
Lord Of The Undead

Dying of cardiac arrest on a sunny afternoon, Reck thought that was the end of life. Until he found himself transmigrated into the body of a younger man. The worst part of it all was that the world to which he had been transported was going through its second phase of an apocalypse. Gifted with superpowers and faced with terrifying beasts and even worse humans, Reckless had to learn how to survive. But the question was... How?

Tiff_Lin · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
17 Chs

Turning green with envy

Reckless clicked on the "Toothless Bow," and its description appeared. 

[Toothless Bow: An ancient war bow, light as a feather and fast as air. It uses Mana as arrows, and the range of attack depends on the power of the owner; it grows in tandem with the user's strength. Once equipped, it grants Strength +20, Agility +15. It is upgradeable.

Upgrade: 55 Points]

"This should be a good weapon," Reckless nodded and summoned the bow. The bow looked like any other bow, except for the runes on it, which gave it an ancient and ordinary appearance.

"I still have to learn how to shoot it, though," he sighed as he gazed at the status window.

Reckless clicked on his Retainer, where he now had a 'King Zombie,' and a smile curved on his lips as he read through it.

[Retainer: King Zombie

Level: Fallen Youngling]

[Description: The remains of a King Zombie. It shares half the power and skills of the owner, can fight any ghouls below and within its level, and once summoned, it strengthens the owner's skin.]

[To Upgrade level, the following requirements should be met.

Kills of an enemy below its Level: 0/50

Kills of an enemy above its Level: 0/5]

"Well, this is going to be a true helper," Reckless thought and summoned his Retainer.

A black obsidian zombie with its head reaching the ceiling appeared. It wasn't as tall as the one Reckless had killed, but their appearances were the same, except that this one had no intelligence in its eyes, and its aura was even lower than the original King Zombie.

"Hey, I am your master, Reck," he introduced himself.

The zombie still looked at him blankly, and his reaction made Reckless realize that it had no intelligence.

He wasn't disappointed at all; instead, he said, "Hey Kinggy, go and smash the door."

Without a word, the zombie's heel walked to the door and started smashing it.

Satisfied, Reckless waved his hand. "Enough."

However, the zombie seemed not to have heard him as it continued smashing the door. At this rate, the others would be alerted soon.

"What the hell is going on?" Reckless panicked, and Uranus sounded in his ear.

[Due to the fact that the Master and the Retainer are at the same level, the zombie might not listen to the Master's orders.]

"What the hell is the meaning of this?!" Reckless bellowed angrily. "D*mn Uranus, what can I do to stop it, then?!"

"Dumb Master of a stupid zombie, you should just dismiss it."

Reckless couldn't care less about the first sentence and hurriedly dismissed the zombie. The moment he did, the guy next door walked out and asked concernedly.

"Hey Reck, what is going on there? I was hearing some smashing sounds, thought something had happened."

Reckless gave a calm smile. "Not at all, Ken. I was just practicing my boxing skills."

"I see," Kenneth nodded, even though Reckless didn't know if he believed it or not.

Kenneth returned to his room, and Reckless looked at his door and sighed in admiration.

"The wood used in constructing these doors must be very expensive. It didn't even break, or maybe that dude wasn't impressive enough."

In truth, Reckless didn't think the zombie wasn't strong enough. After all, he knew how powerful he himself was when he was at its level. He walked back to the bed and summoned the window again. He then proceeded to click on his title, which now had the title 'Zombie Slayer.'

[Zombie Slayer: How amazing it was for a Youngling to gain his title the second day after he became a youngling. The young man was now powerful enough and full of experience to kill a Level 1 zombie to Level 30 ones. He is worthy of his title.]

"Don't tell me it is only this..." thought Reckless as he continued reading through the text.

[Anyone with this title will receive an aspect once they become a true awakened.]

[Title Aspect: 🔒]

"What is the damn use then? How would I even know when I am going to break through and become an Awakened?" He mumbled.

The door was knocked, and he looked over, his gaze meeting Rhea's head that had popped in and was looking at him curiously.

"What are you mumbling about? Did you encounter some trouble?"

"Of course," Reckless nodded.

Rhea entered, her face full of curiosity as she sat on the sofa at the side and crossed her legs, purposely sweeping her hair to the side and looking up at him, acting serious.

"Okay, tell this queen, maybe I can find a solution for you."

Reckless shook his head at her joke and sat on the bed, looking up at her.

"Tell me, have you received a Skill?"

Rhea now saw Reckless as her friend, and a close one at that too, thus she didn't mind telling him some personal things. She nodded her head and stretched out two fingers.

"Yes, two of them. Why are you asking though?"

"What?!" Reckless's eyes went wide.

"What's wrong?" She gave him a confused glance as she leaned back.

Reckless had to calm himself down and he asked, "So have you learned them?"

"Well.. Don't you automatically learn it after you receive it?"

"D*mn you Uranus, show me your face and see if I wouldn't punch it," he tightened his fist, feeling unjust.

[Awakened, please be mindful of your words. You are the incompetent fool who couldn't learn his skills, and a woman could even learn it directly after acquiring it. I remember that I didn't grant you a Thick Skin attribute. Did I?]

Reckless: ???

It was quite rare for Reckless to be speechless, but now he was.

This Uranus... if only he could punch it. Unfortunately, he couldn't.

Rhea didn't know why he suddenly went quiet and seemed angry. She waved her hand in front of him, and he grabbed hold of her waving hand and put it to the side and sighed.

"Can you...tell me about your skills?"

"Yeah," she nodded without hesitation. "The first one is called Poison Gas. I can apply this skill to almost anything, as it can corrode anything. If I apply it to my sword and slash a skin with it, the wound will fester."

"What a good skill," Reckless was green with envy.

He now realized that even a woman was stronger than him.

Rhea was stunned by the sudden praise, and she just giggled softly. "Should I continue or not? I really don't want your skin to turn green."

"You..." Reckless pointed at her speechlessly.

"What? Did I say something wrong?" She gave him an innocent look.

Reckless couldn't believe he was being bullied by her.

He was helpless to stop it, though. He massaged his temple and urged softly, "Okay, continue."

She smiled sweetly. "Sure. The second one is Poisonous Darkness."

"Darkness?" Reckless repeated.

"Yes, like this." She waved her slender wrist, and in the next moment, the room turned dark.

Of course, it wasn't natural darkness because soon, Reckless could feel it difficult to breathe.

Creation is hard, cheer me up! VOTE for me!Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

Tiff_Lincreators' thoughts