
Lord of the Crypt [paused]

(My first novel ever) Don't read if you're impressionable because you will see a lot of bloody, gory and overall disgusting scenes. I was heavily influenced by the game "The Binding of Isaac" and a lot of other novels when I wrote this one, so you might see scenes, characters, places and items that I knowlingly or unknowlingy took from them. Also, english is my second language, so I would appreciate it a lot, if you will correct my mistakes in the comments. (Synopsis) Follow Frank on his painfull journey full of dangers in the Endless Crypt! Frank was the ordinary biotechnology student on Earth. He was researching cell regeneration in the college laboratory when suddenly fire alarm sounded. He panicked a little and started hurrying to save his research data on the flash drive. After saving the data he started running in the direction of the fire exit, when abruptly he heard the sickening sound. *CRACK* The burning ceiling fell on him turning him into bloody mess. «OHHH... FUCK!» was the only thing Frank managed to say before falling into the eternal darkness... ~Or so he thought~ He woke up in the dimly lit room made out of light brown bricks. He saw some words written on one of the walls, the only one without a door in it. He read carefully [WELCOME TO THE AFTERLIFE]...

Youruizzu · Fantasy
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19 Chs

Ch.3 Close to second death

After waking up groggily Frank felt something different with himself.

'So eating monsters strengthens your soul. Huh. My leg is healed as well, nice' thought Frank before remembering one thing he forgot to do <yesterday>. (<> because he doesn't know how much he slept)

Quickly getting up, he went to the Big Spider taking the cocoon that was glued to its abdomen and tossing all eggs that were in it into the campfire. After cooking them for a while he carefully rolled them from the campfire, picked them up and tossed them back into the cocoon which he decided to use as a makeshift duffel bag.

'I should preserve the venom as well' thought Frank while carefuly cutting the venom glands from the spiders that he didn't cook yet, taking their surprisingly sharp cheliceras as well 'They might be useful'.

'I can't obtain the venom from glands right now, but if I get some item that can generate electricity to stimulate glands and some sterile bottle to keep the venom my afterlife will become much easier' thought Frank while storing everything he needs in his cocoon bag.

After getting ready, he decided to go to the previous room to check if something has changed. Nothing has changed in the room, but the darkness that that was blocking his vision before coming to the spider room has disappeared.

He decided to go in the door opposite the words in the first room.

After stepping through the darkness again, what met him was a strange giant rat. It was strange because it's tail was like a scorpion's with a stinger at the end. The rat was the size of a golden retriever, aside from its tail which was at least 1.5 meters long.

'How am I supposed to kill this abomination?' thought Frank while trying to remember the rats' anatomy.

Remembering that rats' weakest place was a brain, like all mammals actually, he decided to throw his TFK at its right eye because it was a little bit closer to him.

With his strengthened soul his telekinesis became a tad bit stronger, which means that he hit the bullseye after his first hit.

But he rejoiced his victory too early, because the rat suddenly dashed in his direction biting him in the leg, which he dodged, what he didn't dodge though was a deathly stinger aimed at his arm.

Gritting his teeth in pain, he tore the knife out of rat's eye and stabbed it two more times, effectively killing the abomination.


'I don't know what kind of venom this thing might have, it might be some kind of disease for all I know' thought Frank while cursing.

Frank decided that he will start training his poison/venom resistance after strengtening his soul more. He didn't want to die because he didn't want to feel some pain, as the saying goes ‹no pain, no gain›, which for him means ‹no pain, no afterlife›.

After thinking all of this, he decided to cook the rat quickly, or else he might die of unknown venom/disease.

The room was like the previos ones, but this one had a square formation made out of light blue camfires at its center, campfires were at the edges of the square with 1 meter distance between them. The rat was standing in the middle of the formation before Frank came into the room.

After quickly cutting the rat's frontal limb off, he skinned it and cut off a little bit of meat making the bone visible, he dicided to use it as a handle for his 'barbecue'. He didn't drain the meat out of blood fully because he didn't have much time, he didn't want to play with his afterlife hoping that the venom/disease won't work soon. Scorpion's venom is neurotoxic, which means if he don't work fast to heal, he will die feeling like he's burning on a stake alive. That's not even counting the possibility of him being injected by the disease.

All preparations completed, he started cooking the limb. 'This fire is strange, the runes floating in it look like blue crying souls, usually fire have the blue color because it's natural gas (CO) that is burning, but this one is burning on the same logs and twigs as the ones in the spider room, these have bluish-black runes inscribed on them though' thought Frank while cooking the limb.

After cooking the limb, he started tearing into it ravenously with his teeth, because he now felt burning pain on the whole right side of his body, which almost made him cry. His right hand started swelling, becoming redder and redder, with blood flowing out of the place there the rat stinged him.

After eating the whole limb, not sparing the bone, he blacked out.

The third chapter!

Sorry that only one and so late, had a lot of things to do today.

Leave your comments if you like or dislike my novel! I want to know what to improve in my writing.

Youruizzucreators' thoughts