head with a swift swing of his head that collided with his opponent. Gabriel had now been defeated and was left as a lifeless corpse upon the floor. Theresa, who was not bothered by their conflict in the first place, came quickly to check up on her brother only to discover that he was now dead.

Joseph took advantage of Theresa's shock and ran as fast as he could through the hallways of the Green manor to find the exit. With only a few minutes of retracing steps, Joseph successfully escaped the Green manor and sought refuge in the Violet manor that was just across the street.

The lonesome boy shouted for help as the terrors from the Green manor continued to creep into his mind and made him forget of his friends who were still inside. Fortunately for him, his cries were heard and answered as a tall, slender woman opened the front door and approached the gate to confront Joseph.

"Oh, you poor thing!" The woman made an eerily similar exclamation, "What kind of parent would abandon such a precious jewel? Come now, I will have you cleaned and clothed." Though her words were similar to Edith's, Joseph felt comfort and responsibility towards the Violet family knowing that they might be the real victims of the two families' conflict.

"The Green family…" Joseph spoke as he was escorted, "The Green family has my friends in their home still, is there anything I could do to help them?" He looked into the woman's eyes as he spoke like a child begging for food.

"I see, it seems that you are aware of the history between our families." The woman was surprised by Joseph's knowledge but was reassured knowing that she may have gained an ally, "Then we will wage a battle with them tonight young man, my name is Esther Violet, head of the family, and you are?" Esther had made an adamant decision to battle against the Green family easily.

"You may call me Joseph, miss." Joseph introduced himself.

"Well, Joseph, once you clean yourself and have your share of dinner, why not make yourself a member of the family for tonight?" Esther gladly offered Joseph to be a part of the Violets and he instantly accepted.

The interior of the Violet manor was practically the same as compared to the Green manor with the only difference being that the walls and attire of the family members were of an indigo purple color. The Violets bathed and clothed Joseph as they said they would and even gave him a seat at the dinner table. The food was the same as the Green family had, that being, a human corpse.

At first, Joseph initially opposed eating it but once Esther told him that the body belonged to the Green family, the traumas he received from the Green manor's room crept into his mind again. Consumed and blinded by his anger against the Green family's atrocities, Joseph ate of the corpse wholeheartedly and willingly ignored the crimes that the Violets have committed since he also thought that their actions were justified.

As two of three friends had picked their sides in the conflict, it was now time to know what Mary had done and what she thought of the conflict.

At the moment that Sylvia had left through the window, Mary, alone in the bathing room, felt the need to reunite with either Sylvia or Joseph. Since she knew the dangers of traversing on a ledge, Mary prioritized making contact with Joseph first. Putting her ear against the wall, Mary attempted to listen to know if Joseph was fine.

At first, she heard chattering coming from Joseph's voice but it was soon silenced and followed with a loud thud. Mary felt the obligation to run and save Joseph from whatever had befallen him. However, to her dismay, It appeared that the door of the bathing room was kept shut by some powerful barricade. The force that kept her from Joseph appeared to be Theresa Green who put one foot against the door, utilizing her monstrous strength as well.

Though an immovable object was placed upon her path, Mary's will was still unwavering and firm as she continuously threw herself against the door until it was destroyed. Theresa did not feel the need to fight Mary whilst she hurled herself against the door, rather, she remained extremely calm thinking that Mary's body will break before the door. However, this was not the case, for Mary had successfully broken the upper half of the wooden door and violently clawed the outside of it to know what was blocking her way out.

Theresa was taken aback once she had seen what used to be a silent girl fight for her way like a caged beast. Mary, on the other hand, successfully opened the door but once Theresa realized that Mary had actually destroyed a part of her family home, Theresa kicked Mary back into the bathing room with immense power.

Mary's body became barely functional as pain made its presence into every muscle and bone. Whilst her brother, Gabriel, fought violently, Theresa was the sibling who prioritized keeping the manor's cleanliness whilst using her barbaric strength. Knowing that another strike would damage the bathroom tiles, Theresa put Mary's head in between her hands so that she may hear what words were left before she would kill Mary.

"How is this possible?" Mary quietly spoke as she coughed blood, "Surely, you and your family are genuine Sons of Adams and Daughters of Eve?" Mary was confused and frightened by the Green family's power yet it seemed that she had completely forgotten the power she held during her small adrenaline rush.

"By flesh and blood, we are the same as you; but by belief, we are strangers to each other." Theresa answered, "By belief, no one would help us in exacting our vengeance against the Violets because what we did was 'inhumane'. Tell me, sister, Why is it so wrong to seek justice for one's self?" The wild vigor that infected her physical strength soon took hold of her mental stability as she spoke.

"If it goes against the laws of morality, would it not even be considered as justice in the first place?" Mary spoke softly as to comfort Theresa.

