

What happens when an ordinary teenage boy discovers he is the fated mate of a werewolf? He runs for his life, that's what. What happens when a werewolf's fated mate runs away? They get dragged off to LockeWolfe, an isolated neutral territory intended to keep unwilling human mates in check... to prevent werewolves going crazy at the loss of their mates, and also to prevent the humans from spreading knowledge of the werewolves to human society. Because even if most humans wouldn't believe a word of it. Hunters would. This is the story of a human boy abducted by his werewolf mate and taken away to LockeWolfe until he learned to accept his new reality and not be a flight risk or a secret sharing risk. But, will he accept it? What happens if he doesn't?

Blu_Koral · Fantasy
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5 Chs

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