
Lord of the Crypt [paused]

(My first novel ever) Don't read if you're impressionable because you will see a lot of bloody, gory and overall disgusting scenes. I was heavily influenced by the game "The Binding of Isaac" and a lot of other novels when I wrote this one, so you might see scenes, characters, places and items that I knowlingly or unknowlingy took from them. Also, english is my second language, so I would appreciate it a lot, if you will correct my mistakes in the comments. (Synopsis) Follow Frank on his painfull journey full of dangers in the Endless Crypt! Frank was the ordinary biotechnology student on Earth. He was researching cell regeneration in the college laboratory when suddenly fire alarm sounded. He panicked a little and started hurrying to save his research data on the flash drive. After saving the data he started running in the direction of the fire exit, when abruptly he heard the sickening sound. *CRACK* The burning ceiling fell on him turning him into bloody mess. «OHHH... FUCK!» was the only thing Frank managed to say before falling into the eternal darkness... ~Or so he thought~ He woke up in the dimly lit room made out of light brown bricks. He saw some words written on one of the walls, the only one without a door in it. He read carefully [WELCOME TO THE AFTERLIFE]...

Youruizzu · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
19 Chs

Ch.2 Second Room

«So I'm dead now. Huh» whispered Frank.

After collecting his thoughts Frank started looking around once more, carefully this time. He found something interesting this time - the walls, the ceiling and the floor were inscribed by some strange lines, he didn't notice them first time because they had almost the same color with what they lie on but slightly darker.

Also, he noticed strange silverish-gray 5x5x5 cm cube lying on the floor beside him.

'This might be something useful' thought Frank and bent down to pick it up.

That's when he noticed that his <body> is slightly different, he bent down too easily.

He thought that it was strange - he never went to PE classes because of his health problems and he was slightly plump because of this as well.

He got up, not picking the The Cube up. He decided to check his body thorougly first.

After a little checkup he listed his changes in his head:

1) He's slightly taller (roghly 185 cm now);

2) He's not plump anymore;

3) His senses are better (he can feel every individual hair on his head and body);

4) He's wearing the same things he wore before his death.

'This might be because it's not my body anymore, but my soul instead. It should've been strengthened because of all that reading that I've done in my life' thought Frank before finally bending to pick The Cube up.

After inspecting The Cube carefully he noticed that each side of it had different weapons scribbled: The Sword, The Bow, The Mace, The Axe, The Flying Knife and The Spear. Under each weapon was a small button.

'I think that after I press the button The Cube will transform into a weapon. I need to choose carefully.'

So, in the end, Frank choose The Flying Knife because:

1) He didn't know how to use The Sword properly, he'd probably kill himself with it;

2) The Bow is too hard to use, also there weren't any arrows scribbled on The Cube;

3) The Mace and The Axe are too heavy and clumsy for him to use, they aren't easy to use as well;

4) The Spear is a really good weapon that's not even that hard to use and it would work wonders in the closed spaces, he would have choosen it if there wasn't The Flying Knife as one of the options;

5) He knows how to throw knifes very well because throwing was one of his hobbies before, but that wouldn't have been enough in this situation if there wasn't something he noticed while doing a checkup - he have telekinesis (he could move his hairs a bit), not strong enough to even pick a pebble with it, but he can change the direction of the flying knife by applying the telekinetic force at it's end point. After he thought about all the things he could do with it then he strengtens his soul he almost started drooling.

He pushed a little button and The Cube transformed into The Flying Knife, TFK for short.

There weren't any bright lights or some cool effects, it just happend. But he didn't notice the silverish runes flowing on the The Cube's sides before disappearing completely with the forming of The Flying Knife.

After playing with TFK a little he started choosing in which direction he wanted to go. He choose to go in the left door (the left if the words are behind your back).

He opened the door and all he could see was darkness, after going through it the first thing he saw was the big black spider with bulging abdomen and two 'little' spiders to it's sides.

'They look like Black Tarantula, the big one also have the web cocoon under its abdomen, there should be some eggs there' Frank thought before throwing his TFK at the big spider's head, trying to kill it quickly.

But the spider reacted almost instantly, dashing in the Frank's direction. Knife adjusted it's trajectory slightly but still missed the head, only creating the gash in the upper abdomen which still cut the spider's heart. Big Spider continued running a little, before dropping to the ground slowly dying.

But the little spiders were running for Frank all this time. Frank tried dodging but still got bitten in the leg by one of the spiders' cheliceras, Frank kicked another spider in the abdomen near the abdomen's connection with the cephalothorax, almost breaking it which resulted in spider slumping on the ground.

Frank almost got mad from the pain in his left leg, but he knew that he needs to finish the last spider if he wants to live, so he jumped to the place there TFK was lying, picked it up and threw it at the last spider hitting it right in the head, killing it instantly. He then picked TFK up and threw it at the big spider's head to be sure that it's dead.

Frank relaxed a little thinking 'All tarantulas have venoms but they aren't dangerous to humans, they are mosly paralytic or psychotropic, also I didn't have any allergy beside the one to Poplar fluff when I was alive, so it should be fine, I just need to rest a little'

But before that, he heard the sound of his belly protesting.


'I need to eat'.

He noticed four big campfires with yellowish-red runes floating in them, at the corners of the room, which, by the way, looked the same as the previous one, aside from the campfires.

'Now that I think of it. How could I see so well in the previous room if there was no light source? It should be because of the runes that are inscribed everywhere in this place'.

Throwing useless thoughts aside, Frank slowly moved to the little spider the size of an average house cat which he killed the last, picked it up and using it's body carefuly took one twig from the campfire. 'The twig is inscribed with these strange runes too, these ones are blackish-red though' thought Frank.

He pierced the spider with a twig through it's mouth and started cooking it.

«Ooh... Cambodia Tarantula for breakfast is nice» said Frank out loud. (It's called Cambodia Tarantula because Fried Tarantula is the regional snack in Cambodia)

After eating half of it's legs Frank was full, so he decided to rest a little laying his head on the abdomen of the spider that he almost snaped with that kick. He was so exausted after the fight that he fell asleep almost immediately, not even feeling the discomfort of sleeping on the floor, near giant spiders.

Second chapter for you my dear reader.

I'll try to not drop it but as the saing goes "man proposes god disposes". I still have 1,5 months of free time though so I will try writing 1-2 maybe more chapters a day.

Leave your comments to let me know if you like it!

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