

What happens when an ordinary teenage boy discovers he is the fated mate of a werewolf? He runs for his life, that's what. What happens when a werewolf's fated mate runs away? They get dragged off to LockeWolfe, an isolated neutral territory intended to keep unwilling human mates in check... to prevent werewolves going crazy at the loss of their mates, and also to prevent the humans from spreading knowledge of the werewolves to human society. Because even if most humans wouldn't believe a word of it. Hunters would. This is the story of a human boy abducted by his werewolf mate and taken away to LockeWolfe until he learned to accept his new reality and not be a flight risk or a secret sharing risk. But, will he accept it? What happens if he doesn't?

Blu_Koral · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
5 Chs

Chapter 1

Tonight was the night!

We finally got our hands on these fake IDs.

Harold had promised me the success rate of these cards was guaranteed full proof. Nobody had ever been caught while using the cards made by this guy.

Honestly, I was a bit skeptical of that fact. And by a bit, I mean, I was half petrified with worry as I stood here in line beside my best friend.

We were on a mission tonight. A very important mission. A virginity losing mission that was.

I wrung my hands anxiously as the line got closer to the entrance of the Figure Eight. The only adult club in town, if you catch my drift.

"Greyson, quit fidgeting, before you draw suspicion our way. I told you, this'll work! No problemo."

"You sure?" I straightened my posture and forced myself to look nonchalant. Doing my best to mimic the body language and attitude of my older brother and his friends. They always seemed super smooth to me.

"We pull this off and we'll become legends at school Greyson! So keep your cool. We've got this. No sweat."

"I know. I know. I'm cool." I exhaled slow and deeply and bounced in place a few times to prepare myself for keeping a straight face as the bouncer guarding the entrance came into view. We were next. Stay calm, Grey. Stay calm.

If we got in, we'd be the youngest students in the history of our school to accomplish such a feat. Our popularity was sure to soar. Wasn't that worth some risk?

Hell yeah it was.

The goal wasn't just to sneak into the bar however, nor simply to have working fake IDs. Me and Harold were determined to lose our virginities tonight. I turned seventeen in a few days, therefore I needed to lose my virginity now... before people started to suspect I had erectile dysfunction or something. Like seriously, Harold turned seventeen a month ago and he'd been being harassed at school by the jocks and our seniors ever since. And our other best friend TJ, he turned seventeen a few months back, and the harassment had gotten so bad he'd been talking about dropping out of school. To the point he'd just been grounded for skipping too much school... otherwise he would've been here with us tonight. Poor kid, he should be here to become a man with us. But he had to go and get himself grounded. Maybe he was destined to remain a late bloomer. I however didn't want to join the late bloomers club!

With that thought in mind, I sauntered over and flashed the bouncer my ID with a sexy smirk, as soon as he glanced me and the card over and nodded for us to enter... I sagged against the first empty wall I found and waited for my heart rate to normalize. Fuck, that was so damn scary. I think I might've lost a decade or two off of my lifespan.

Still worth it.

Standing inside the Figure Eight was definitely worth it.

I eyeballed the topless waitresses curiously. They didn't do anything for me, only hot ass guys could heat my blood up... but spank my ass and call me naughty if I didn't get a little hot and bothered at the thought of being the one to be strutting around in nothing but skimpy ass booty shorts with all those guys fawning over my body.

I mean, my body was nothing to fawn over... I was a skeleton with skin. I envied those with muscles.

I made my way to the bar where I'd spotted Harold standing, he ordered for us both and I gratefully accepted whatever he handed me.

I couldn't carry out this mission sober. I needed some liquid courage pumping through my veins right about now.

I chugged the first glass, barely registering the burn of alcohol. Slamming the glass on the counter I asked for another and the bartender topped off my glass.

"Take it easy, Sonny Boy. We've got all night." Harold laughed at my jittery nerves. "I'm gonna turn up the charm now. Don't wait up."

"Text me when you get home, Harry Boy." Harold flipped me off over his head as he kept walking away and I grinned before downing my second glass of fiery liquid courage.

I ordered a third but didn't drink that one, instead I started prowling the crowded club for somebody to tempt into bed with me. My ass needed to be deflowered. And the deflowerer was somewhere in this building waiting for me to tell them so.

Simple, right?

Nothing to it.


I'd been sitting at the bar for about an hour, brooding, when a mouthwatering aroma entered my senses, making me leap off of my barstool, sniffing the air to find the source of the unknown scent. My inner wolf insisted I track down the source of that aroma, immediately.

Towering over the crowd with my six and a half foot height, I easily spotted the beautiful creature awkwardly standing by the entrance, sagging against the wall. What was wrong with him? I honed my senses towards him and could hear his heartbeat accelerating rapidly. My wolf howled out within my mind, informing me that he was our mate.

Although I had only known him for a few short seconds, I felt so completely devoted to him. I wanted to knot him, solidify our bond, and make my boy mine.

Just as I was about to go check on my mate's safety, his heart rate calmed and he walked over to stand beside another human at the bar.

That realization calmed down my frenzy to meet him. Human. That always complicated things.

I decided to stand back and observe for the time being. I'd approach him when the time was right. I didn't want to scare him.

But dammmmmn.

His scent was proving to be impossible to resist.
