
Little Fiancee

"Go back to your room beauty, you shouldn't have to answer to anyone, you don't want this, then it fine go and catch your beauty sleep while I deal with the rest hmm" Vladimir said to her. She blink once then twice before climbing up the stairs leaving the crowds of people who are there for her engagement in total confusion. The reporters began taking pictures ready for a hot topic for tomorrow news. He pull open his first two button and said to James his PA. "Make sure no one leaves here with a picture of what happen"

Cassie_Berry_9014 · Adolescente
Classificações insuficientes
41 Chs

Where's Ivanie

After getting dressed up in her comfy wear Ivanie walk out the hostel not after leaving a note to the girls that she got things to do and she would be back.

Ivanie step out the hostel to see Vlad standing at the gate, she ran up to him.


Ivanie walk over to him with a smile.

"Morning" she smiled up brightly at him.

"Morning, come on"

Ivanie nodded and follow right behind me.


" And you cover up the soil, it easy" said Vlad, he was on an apron along with Ivanie.

He look over at the mess Ivanie made over at her side, he sigh looking back at her. How hard do you grab things Ivanie?" Vlad said moving close so he could adjust her work.

Ivanie didn't move back but rather look at his face which was an inch away from her's. She tilt her head side way staring at Vlad's face structure which was close to being perfect.


"Hmmm" he turn not aware of their closeness, he was going to move back after seeing how close he was to Ivanie but Ivanie next word made him stop.

"We're you always this good looking?"


"I mean looking at you so up close make me want to do something silly to you" Ivanie told him.

Vlad brow raised in surprise, Ivanie suddenly move in more closer to him.

"You have honey brown eyes" she said examining his face. Vlad lips curled in a smirk.

"Do you know what you are doing right now, Ivanie?" Vlad asked he stare at Ivanie wild eyes that was no longer staring at him in curiosity but rather in surprise.

"What am I doing?" She noticed how unusually close to Vlad she was.

"Oh" she proceeded to move back like it was nothing, Vlad pulled her back immediately and both went backwards losing their balance sine they were squatting to begin with.

Vlad laid on the muddy soil with Ivanie on top of him, the fogging system turned on and it sprinkle water on them.

Ivanie look up and around suddenly knock back to her senses, she balance her self ready to sit up but Vlad wasn't having any of it.

"I didn't give you the permission to stand yet", Vlad said.

"What?" Ivanie asked looking down to see her blossom pressing hard against Vlad's chest, her cheek turn pink seeing as her cloth had turn transparent from getting soaked by the water pouring on the them. Vlad could see her pink brassiere visible through the top.

She suddenly clung to Vlad as he tried sitting up, embarrassed he would see what she wore.

Vlad sign and sat up with a clingy Ivanie, he pulled her away but she reach out for him again like a kid who was laid down to sleep by her mother.

"Stay" he warned seeing as she wasn't ready to let go.

One minute she is so bold and another she becomes a shy silly kid, Vlad thought, he took off his coat and wrap it around Ivanie.

Vlad phone rang and he was quick to pick it up.

Ivanie stood up squeezing the edge of her top so the water would dry out.

'Not found, alright send me the details' Vlad cut the line and turn to Ivanie.

"You have work" Vlad nodded.

"Let me send you back to the hostel" Vlad told her. Ivanie shook her head and said.

"Ain't you going the other way, it might be a bother to turn back the other way again after dropping me off. Don't worry I can manage by myself" Ivanie told him.

"Can you?" He asked unsure, Ivanie nodded and turn to walk away.

Vlad watch her exist the greenhouse and he also made his way out going to attend to urgent matters.


Malachi knock on the hostel door where Britney was instituted. A several knocks but no one opened.

They had a free day, and everyone stayed in or probably went out on the instructor watch and guidance.

Britney had no where to go, or are the girls still asleep this late in the morning.

"Ivanie, Britney?" There was no answer from within, from the end of the hall Jaennie came walking towards him.

"Malachi?" Jaennie called seeing as he was knocking.

"Where's Britney or Ivanie?" Malachi asked.

"Ivanie went out since this morning and Britney went to the river. She said she was going to cool off" Jaennie said.

"Cool off?" Malachi asked.

"She has been pissed since this morning, she actually slept on it and woke up still with it, might be a problem from home, she had stepped out yesterday night to receive a call and came back in looking pissed " Jaennie explin.

"Shit!!" Malachi mutter and turn to leave.

