
Living life in HP world (fanfic)

Just a normal reincarnation in HP world without overpowered cheats.

shadowslake · Book&Literature
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21 Chs

The Diagon Alley

The next day, I woke up very late. I checked my watch and it was already eleven. 'Looks like we missed breakfast" I thought while I brushed my teeth and freshen up before heading down to have lunch. Hermione also tagged along and we came down the stairs to find out our parents already at the dining table. There is the sizzling sound of bacon and the constant whirring of the mixer in the background which stopped as soon as we came down. My parents seem to have been waiting at the dining table with a serious expression.

I silently sat on the opposite end from my parents and Hermione sat beside me. We all stared at each other silently and waited for other people to speak up.

"So Wizard huh" Dad spoke to me softy. "It will be difficult for you guys as we will not be able to help with your summer homework like before"

"So you will support us" Hermione blurted out. She seems ready for the worst so it was quite a surprise to her.

"I know that you guys were different from the beginning. Just didn't know that it was magic" He replied while coming forward and patting our heads." I know it must be a shock for both of you but remember we will always support you, after all, both of you are our children"

"How did you know we were different" I asked shocked as I brushed off his hand from my head. I don't remember doing anything strange in front of them and I made sure neither did Hermione.

"Well at night we used to separate Hermione from you in separate cradles but next morning Hermione will always be right next to you. We thought it was strange but didn't think about it too much. But to my surprise, strange things keep happening for around a year after your birth" my mom replied while looking towards us.

"So can we attend Hogwarts" I asked looking at both of them? I can see my cute little sister was making a puppy face beside me.

"Yes you can and we will support you both" mother replied while giving us a gentle hug.

"I am so excited, let's go and buy some wizarding goods," father said before laughing and joining us in a family hug.

"Okay, but before you go you devils must promise me that you will be safe and don't make too much mischief in school, got it"

"yes mom, you know that I am a responsible child" I replied to my mom.

"So Mr. Responsible, please make sure you get ready before your professor comes here" She replied while looking at the clock.

"Shit" I didn't even realize that it was already half an hour left before three. I immediately bolted up to my room to find any good dress to wear.

"Your dress is ready and kept in the laundry room all washed up and ironed" mother shouted. "I love you mom" I replied before heading to the laundry room.

We all prepare for the arrival of Flitwick for the rest of the time. my mother helped Hermione put on her dress while my father was trying to get that last strand of his hair in place. I put on my cloth as fast as I could before heading down again.

After some time Hermione with dad and mom came down. I looked at the clock and it was nearly three.

"He should be here any minute now" My father said looking at the clock and sure enough we hear the sound of calling bell. Dad went ahead and opened the door only this time he was more polite.

"Welcome to our home, Mr. Filtwick please make yourself comfortable" He said while looking at the portly man.

"No need Mr. Granger and please call me professor, please if you all are ready we can directly apparate to Leaky cauldron from here" Flitwick replied after seeing that we all are ready.

"Sure Professor" He said while looking confused. Flitwick gestured us to come closer and asked us to hold each other's hand. My mother is now holding my dad's and Hermione's hand while I grabbed her hands and Flitwick's. Hermione and my parents looked confused as to why we are doing this.

I brace myself for an apparition. "Here we go, remember to hold your breath" Flitwick said. Suddenly, I felt like being sucked into a tube and something keeps pulling from me from the front. The pressure gradually increased and I could no longer keep my eyes open.

The pressure disappeared all of a sudden and I was nearly thrown to the ground. I stood up and look around at my surroundings still being dizzy from the apparition. It looks like a very dirty old bar. Flitwick is standing right next to me a looks a little surprised. I gazed around and found my family and on the ground confused.

I helped them get up and dusted all of them. My father was a little angry because his hair which he has so meticulously combed was in disarray while my mom was a little out of breath. Flitwick then takes us inside the bar.

Dirty, messy, and dark. These were our first thoughts after entering the bar. Inside were some men and women who were abnormal. Most of them were elderly and has hats on their heads.

"Welcome to the leaky cauldron," Flitwick said while looking around "This place acts as a gateway for muggles to come in contact with the wizarding community. If you want to come in afterward, please look for Mr. Tom, The innkeeper right there. He should open the gate for you "

"Now if you follow me, I will explain the basics you need to know before I take my leave" We all followed him to the back of the pub before he turned and move inside a courtyard. There is nothing inside this place except some wine barrels lying here and there. Filtwick walked towards the wall and took out his wand from the holster "Now remember three up and two across from this wine barrel" he said while tapping on the brick with his wand.

The brick that was knocked by Filtwick's wand begin to tremble and suddenly the brick wall moved strangely. The opening started becoming bigger and bigger unit it became an archway that all of us can pass through.

"Welcome to Diagon alley" Flitwick smiled while looking at our shocked faces. In front of us lies a cobbled street that stretched from underfoot to front, flanked by weird-looking shops and several hawking stalls on the road.

"This place is amazing" Hermione cried while looking at all the amazing assortments on the display of the shops. Truth to be told I was also a little surprised by the sheer size of the alley.