

After 20 minutes of this, Mo Fei reluctantly let Yang Yi push her into the car because they were going to be late.

To go to the kindergarten, they have to go around Ting Mountain2. On the way, Mo Fei was still looking at the photos taken by Yang Yi.

After months of practice, Yang Yi's portrait photography skills have improved a lot. Mo Fei was very satisfied, but there were still some places she thought that the shot was not good: "Xixi, why do you make scissors hand when taking pictures?"

"Huh?" The little girl looked at her mother confused. She didn't quite understand.

Mo Fei imitated Xixi in the photo and made a V sign and said with a smile. "Look, you did this in all of your photos, it doesn't look good."

"Papa taught it to me!" Xixi sat on the child's seat, her small hands clutching her mother's arm, wanting to see the pictures too.

"That's why your Papa has facial paralysis in the photos3!" Mo Fei said mercilessly.

Yang Yi smiled a little bitterly at the front, but didn't mind it.

"You have to learn photography with Mama, Mama will teach you. You can make an expression like this!" Mo Fei taught Xixi a cute look. She puffed her cheek a little and stared, held her chin in her hands, and made a surprised look.

"And this!" Mo Fei smiled, held a small fist in her right hand against her cheek, and then puffed her cheeks.4

"Hehe, hehe!" Xixi didn't even care about going to school. She was so amused by his mother that she couldn't stop laughing. "Papa, look quickly! Mama is just like a cat!"

Yang Yi glanced at the rearview mirror just in time to see Mo Fei acting cute. The corners of his mouth curled up, and he smiled silently.


After a while, the car reached the kindergarten section. There were many cars outside the kindergarten packed with cars. After all, this was the villa area. There were a lot of rich people.

Yang Yi saw that the car wouldn't be able to get in a short time, so he pulled over and stopped the Tyrant Wolf.

"I'll take Xixi there. Wait for me in the car." Yang Yi reached into the front passenger seat to get some bags. There was Xixi's small schoolbag, and there was also a small bag containing some materials for entering the school. He hesitated for a moment, but still asked, "Mo Fei, are you really not going with us?"

Mo Fei hesitated, then shook her head and said, "Forget it. If I get recognize, Xixi will not have a peaceful time in the kindergarten."

But Mo Fei still felt a little uncomfortable that she wouldn't be able to be a part of such an important moment. Mo Fei's eyes couldn't help turning red as she unfastened the little girl's seat belt.

"Xixi, you have to be good and listen to your teacher, okay?" Mo Fei, with a slight break in her voice, said softly, pressing against her daughter's forehead.

Xixi nodded her head blankly, but she still didn't realize what was wrong with going to kindergarten. The little girl just thought that she might get to know a lot of children. She was a little nervous and felt that going to kindergarten was very new. She was looking forward to it!

Mo Fei didn't want her emotions to affect Xixi, so she rubbed her daughter's head with a forced smile and helped her open the car door near the sidewalk.

"Say goodbye to your mother." Yang Yi also got out of the car and took Xixi's hand and said.

Xixi waved her hand to Mo Fei obediently and said, "Good-bye, Mama!"

"Goodbye, Ma Ma will be waiting for you to come back at home!" Mo Fei held back her tears and waved to Xixi. She felt that her daughter's going to kindergarten worried her even more than going to her father's house. After all, the latter has Yang Yi taking care of her.

Yang Yi was not very reliable in other things, but she has never been worried with him taking care of her daughter.

Mo Fei half-open the car door. Watching Yang Yi holding Xixi's small schoolbag, leading Xixi to the kindergarten, her heart twitched.

Even after closing the car door, Mo Fei looked out through the window.

Suddenly, Yang Yi and Xixi stopped their steps, and Mo Fei became nervous: "What's wrong? Did they forget something?"

No, Yang Yi squatted down and helped Xixi put the small schoolbag on her back. Just as Xixi turned to the side, Mo Fei could see the smile blooming on Xixi's face. It turned out that the little girl was showing off again.

Watching Yang Yi leading Xixi into the kindergarten, Mo Fei reluctantly withdrew her eyes.

Originally, Mo Fei had planned that after she send Xixi to kindergarten today, she he would go back to the company and begin to go all out to prepare her new album.

Now, however, Mo Fei felt that if she couldn't see Xixi come back tonight, it would be weighing on her mind and she wouldn't be able to do anything else!

So, Mo Fei hesitated for a moment, then took out her cell phone and called Mo Xiaojuan: "Xiaojuan, I'm not going back today… Um, Xixi went to kindergarten, but I felt very flustered… I'll stay here today and let Yang Yi take me back tomorrow."

Mo Xiaojuan actually had some things arranged for Mo Fei, such as meeting the new producer arranged by the company.

However, she still threw away the notepad in her hand, smiled, and said profoundly. "Sister, I understand. Xixi is not at home! It's all right. There's nothing going on in the company. It's okay for you to play two more days!"

Mo Fei thought her cousin's voice was strange, but she didn't think of anything else. She just said "Um" and hung up the phone.

At the same time1, at his end, Yang Yi took Xixi's small hand and lead her into the door of the kindergarten.

