
Lord of the war

In the pages of history there is mystery, and it has not disappeared forever from the pages of history, and this is what makes horror present and eternal Who is the enemy? Who is the ally? In the twentieth century, at the beginning of the industrial revolution, the hero of our story, Hermes Joe Radicar, rises from the ruins of an ancient war battle in order to impose his dominance and the beginning of his legend

TRAYND · Fantasy
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16 Chs

Leaving the forest

At midnight, when the moon appeared and the sun disappeared

And everyone went to sleep, Hermes was sitting in front of him

A burning fire, immersed in thought

Hey, the world has changed to think that my ancestral empire collapsed, and who?

From just a middle empire and a few small, weak countries that are negligible

It's ridiculous

He laughed a little and said, "Well, it seems that they have become very strong, and a king or an influential person was born in that era who led them toward glory

I'm curious about world history in the past few centuries

Suddenly! The commander looked at Hermes and said, "It looks like you haven't slept yet

Are you afraid of the one waiting for you in town?

Hermes laughed and said no, but I think about the members of my convoy and what happened to them. Do you think I might find them in town?

Who knows? You may or may not find them. But raise your ambitions. We live in a chaotic world full of changes!

Yesterday may not be like today and today may not be like yesterday, we cannot predict the events of this world!

Hermes laughed inside and said that's what makes it interesting

Hermes replied to him and said life can be harsh sometimes

The leader looked at him and said, "You may be cruel all the time!

Hermes looked at the leader with a normal expression and said, "It seems that you have suffered in this world"

The commander laughed and looked at the fire with a cold expression, then said, Boy, you must sleep!

OK. Hermes replied and left for his tent and went to sleep


Well, shall we go to our destination? The commander spoke and the convoy succeeded him

The knights responded to him and said yes, Commander

So let's go!

The caravan set off and Hermes was on a small, brown horse, deep in thought!

Now what should I do

After all, I've lost my power!

And Heminati's journey seems to be a bit harsh

Well, it seems that the city of Zapheth meets my requirements, but it is dangerous

There must be many "Cyverania" users there!

This is what makes it interesting: Hermes laughed inwardly and looked coldly at the horizon

It will be my first stop!


At the sunset, Hermes was on board the horse-driven carriage, sitting deep in thought

There is little left until we reach the city

Sigh. Changes in the current civilization of the world will be an obstacle for me

Well, it seems that the fifth era ended with the rise of the United Empire and the fall of the empire of my ancestors

What happened after this was the birth of world order in Middle-earth

The world order provides for peace and competition "

So that the users of Cyphrania compete with each other

In major world championships to know the strongest

The most powerful people are taken by international organizations to work for them or by the four largest families

We are, of course, at the beginning of the era called the Bronze Age, the era of industrial advancement, as there are advanced weapons, advanced homes, and a fully developed world

The city we are going to is a higher city subject to the authority of the Grand Court

The Grand Court is a large council consisting of 5 senior kings who preside over the council and manage the affairs of the United Empire


The city has an academy to educate the youth of the empire

How to control Sporania and guide future generations

But there are conditions, including that you be under the shadow of an organization or family, or at least there is a recommendation that I have

Unfortunately, I do not meet this condition!

What a hassle

From my appearance, it looks like I am a seventeen-year-old young man

But who knows that I have reached 300, not counting the past thousand years!

My head might explode from thinking.

Hermes got up and found that the sun had already set and got off the carriage to walk with the pedestrians

He looked at one of the knights and said, Dude.

How much do we have left to reach the city?'

The knight responded with a friendly expression about half a day later.

There's not much left. With a cold look, Hermes looked at the horizon

The convoy stopped for a while for rest and dinner.

Hermes was sitting next to the leader while they were mostly eating, Hermes and the leader were deep in thought.

Hermes looked at the leader and said

May I ask?

The commander looked at Hermes and said yes.

Can I become a knight like you?

The leader's expression became dull and he smiled and said, "Do you think everyone is capable of this

No. Hermes responded with a normal expression

The leader smiled and said, "Then do you think you can become one?"

Yes, Hermes responded with a serious expression

Young enthusiasm huh?

Boy, the path of knights is difficult and harsh, and you may be forced to kill yourself or your colleagues

Hermes laughed internally and said, "I have no hesitation in killing you all here and now.

Hermes responded to the leader's words and said that if I had the strength, I might not have been forced

The leader laughed with a cold and sarcastic expression and said, "I had the same thinking as you until I faced my helplessness, despair, and fear at the same time

Is your path that difficult?

Unfortunately yes!

Hermes looked towards the fire and sighed

Suddenly the leader spoke and said: Are you surprised by anything?


Look at the convoy and our number

It's enough for 100 people but there are only 22 people here

Hermes responded and said it was surprising

With a serious expression, Hermes turned to the leader: Did anything happen before you met me?

Heh, something? Many things have happened.

While we were resting in a place near the Arav Forest

There was a knight with us and an engaged knight.

Unfortunately, their skulls were blown away by a human demon we encountered


Who is this person, how was he, and why is he doing this Hermes responded so quickly

The commander replied and said, Who knows?

At that time, we faced our helplessness, which we were evading

This person was aiming for one thing!

Something? What is it? Hermes replied

The commander said, "I cannot tell you, but it is a dangerous weapon that we found in one of the ancient ancient cities

Hermes replied and said: That person attacked you for this mysterious purpose


He is not human, how can a creature buy this matter

The leader sighed and said, "This is what makes our path harsh

Boy, pay attention in your life.

You may face what you do not want to face.

Seeing the leader's shadow as he was going to the tent, Hermes laughed and said: What do I not want to direct?

You've encountered things that might turn your soul gray as you give me advice, you scum?

But despite that, his words caught my attention

What is this thing they found?

What was the cause of the death of most of their caravan?

It also seems that this is not the real leader

It seems that the leader of this convoy has died and this person remains to be his representative for the time being

Interesting. Hermes smiled and went to sleep

Under a sunny view, the city of Zeifth was seen a few kilometers away

The appearance of the caravan was a little pale, but they were happy at the connection, one of them danced, one of them cried, and one of them looked coldly towards the city.

Well, this is our last meeting.

Goodbye, boy. The commander went and bid farewell to Hermes at the entrance gate.

Hermes sighed and said, "I'm back to work alone again

This sounds interesting.

Hermes entered the city and was surprised by the way it was designed

The city was surrounded by a giant wall protecting it, and there was a wall whose end could never be seen due to the city's size. In the middle of the city was a giant white tower bearing two horns, and between the two horns a crescent sign was found with a strange rune word

Around the tower, there were many houses made in a very beautiful, imaginative way.

Hermes walked forward with a serious expression and said

So shall we start?