
Lord of the mysteries : circle of fate

It's just story of Klein if he knows what waiting him at the pinnacle of power. and you can skip first 20 chapters if you want.

Sd_paNdit_2361 · Anime e quadrinhos
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99 Chs


Half past seven in the evening, around the Moretti family's dining table .

"Klein, why do you need to be at work so early as a consultant? Would emergency matters at the security company be more dangerous?" Benson forked a potato from a dish of potato-stewed beef as he raised the matter in concern .

Klein carefully spat out the bones from a pan-fried dish and gave his prepared answer .

"A batch of historical documents needed immediate shipping to Backlund . I had to be present to handle the handover and make sure there was nothing missing . As you can guess, the bunch of fist-swinging bastards don't know any Feysac . "

Upon hearing his answer, Benson, who had finished chewing his food, could not help but sigh .

"Knowledge is truly important . "

Making use of this opportunity, Klein took out the remaining five-pound note and handed it to Benson .

"This is my additional payment I received today . It's time you get some decent clothes too . "

"Five pounds?" Benson and Melissa said in unison .

Benson took the note and looked at it repeatedly . He said in both shock and doubt, "This security company sure is generous . . . "

His weekly salary was one pound ten soli, which meant six pounds exactly every four weeks . He only earned one additional pound from this additional payment!

And with that salary, he had managed to support his siblings, giving them a decent place to stay and allowing them to eat meat two to three times a week . Every year, they could get a few new clothes!

"Are you doubting me?" Klein deliberately returned with a question .

Benson chuckled . "I doubt you have the ability nor the guts to rob a bank . "

"You aren't someone who can lie," Melissa answered seriously after lowering her fork and knife .

I-I'm now someone used to lying . . . Klein immediately felt a little ashamed .

Although it was a result of the circumstances of his reality, his sister's belief in him left him melancholic .

"It was relatively urgent and important today . I also played a crucial role . . . which is the reason for the five pounds," Klein explained .

In a way, what he said was the truth .

As for the five pounds that he would be reimbursed with—the one he would use to join the Divination Club—he planned on concealing it . Firstly, if he brought five pounds home again, he would truly scare his siblings, making them suspect he was doing something illegal . Secondly, he had to save to buy additional materials for some special ritual.

Benson bit off a mouthful of wheat bread in satisfaction and thought for more than ten seconds .

"The work I'm at doesn't need any decent clothes . Well, to be precise, the clothes at home are sufficient . "

Without waiting for Klein to persuade him, he suggested, "With this additional income, we would truly have savings . I plan on buying a few books on accountancy and studying . Klein, Melissa, I do not wish that my weekly salary remain below two pounds in five years . Heh, as you know, my boss and manager have shit for brains . Their mouths stink the moment they open them . "

"Excellent idea," agreed Klein . He also took the opportunity to steer the conversation . "Why don't you read some of the grammar books in my room? To be truly dignified and to earn a handsome pay, that's something rather critical . "

Perhaps, in the times to come, the civil servant examinations will appear in Loen Kingdom . Preparing ahead of time would give him the advantage . . .

Benson's eyes lit up when he heard that .

"I've indeed forgotten about that . Here, let's toast to a beautiful future . "

He did not drink rye beer . Instead, he poured clear oyster soup into three cups and clinked his cup with his siblings' .

After drinking the clear soup, he looked at his sister who was wrestling with the pan-fried fish . He chuckled and said, "Aside from Benson's books, I think Melissa needs a new dress too . "

Melissa looked up and shook her head incessantly .

"No, I think it's best . . . "

"To save it up . " Klein finished the sentence for her .

"Yeah . " Melissa nodded in agreement .

"In fact, if you do not seek the best fabrics and the newest designs, it would not be too expensive . We can save up the remaining money," said Klein in a manner which did not allow for disagreement .

Benson added, "Melissa, are you planning on wearing the old dress again to Selena's sixteenth birthday bash?"