"Welcome, little sister!" At the door stood two rows of female teachers, all smiling and clapping their hands, and were full of enthusiasm when they came up.

Perhaps affected by the lively atmosphere, Xixi also took her father's hand, her footsteps were a little cheerful, and she looked around curiously.

After a while, after passing the teachers' "welcome", the little girl couldn't wait to pull her father's hand and asked her father to squat down to whisper.

"Papa, I think this place is fun!" The little girl, with red lips and white teeth2, looked cute with her big eyes blinking and smile.

Yang Yi scratched his head and said, "Er, is it fun?"

Before he came, he was worried that Xixi would cry. He had thought of countless tricks in his mind, and even looked up some materials. He could almost write a paper of several thousand words on how to solve the problem of children crying on the first day of school.

Now, however, it seemed that all these preparations have been in vain. Not only did Xixi not cry, she looked like she was eager.

"It's fun!" Xixi nodded her head vigorously.

But just because Xixi didn't cry didn't mean that other children wouldn't cry.

No sooner had Yang Yi finished the reporting procedure for Xixi, a little boy near to them started to cry. His mother hurriedly picked up the little boy and coaxed him with red eyes, but she couldn't coax him down, and his father was at a loss and didn't know what to do.

Xixi was startled. She held her father's hand tightly and stared at the crying little boy.

"Papa, what happened to that little brother?" As Yang Yi carried her away, Xixi lay on her father's shoulder and asked curiously.

It was still unknown who was older and who was younger! However, Xixi has good genes. She was tall and looked taller than children of the same age, especially little boys.

Fearing that his daughter's mood would be affected, Yang Yi took Xixi out and whispered, "I don't know, maybe it's because he's not as good as Xixi. Our Xixi never cries, right?"

"mm-hmm, Xixi is a good girl!" The little girl smiled happily.

But it was time to say goodbye. Yang Yi took Xixi to the middle class where she was going. At the door, several teachers were already waiting.

He recognized them when he came to visit and enrolled Xixi before. The two young female teachers on the left and right were Teacher Shen and Teacher Cai, respectively, while the female teacher in her thirties or forties was the teacher in charge of the class, Teacher Mu.

Teacher Mu came over with a smile, gently pressed her palm on Xixi's shoulder, and then said, "Xixi, do you still remember Teacher Mu?"

Xixi subconsciously leaned closer to her father, and then looked at the other party timidly. After all, she was still a stranger.

"You've met her the last time Papa brought you here. Say hello to Teacher Mu." Yang Yi pushed the little girl's back and encouraged her.

"Hello, Teacher Mu…" At home, Yang Yi and Mo Fei have taught Xixi these etiquettes, but Xixi was still a little shy. So, after greeting her in a low voice, she hurried back to her father's side.

"and Teacher Shen and Teacher Cai." Yang Yi pushed her daughter again.

After the first time, she wasn't so shy anymore.

Xixi greeted the two teachers obediently, and both Teacher Shen and Teacher Cai responded with a smile. Teacher Cai also cutely made a duckling's beak with her hand and said, "Hello, little friend Yang Xi!"

The amiable appearance of the teachers made Xixi feel more and more at ease. At least she didn't want to hide behind her father like she did at the beginning.

"Teacher Mu, I'll leave Xixi to you. Take good care of her for me." Yang Yi couldn't help saying, "she drinks a bottle of water almost every two hours, and then drinks milk once in the morning and once in the afternoon. We have a lunch for her in her school bag. The lunchbox with the blue cat is Xixi's, and lunchbox with the pink cartoon character has the same dish. Xixi said she wanted to share it with the other children."

As he explained, Yang Yi felt that his nose was a little sour.

When did he become so affectionate? Before, when Xixi went back to her mother's house, Yang Yi didn't have any mood swings.

Teacher Mu looked at Yang Yi with a smile and said, "Father Yang, please rest assured that we will take good care of your daughter! Of course, don't we still have your cell phone number? If there is anything, I will communicate with you in time. "

"That's good!" Yang Yi nodded.

When it was time to say goodbye to Xixi, Yang Yi squatted down and tidied up his daughter's hat. The little girl had never looked so beautiful in her bell-shaped hat!

"Papa has to go. Xixi, remember to be good, you pinkie promised Papa, okay?" Yang Yi said softly.

"Where is Papa going?" Xixi was a little confused. She realized now that something was wrong.

"After dropping you off here in the kindergarten, Papa is going home!" Yang Yi immediately added, "but don't worry, Papa will come and pick up Xixi when school is over in the afternoon!"

Xixi's little face has finally lost its smile. She nervously grabbed her father's hand and asked anxiously, "Ah? Why is Papa going home?"

"Because Papa can't accompany you here in kindergarten!" Yang Yi seemed to feel that his preparations would come in handy.

"But, but, why not?" The little girl's eyes were a little red with anxiety. At the moment, she felt as if her father had taken her to the amusement park, but told her that he could not play with her.

Yang Yi resisted the urge to hug the little girl and coax her, because the "guide" told him that the more he tried to coax her, the more she would cry. So, Yang Yi just patted Xixi on the shoulder and said softly, "Because in kindergarten, Xixi has to be with her teacher and play with other friends, and Papa has to wait until the afternoon to pick Xixi up."

