
Lord of The Mysteries: The Arrival of the New Black Emperor

A fanfiction of "Lord of the Mysteries," following the Black Emperor pathway. The Old Ones roar in the starry sky, heralding the impending apocalypse. The authority of "Order," which can minimize the risk of losing control, becomes the target of the Old Ones' contention. However, the Old Ones are unaware that the essence symbolizing order and distortion, the "Land of Disorder," has been mastered by a newly transmigrated young man with a complex background named Hobert. He joins the Tarot Club and begins to structure the order of the human world, gradually gaining control over the authority of order.

Jer0086 · Anime e quadrinhos
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30 Chs

Chapter 5: The Curse in the Bloodline

Chapter 5: The Curse in the Bloodline

Klein, the "Fool," smiled bitterly: "I really don't know, but it's probably for the best. After all, this is a mysterious world where just talking about certain people or events can bring disaster. The 'Emperor' knows a lot of secret knowledge; it was a good decision to bring him in."

Audrey, the "Justice," shuddered: "How terrifying, how terrifying. Is this the extraordinary world? Just talking about some people can invite disaster."

Alger, the "Hanged Man," remarked: "The 'Emperor' seems to possess very advanced knowledge about the extraordinary. Fortunately, I didn't show any disdain towards him earlier."

Hobert continued: "Later, during the Four Emperors period, the Antigonus family became a prominent family by supporting the Blood Emperor's rule. However, after the Blood Emperor fell, Antigonus was hunted by the gods and lost control for some reason. The kingdom he established was also destroyed.

"There are also rumors that Antigonus still sleeps in the palace of Hornacis, but no one can verify this.

"After that, there was no more news about the Antigonus family. Even if their descendants escaped the gods' hunt, they would be distant relatives and unable to restore their former glory."

The other three fell into varying degrees of silence. The notion of being "hunted by the gods" shocked them. Although they believed in the existence of gods, hearing about their deeds made them want to cover their ears.

Klein also noticed that Hobert said "Antigonus was hunted by the gods," not the Antigonus family. Could it be that the founder of the Antigonus family and the one hunted by the gods were the same person?

As for the possibility that Antigonus still sleeps in the palace of Hornacis, this was very valuable information for Klein, almost explaining the whispers he heard when he became an extraordinary.

Seeing everyone silent, Hobert felt a bit helpless. He had been very careful, not mentioning Adam and Amon, the two Angel Kings, nor saying that Antigonus was a descendant of the ancient gods and the "little brother" of the Goddess of the Night.

He didn't expect that even the information he had processed would still shock everyone so much.

The "Hanged Man" even began to suspect: "Is the 'Emperor' like Mr. Fool, a waking evil god? Otherwise, how could he know so much secret information?"

With this in mind, he asked tentatively: "Mr. Emperor, besides the Church of the Storm, where else can I get the 'Wind-blessed' potion formula? What kind of payment would be required for such information?"

Hobert replied: "I haven't decided on the specific payment yet. Let's leave it as a debt for now; I'll ask for it when I need it. As for the value of my information, you can ask Mr. Fool to verify it."

The "Hanged Man" was taken aback, not expecting the "Emperor" to actually know another way to obtain the "Sailor" pathway potion: "No problem!"

Hobert asked: "Have you heard of the Elves?"

"I've heard of them," the Hanged Man replied, "but they are a long-extinct race."

"Yes, the Elves no longer exist," Hobert said. "But don't underestimate ancient mythical creatures; some of their powerful members might still retain their will through certain extraordinary items.

"Of course, I don't recommend you seek out such extraordinary items, as it is very dangerous.

"I believe you know that the extraordinary pathway the Elves mastered is the same as yours.

"Additionally, as far as I know, there are many Elven ruins at sea. I think you might find what you're looking for there."

The "Hanged Man" fell silent. Hobert had provided him with a new, feasible idea.

The "Fool" also fell into deep thought, realizing that many secret extraordinary events had occurred in the distant Second and Third Epochs, still affecting the current era.

"Justice" couldn't suppress her curiosity about ancient mythical creatures, but since Hobert had already given her a "meeting gift," she felt embarrassed to ask more.

After a few seconds, the "Hanged Man" said: "Thank you for your answer. I will repay you with equivalent compensation in the future."

Next came the information exchange session. Hobert sat silently until the "Fool" announced the end of the gathering.

Back in reality, Hobert reflected on the meeting. "Mr. Klein" had given him a good idea.

At this moment, he suddenly thought that staying close to the protagonist would definitely be beneficial, given the protagonist's aura.

Usually, after school in the afternoon, Hobert would play cricket with his classmates for an hour or two, or practice fencing together. When it was hot, they would go swimming.

Hobert often marveled at how, in an era without the internet, college students had much healthier ways to spend their free time.

However, today, due to his mother's instructions, Hobert took a hired carriage home after school.

When he first arrived, trying to save as much as possible, Hobert had taken the public carriage home for several days, as it only cost 6 pence, while a hired carriage cost 2 to 3 shillings, depending on the carriage's class.

But when his foster mother found out, she severely scolded him, saying that his behavior might make neighbors or classmates think the Jeffrey family was going bankrupt or that they were too harsh on their foster son.

Hobert had no choice but to conform to the values of this world, burying his frugality deep in his heart.

As soon as he entered the courtyard, the butler took his schoolbag and said: "Young Master Hobert, the master requests your presence in the study."

"Okay." Hobert followed the butler to the study door, where the butler knocked and announced his arrival.

After receiving permission from his foster father, Christian, Hobert opened the door and saw his foster father sitting behind the desk.

He looked only in his thirties, clean-shaven, and even though he was smiling, he exuded an aura of authority.

Before Hobert's transmigration, there had been some estrangement between him and his foster parents, which had only grown after the transmigration. He always called them "father" and "mother," unlike Donna and Tyron, who called them "dad" and "mom."

Christian pointed to the chair opposite the desk: "Sit down."

Hobert felt a strong inclination to obey his foster father's command, which he attributed to his belief that his foster father was an extraordinary.

Christian asked: "I've heard that you've been distracted lately, suffering from insomnia, and occasionally showing signs of madness?"

Hobert was taken aback: "I've been trying hard to hide my inner madness."

"Some things can't be hidden just because you want to," Christian sighed. "We haven't talked about your biological father for a long time, have we?"

"No, we haven't." Hobert hadn't expected his foster father to bring up his biological parents, saving him the trouble of finding a way to ask.

Christian said: "There is a curse in your family's bloodline!"

(End of Chapter)