"Wait I... What is wrong with everyone" Jaennie said to herself and make her way back in.


Britney had her leg dip in the water looking into it while she sat on the board facing the river. The water was supposed clear she could clearly see the white sand underneath it .

"You are beautiful" Britney said to the sight of the water.

"You saying that with such sad eyes makes it less beautiful, you should tell it with a clear mind, share it with me" someone said from behind.

Britney turned to see a Unfamiliar guy walk towards her. He was tall and had a stunning blue eyes that draw one in when staring at them. His blonde hair was down to the base of his neck.

Britney stare at him confused and with questions, he sat neck to her on the board pulling off his shoes and socks also dipping his leg into the water.

"You are...." Britney asked.

"Nicole" he replied. "I couldn't ignore such beauty who had a sad face on while giving a compliment.

"Sad, who me? Of course not" Britney said.

"I have seen you happy and this isn't how you look when your heart warms" Nicole said.

"Where do you know me?" Britney asked.

"Back in town we attended the same school" he said looking at Her hopefully. Britney brow knitted together.

"It okay we are not in the same class anyway " Nicole told her.

"Oh right " Came Britney, she look back into the water.

"How are you enjoying your trip?" Nicole asked trying to initiate a conversation.

"I want to go home" Britney replied.

"Home you aren't having fun" Nicole asked.

"If this is an idea of fun then I don't like it" Britney said. She made the water slash out again. A butterfly came and balance itself on Britney shoulder she screamed in fear.

"Don't move" Nicole told her, he scout closer to her to take the butterfly away from her shoulder, Malachi walk in on the scene and he stopped his brow coming together at the scene in front of him.

"Almost there?" Britney asked still

Feeling the butterfly on her shoulder.

"A minute" came Nicole reply, he successfully took away the butterfly and Britney sigh.

"Oh that was terrifying." Britney said laughing.

"What going on here?" Malachi asked seeing how close they were, Britney turn to his Familiar voice. He stood behind them.

"None of your business" came Britney reply.

"See you around Nicole, Britney wave at him standing up on her feet and walking out.

"Britney, wait what going on why are you all worked up" he asked seeing how she was ignoring him.

"Worked up!! I am worked up" Britney fumed.

"Come on did I do anything wrong? Fine am sorry whatever it might be I am sorry please" he pleaded.


He tried pulling her back but received a slap instead out of outrage. Britney gasped she hadn't meant to do that, but the image of him folding someone else pops into her mind time and time again.

"Sorry....." She was jerked to the wall and pinned in place by Malachi.

"What's wrong with you Britney, you have never gotten this angry with me what did I do?" Malachi said trying to sought it out with her calmly even after had received a slap from her.


On her way back, Ivanie took a turn that took her to a place she didn't recognize and she has been turning for the past thirty minutes now.

"Goodness, why can't I find my way? I should have let Vlad take me instead, I am exhausted of walking.

Ivanie walk up the mountain road again trying to find her way to the hostel.

"I think it was that way no it..... It"

Ivanie took a step forward not looking where she was headed, she missed a step and was standing at the edges of the cliff.

Ivanie leg went off the hill taking her down with, she fell off the ground down the hill and began rolling off the cliff, in process her head hit a rock, Ivanie yelp and fell close to a stream flowing with water, she passed out.

She laid on the muddy ground close to the stream covered by the shade of rocks her hand peeking out stained with mud.


A storm rage in the sky, the students who had went out rush back to the hostel, they signed coming in, the instructors took their attendance.

Malachi and Britney came in rushing to the hostel wet by the rain, Jaennie stood outside with Jace and watch the two took their attendance and came into the shade of the building.

"That one unexpected storm, it pouring like a steel of rod" Jaennie said staring at the silver line falling to the ground.

The rain clatter heavily onto the house the sound deafening from outside, it rain in a torrential manner flowing like a stream to the gutter and flowing away.

"Guys?" Jaennie suddenly remembered something extremely important.

"Hmm?" Jace turn to look at Jaennie.

"What?" Britney asked she looked at Jaennie alongside Malachi.

"Ivanie isn't back yet" Jaennie said.

"What?" Britney was the first to react.

"What do you mean she isn't back wasn't she with you two, I thought she was asleep inside?" Malachi said.

"No she went out with Vlad, but she left a note saying she would be back soon," Britney said.

"It raining cat and dog why isn't she here yet" Jace said worry lining his forehead.