Selena Wood was Melissa's classmate and good friend . She came from quite a good family background . Her elder brother was a practicing solicitor and her father was a senior employee of Backlund Bank's Tingen branch .

However, the so-called bash was only a dinner invitation to friends where they chatted and played cards .

"Alright . " Melissa lowered her head and mumbled a response . Then, she ruthlessly forked a piece of stewed beef .

After a short silence, she suddenly recalled something and looked up abruptly .

"Mrs . Shaud from next door got her maidservant to send a calling card over . She wishes to make a formal visit on Sunday, at four in the afternoon tomorrow . She wants to get to know her new neighbors . "

"Mrs . Shaud?" Klein looked at his siblings, confounded .

Benson rapped the side of the table with his fingers and appeared to be thinking .

"Mrs . Shaud from 4 Daffodil Street? I met her husband before . He's a senior solicitor . "

"Senior solicitor . . . Perhaps he knows Selena's brother," said Melissa with some hints of delight .

We are at 2 Daffodil Street . . . Klein nodded slightly .

"It's imperative we get to know our neighbors, but as you know, I still have to be at the company on Sunday . I only have time off on Monday . Please pass my apologies to Mrs . Shaud . "

"Alright . Remember to buy some good coffee powder and tea leaves in the afternoon . Buy some muffins and lemon egg tarts from Mrs . Smyrin . We must not ill-treat our neighbors . " Klein chuckled as he dipped his remaining bread into the meat sauces, grabbed some potato and put it into his mouth .

The next morning was a Sunday morning .

Klein finished the last mouthful of inferior tea, put down the newspapers, and wore his halved top hat . Picking up his silver-inlaid black cane, he sauntered out the door and took a public carriage to Zouteland Street .

He greeted Rozanne who was planning to sleep in the break room after finishing her night duty . After which, he went all the way down to the basement .

After turning a corner, he met a Nighthawk member, Sleepless Royale Reideen .

She looked like a cold lady . Her brows were long and slender, sitting atop large eyes . Her hair was a silky-smooth black .

"Good morning, Madam Reideen," Klein greeted with a smile .

Royale used her deep blue eyes to glance at him and nodded indiscernibly in return .

The two quickly passed by each other when Royale stopped and said with her eyes trained forward, "Ritualistic magic is a very dangerous thing . "

Ah . . . Klein was taken aback . By the time he turned around, all he saw was her departing back .

"Thank you . " He frowned and shouted at Royale Reideen's back .

After taking a left band, he quickly met Old Neil inside the armory, as well as Bredt who should not have been there .

"Let's go to my place . I've already received the corresponding materials . Bredt has agreed to watch the armory for me," said Old Neil with a chuckle .

Klein was immediately surprised .

"We aren't doing it here?"

Old Neil held a silver chest and tutted .

"There's no space here to practice ritualistic magic . "

Klein did not ask further . He followed Old Neil up to the streets and took a public carriage to the North Borough's suburbs .

Old Neil's place was a bungalow . The garden in front of it was filled with roses, golden mint, and other "materials . "

The moment he entered, there was a carpeted foyer . There were two high-back chairs and an umbrella rack .

Through the foyer was an expansive living room . The walls were plastered with light-colored wallpaper . The floors were a dark brown color . In the middle of the room was a tiny carpet with floral imprints and placed above it was a heavy round table .

Surrounding the table were comfortable long benches, single-seaters, and a piano .

"My deceased wife loved music . " Old Neil pointed at the piano and mentioned in passing, "The sofa and coffee table are in the bedrooms . . . Let's do the ritualistic magic in the living room . "

"Alright," Klein replied cautiously .

After Old Neil put down the silver chest, he laughed and said, "Let me demonstrate to you ritualistic magic . Make sure to observe and remember the ritual . "

As he spoke, he took out a fake goatskin parchment from the chest . It was specially made and it had strange pictures drawn on it with black ink that exuded a serene fragrance .

Old Neil coughed and answered very seriously, "I'll be using magic to settle that debt of thirty pounds today . "

Thank Goddess they are believers of goddess. Either she kick us out or curse us.