
Lord of the mysteries : circle of fate

It's just story of Klein if he knows what waiting him at the pinnacle of power. and you can skip first 20 chapters if you want.

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100 Chs

Doctor or Seer

Klein slowly walked to the half-closed door and heard a voice in a thick Awwa accent explaining, "Astrolabe divination is a relatively more complex one among the divination arts . . . "

But that's only for ordinary people . . . Klein silently tagged on a sentence for the speaker . He saw about five tables placed in a circle inside the meeting room . It surrounded a middle-aged man in a black classic robe, Hanass Vincent .

The gentleman had obvious dark circles . His brown hair was thick and hard . Each strand stood firmly like a porcupine's spikes .

Apart from that, there was nothing unique about him .

Upon seeing Klein enter, Hanass Vincent nodded gently without stopping his class . He only slowed down his speech .

Klein had one hand in his pocket while the other held his cane . He found a seat to the sides and sat down, leaning back comfortably in the process . He scanned the circle of six members . There were four men and two women .

After surveying his surroundings, he tapped his glabella twice again as though he was pondering over what Hanass had just said .

Astrolabe divination was one of the astromancy divination methods . However, ordinary people could also attempt to interpret things . For instance, the most basic birth horoscope was to determine the inquirer's fate by determining the positions of the sun, moon, blue and red stars at their birth, the corresponding spots in the sky, matching the representative symbols to the astrolabe, and the corresponding situations of the different constellations .

This required the fortune-teller to be able to calculate the states of the planets and constellations which was rather complicated . Of course, there were publications that aided people to look up the values . Some even simplified it by making a vague read with just the constellations .

Klein listened silently without interjecting or asking any questions . From time to time, he would caress the hanging topaz at his sleeve or take a sip of the Southville coffee which Angelica had brought in .

After some time, Hanass rubbed his glabella and said, "Perhaps you will need to attempt at creating your own astrolabe . Ask me if you have any questions . I will be in Moonstone . "

After he left, a young man in a white shirt and black vest got up with a smile and walked to Klein's side .

"Nice to meet you . I'm Edward Steve . "

"My pleasure . I'm Klein Moretti . " Klein stood up and returned the bow .

"Astrolabes are too complicated . Every time I hear about it, I can't help but doze off," said Edward self-deprecatingly .

Klein grinned and said, "That's because Mr . Vincent can't help but pass the knowledge he grasps to us . It's like giving us an Intis feast . It's just indigestible . "

"I'd be able to finish the Intis feast . They usually use a huge plate to serve tiny bits of food . " Edward chuckled and sat up . He asked out of curiosity, "Are you new? I've not seen you in the two years I was here . "

"I just joined the club today," answered Klein frankly .

"What are you good at? I'm best at tarot and poker divination," Edward casually asked .

"I know a little of everything, but just a little . " Klein gave a description he used to give himself .

Just as the other members were thinking of talking about horoscope divination, Angelica walked into the meeting room .

"Mr . Steve, someone wants you to tell their fortunes . "

"Alright . " Edward stood up with a smile .

"I can tell you are an excellent fortune-teller," said Klein as he looked at him .

"No, it's because my price is most suitable," said Edward with a soft chortle . "When ordinary people come to have their fortunes told, they will absolutely not choose the most expensive ones . And unless they had their heads kicked by asses, they would definitely not be choosing the cheapest few . It's easiest to gain opportunities if you are in the middle . "

I'm one of those that had their heads kicked by asses . . . When he saw Edward leave, Klein suddenly shook his head.

He stood up, picked up his cane, and left the meeting room . He found Angelica again .

"I wish to change the prices of my divination . Uh, set it to eight pence . "

Angelica took a deep look at him and said, "We will satisfy your request, but we will also tell customers that you only recently joined the club . "

"No problem . " Klein did not mind as he nodded .

At times, mystery was also an important element for a Seer to attract customers .

After changing his details, Klein returned to the meeting room .

At that moment, he saw Hanass Vincent walk out of Moonstone . He held a silver-coated mirror .

This well-known fortune-teller said to the five members in the meeting room, "I recently learned a new divination art . Magic mirror divination . Does anyone want to learn?"

Oh! In mysticism, mirrors were connected to the unknown and mystery, like they were the doors of the spiritual word . Thus, Klein stopped outside the meeting room, intending to learn how the famous fortune-teller would explain the divination . Klein wanted to ascertain if he needed to inform the captain or not, raiding him at night .

Of course, there was a safe way to do the magic mirror divination; one could ask for answers from the seven orthodox divinities . Even if it was very difficult for an ordinary person to receive any real revelations, they would not be in any danger or suffer any after effects .

The magic mirror divinations that were strictly controlled by the Nighthawks and Mandated Punishers were those that asked evil gods or mysterious existences for help . Furthermore, the fortune-teller couldn't randomly fabricate things . Some phrases or qualities had the potential to invite the attention of unknown entities .

In the world where the powers of the Beyonders exist, such divinations would often lead to tragedy .

At that moment, Hanass also explained the principle behind magic mirror divination and described the actual process .

