
Lord of Reality : I Prevail in Chaos

Daniel , a man died with regrets but a mysterious being pitted him a decided to reincarnate him but before his reincarnation Daniel told the being something made him surprised and the being accepted what Daniel said then he reincarnated him in a world of sword and magic with the same name. Daniel vowed to live his life without regrets and get stronger to protect the people he loved . Follow him with his journey of becoming the strongest in the world. ---------------------------------------------- well this is my second time writing a novel as the first one did make me satisfied so I hope this one be good . Anyway , I'm just writing for fun and don't have a specific schedule for publishing I just write when I'm in the mood . This novel is just to satisfy my desire so if you don't want to read it you are free but if decided to read so I hope you enjoy I give me your review so that I can improve myself . And again this novel for my satisfaction you've been warned btw , the English is not my mother language so if you found any mistakes just tell me in comments . P.W : Cover is not mine so if the owner wants me to remove it just tell me and I will , hope you enjoy

RedMoth · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
44 Chs

A Calamity or Good News ?!

A girl was walking down through the street while humming in joy , the people were still outside although it was night but that didn't prevent them from making the streets filled with hustle and bustle . Anyway , the girl was walking with a cute smile on her face that can make anyone has the urge to protect her from any danger , her cute face was sending joys to the people who is seeing her with that smile.

" Take this little girl , better eating it while hot " an old man who was selling chicken skewers said to the girl who walking with a joyful smile .

" Thank you uncle " the girl replied with another smile filled with happiness as she took the chicken skewers from the old man who smiled warmly at her , it was as if a grandfather giving his granddaughter a present.

Then the girl resumed her walk while eating the chicken skewers in her hands .

" Ohhhh a lovely little giiiiirl "

Suddenly a voice was heard by the little cute girl who was walking happily . She stopped when she heard the voice that was mysterious yet filled with laughter .

She looked at her right , exactly toward a dark alley .

" Who are you uncle ?! " The little cute girl said while tilting her head cutely . Her eyes was big and round and filled with curiosity.

" Ohhh do you like presents , little girl ? " The man with mysterious voice said again .

" I do !! " The girl said with joy .

" Do you like surprises ? "

" Yes , I do ! " She said with joy again .

" Then come here and this uncle you give you a surprise ~ " the mysterious man said with a voice filled with laughter again .

The girl who was filled with curiosity decided to go into the dark alley to receive her surprise that the 'good' uncle told her about .

The girl walked toward the voice with her eyes filled with joy and curiosity, as you know children are always curious and like to adventure so it's normal for a girl like her to be curious about everything and want to discover the mysterious , anyway, the girl walked in the dark alley the voice wanting to reach it and know what is it.

" Come here little girl " the mysterious voice sounded again coming from her right . The girl turned right and continued to walk .

" From here "

Then the girl turned left and resumed her walk . The voice continued telling her 'from here' and 'come here' , and the girl walking while turning right and left until she turned left and found a glowing orange golden eyes looking at her .

" Oh you found me little girl "

" I found you uncle ! " The girl said with a loud voice while pointing at him .

" Because you found me , I will give you a present. Come closer to take ..it "

" A present ! "

" Yes come cloooooser ! "

The girl walked closer toward the glowing eyes step by step .

Click ! Clock!

The sound of her steps was the only sound echoing in the dark alley as there was no one or anything there .

The girl reached the in front the glowing eyes which were looking down at her .

" Woooow your eyes are cool uncle ! " The girl said with excitement. Unbeknownst to the girl that these eyes are so dangerous and will lead her to her end .

Suddenly the a hand was stretched to the girl with cookies on it that look delicious just from its look .

" It seems delicious uncle ! "

" Yeah. Come ! Take it ! "

The girl took the cookies from the stretched hand , although it was night but the moon light made the hand visible , however, when the girl took the cookies the glowing eyes glowed even more as if smiling .

" Eat it ! "

The girl nodded and started to eat the cookies with a happy expression on her face .

Unbeknownst to her the mysterious man in front of her was smiling evilly .

Suddenly the girl expression changed and turned from the happy and joyful one to an expression that made her seem as if he is sick then she put her hand on her belly .

" It hurts here uncle ! "

But the uncle didn't respond at all until the girl looked at him with pained eyes  ...

Pop !

The girl's body exploded like a balloon spreading blood and meat everywhere staining the walls and the ground with blood and meat , if there is of course , anyway , the man smile disappeared and a dissatisfied expression appeared on his face .

" Ohhh it seems the experiment has failed . Anyway , there are so many samples out there to try , hohohohhahahahahahah..haaaaahhhahahahahah , the fun it cooooooooming~ hahahahahahahah" the man laughter echoed through the dark alley that was empty with no one there , although this dark alley was filled with poor and criminals but there was no one can be seen this time . Then the man disappeared without trace at all and the dark alley became silent after that .


Arcadia Grand Academy, Principal Office .

" Alice , you need to prepare for the coming competition " Said the blond , green eyes Hella Cross , the principal of Arcadia Grand Academy.

" I'm aware of that teacher " responded a greenish blue heard , blue eyes girl with a cold soothing voice .

" That's good , I'm counting on you on that "

" Ok teacher "

" You should talk more often don't be like that " Hella said with a voice filled with concern .

" I'm talking as much as I can "

" Haaaah well you can go now , you still have classes to attend "

" Very well " then Alice stood up and bowed slightly at Hella and went out of the office .

He principal looked at the sky through the window with her enchanting green eyes that can captivate anyone looking at it with just a glance .

" Sigh ! What can it do with her ? Maybe when he comes back she will change ? Don't know , but everytime she mention him her eyes fill with love and longing . Anyway , let's prepare for the coming competition"

Then Principal Hella began to revise the documents related to the competition and the invitations for the people who should be invited .

" So many work need to be done . What a bother 😔 "

Unbeknownst to her there is a dark could coming toward the academy and no one knows if it will bring a calamity or good news .