"But why, why must we toil on into this world and follow these laws put upon us by others? What is there to gain from following the precepts and statutes of madmen? This thing called morality, why must it torture us by denying what our flesh desires the most? If we are to take the lives of cattle and plants for our lives, would it not also be 'moral' to take the lives of whom we despise?" Theresa began applying pressure upon the sides of Mary's head, "Look at me, I tell you, look and gaze upon the being that has abandoned these things of morality. The pinnacle of human capabilities stands before you, sister, and the only thing that had given me this strength was my hatred, anger, and the flesh of my enemies." To herself, Theresa thought that her mental health was perfectly sound, but to Mary, she was aware of the demons that had possessed her captor.

Out of her desperation, Mary spat into Theresa's left eye for the small chance of escape. Theresa violently reacted but fortunately, Mary was set free from her painful squeeze. However, a loud thud that caused a small vibration on the floor had caught the attention of both girls.

Theresa became the first to respond as she immediately ran out to investigate with her other functioning eye and was soon devastated to see the corpse of her brother, Gabriel, upon the floor. Unbothered by her irritated eye, Theresa attended to Gabriel thinking that he may still be alive. Unfortunately for her, it took only a few seconds to realize that he had already passed away and an even longer time to accept the loss of his life.

Mary, on the other hand, did not feel the obligation to comfort Theresa nor did she have any plans on staying inside the manor any moment further. As Mary slowly stepped backward, the floorboards creaked and Theresa immediately shifted her teary-eyed gaze towards Mary.

"For centuries, the Violets have despised us while we were but an innocent family of farmers. If you do not understand our way of life then so be it, leave and never come back." Theresa stated boldly to Mary and even allowed her to leave.

"My friends may still be roaming around within this house, might I ask that you may give me enough time to find them?" Mary asked politely as to avoid worsening Theresa's temper.

"No, if you wish to live long and fruitful, I urge you to leave before I exact my vengeance upon the Violets." Theresa sternly replied.

"How unreasonable, we don't even know if it was them that murdered your brother." Though she had been warned, Mary attempted to calm Theresa's insanity.

"Do not persuade me to take matters differently, sister, I know it deep within my heart that it was them and nothing can stop us from avenging the ones they have taken away from our family." Theresa walked past Mary as she spoke.

"Us?" Mary thought to herself in her silence. She had then realized just how much damage Theresa was willing to pay back.

Dread was the feeling that had shaken Mary's whole body but her loyalty towards her friends kept her body active still. Knowing that both houses may go to war, Mary devised a plan wherein she would wait outside the manor and sneak back inside once the Green family heads out into war. Though it would have been much more beneficial to convince both families to lay down their arms, it had been made clear that their hardened hearts can no longer be touched with tender love.

Hastily, she sought the exit first and once she finally found the outdoor world again, she immediately started her search for a proper hiding place. The road was almost bare but fortunately, Mary hid in between two bushes that were just located right outside the walls of the Green manor. Mary stayed within those bushes for a few hours until the moon had risen to its highest point. It was now time for the three friends to be reunited once again.

Both manors had their doors flung wide open and out from the interior came the two menacing rival families. Mary paid close attention to both families to keep herself unseen from their eyes.

"I see that your vile practices have branched out to the influence of young innocent children, Edith, how many more do you plan to radicalize with your insane beliefs?" Esther Violet stated boldly.

"Silence your false accusations, Esther, we know of your horrid actions against our family's precious Gabriel, and we will not retreat until your family pays with the blood of ten." Edith Green made her accusations and statements known as well.

The two families stood silently like statues whilst the howling winds and moonlight dominated the night. Mary thought this would have been the ideal opportunity to sneak back into the Green manor but she as well stayed in place like stone the moment she laid eyes upon a familiar face. It was Joseph who was clad in the Violet family's attire and stood alongside the Violets as if he belonged to them.

To her surprise, the bushes she hid in were shaken violently and had caught the attention of Esther Violet. By keeping her eyes off of her enemy for only a fraction of a second, Edith Green took this incredibly small opportunity to strike Esther down with a sword whilst she was distracted. It was then in that moment that both families began their outrageous fight to satiate their own separate senses of justice. Weapons and blood went flying into the air whilst the screams and warcries of both families exploded the eardrums of anyone who was near.

In the midst of battle, Mary surveyed the area to find her friends. Thankfully, Joseph was still alive and present, however, it seemed that he was in a fight of his own. Sylvia, who was clad in the Green family's clothes, was Joseph's unexpected opponent. It was heartbreaking for Mary to see her most beloved friends fight between themselves but she knew that things would worsen exponentially if she had not taken action.

Beginning with small and light steps, Mary attempted to sneak her way around the battlefield in order to catch her friends. As the sounds of metal clanging together and the scent of blood and sweat plagued the area, Mary managed to run past the people fighting and kept her injuries to a minimum as she moved. Sylvia and Joseph were tackled to the ground by Mary's arms as she embraced her quarreling friends.

"What has happened to the both of you?" Mary interrogated them despite the ongoing battle.

"I could ask the same thing to Joseph, why have you pledged your alliance to voracious and violent Violets?" Sylvia openly accused Joseph out of her anger.

