
Lo Recant, The Rise of The Dragon King

Dragons, creatures of unimaginable might; beings capable of destroying entire countries single-handedly. The apex of all creations, the strongest of all. The beings who sit at the zenith of creation itself, the gods' strongest creation. Only being beaten out by the gods' own masterpiece, humans. This story is about an outsider, a foreigner. A being who shouldn't exist, a being who has no right in the world. A person who is reincarnated as a newborn dragon in the middle of a grand forest. This story is about a man and his conquest; a conquest so grand, that the world itself quivers before it. A conquest which will, in its end, tear the sky, rupture the earth, and shatter the atmosphere. A conquest which will reshape the world, rewrite history, destroy all semblance of balance and logic. A conquest which will make all shiver in terror, be it gods or mortals, humans or goblins, dragons or slimes. A conquest which will topple over everyone, no matter their position. The conquest which shall be the rise of the dragon which shall be engraved into the world and its history, the conquest of the rise of the being who shall be known to all as the 'The Greatest Sin Of All'.

Bigdaddy_mew · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
43 Chs

Euphoria Pt.5

"Dragon let me ask you this one last time, why?" the leader orc said softly and kindly with a neutral expression. But even then, I could still feel the sheer wrath and bloodlust that were in his voice. Even if you were deaf you would probably be able to feel that the orc in front of me was very angry.

I didn't want to answer until he was even more closer. I won't feel the weight when I kill him otherwise. Plus, not just me, even the orcs will feel the weight of the murder.

I couldn't even hide the grin that was slowly creeping on my face, but even if I could I wouldn't. I didn't want to wait. I wanted to release all the pent up wrath I had felt, I was going to make them suffer, and I was going to enjoy it. The level of arousal I had felt skyrocketed to new extremes as my killing intent and bloodlust started growing.

I still had to control the aura as to not scare the shit out of the orcs, yet, and also risk making them aware of the fact that I was still very strong, even stronger than the time I had come to the village. But as it was too much, some of it escaped. Thankfully, the only way you were going to notice that was if you had senses that even surpassed mine -- as even I was having trouble sensing them.

Well now that I think about it, I think it might be quite easy, actually. Since I was only increasing my instincts and had lessened a lot of my senses; I wasn't at my peak sensitivity -- Ethereal Vision could probably let me "see" the aura, as it could even "see" through mana.

Well technically, Ethereal Vision allowed me to "see" to everything.

'No that still won't cut it, it's way, way, way, way more than that.' after all, Ethereal Vision didn't just allow me to "see"; it allowed me to feel anything and everything within my Field. Just to think about it made me feel weird.

I stopped thinking about it too much as I didn't want to go too deep into the form which I would never, ever take -- still was really fucking scared about it.

I started to focus on the orc that was coming towards me, as that was pretty careless of me to just stop thinking about the 2 ton truck that was coming towards me and start thinking about the thing which I may or may not use in the future.

I then looked towards my side as I saw the ring of fire I had created around the orc's so-called 'brethren'. It was really too hard to stop my laughter as I saw all those orcs trying to shake their entire body trying to escape from the fire. They didn't scream because they knew very well that if they tried to my fire would immediately start burning them to death, while making sure that they won't be able to scream. It wasn't that hard to do, as I just involved me using more of my will in my flames, thankfully, draconic wisdom had also helped me out a lot in those dark times where I wasn't already broken enough.

I again focused on the orc that was coming closer to me, he was still about 4 or something meters away from me. 'Come closer,' I wanted the distance between him and me to be about 2m, 'closer... closer... yes!'

I then completely released my aura, even releasing the aura that had been suppressed by my skill, Aura Suppression level 3...

...Or was about to, as tt was that moment, I realized, I had level 3 skills... Skills which would have all took me a very long time to level up normally, I had them. I had completely forgot about them. Well to be fair, I was kinda overwhelmed by the Divine Rat plus the fact that I had a rank, sacred skill, and a freaking divine skill on top of that! So I quickly chalked it up to the fact that I was overwhelmed, totally not because I just forgot about the most basic system in Mir Grand. No way that would ever happen, I'm smarter than that.

I quickly stopped thinking about it was it was hurting my ego, and I didn't like it and focused on the leader who...

