
Lord of Dawn

WPC #292: Male Lead (Faceslapping) Aurie Nova is the third son of the honorable Nova family. His family has remained dignified and noble for generations but because of him, the status of their family has started to decline. Hailed as the trash of the Nova family, people often compare him to his more honorable and well respected siblings and cousins. Everytime he does something, everyone would expect it to fail and no one expects anything from him. But little did they know, the third and the youngest son of the Nova head family hides a secret that only a selected number of people know.

Hyuuse · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
18 Chs

Hot Spot Investigation in Orpus

          The bustling city of Orpus, even when it is badly overrun by monsters every year, the people in that city are always so resilient and will always get back up. But there are times that some of the people are not able to recover their loses. They end up getting tied to organization for not being able to pay the money that they barrowed, Orpus is flooded with loan sharks. Those people use the monster waves as an opportunity to rake in more people to their organization and use them however they want.

          "I got the information about the hot spots, my lord. Shall we head there immediately?"

          Aurie stares at the bar in front of them and remembered how much he gets drunk in the past few years of his life while trying to dirty the name of his family.

          The people in Orpus are what you can say the typical city like any other cities. The only thing that makes the people in the city different from the rest of the cities inside the country is their resilience. Apart from that, they are like the rest. Brothels, bars, and other sorts of entertainment is widely popular there as well.

          "Nah- we'll just head there immediately. I don't want to stay in a place like this at all. It reminds me of the past." He takes the lead and Herbert follows behind him.

          At a distance, a few people are looking at them leave the city. They have heard about them gathering information about the hot spots that the recent expedition teams have been to.

          "What do you think? I think they look like they carry a lot of money with them."

          "I do think so as well. So? What's the plan?"

          "Let's do the same thing again. There is no need to make a different act than what we are used to. It will only give us away."

          They whispered to themselves as they step back into the shadows of the alley.

          Aurie and Herbert follows the map that they have to guide themselves to the hot spots and reached the first and closest hot spot to their location by hitching a ride on a travelling merchant that is going to pass by near the hot spot.

          "Thank you very much for giving us a ride, mister."

          "You take care young lads!"

            Aurie and Herbert did not waste any more time and made their way to the hot spot to investigate. Upon arriving at the hot spot, there is nothing much for them to see, everything was taken care of the guild  of Orpus, they left them nothing but the stains of blood on the ground where the expedition teams must have died one by one.

          "Looks like another Lord appeared here as well." Herbert said after seeing how there are no footsteps  leading inside.

          "The Lord must have killed them right from the get go. But what is the race that killed them for them to die at once?"

          Aurie looks at the traces on the ground and recalls the monsters that has the same foot steps and come up to a conclusion of the race that decimated the team in that hot spot.

          "Troll. A Troll Warlord is capable of doing such a thing. Though I did not encounter one in the past, you can easily figure it out by the foot steps. Trolls only have three large toes on each foot to keep their balance. They are also powerful enough to kill a person in a single swing of their club, as a troll that stands on top of their hierarchy, Troll Warlords are the strongest of their race." Aurie said after imagining the scene unfold in his mind.

          He reimagined how the team had died in an instant and how none of them had survived that attack.

          "Spiked club." He whispered to himself as he looks at the tree trunks and finds traces of human flesh on the surrounding trees which make him even more convinced that a Troll Warlord has killed the team.

          "Troll Warlord, huh? Trolls really are strong and resilient. I fought one in the past and it is really persistent like a cockroach. It might be true that it must be a Troll Warlord, my lord." Herbert thought about it for himself as well.

          As someone that was able to fight against a troll in the past, he knows how strong as ingle troll can be. Regardless of their strength, trolls have impressive healing capabilities, a single cut can easily be healed in seconds which easily puts them in a class o the most troublesome monsters to encounter.

          "Then I trust that you know what kind of weapon they use." Aurie asked with a stern tone and Herbert nods his head. "A club." He answered.

          "Do you know what kind of weapon the Troll Warlord used here?"

          "I have no idea, being a lord means he must have a special weapon, right?"

          Aurie shakes his head and then points at the surrounding trees.

          "Theses trees have at least a small flesh on them. A weapon that can tear human flesh apart from the Troll Warlord's strength, there is a weapon that can easily do that."

          Herbert suddenly felt enlightened and answered, "A spiked club! It can easily tear human flesh. A perfect weapon for a monster that is at the top of the troll race's hierarchy."

          "Yes. That is what I concluded as well. Seeing how they are killed in an instant. The spikes must have played a great role in eliminating them at once." Aurie agreed.

          The people that have followed them observed at first while listening to their conversation.

          "What in the world are they saying? Troll Warlord? Is there even such a monster?"

          "Listening to these monster fanatics irritates me. Why in the world did they want to investigate the hot spots? Are they crazy?"

          "Let's just observe them for now."

          Aurie and Herbert visited the other hot spots as well and talked about their findings, the people that followed them are in disbelief after everything that they have muttered is far off from what the guild had told the families of the deceased. For them, what Aurie and Herbert talks about are complete rubbish.

          "This is getting even more ridiculous. Troll Warlord, Specter Lord, Ursa Major, Slytherin Lord? What in the world are those monsters? Are they supposed to be the top ranking figures of their own races?"

          "From what I heard, it seems to be the case." A man with an eyepatch responded. "From a completely normal person's point of view. What they are saying sounds like an utter joke, but now that I heard what they are saying so far, it makes sense. I am a former soldier myself and I am not just any soldier, I was one of the people that stands on top of the wall during the waves and I heard all those names being mentioned before. These guys- they are experts." He said to himself.

          While being caught in his thoughts, Aurie had long known of their presence and had Herbert greet them when they visited the last hot spot in Orpus.

          "Since when did he-"

          "You have followed us for a good long time now. I wonder if you have business with us." Herbert said while pointing his daggers on two persons following them.

          "Fast- this guy is fast."

          They then felt a presence walking towards them, with every single step that Aurie takes, Herbert's blade slowly buries into their skin.

          "Stop, Herbert. I believe I ordered you to apprehend them. They look like they have information." Aurie said with a cold tone.

          "How did it come to this?!"