
Chapter 22: New Connections

"Daddy! Hurry or we'll be late!"

"I'm coming, i'm coming" Jungkook chuckled as he joined the other in the hallway, two backpacks in his hand. One backpack was a cute white and blue one with little airplanes all over it, belonging to Jimin. The other was slightly bigger and it was black and grey, Jungkook's.

"Daddy let's go~" Jimin said with nervous excitement as Jungkook helped him put on his backpack. Jungkook cooed at how cute Jimin was bundled up in a huge scarf and jacket. The two were heading out to a meetup that they found out about on the social media site Fetway, a munch for little's and their caregivers. It's a casual social gathering for like-minded people to get to know each, which is being held in a diner a little way into the city.

"Ok baby, did you pick a stuffie to bring?" Jungkook asked as he put on their coats, double checking they had everything they needed.

"Yes! I'm bringing Chimmy" Jimin exclaimed excitedly, showing the puppy in a yellow hoodie stuffie in his hands. In the munch description, they encouraged for littles to bring a stuffie with them, which Jimin was a bit nervous about because he isn't usually "Little in public". But as the day got nearer, he warmed up to the idea and decided he will do it.

"Good choice, ready to go now?" Jungkook kissed Jimin's forehead before ushering them through the door, locking it behind them.

"I've been ready for ages now!" Jimin huffed, but he was still so excited. He hopes he can make new friends and that the other littles like him… Taehyung is his only friend who is also a little, which is great but Jimin thought it would be nice to have more little friends. Jungkook has reassured him many times that they would like him, Jimin really hopes they do!

They made their way to the bus stop just a few blocks away from their apartment. They couldn't take the car because it needs a new radiator and brake pad, which is something they will have to save up money for. So until then, they hopped onto the bus towards downtown, where they transferred for the train heading into the city.

A little boy and his mother sat across from them on the train. The little boy kept looking at Jimin who was holding his stuffie with a puzzled face. Jimin felt his face heat up as he squirmed uncomfortable, thinking about maybe putting Chimmy away in his backpack. Just has he had this thought the little boy turned towards his mother.

"Mum, how come I can't bring my toys outside? That boy gets to." little boy said as he pointed towards Jimin, Jungkook looked up from his phone at the commotion.

"Liam! It's rude to point" The little boy Liam's, mother scolded. Liam seemed hardly phased, as he was still waiting for an answer from his mother. "Because honey, you might lose them or get them dirty."

Liam's mother gave Jimin and Jungkook an apologetic look before turning back to her son. "Maybe this young man actually looks after his belongings."

"But I do look after them!" Liam looked genuinely betrayed at his mother's words.

Jimin giggled under his breathe at the scene, before Jungkook grabbed his hand for them to exit the train as they arrived at their station.

After leaving the subway Jungkook looked around until he saw the street they were looking for, Jimin's hand in his as he guided them towards their destination. Luckily the diner wasn't too far from the subway, a medium sized diner called 'The good way diner'. Glancing through the window, it didn't look terribly busy but there was still a good amount of people.

Jungkook was about to walk through the entrance door when he felt a tug on his hand, he turned to see Jimin with his head down.

"Minnie? What's wrong?" Jungkook used his free hand to gently lift Jimin's head up to face him, he felt saddened at the boy's troubled facial features.

"Daddy" Jimin whispered, cautious of the people passing by. "W-what… what if they don't like me?"

Jungkook sighed softly as he placed a gentle but firm kiss on Jimin's forehead. "Who wouldn't love you Prince? Just be yourself and they will be head over heels for you like I am… You're mine though." Jimin giggled at the last part and Jungkook was just happy to see him smile. Even though he's dead serious about that last part. "But, if at any point you're uncomfortable and want to go home, just say the word and we're gone, ok?"

Jimin nodded, feeling more at ease as he went on his tiptoes, pouty lips towards Jungkook indicating a kiss. Who was Jungkook to deny him?

They entered the diner, looking around at the tables to see if they could find the group. There was a table near the back of the diner that had around 10 people, some of them had stuffies and cute stickers on them. Jungkook thought without a doubt this was the little munch group, so as he headed towards them with Jimin in tow. The lady that was sitting at the head of the table noticed them coming. Jungkook remembers her face from Fetway, the organizer of the munch. She had a kind smile and she seemed quite young, probably not older than Jungkook. As she got out of her seat to greet them, Jungkook noticed she was around an average height with a slim figure and her brown wavy hair was just above shoulder length.

"Hello!" she had a bit of an accent, English was definitely not her first language, but Jungkook could tell she wasn't Korean either. "I'm Momo, are you here for the littles munch?"

"Ah, yes" Jungkook gently pried shy Jimin from behind him to stand beside him, wrapping a comforting arm around his waist.

"Awesome, but eh, I'm sorry who are you?" Momo giggled embarrassed "I don't remember your face from Fetway, not sure if your profile pic is your face, but I did send you a confirmation message right?"

"Oh sorry, Ah my Fetway name is "GoldenKook" but my name is Jungkook and this is my little one Jimin, but you're right I don't have my face on it. Yes we RSVP'd and received a confirmation message."

"Oh yes! I remember you. Welcome!" Just then, a girl who was sitting next to Momo gets out of her seat to join them, throwing an arm around Momo's shoulder. She was only slightly taller than Momo, with shorter and darker hair. She had a bit of a tomboyish look to her and she looked around the same age as Momo. Momo startled a little before she realized who it was. "Oh, hehe. This is Jeongyeon, my Mommy. Mommy this is Jimin and his Daddy Jungkook! This is their first time."

