
Lo Recant, The Rise of The Dragon King

Dragons, creatures of unimaginable might; beings capable of destroying entire countries single-handedly. The apex of all creations, the strongest of all. The beings who sit at the zenith of creation itself, the gods' strongest creation. Only being beaten out by the gods' own masterpiece, humans. This story is about an outsider, a foreigner. A being who shouldn't exist, a being who has no right in the world. A person who is reincarnated as a newborn dragon in the middle of a grand forest. This story is about a man and his conquest; a conquest so grand, that the world itself quivers before it. A conquest which will, in its end, tear the sky, rupture the earth, and shatter the atmosphere. A conquest which will reshape the world, rewrite history, destroy all semblance of balance and logic. A conquest which will make all shiver in terror, be it gods or mortals, humans or goblins, dragons or slimes. A conquest which will topple over everyone, no matter their position. The conquest which shall be the rise of the dragon which shall be engraved into the world and its history, the conquest of the rise of the being who shall be known to all as the 'The Greatest Sin Of All'.

Bigdaddy_mew · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
43 Chs

The Strongest

A ball started to form about 5cm in front of my opened jaw. The ball was white in color and had started to create many distortions in the spacetime itself. But the biggest distortion had to be the bend. It was bending spacetime around it, and by a lot at that.

But even though it was just doing that, the air now started to fall towards it, spiraling down, but not just that, even some small rocks and pebbles were now started to get attracted to it. I didn't know what kind of black magic was responsible for it, but it happened.

The ball then started slowly get even bigger and more stronger, creating a cycle of the ball getting stronger faster and faster. Now it was starting to consume rocks up to the size of 10cm and was creating massive hurricane winds that looked as if they could cut through stones -- which they actually freaking did.

'Holy shit!' I thought as I saw the air cut through rocks like butter.

Just seeing that feat of sheer power made the orcs, and me, overcome with fear; thankfully, I handled it better than the orcs. The orcs looking at the hurricane level wind and seeing rocks, which were now almost reaching a meter, getting absorbed into the white ball which was now the size of a large marble were absolutely terrified. Their faces were the ones that someone would make when that person knew for fact that they had just seen something which was way above, something like a god.

'Whelp, the strongest offensive ability really seems to be true.' I wryly thought to myself.

I couldn't even imagine how terrified I would be if a lion sized white dragon that looked nothing but divine started to charge up an attack which literally bend spacetime itself and created massive hurricane-level winds.

'FIRE!!!' and with excitement even trumping that of a 8 year old, I fired the my breath, expecting to see some destruction.

The white ball which was the same size as a small ball fire a massive white beam, about 3 meters in radius. The beam beelined towards the orc, very quickly, and created a very strange high-pitched screeching sound. It was just like a nail scratching a glass. It was something which was terrifying and beautiful at the same time. It had completely frozen me for about a second.

But, a mere second was all it took for my breath to cause destruction and wreck havoc.

'What!' I quickly stopped my breath, surprised, but even more terrified, to see what I had just done.


And before I could even react, a massive explosion happened. The explosion reached the height of two hundred meters and threw few hundreds, oh, did I say hundreds, I meant thousands of burning trees into the air, firing them at speeds that would make anyone defecate themselves -- including me. But not just that, to make it even more better, or worse, the shockwave hadn't even reached us -- as it was about a kilometer away, after all. Oh, better yet, I wasn't even including the fact that literally fire and other kinds of debris -- which weren't trees --were was starting to rain down.

And just like that, in just a second, fire started to rain down, burning the forest down, whilst the massive shockwave heavily weakened the wall and, once again, threw hundreds of trees into the air -- who were all burned mid-flight due the fire which was falling down from the sky.

The weather was dry, very dry; so it didn't take a genius to find out what would happen next.

'This is fine.' I thought as I saw the entire forest around me starting to burn down.

I had only been looking at the destruction caused by my attack, because of that I had completely ignored the fact that the attack had been fired at those 30 poor orcs.

"Whelp, shit!" I was now really fucking irritated.

The orcs were all gone, reduced to dust. And I wasn't joking when I had said that, they were literally vaporized. All that remained of them was the massive gash in the ground which was about 10 meters wide, 9 meters deep, and 1 kilometer long.

I then looked at the wall, and just like I had expected, "Well the walls missing some parts of it..." I said, disappointed, to the wall in which there was now a massive opening.

I was still really disappointed at the loss of the orcs. So much so that I had literally ignored, well, forgot the fact that I had just committed arson and that there was a massive forest fire currently happening.

"Well, you lose some, you win some." I said as I slowly walked towards the, now even more terrified, orc who were being burned by my fire. While walking, I became aware of an obvious fact, and that was that it was a lot easier to move my body. I mean a lot easier. If I had to guess, relatively, it would be at least be 10-50% better than my previous evolution.

