
The search

At the cliff*

"I think we'll need some men to go down there, sir Roman"

"No I'll go down and who ever want to come can come"

The guards looked at each other trying to figure out if anyone was going to followed, even if they didn't want too he was still a prince and they did not have any authority to deny him.

Cam followed voluntarily, he wanted to be a good friend by helping Roman out and Roman was please to see someone he could trust.

Cam and Roman climb down, while some off the guards held the rope.

They drop down and began looking in opposite direction. Roman found a peice of cloth from April dress, and called Cam over to analyze it. After reaching to a conclusion they had the same idea of what could had possibly happened to April.

"Quick let go back to the Castle I need to speak with the Queen mother", his face filled with bitterness

"Mother how could you he, yelled while entering the castle doors

"What now son, she replied

"How could you use wind magic on April making her fall

"What with you and these wild accusations, she sternly answer

"Did you or did you not try to kill April he said furiously

Yes but I did it for you son" ~emphasis on the you

With that he left he couldn't bare to see his own mother any longer.

But this wasn't the end of his mother evil dead's. She had already appointed someone to spy on her son and if there was to be any traces of April being alive he was to kill her on the spot.

The searching continued and they had located a few kingdoms where she might had ended up.

Brisk, a winter type kingdom

Allou, the kingdom of dragons

Whas, the kingdom there currently at war with

"Hopefully she's not in Whas, it dangerous to even step foot in there and I hear the people there are worse than monsters, Cam said.

"There nothing to worry about April can scare any monster" Roman said still a little worried.