Jeongyeon gave them a equally kind smile. "Nice to meet you, Momo was so excited about new people joining us today, so we hope you enjoy it here. Everyone is kind, so I'm sure you will but if you have any questions you can come to us."

Jungkook thanked them, encouraging Jimin to do the same by giving him a gentle squeeze. Jimin shy stuttered out his thanks and Momo just about gushed.

"Cute! Isn't he cute Mommy? Hey we have a couple of free seats near us so you can totally sit with us" Momo ushered them towards their seats, Jimin felt relaxed at her bubbly attitude even though he blushed every time she called him 'cute.'

Momo took her seat at the head of the table, Jeongyeon at her left and Jungkook at her right, Jimin seated between Jungkook and a boy Jimin didn't know. Said stranger smiled at him and Jimin gave back a nervous smile, he looked towards Jungkook for help but saw that he was busy conversing with Jeongyeon, so he didn't disturb them.

Jimin felt a small tap on his shoulder, turning back to the boy with a smile still on his face. He had dark hair shaved into an undercut style, he was slim and though he was sitting down seem averaged height. He had a young face that Jimin was sure he was younger than him. He had a blue elephant stuffie in his hand which reminded Jimin of the puppy stuffie in his hands as he gave him a soft squeeze.

"Hello!" the boy chimed "I'm Mark. What's your name?"

"J-Jimin" Jimin stuttered nervously. Great, now the boy will think he's weird.

"Nice to meet you Jimin! You seem like a hyung? Hyung is the right word right? My Daddy had been trying to teach me korean. He said one day he'll take me to Korea! You're new right?"

Mark seemed to talk, a lot. But Jimin liked that about him.

"Ah, I was born in 95 so maybe?.. But Hyung is the right word b-but you don't have to call me that e-even if I am older. Oh, yes me and my Daddy are new here.." Jimin blushed each time he stuttered, but Mark didn't seem to mind which eased Jimin.

"Ah so you're my Hyung! But I won't call you Hyung if you don't want me to. I was born in 99 and my little age is 9, Daddy said i'm more of a Middle though, you seem younger though. Which is cool! Oh! You should meet my Daddy"

Mark brought the attention of a man sitting next to him. Mark's Daddy was quite handsome and seemed as young as Mark, which shocked Jimin when he found out the man was 27 years old. His name was Minseok and he had a cute gummy smile, he seemed kind and gentle but was firm with Mark when needed. Soon Jimin found himself in comfortable conversation with them, unaware of the proud smile Jungkook gave him when he checked up on him.

Not long after, a few waiter and waitresses came to take the their order, which Jungkook ordered for the both of them.

Mark was kind enough to introduce him to a few of the other people around the table. Jimin realized not all of them had caregivers with them but there was no lone caregivers, single caregivers are not permitted to come to the munch. While majority had stuffies with them a few didn't, there were some coloring and exchange stickers. Jimin thanked a girl nervously with a smile as she gave him a few stickers from her sticker book.

The atmosphere was nice and Jimin felt more and more at ease as time went on, it was nice being in an environment with like minded people who encouraged you to be yourself. He mostly spoke with Mark and occasionally Minseok, every now and then he nuzzled against Jungkook who never failed to leave kisses on his forehead.

Soon food was being delivered at their table, and Jimin was ecstatic to find that Jungkook had ordered spaghetti bolognese for him while Jungkook ordered a cheese and fries for himself. He thanked Jungkook before diving in, Jungkook wiping meat sauce from his face a few times.

When they were close to finishing their meals, a chiming sound of glass caught everyone's attention as they looked towards Momo. She put her spoon down that she used to tap her glass cup once she had everyone's attention.

"Ok guys! So this munch is slowly coming to an end. But first of all I want to thank everyone for coming and once again making this another successful munch! And to make things better, we have a couple of new faces today. Everyone please welcome Jimin and his Daddy Jungkook!

Both Jimin and Jungkook smiled shyly as everyone clapped and nodded their heads in thanks.

"We definitely hope you guys will join us again next time. Now, just a few quick announcements, this is our last munch of the year. It's amazing how quick this year went but i'm looking forward to 2018! However we still have a few events happening this month, including our christmas party, so please check the groups calendar and RVSP if you would like to come. So again thank you everyone as always and hope to see you all soon. And if I don't see you again this year, Happy new year!"

Everyone clapped as Momo's speech came to an end, some people leaving with goodbyes while others finished their meals before doing the same. Mark asked to exchange numbers with Jimin which he gladly did while Minseok decided to do the same with Jungkook, promising they have to hang out sometime. They said their goodbyes as Minseok and Mark got up to leave, and Jimin smiled happily as Mark hugged him before making their exist.

"Ready to go little one?" Jungkook asked as her wrapped Jimin in his scarf and helped him put on his jacket. Jimin nodded, happy about how well today turned out to be.

Jungkook left money on the table for their food before putting on his own jacket, they said their goodbyes to Momo and Jeongyeon, promising that they would definitely returned and thanked them for a lovely time. They exchanged numbers also before Jungkook took Jimin's hand in his and they made their way to the subway. They both talked about the day and of the nice people they met all the way home.

Once out of the cold and in their warm home, Jungkook helped them out of their winter wear and into the kitchen to make them hot chocolate. Jimin sat on the couch, turning the tv on and snuggled with Chimmy as he waited for Jungkook. Jungkook finally came with a mug in each hand, giving one to Jimin "Careful baby it's hot" before cuddling close with Jimin.

Jimin smiled when he saw little marshmallows in his hot chocolate, kissing Jungkook soundly on the cheek. "Thank you Daddy" Jimin said, thanking him for more than just hot chocolate.