'This is going to be really helpful.' I happily thought to myself.

I was now only about 30 meters away from those orcs, until I realized something, "Wait, I just forgot about you didn't I." I said to myself as I looked towards the orc who couldn't blink, it was ImMcDisabled.

I, now, slowly changed my track, and slowly walking towards him, uncaring of everything in the world -- meaning I was ignoring the raging inferno around me.

"What?" I said, confused.

The moment I had started walking towards the orc, the entire world had froze. Well, it would be better to say that the time of the entire world stopped. Nothing was moving, I couldn't feel anything around me except for the slight motion of the air. And there was also the fact that the world had also been inverted in color, very strange indeed. (AN: A Certain Vampiric Bri'ish Who Speaks Hentai)

I started to hear a clapping sound coming from all over me, the sound was very strange as I wasn't able to locate the source of the said sound.

"Its just like the sound is coming from everywhere around me…" I was now seriously creeped out; and if I had the ability to have goosebumps, I'll probably would've already have them.

The clapping was now coming nearer and nearer, making me feel chills running down my spine. After all, it was very weird and confusing to hear a sound which was coming from everywhere come closer, without the sound's source getting any closer.

I started too look around, I didn't care if my ears were fooling me; I was going to find the source of the sound even if it killed me. It was just that weird. Plus the fact that it was just like a plot of some scary horror movies -- the type of movies which I hated with my entire being.

"Crap!" I couldn't find it, now I was starting to get even more worried. And as if the sound knew that I was trying to find it, it started to come even closer -- adding insult to injury.

"Whelp… fuck it!" if there was something which could find the source of the sound, it had to be Ethereal Vision.

And so, with great determination, I activated Ethereal Vision, disabling Pseudo-Ultra Instincts in the process. Thankfully, the entire process didn't even take me 10 seconds thanks to the fact that I was a lot stronger and had much better skills.

Now, the range of the field was about 3 km. The field had increased by a lot.

"I am never doing this ever again…" I said with overpowering disgust in my voice.

The reason I had said that wasn't because I was scared of it, no, it was because of the sights that made me want to rip my eyes out.

Due to me sensing everything in a radius of 3km, I had found out many things. Monster nests were included in those things. Most of them were underground and also had very few monster living in them. With my wisdom, which was improved by True Sacred Dragon, Ouroboros, and Ragnarok, I had found out that all of them could go on par with an adult dragon. With one of them, the Tyrant Lord Serpent, capable of fighting against a strong elder dragon, and even having a solid 40% to win.

But the thing which had disgusted me the most were the monster nests which were above ground, on the surface. In those lived very uncivilized monster, goblins, with one of them being the other part of this village -- the place where the orcs bred and where the children lived.

Due to the uncivilized nature of the goblin nests, and the fact that the breeding den of the orcs was a fucking mess -- though the same could also be said for the goblins, I almost puked; as in Ethereal Vision, even though I didn't have all my senses, I could 'see', 'smell', and 'feel' everything. Meaning I felt all the trash which the goblins and the trash which the orcs had left in their breeding den and... toilets.

'But it's not like I regret it, per se.' I thought.

After all, I had gotten more knowledge about the landscape, the environment, the resources, and minerals in the area. With some of them being some really good consumables for level 30-40. I could easy get rich if I got all of them and sold them at the human cities -- as the people in this world were most likely primitive and probably used magic, unlike the black magic which the scientists had practiced in my previous world. After all, among all the 100 or so humans who were being used as breeding machines, all of them were below level 10. They were so weak I could kill them with slight flick of my wrist.

I also had a lot more advantage than just that, so I guessed I broke out even. But I quickly stopped dwelling on these thoughts, as, there was something I needed to do. And that was to disable my Ethereal Vision. As even with that massive range, I couldn't find the source of the sound. Plus the fact that using Ethereal Vision made it even weirder as the clapping just stopped, which should be impossible as I should sense the vibration in the air that sound makes.

"Well, there's only one option left… it's going to be sick." I said as I started to prepare my stomach and my appetite for one hell of a beating.

The reason you might ask? Well, because I was going to increase my sense of smell. It was the sense which could cover the most area, as there were being even in my previous world who had sense of smell so powerful that they would be able to smell something from kilometers away! So I started to increase my smell, whilst decreasing all the other senses by a bit. Making my sense of smell reach its 'peak' -- as I could still reach even higher if I disabled all my senses. I called the form Hyper Smell -- I didn't name it Super Smell because Super was already taken by Super Sense State.

Because of Hyper Smell, I could now smell literally everything in a 10km radius. Which had made me almost puke; monster defecation, urine, and ejaculation weren't something which I would consider aromatic, some people may, but I didn't. But even then, I still couldn't find it the source of the clapping.

