
The frail customer

"Can you bring us hot dumplings!! that's is, if you can cook them for us and also bring a cup of coffee each" one elderly man she got to know the name as Mr. Shao Wang sent her and blinked at her .

She quickly got the information as Mr. Shao Wang was paving way for her escape. "I will do it right away Mr.... Wang.." as if not sure of the name, Mei Lin blinked and look at Mr. Shao Wang who nodded for her to proceed with what she was doing and before Xe Feng could say anything more she dashed out at a bullet speed as if she has been saved from the lion's den.

"sighs" Xe Feng looked at the cloud if dust left by Mei Lin when she dashed off.

All the board members resumed their meeting while waiting for Mei Lin to bring for them something to snack.


Mei Lin was soon in the kitchen. As soon as she entered all stares were directed to her and she wondered what was wrong wrong with them.

"ahh .. my bad .. hi all fo the chefs in here .!!" she greeted them with a smile and they all sighed and greeted her back while they all resumed to what they were doing.

"How should I help you Miss Mei Lin right..." he asked unsure of her name and she nodded then told him what she wanted to cook coz one of the guests wanted to eat it.

"Do you mean that the guests ordered for dumplings and needs it hot... and he .. wanted you to cook it.. " the main chef asked her and she proceeded to nod continuously while blinking and smiling.

"But can you leave that job to the food experts and go wait the tables we shall call you when the food is ready" the head chef told Mei Lin.

"Ok " Mei Lin replied while walking to where the the tables were.

"Hey!! waiter " Mei Lin heard someone call for a waiter and she looked around and found a young woman sitting in the far corner fidgeting with her fingers but then when she wanted to bypass the thought she realized that the other waiter were far from reach. So she decided to go and take the woman's oder .

"how may I help you Miss, you seem to be scared or worried is everything okay" Mei Lin asked with concern while she looked at the woman who seemed scared .

"I... I... I want food but I don't know how to order , I have never ordered from such huge hotels am not used to this style." she replied while squeezing her skirt.

Mei Lin looked at the frail woman Infront of her then decided to give her the menu and point out what she would love to eat.

But when Mei Lin looked at what the customer was pointing at she was shocked not at what she was pointing at but at the prices of the dishes she was pointing at.
