

"How did I survive from a fall like that, I said in wonder.

Anyways without knowing how I was just glad to be alive. I sat there for a while, it looked like I wound up in a field and I just stood there recalling memories of what had happened, memories of Roman. I new I had to find a way back to him I just didn't know how?

I walked for a few miles until I stumbled across a nice looking village. I thought it would be safer for me to stay in a Inn because of how beat up I was, and luckily the Inn was free. I was pretty settled in and although seem pretty clam on the outside I was totally freaking out. One second I was being purpose to and the next I'm falling. What if I'd died and was it really a accident, cause how could the wind suddenly pick up like that. I was totally losing it when I caught this guy stirring at me. I couldn't really see him well because off how far he was sitting from me but I could totally see his hair. The ginger color was so out there, and so different from my blonde colored hair that it was the first thing that caught my eye. I noticed he wasn't coming up to confront or talk to me so I decided to avoid his he's gaze.

When I was thinking of ways to get in contact with Roman bunch of brutes came in the Inn I could see that the really handsome guy left and I was pretty sure I should do the same, and quickly. But it was too late one of them had already spotted me.

"Come over here mama he said."

Trying not to cause a scene I walked over obediently.

"Oo she a pretty one, another man hollered back to him.

There were three of them,

"Three against one, I thought to myself. Even if they were armed with weapons I was still confident in skills.

I managed to angered them by not listening to their disgusting request.

Two carried swords and there was one magic user between them. I swung a few punches then a kick. I may have been a princess who was soon to be queen but I had a lot of knight training growing up, making me stronger than the average man. I grabbed one of the swords and stabbed the magician with it and after taking care of the last one I ran out of there leaving the people in awe.