'Shit' I then felt a sense of death and danger coming closer, aiming for my head, and due to how powerful my instincts and intuition were, I felt it very vividly and clearly.

I now had to act really fast, as the the orc had made his blade come towards my neck, and it was very near, it was dangerously near, literally. I only had some seconds to react to the attack, otherwise I was going to die. I was a literal do-or-die situation.

'Well, it's not the first time I had been in this situation.' I then quickly started to think off everything that I could do, then only to stop thinking about it the moment I started because Draconic Wisdom was just that much better in saving my dumb ass.

'Can you not get more broken!' I pleaded happily to my wisdom as I found out the best way I could get out of this situation. The answer was something that even the version of me me, who had gone full Ultra Instincts, wouldn't even be able to think about. It was just that complicated.

What I was going to revolved a lot around the world's law of physics, or better known as black magic -- as it was just that, black magic; well technically it was the same as it was in my previous world, something which my illiterate mind couldn't think of. But not only that, it also used some of my limbs, which even after I had gained my Ultra Instincts, I had never used. They were my tail and my wings. I knew that they existed and knew how to move them, but I didn't try to move them as I didn't know how to move them with the same dexterity as my other limbs. It was the same even after going Pseudo-Ultra Instinct, as, I just didn't have enough experience with them like I had using my 'human limbs'.

Plus the fact that nothing has ever warranted the use of them, until now, only added insult to injury as I couldn't even be bothered to use them or train with them. So, it was truly a godsend that I could get out of this sticky situation by using them, plus the fact that I could do it quite easily as well.

'Oh, boy, you are going to fucking regret even living now!' I couldn't control the amount of anger I had felt for the leader orc trying to kill me. And just like that, before the sword came close to me, I used my tail to yeet myself off about 3 meters to the side, completely dodging the attack.

A loud banging then could be heard in area as all 30 thirty orcs that were 'healthy' heard it. The sound was caused by me whipping my tail against the ground, I had done it with so much force that even the ground had caved in a little.

This little thing was no problem for me to accomplish, and because of that I was launched three meters to my left.

'This small little maneuver is going to cost you your entire village, orc!' I looked at the surprised orc with with eyes filled with rage and anger, as I used my claw to latch on the to the ground.

And with the some movements of my body which I couldn't even begin comprehending, I somehow used the momentum I already had and channeled it into the ground. It was something which was so complex I couldn't even begin comprehending, and it was then I again realized just how lucky I was to be born with this wisdom. I had done something which, by everyone, would be considered to be hard, no, even impossible.

'What kind of black magic is this?' I didn't know how my wisdom skill was made, but I did know one thing and that was that... it was freaking broken. It was just like a cheat, I mean, the thing I had just done was something I would've never even though of in a hundred years.

And with reformed knowledge on how effort doesn't mean shit compared to true talent, i.e my Draconic Wisdom. I launched myself at the leader orc's greatsword. But before I launched myself truly, I first had to make myself spin mid-air. As that would make me much more accurate. I didn't know how, but I knew that it would

'Oh!!! I know this one, it's just like how a bullet spins mid-air so that it fires straight!!' I then finally started to understand some of the black magic, though was still confused as to why it happened. Thankfully, I couldn't even give enough shit to care about it.

And with the help of my wings, I spun myself mid-air, and with some more help with some black magic, I sped myself up faster by folding my wing in. It had made me spin more faster and made me much more accurate than before -- and also had the wonderful side-effect of making me dizzy, though only a little.

Whilst fighting through my dizziness I came very close to the orc's blade, which didn't even take me a single second to reach. Now, before I reached the blade, I had to position myself mid-flight.

'Oh, how am I going to do it! It's not like I have a limb that's specifically made for flying or anything!' I cursed the cruel world for making me disabled as I opened up my wings and balanced myself mid-air, 'Well on another thought, I think i should probably learn how to use them better, I mean the level of movement options I would have will greatly increase' I then made my mind up on the thing I was going to practice next, air movement. I knew that flight was still some ways off as dragons could only start flying after they reached their young or adolescent stage. That was just a balancing act made by the game devs as to not make them too broken by giving them aerial movement that quickly -- but it was still quick, most players couldn't even fly when they reach level 30, while dragons would just start flying like a jet the moment they became level 30.

