
Lord of the war

In the pages of history there is mystery, and it has not disappeared forever from the pages of history, and this is what makes horror present and eternal Who is the enemy? Who is the ally? In the twentieth century, at the beginning of the industrial revolution, the hero of our story, Hermes Joe Radicar, rises from the ruins of an ancient war battle in order to impose his dominance and the beginning of his legend

TRAYND · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
16 Chs

the Silver canine

In one of the bars in the bustling city of Zapheth. Hermes sat on the bar stool. Behind him were many loud men

Hermes asked the waiter, who are these loud people ?

The waiter replied, quietly wiping the cups.

These are members of the Silver Fang mercenary. Silver Fang ?

The waiter noticed Hermes' expression and said, "You seem new in town.

You can say this.

The waiter looked at Hermes with a cold expression and said that the Silver Fang mercenary was an average mercenary in the city whose members were famous for their brutal fighting abilities

They have few strong achievements

Heh, mercenary, huh ? Hermes spoke and said who is their leader.

The waiter smiled. He's in front of you !

Hermes was shocked.He looked at the waiter and found a sarcastic smile at him that almost made Hermes fall from his seat

Is the bar yours too.For you, fang ?

The waiter smiled and said, "You can say this, boy

Hermes responded and said to the waiter, "Can I become a member with you.

Suddenly. There was a lot of laughter in the bar.

Everyone seemed to laugh at Hermes, which made him a little angry

The handsome waiter with silver hair and black eyes spoke

And he said, 'All shut up !

Suddenly a fierce and crazy aura erupted into the bar, making everyone remain silent

Boy, you're too young to join a group like ours.Find something that suits you !

Hermes responded with a cold look and said, "I am more than suitable for a group like yours

Hey. The commander smiled and said, Do you know what to say, boy ?

Hermes responded with a laugh and said more than you know!

Suddenly the waiter burst out laughing and said, "Good, good, boy"

I have a mission to assign to you. If you succeed, I will include you in our group. What do you think ?

I agree

Hermes responded with a serious expression


There is a low mission about a criminal man who stole a rich woman's money and went out of town.

Suddenly the leader placed a picture of a strong man, but he had harsh expressions

It's this, can you arrest him ?

Hermes stood until he reached the door, then turned to them and said

12 hours is enough for this purpose


The leader looked at Hermes' shadow and said, "Oooh. This boy is interesting

Well let's see what he has

In a very huge and noble council there was a council consisting of 7 people and they were all looking at one person

Apparently this person was bringing bad news.

What happened with our search party, Seth

One of the people sitting on the meeting chairs spoke

He was a person with beautiful features and noble red hair

Did they find the eye ?

No sir, they did not find it

He spoke to a person with pale features, a noble face, short black hair, and a strong aura. So what did they find on their journey ?

The news carrier spoke with a sad and worried expression, gentlemen, in fact, they have found their doom !

What !. What are you saying, expressions of shock and anxiety rang out in the faces of all the people at the table

The news carrier quickly responded to them and said that only 22 men had returned from our delegation of 100 men !

Everyone got up and spoke quickly: Is Sebastian not back either ?

With a sad look from the news carrier, he said that Commander Sebastian died a hideous death on a trip to explore the Castle of Blood !

How could this happen. They were all shocked, the meeting led them all, and one of them said towards the news bearer

Seth !

Tell us the story of the mission in detail !

Okay sir.

Somewhere outside the city, Hermes was running fast and looking for the thief

According to the little information I obtained, this person was seen at noon today on the western side of the city, going to a village 50 km from the city

Well not too far !

After an hour and a half:

I've arrived !

Hermes entered the village and found that the village's residents were killed by hunger, and that their condition was deplorable

The world has never changed, the strong still live the noble life

The weak live the livelihood of the poor

Well, if the weak are born under a strong wing, they will live better than these people

Hermes walked around. Suddenly a boy bumped into him and said, "Excuse me, Hermes didn't care about what he said", and walked forward.

He seemed to think I was rich and wanted to rob me.

Their condition seems a little sad.

Hermes widened his gaze and suddenly found the thief.

He seems to be a national hero.

Hermes laughed internally at the theft of a rich man's money and donating it to his poor fellow countrymen that this was a bit sad

Well, I will wait until they go to sleep and kidnap him from among his poor people

When everyone went to sleep, Hermes walked quietly through the village until he reached the thief's house and slowly opened the door so that no one would notice him.

He opened the door and looked at the thief, who had two children and a beautiful woman next to him

He laughed internally and said that you must suffer in this world without your father. So. I must free you.

Suddenly Hermes raised his hands and there was a knife between each finger

In the blink of an eye, all the knives entered the heart of the thief and his family, causing them to die a very horrific death

After confirming their quiet death, Hermes jumped up, picked up the thief, and left the room. He started running quickly until he left the village and reached the city.

This has been a very long time.

Hermes walked around until he reached the bar and entered it and made everyone look at the thief with surprised looks

You ! Did you find it ?

Actually yes Hermes smiled

Amazing. Wonderful, the noise inside his melodies was filled and they started saying crazy people in his melodies

Commander, make it organize for our mercenaries, it looks interesting !

The commander left cleaning the cups and approached Hermes calmly and monotonously, then said, "You may be imprisoned accompanying us, boy.

Hermes smiled and said I don't care

The commander was surprised by Hermes' serious looks and said, Boy, what is your name.

Hermes replied and said my name is Gray !

Welcome, Gray, to our mercenaries.

Mercenaries. " Silver Fang "

Everyone shouted and said let's celebrate our new member !

The bustle of the Silver Fang Pub was filled and everyone was celebrating in Gray as if he were a new brother

After the party ended, everyone went to the second floor above the bar to sleep.

Gray was going with them, and a mercenary member directed him to his room.

This is your room, Gray. My name is Seal. Your mercenary colleague.

Seale looked like a young man in his twenties who started out with a handsome face with beautiful features and curly black hair

OK, thank you very much. Sil

Gray entered the room and found that it was a very small room containing a small bed. He entered the room, changed his clothes, and went to sleep