
Lord of Dawn

WPC #292: Male Lead (Faceslapping) Aurie Nova is the third son of the honorable Nova family. His family has remained dignified and noble for generations but because of him, the status of their family has started to decline. Hailed as the trash of the Nova family, people often compare him to his more honorable and well respected siblings and cousins. Everytime he does something, everyone would expect it to fail and no one expects anything from him. But little did they know, the third and the youngest son of the Nova head family hides a secret that only a selected number of people know.

Hyuuse · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
18 Chs

The Difference in Power

          Aurie's death was spread throughout their town after the expedition and surely enough, the family that banished him still received the credit for his efforts, though they don't see it as much, Aurie's team members are aware of the situation that he is in and forced themselves to turn a blind eye about their drama and acting in front of all the people to get their sympathy.

          "Even though he is a troublemaker, I am still a proud father. May his soul rest in peace."

          That is the usual script Cruxian always says every time people talk about Aurie's death.

          The Guild Master gathered all of the surviving members and asked about the every little detail during their expedition and how they are able to survive. Being the sole survivors on their own expedition sparks a few rumors about them making up stories about fighting an Orc Lord which is unlikely to leave survivors for orcs have been known to be brutal and blood thirsty monsters that spares no one.

          Everyone knows this as a fact but the only thing that the public is not aware of is that the guilds have already confirmed everything in the report as the truth which is not made public until every evidence they have make sense.

          "So that's what happened, huh? To think that the young master Aurie is able to use that kind of skill. So he really is the hero of this expedition after all."

          He looked at their faces and he can immediately tell that they are hiding something. He knew that it was too hard to believe from the report and he knew they must have their reasons for lying to him.

          "I know that all of you know this, but all the other guilds do not believe that your group is able to take care of an Orc Lord. As you already know, all of the other groups have perished at the same day the expedition had started in the hot spots that they were assigned."

          He looked at their reactions and there are changes. It only confirm the Guild Master's suspicion of them hiding something from everybody. Which makes his question their claim that the third young master of the Nova family has died during the expedition.

          "I guess there is no changing what they are trying to hide. If they don't want to share it with everyone else, that only means that it is important right? Well, I guess going back with their body intact is not a bad deal even for me." He takes a glance at them again and then smiles.

          That only meant for the Guild Master that Aurie is special for them to be so tight lipped even in front of the Guild Master that is considered to be a monster by most people. He could not contain the anticipation of seeing the young master again and see for himself the power of the person that made them like that.

          "I hope that he is someone that will be able to entertain me."


          He merely released a portion of his bloodlust and the entire surviving expedition team shook down to their bones. His assistant immediately reminded him before he strangle them with his aura alone.

          "So this is the aura of the Guild Master? Compare to young master Aurie's aura, this is far more violent and dreadful-"

          The Guild Master is known as the Raging Lion by some other Guild Masters for his ferocious and sometimes calm nature, all of his sparring partners in the past were not only sent to the clinic for injuries but were also attended by healers to save their lives.

          He is basically unable to control how much strength he is able to put into his attacks. But that was in the past, he mastered his strength a long time ago which is even more dangerous than how he was.

          "Oops! I got a little excited there." He said to himself and then proceeds with the next thing that he wants to discuss with the rest of the team.

          "Guild Master really is careless. To think that he will release his bloodlust aura around these people-!" his assistant's words were immediately interrupted when she saw the reaction on Asht's face. She then turned to the others and saw that they quickly recovered from the shock, as if they have already experienced the same thing.          She then turned to the Guild Master and saw how surprised he is to see their fresh faces.

          "This is getting interesting." He thought to himself as he thinks of the people that were not able to even look him in the eyes, compared to those people. The expedition team members are all looking at him with both excitement and anticipation, something that he did not expect them to react.

          "That's everything for now. Thank you all for responding to our summon."

          Just as everyone left the room, the Guild Master could still not get over their quick recovery from releasing his bloodlust aura earlier.

          "You saw that too, right? The look on their faces, its as if they are telling me 'Is that all?' I know that I might just be assuming it but in order for one to recover from an overwhelming aura is to feel something even stronger."

          The Guild Master could no longer contain his excitement and release almost half of his bloodlust as he thinks of the true potential of the third young master of the Nova family and how much they have by throwing him away.

          "This is both exciting and vexing at the same time- don't you think so, Luna?"

          He showed his different personality than what he shows other people, and the only one that is able to look at that personality is no other than his assistant, who shares the same personality like he has.

          "I can't believe that this is the first time that I have to agree with you. I saw their reactions as well. I did not expect them to handle your aura that easily, that only means the young master Aurie is able to scare them with a much stronger aura."

          They both stare at each other as they see through the illusion that the expedition team is trying to establish to the public.

          "I did not expect things to turn out so different than what I expected. I don't know if this is for the better, but I know that I am looking forward to see him again."


          Asht and the others decided to buy a compound for all of their families to live in together with separate houses, the money that was given to them as payment is a lot bigger than what they expected. After buying everything that their families need, they spent the rest on upgrading their equipment.

          "You felt it too, right?"  Jonah asked Clay with a stern and cod tone.

          "You mean the Guild Master's aura? Yes, I did." He responded so lightly.

          "What do you think? Personally, I think that man's aura is even more dangerous."

          "Yes. That is precisely what it was. Though the Guild Master's aura is ferocious, it would fall in comparison to his aura. It was calm and gentle but that is what makes it even more dangerous. The Guild Master's aura is not refined as the young master's."

          They all remembered the time when Aurie took care of the Orc Lord so easily, at that time, their entire body shook in fear so great that the moment the Orc Lord died pops up in their minds whenever they close their eyes.

          "That is what we call overwhelming strength. A true monster. The Nova family failed to realize the monster that had been staying low profile under their noses. I pity them." Asht said with an excited expression written on is face.

          "My lord, we have reached out destination." A man in a hood said to the one walking behind him.

          "The city of Orpus."