My opened up wings also allowed me to greatly slow myself down when I was going to land on the blade in middle of it's side-way arc in trying to chop my head. I then landed on it, and due to the weight discrepancy between the orc and me; plus the fact that I was a master at black magic, the blade didn't even budge at all. And because the orc was still in the middle of its attack, he didn't even have enough dexterity nor the strength to change the course his attack. Which made the next part much easier.

I started to put more energy in my feet, or the dragon equivalent -- I still didn't know about dragon biology other than their messed up mating process, making the leader orc lose his balance by a little as his sword was pushed down a bit, 'Oh, yes!' I smiled inside as I got ready to launch myself at the stumbling orc.


A cracking sound erupted around the area as I ripped the leader orc's head out of his neck with just the sheer power of my two claws. I had launched myself at his neck, making use of both his and my momentum, I had dug my claws deep within his neck, and before he could even start to scream, I had quickly severed it, removing his spine from his hip in the process.

I bathed in the hot orc blood as I saw the orc's lifeless head with the spine attached to it on the ground, as the body of the orc finally fell down with a thud. I would've probably gotten crushed due the sheer mass of the thing, so I had quickly gone to the back of the thing and started to look at the terrified and despair filled faces of the orc who had just seen one of their brother's head ripped off its head by a cat-sized dragon.

'Oh, surprising.' I thought to myself as I noticed that the orc's body was still convulsing, I didn't know why it happened even though the brain was gone, but I didn't mind it as I got intrigued by it. But I had things that were even more interesting so I quickly ignored it.

"Tell me orcs, do you feel it?" I asked them with an authoritarian voice filled to the brim with malice and bloodlust, "Do you feel the despair creeping in?"

"Tell me orcs!" I then released a massive aura of absolute authority and violence, making sure that it would impact the orcs. And I was correct, the orcs were literally too terrified to even say a thing, their faces filled with despair and mental agony. They couldn't even handle what had just happened. One moment I was going to die, and in the next moment the orc who was so close to killing me had its entire head ripped off, along with its spine.

"Tell me orcs!!!" I said, with an overpowering voice filled with authority and wrath. The voice had made the entire forest quiver with fear as birds started flying and beasts started fleeing, with the beasts footsteps shaking the ground itself, though little.

All the orcs, I mean all 80 of them or so, quivered in fear as they heard me. The orcs that were surrounded by my flames all started to get burned, but this time, I had made sure that they would scream the most. And just like that, the damage my flames dealt to those orc was minimized while the pain was maximized.

Their screams of agony and pain could be heard throughout the village. Their cries were like those of pigs getting slaughtered, I would've probably been disgusted by it at before, but now, it was literally music to my ears. It made my ears feel euphoric, not just that, it had made me feel euphoric as a whole. It was a sick thing, literally and figuratively.

Hearing the screams and cries of their brothers, all the orcs turned towards their right, the location where their amputated brothers were.

"What, no, this cannot be." "No"... the orcs all started to have a look of disbelief as they saw the horrific scene, for them, of their brothers getting burned alive and suffering continuously. I could clearly see the sheer shock and terror they had, the pain they had felt for their brothers.

I could see it all, and I enjoyed every single moment of it. A sadistic smile started to build up on my face as I saw the orcs' faces of despair.

I then started to slowly walk forward, uncaring about everything and anything, with the only goal being to enjoy and revel in their suffering and agony. It was going to be a long day! And a day which I was going to enjoy to its fullest!


I want to make this note as quick and fast as possible. The late upload is because of my exams and the fact that this chapter was a bitch to write. One of the reason it was a bitch was because it didn't match my standards and got rewritten many times.

A very important note (sorry for the length):

I have gotten a lot more collection in the past few days. Which made me really happy and gave me a lot of motivation to tackle this chapter. Please give me that collection if you like this novel and if you really want to motivate me give me a review -- even if its just plain ass entitled nit-picking I'll like it!

Anyways, thanks to all of those people who have given enough shit about this novel to put it in their library! That really gave me the motivation to write it! Stay Safe and Stay Cool and Stay Pure, hentai expert out!

Before I go out, here is the volume name for volume 2, Two Brothers. It's a really cool name that captures the essence of the volume like Adaptation.

"I love what I hate."

- BigDaddyMe

Bigdaddy_mewcreators' thoughts