
Lord Of The Undead

Dying of cardiac arrest on a sunny afternoon, Reck thought that was the end of life. Until he found himself transmigrated into the body of a younger man. The worst part of it all was that the world to which he had been transported was going through its second phase of an apocalypse. Gifted with superpowers and faced with terrifying beasts and even worse humans, Reckless had to learn how to survive. But the question was... How?

Tiff_Lin · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
17 Chs

The devil behind the unfortunate of the disabled Registrar

Reckless coughed incessantly, his face turning ghastly pale, and Rhea casually waved her slender hand, making the darkness disappear.

Rhea didn't seem to be affected by the choking smoke, unlike Reckless. She looked perfectly fine.

"What the hell is that?" Reckless coughed, tears shedding from his eyes as he gazed up at her.

"A skill, of course."

"D*mn it," he stood up, couldn't resist cursing again, and walked outside. Rhea followed him.

They joined the queue where a large number of Awakened had lined up to register their names. Reckless could feel countless mostly men' stares fixed on the woman beside him, hungry gazes following her every movement.

Rhea was nonchalant as she softly said something to Reckless, to which he gave her a glare. She covered her mouth, giggling slightly, which further drew the men's attention.

Reckless had also noticed her becoming even prettier. And also, he had subconsciously held some dislike for being watched by people, but right now, even though he wasn't the one they were staring at it, he felt slightly uncomfortable.

He glanced at her and whispered softly, "You should smile less in the future."

She stuck out her tongue. "Is it my fault for being pretty when I smile?"

Reckless truthfully shook his head. "No, but it would be better if you could curb your narcissism. I heard that it is a serious illness."

She shrugged and folded her arms. "Whatever, I am just speaking the truth."

Reckless could only helplessly shake his head.

Since almost all the Awakened had come for registration, it would take a while before it reached Reckless and Rhea's turn. They were waiting patiently when an Awakened who had finished his registration walked towards them with a bottle of cold water and shyly handed it to Rhea.

"I thought you might be thirsty, so I brought you this..." His voice lowered towards the end.

"Thanks, but I'm not thirsty," Rhea politely rejected him.

The smile on the man's face froze as he nodded and retracted his hand. "Oh... I see, sorry."

Then he quickly arranged his face into a smile again. "Would you like to come and sit in the shade? The hot sun isn't good for someone with tender skin like you."

Rhea shook her head again. "No, thanks. It will be my turn soon."

At her constant refusal, the man could only nod and give a perfect smile before walking away.

"Your woman is getting better at dealing with this," a soft hoarse voice sounded.

Reckless and Rhea turned to look at the person, even though Reckless could guess who he was already. It was his neighbor, Kenneth.

Kenneth was a good-looking man with blonde hair and striking golden eyes, and his face and tall stature complemented his handsome appearance. Not many interacted with him due to the way he carried himself. His face was always lazy, and no one had ever seen him smile – he rarely talked too.

According to rumors circulating about him, it was said that he was the heir of a rich man before the apocalypse. However, his father's company went bankrupt a month before the apocalypse, and the news about it had spread widely.

Many paid interest to this, after all, the Hawk family was a family whose popularity could rival even a C-list actor's. They were at the cream of the crop, and their 19-year-old heir was someone that every romance novel lover could imagine as the male lead of some hot CEO in a novel.

After the bankruptcy incident, not many knew where Kenneth had disappeared to. Well, who actually cared – until they found him in the same ship as them.

Not many want to talk to him. Some felt it was unnecessary, some thought it was troublesome, while some were waiting for the once proud son of the heaven to come and greet them first.

But Kenneth was always oblivious to this. He was silent, and you could rarely see him walking outside.

Reckless still remembered vividly how they had met for the first time.

Kenneth was admiring the flowers – an action that, however you looked at it, Reckless found boring. Kenneth was being mocked by some men who stood by the door, commenting as if no one was there.

"Isn't that the Hawk's heir?" the first man had asked, curiosity in his voice.

"Hawk's heir?" the second man mocked. "More like Chick's heir."

"You seem to have something against him," the first man had said again before he added, "Why is he still behaving arrogantly even after he was in this state, huh?"

"Well, maybe because he's an Awakened," the second man had replied, his tone dripping with a sneer.

However, when they saw Reckless walking towards them, they turned on their heels and ran away. After all, Reckless was a man with quite a reputation now. Many had witnessed the scene where he had fought with Ramon, the registrar, and how he had eventually become the winner, with Ramon even losing his arms and an ear.

Many had pitied the poor registrar, as losing two arms in a world where every part of your body was a weapon was simply a pain. That had made Reckless famous—the devil behind the unfortunate of the disabled Registrar. That had been his name, and that had also made people slightly afraid of him.

But since he was a bit of an indoor guy who didn't like interacting too much, people had started to forget about him.

After the two guys had run away, Reckless walked towards the calm Kenneth and couldn't resist asking, "Why aren't you refuting them?"

"Uh?" Kenneth turned to face him, his slightly messy golden hair resembling the mane of a lion. But it didn't make him appear intimidating, rather, it made him seem almost lonely and too calm.

Reckless' hands were tucked inside his pocket as he pointed out, "The more you ignore them, the more annoying they'll become."

Kenneth tilted his head, and his golden eyes stared into Reckless' azure ones before he asked, "If a dog barks at you, what will you do?" 

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