
What happened to the dumplings

.. " Uhmm... miss you can also check the prices of the food you ordered. Not that am looking down on you but you have to know the prices too" Mei Lin urged the customer.

" she is trying to look out for me thinking that I don't have money but am from a wealthy family, I don't blame her though . I also look like I don't have any money on my pocket. But she is a kind hearted woman.. uhmm.." the customer was lost in thoughts when Mei Lin called her .

"Huh... I know but that's what I want to eat just serve it don't worry about the bill."

" ok .. if that's it then I'll be ... right back."

Mei Lin left the scene for the kitchen to check on the dumplings.

When she was in the kitchen she sensed something was amiss. Cooks were rushing something to the bin.

When she looked closer she saw something cream in color which looked liked over cooked dumplings.

"Hey what happened here!?! What happened to the dumplings!!!?" she asked the cooks almost in hushed tone which made the one taking the dumplings to the bin look back.

" We are sorry miss Mei Lin, we couldn't do it right. I... I.. we thought it would be easy but it wasn't since it's not something that we always cook and our other cook who is able to cook them is off work today. She was sick. I thought I would perfect them but I'll have to ask for your help" the head chef who Mei Lin had assigned the work to told her nervously and rushing his words.

" What!!!! I thought that's the easiest recipe to make.

It's s ok you don't have to worry . Can I at least get some space there I'll be out in a jiffy when everything is fine ok" Mei Lin told the chef and he gladly accepted and gave her a way in to the kitchen to finish her business.

" Uhmm... about the food.... don't throw it in the bin ... why don't you just sieve it and give it to the street children instead of dumping it in there" She said it more like a question.

It left the chef puzzled as to why they would give their foods to those low class people.

That's when Mei Lin saw his expression and then told him it would be better put to good use as food for those hungry people than wasting that whole lot of ingredients.

" Ok I'll do it just this once .. but I don't like helping people who are in the streets. Coz you help them once and they will clutch into you like an everyday life saver... but am doing this just for you since you are good hearted and easy going."

After hearing the chef's reply she headed for the ingredients and prepared the dumplings in the shortest time possible .

When she finished preparing it she then remembered the frail woman's orders. She rushed to get her orders. When she peeked on her and saw her working on her laptop. She seemed busy which made Mei Lin sigh in relief.

She thought that she has made her wait alot when she went to the kitchen to get the dumplings done.


She got the customer's order and took it to the frail woman.

" Maam .. here is your order .. and some fruit juice.. I'll take my leave now." Mei Lin put down the food and was bout to take her leave when she heard her asking her to stay..

" Maybe after I take the orders upstairs will I come and accompany you.. but now am on a tight schedule. I have... nevermind." she told the woman and stopped when she knew she was talking alot.

The frail woman nodded and told her to come back when she is back from serving her customers.

..... Mei Lin left hurriedly for the guest suit to serve the dishes.

She had asked other waitresses for help to take the dishes to the longe area where the VIP dine from.

When she entered the longue area she was met with.....


sorry my dear supporters fir updating it late but I had to battle with some serious disease in the hospital.

I love your support so I decided to update a chapter today while still on the hospital bed .

if you like my work plz rate it ,comment and refer it to your friends.

have a nice time reading the story

Anglyn_Christiecreators' thoughts