"Sigh, fine I give up, show yourself!" I gave up and just kindly asked the person to come. But unbeknownst to them, I was preparing the strongest offensive ability in the entire world. Which I had, rightfully, dubbed, World Annihilator Breath, as it wholeheartedly deserved the edgy nickname.

"Well, then, mortal; I think I should stop playing! Hehe! Here, I have came out, just like you've asked of me." I then heard a voice, coming from my back.

That voice had a very regal and authoritarian aura to it, it was the aura of a true king, nay, a true god. Something which I had been trying to imitate for the last few minutes. This had surprised me very much, and had made me become even more cautioned; as I knew that for a person to have that kind of voice: A. They either had to be a cringe retard, like me, or, B. Actually have the right to sound like that. And I was leaning on the latter option, as I could feel the power in the voice. It was the level of power which made me aware that even after a thousand years, I wouldn't even come close to the power of the voice. After all, the entire world had shook because of it, and this time, I wasn't even exaggerating.

"Eat this, bastard!!!" I then fired the World Annihilator Breath at a god, or someone close to being a god.

"A little feisty, eh, mortal!?" the voice, or better yet, the white humanoid figure without a face, said as he created a barrier around himself.

"Oh… quite strong, aren't you!" the figure said mischievously as my attack easily tore through the barrier as if it weren't there and attacked the figure, leaving a hole 30cm in diameter in the figure's chest.

"What? It worked?" I was now seriously terrified of the attack. I didn't even expect the attack to even breach the barrier, but it did, and it also attacked the figure. But not just that, for the attack to be called strong, by who I assumed to be a literal god, was pretty cool and terrifying at the same time.

The hole I had created quickly repaired itself, nothing surprising, "So, how strong was the attack?" I asked the figure. I didn't care if the bastard was a god or not, the only thing I cared was to know how strong the attack was. As there was going to be no way I would ever get a opportunity like this ever again, after all I might die now.

"Well, mortal, since you've requested me, I shall comply. Your attack has just torn through a world and has attacked me, reducing my total hp by 1%. Meaning, your attack has enough power to destroy this world… 10 times over-" the figure calmly replied, not even caring about the implications of the words he had just said.

"What? 10 times over? Wait, wait, wait… I know that my breath is the strongest attack in the world, but isn't that a bit too powerful! I mean, the time I had fired it, without your stopped time party trick, I had only created a minuscule explosion!" I was really surprised to hear what this god-like being had just said, after all, I knew just how big of an explosion you would need to destroy a planet. And let me tell you, that thing wasn't even close to being a planet-destroyer.

"Well, I'm saying the truth, there is nothing which complies me enough for me to tell you a lie, mortal! And if you're wondering why the explosion of your attack was so small, that's because your attack isn't the type to causes an explosion. Its the one which rips through the fabric of spacetime itself. So the explosion you had seen was caused due the air colliding with itself." the figure casually replied as he checked his chest and patted it a bit.

"I don't understand all that black magic…" I didn't even understand what he had just said.

"What!?" he broke his character, and now his voice sounded like a someone who was really surprised and really disappointed -- I couldn't even believe that this was the guy who had that regal voice from before, "Are you really serious! Aren't you from the world where there are literally planet destroying weapons! For Lo's sake, is your world's education system that bad!"

"Kinda weird for a god to talk that way, isn't it?" I replied.

"Oh yeah," the figure acted as if he was preparing himself for an important interview, "I should probably introduce myself, sorry. I mean, it was the first time someone had ever asked me a question when I drop by, and also the one who just nonchalantly fires an attack which could have possibly killed me." the figure said as he took on a pose of someone divine and godly. I wouldn't thought he looked very cool if he hadn't broken character a second ago.

"My name is Lo Recant, I'm the world itself, not a god per se, but I'm the strongest one in it. Nice to meet ya' R1" he said with a shit-eating grin -- I didn't care if he didn't have a mouth, his voice made him sound just like that.

"Cool! So you know about me, don't ya'? Plus, why the hell did someone name you Loli Cunt, kinda sounds racist." I answered, totally knowing the implications of my word, I didn't know why but I just felt like insulting this bastard.


I have a messed up perception of time, I didn't even realize that I had just uploaded a chapter yesterday, I thought it was like three days ago. I blame lockdown for that.

Also, enjoy this chapter which is 2.9K words in length! I think there should be some errors in this one as there is no way I am editing a 2k words chapter. I have shit to do, like being redditor, watching and enjoy high-class art* like a fine gentlemen -- *hentai.

So anyways, stay safe, stay pure, Bigdaddy out! ;)

"The shallowness of one's goals can only be expressed through one's ideals"

-BigDaddyMew, trying his best to foreshadow something which doesn't even need forshadowing.

Bigdaddy_mewcreators' thoughts