"What of it? Why do you treat my association with them like it was a terrible evil? If it were not for the Green family's crimes against them since hundreds of years ago, they would have not resorted to these terrible actions as self-defense." Joseph responded.

"Lies, it was the Violets who have done evil to the Green family first, can't you see that they have manipulated history to their own benefit?" Sylvia's rage grew stronger and eventually turned her words into violence as she attempted to strike Joseph.

Out of her love for both of them, Mary stood in the way of Sylvia and let herself take upon the pain inflicted by Sylvia. Both of Mary's friends felt shameful and stopped arguing for her sake. Before things could be resolved amongst the three of them, the world they stood upon began to shake.

Everyone lost their balance and fell helpless upon the soil. The farmlands that both families worked hard to create were destroyed and the manors they lived in were eaten by the world. Out from the cracks, there came a giant beast covered in scales and was tall enough that its horns could almost reach the clouds. The creature's physique was similar to that of a human's and possessed three heads that were of lions. The heads of this creature were not covered in scales like the rest of the body but rather with a lion's natural fur. Out of each head, there was always one horn that emerged from its forehead and was aimed upwards to Heaven.

With powerful and piercing eyes, the beast stared downwards at the people who were fighting and let out a disappointed sigh.

"For centuries, the two of you have continued to fight between yourselves and now it seems that hope and peace are nowhere to be found." The beast stated in a sullen and deep voice.

"And who are you to know of this?" Esther shouted against the beast, completely consumed by her anger that she had forgotten how capable the beast was in killing her.

"I am the one who had given this land to your ancestors in the first place." The beast kept his patience towards Esther, "When it was but only the two of your fathers who dwelt here, I felt ensured that I have found two stewards who would take care of this land. But I was horribly mistaken, as small arguments over trivial things like cattle grew, your fathers resorted to stealing from one another and eventually murdering cattle, workers, and family members. I know this to be true for though I have dwelled deep within this world, I have witnessed these things through the eyes of nature." The beast stated.

"Yet why have you emerged above ground now? Surely, your emergence unto this place here has made this land appear to be a wasteland." Edith asked as if she was testing the beast's authority.

"And it will appear as if it was hell's landscape once I am finished with you." The beast directly stated to Edith, "For far too long, I have given both of your clans time to recuperate the bond you once shared. Now, your hatred for each other has blinded your spirits for so long that you disguise murder as morality and let it become a part of your identities. The time of justice has arrived, nature shall be avenged." Once the beast had finished its words, the horns from all three heads grew brightly and called down two pillars of fire from Heaven.

These two divine and frightening pillars landed upon both Esther Violet and Edith Green, the heads of both families, and expanded its radius so as to consume both estates with its fiery doom. Fortunately for Mary and her friends, they were the ones furthest from the expanding pillars and had already begun running for their lives the moment Esther and Edith screamed with all of their agony, life, and despair.

As fast as they were, the fiery flames would soon overcome their humane speeds yet thankfully, a fourth friend had come to their rescue. It was Theresa Green who had caught up with them. However, none of them had enough time to react as Theresa instantly grabbed Sylvia and Joseph by the collar and threw them as far as she could away from her home.

"What have you done to them?!" Mary shouted towards Theresa just before it was her turn to be thrown.

"Do not fret, sister, I have thrown them far enough to be safe but not high enough to suffer from any injury." Said Theresa, "I let my own anger blind me as the beast said, I know to myself that I can not seek forgiveness from the Violets and I am not so certain if you can forgive me for hurting you. I know, however, that I can fix the crimes I have done towards you so please, live on and forget about this place." As she spoke, she lifted up Mary by the collar and prepared to throw her where she threw her other friends.

"To live, that I can accomplish thanks to you, but to forget this place would mean that I would have to forget about you, Theresa. Though I may keep to myself most of the time, I also dearly keep the memories of my precious friends." Mary had made her farewell to Theresa and she was finally launched towards Sylvia and Joseph.

All was well with Mary until she had realized Theresa never even knew her name.

For a brief moment, Mary extended her hand out towards Theresa as if she could save her from the fire but all hope was lost when Theresa was finally consumed by the fire that punished her anger.

With a rough landing, Mary had finally been reunited with her friends and continued their journey burdened with the memory of Theresa Green and her brief moment of kindness. As for what has become of the two families, the beast had finally succeeded in destroying everyone and everything that dwelt in the land. Though its purpose was to guard the land, the beast eventually reconstructed the soil, trees, rivers, and ponds that originally dwelt upon the land for three whole days.

Once the three had walked a far distance to the point where the hellish land could no longer be seen, a large cart dragged by two horses was seen passing by the three. The driver asked about their situation and offered them a ride within his cart in exchange for their services in helping him with his "business". Though they had no other choice but to accept or decline his suspicious offer, the three accepted to ride with the man knowing that they will need a good amount of rest and an efficient method of transportation more than they need to be susceptible of people.