
Filius Flitwick

My father took his own sweet time reading the letter and my mother herself started reading the letter over his shoulder. For a while, there is silence in the room and the only rustling of the letter. While Hermione still at an impasse about the letter. She couldn't bring herself to believe that she could be a witch.

After a while, the silence of the room was broken when my parents started laughing. The disbelief was written all over their faces.

"That is one of the best pranks anyone has pulled in middle school" My father was still chuckling while holding the letter.

"Right honey, they even made the list of books and materials requires to bring to school" my mother replied "They must have put in a lot of effort just to fool us"

"Mom could we wait till 3 pm, the letter says that one of the teachers will come and explain everything to us" I asked, I know for non-magic people it is hard to believe in magic.

"Jack you really believe the letter is real?? we are pretty sure you know better than to believe in magic" my father replied. He stood up from the table and returned the letter back to me "Keep it but you know magic is not real, this is probably a stupid prank they did for your birthday"

"Maybe you are right dad, I will take the letter to my room then" I replied to him calmly, there is no use for me to explain to him about magic and probably Minerva McGonagall will explain everything to him when she comes here."Hermione let's go to our room and get some rest, you know we will be going out for dinner right"

"Okay coming" she replied while she hopped off the chair and followed me back to our room.

"Do you believe that magic exists?" I asked her.

"Well not really but I wish magic was real" she replied while heading towards her own bed.

I looked out of the window. 'Just one more hour' I thought while glancing at the road from time to time. it was still summer and the hot breeze gently brush past me. I looked up and saw clouds covering the sun.

Time flew by as I looked for any stray cats or a strange lady on the road. It was nearly three and I was a little hyped for watching the first-ever spell in front of me. I started smiling while thinking about my parent's reaction when she will suddenly turn herself into a cat.

Suddenly I saw a small bald man walking down the street in strange cloth. He stood out so much that everyone who passes by him couldn't help but glance at him. I suddenly remembered that it was just speculated that Minerva was the one who came to Granger's house to explain.

I looked at the short man sauntering down the path to my house with his forehead shining in the sun, he has a lot of wrinkles on his face with round beady eyes and was wearing some sort of purple-colored robe.

I head to the dining room, my parents were nowhere in sight. I opened the refrigerator and took out a jug filled with cold water and waited. Sure enough, there was the toll of the calling bell.

I didn't head towards the door but waited for my parents to open the gate. My mother was the one who opened it and was shocked to see a short portly man right outside her door and froze for a while.

"Excuse me but who are you" she asked after coming out of shock. I know there must be a lot of things going through her mind right now.

"I am a professor of Hogwarts witchcraft and wizardry Filius Flitwick, I am here to introduce Mr. Jack and Mrs. Hermione to the wizarding world" he replied "I believe you have already read the letter send by the school"

"Honey get down here right now, there seems to be some sort of circus person here on the door" She shouted to my father who nearly tumbled down the stairs after hearing her wife.

"Excuse me sir we don't rent our backyard to anyone. If you want a place to set up your tent, it's better to head to Ms. Greyson's house down the block" he said while trying to close the door.

"I am here to introduce Mr. Jack and Mrs. Hermione to the wizarding world Mr. Granger please hear me out for a while" Filius replied while stopping the door from being closed.

"There is no magic here, please go on ahead and swindle someone else" My father said while pushing the door with all his might. He never imagined that such a small person can have such strength.

"I am sorry for this but this will be the best explanation for now" Filius replied while taking out a short black wand from his robes.


My father was pushed back by an extreme force along with the door and nearly crashed on the wall. My mother was surprised and rushed to my dad to check for any injuries.

"That was a knockback jinx that, Mr. and Mrs. Granger will be studying in school and many more" he said while coming inside the room and making himself comfortable on the couch. Meanwhile, Hermione already came down from the stairs and watched as her father was pushed back by magic.

"So magic exists!!" Hermione asked while looking at her father.

"You must be Mrs. Hermione Granger, Yes magic exists and there is a whole society of wizards and witches living in secret" he replied "And you are a witch Mrs. Granger and your brother is a wizard"

"I am a witch," Hermione asked doubtfully"

"Yes, If you are still not believing in magic, I can demonstrate a few more spells for you guys" Flitwick piped in cheerfully.

"Yes, Please" I replied wanting to watch some more magic spells in action.

Flitwick looked around and then pointed his wand at the nearest teacup while chanting "Wingardium Leviosa" and the teacup starts to levitate high up in the air.

"Oh my god" my mother exclaimed while watching her one of the most precious teacups suddenly starting to levitate in the air.

"I think that will be enough explanation for today" Flitwick replied while bringing down the cup back smoothly. "Now, I know this is difficult for you guys to believe so you can all take a day to settle all the thoughts, I will be back tomorrow at the same time to bring our young wizards to buy their school books"

Then he just stands up and heads towards the front door and closes it behind him. Hermione runs towards him and as she opens back the front door there is no one in sight in the yard.

"Magic exists" I heard my father mummer. hopefully, now that he had starting to believe in magic rest will be easy.

My mother brings my father back into their room while me and Hermione head to ours. It was a rollercoaster of emotions for my parents knowing their children are a wizard and witch and will need time to process the thought so I left them alone for now. I think Flitwick left so early because of these extreme reactions from my parents.

Hermione comes to me and asks "You know about magic, right, or else why would you have asked me about it before"

"I didn't believe it at first but some things happened and I couldn't explain it properly so I believed that it was magic all along since I received the letter" I replied smoothly with a poker face.


"Yes, so Mrs. witch what are your plans for the future" I asked trying to divert the topic to something else.

"Well I don't know but I am sure dinner plans are ruined" she replied.

"Yeah" I replied.