"First, you choose a suitable time and date according to the divinity you believe in . You can decide this using the Astromancy Manual . For example, we all know that Sundays symbolize the Evernight Goddess, for Sunday is the embodiment of rest . 2 to 3 in the early morning, 9 to 10 in the morning, 4 to 5 in the evening, and 11 to midnight are all related to the moon; thus, they are controlled by the Evernight Goddess . Thus, fortune-tellers that pray to the Evernight Goddess can use magic mirror divination during these times on a Sunday . "

Quite a good secret supplicant. . . Klein nodded slightly while using the half-closed door to the meeting room to conceal himself .

"Second, we must scrutinize the mirror carefully . It must be a mirror coated with silver . You place the mirror at the position representing the moon . . . " Hanass demonstrated with the prop in his hand .

No, what he needs now is spirit dowsing . First, choose a position and recite the phrase, 'This place is suitable for magic mirror divination' seven times in your head, then see which direction the pendulum turns . Clockwise for true, counter-clockwise for false . . . Of course, if you are asking for answers from a evil God, the position would not matter . Rather, it would depend on whether the entity is interested in answering your questions . . . Klein silently corrected him .

Hanass Vincent could not hear Klein's mental musings as he described the preparations in detail in a normal tone .

When the members finished taking notes, he continued explaining, "After showering, confirm that you have drawn all your curtains and locked your doors . After that, light up a candle and place it in front of the mirror before sincerely praying to the divinity you believe in . Try to keep your questions simple as there's no need for fanciful embellishment . . . After praying seven times, pick up your mirror and gently toss it on the ground . Make sure to be gentle . . . Remember the way it shatters as that is a revelation from the gods . . . I will tell you the main symbolisms in a second . "

But if you pray to someone unknown then. There many sides of human which can do anything for his curiosity.

As there were many potential symbolisms after the shattering, Hanass taught for a long while . He was not done even when Edward Steve returned to the room after finishing his fortune-telling .

Klein did not ask what Edward did for his fortune-telling or what method did he use since it was an unspoken rule among fortune-tellers . While acting as a Seer, he naturally had to abide by it strictly unless the other party mentioned it .

"I discovered that many a time, our interpretation is too vague, as though it's meeting different requests, allowing different people to find a description of themselves from the interpretation . " Edward drank a mouthful of Sibe black tea and said with a soft sigh . "For example, those that encounter adversities and calamities will eventually see the light of hope . Heh heh, but no one knows when the light of hope will come . For example, a journey might not be very smooth-sailing, but you will definitely arrive alive . Hehe, the dead will not retort me . "

As he did not listen from the beginning, he ignored Hanass's magic mirror divination class .

"We only glimpse into fate not even properly see it. And fate doesn't repeat himself. Its only bring surprise. Klein said in a professional tone.

Edward speechless at Klein theory. And said are you really a fortune-teller.

Klein who feel speed of his potion digestion increase only silently smile. He keep a type of mysteries.

He picked up his cane, stood up, and left after bidding everyone farewell .

At half past five, Edward Steve put on his coat and was prepared to walk out the Divination Club when he suddenly saw a familiar figure .

"Good afternoon, Glacis . Long time no see," he greeted with a smile . He saw his friend with similar interests as him wear his usual format suit with a black bow tie . In front of his chest hung a monocle .

Immediately following that, he noticed that his friend did not look well . Even his soft blond hair looked dry .

"Good afternoon, Edward . . . Cough . " Glacis with his hat in hand suddenly used his fist to cover his mouth as he coughed a few times .

Edward asked out of concern, "You seem to be ill?"

"A very serious illness . It even turned into pneumonia . If it wasn't for my wife who met an impressive apothecary and gave me a magical medicine, you would have probably had to visit me at the cemetery . " Glacis's tone was filled with a lingering fear and joy .

"Lord, I can't believe it . You were so healthy previously . Look at you, you look so frail now! I remember when I did divination on you, there were no signs that indicated that you would get a serious illness . " Edward waved his cane and said with an astonished sigh .

"My own divination had the same result as yours . Perhaps we are not qualified fortune-tellers . Besides . . . " Glacis suddenly recalled the happened as his expression turned abnormally serious .

At that moment, the beautiful lady, Angelica, came over and bowed with a pleasant smile .

After exchanging greetings, she first showed concern for Glacis's health and provided some suggestions . Then, she mentioned in passing, "Mr . Glacis, Mr . Moretti, who requested your divination services previously, has joined our club as well . "

"The one who got me to tell his fortune?" Glacis's eyes lit up immediately . "Lord, where is he?"

"He just left . " Angelica and Edward were unable to comprehend Glacis's abnormal reaction .

Glacis took two steps in agitation and said, "The next time he comes, please ask him when he will come if I'm not around!"

"Glacis, what happened? Did that Mr . Klein Moretti do something to you?" asked Edward in puzzlement .

Glacis raised his arm and stared straight into Edward's and Angelica's probing gazes . He said in excitement, "He's a very, very, very magical . . . "

He lowered his arm and said after using "very" thrice, "Doctor!"