"Remember? You pinkie promised with Papa and said you wouldn't cry! Whoever cries is a puppy!" Yang Yi also stretched out the little finger of his right hand and shook it.

"Um, I, I won't cry." The little girl's tears were about to roll down, but she held back and sniffed and said, "but, but I still don't want Papa to go."

"Dad will wait until we return in the evening for you to tell Papa about the interesting things you did today, so Xixi must have fun with the other children, okay?" Yang Yi still couldn't help wiping the corners of his daughter's eyes.

As a result, golden beans rolled down one by one.

But Xixi was still very obedient. Despite of all reluctance and tears, she still nodded hard.

The guide also told Yang Yi that he should not stay too long. The more worried and reluctant he was, the more he must turn around and leave, because the more children saw their parents, the more they would cry.

It must be known; children were also very smart! As long as their parents softened once, they would take advantage of their parents' softness and continue to make trouble.

"Goodbye, Xixi. Papa will come and pick you up this afternoon!" Yang Yi handed Xixi to Teacher Mu's hand, and then turned away at the beckoning of his daughter's tearful eyes.

He really had to force himself to turned around3 and buried his head to go out, fearing that he could not help turning back, and by then he would be reluctant to leave.

Mo Fei had already returned to the passenger seat. She saw Yang Yi coming back, and when he got into the car, she couldn't wait to ask, "How was it? Did Xixi cry? How was her mood? Was there any problem?"

Yang Yi has adjusted himself. After all, men are still big hearted. He smiled and said, "Even if you didn't ask me, I want to tell you, our daughter ah! She was raised really good. From the beginning, she was all smiling, and she didn't cry when other children cried."

"She didn't cry?" Mo Fei looked a little lost.

"She cried when she learned that I wouldn't be able to accompany her in the kindergarten. She shed tears but she was still very obedient and kept holding back her tears until I left." Yang Yi thought about his daughter's strong little face and felt very gratified in his heart.

However, when Mo Fei heard that, her nose became sour. She pouted, reached out to hit Yang Yi and said angrily, "You're still smiling, your daughter is crying, and you're still smiling! How can you smile?"

Yang Yi grabbed her hand and said, "I'm not smiling. I just think Xixi is much better than the other children…"

"You didn't see it. One child cried so bitterly that the sound from his cry almost lifted the ceiling, and then his mother, too, probably felt uncomfortable when she heard him cry, burst into tears." Yang Yi took these as after-dinner conversations and talked to Mo Fei, and did not notice that Mo Fei's expression had changed from cloudy to heavy rain.

"Oh, I'm also a Mama, and I also feel uncomfortable in my heart." Mo Fei endured it for a long time. From the moment Xixi got off the car, she suppressed her worry and reluctance in her heart. Now when Yang Yi said this, they all tumbled out.

Mo Fei first couldn't help but burst into tears, then choked up and complained, sobbing.

"What's wrong?" Yang Yi was ready to start the car, but now he didn't even bother to insert the key. He turned to comfort Mo Fei.

But Mo Fei cried harder, even more than the last time Yang Yi annoyed her. Yang Yi was at a loss – he has done a lot of homework before, but none of them was to comfort adults!

"It's all your fault. Making me cry with all that talk!" Mo Fei, with tears on her face and a pouted mouth, turned around complainingly and hammered Yang Yi's chest with a pink fist.1

Yang Yi didn't know what was going on, so he embraced her into his arms.

"Hmm…" Mo Fei's crying came to a stop. She obviously didn't expect Yang Yi to be so bold. Her little fist was on Yang Yi's sturdy chest and she forgot to hammer it down.

"It's okay, cry, cry, you'll feel more comfortable after crying." Yang Yi's soft voice sounded in her ears.

It must be said that Mo Fei's worry about Xixi still prevailed. She cried again in Yang Yi's arms and said, "Yang Yi, I am worried about Xixi."

"It's all right, it's all right." Yang Yi patted Mo Fe's slender back and gently coaxed, "there will always be such a process. When she gets used to it, she won't cry anymore."

"but I don't want her to leave home." Mo Fei sobbed in Yang Yi's arms. She said, "Thinking about it makes me uncomfortable, woo."

Yang Yi was puzzled and asked, "When children grow up, it is important to leave their parents' wings, and in the first place, wasn't it you who wanted Xixi to go to kindergarten?"

"Ouch!" Yang Yi felt that the soft meat around his waist had been pinched. This time, Mo Fei didn't choose a place with muscle, so she found a piece of flesh that was not so hard and pinched it.

When the muscles were attacked, Yang Yi subconsciously tightened up, which drove Mo Fei's little hand away.

Nevertheless, he still knew that he had said something wrong, and touched a sore spot. So, he hurriedly changed his words and said, "Don't worry, aren't I still here? If you're really worried, I will not go anywhere today. I'll climb to the roof and watch her secretly. I won't let Xixi be touched by others!"

Mo Fei shook her head, her slightly curled hair under Yang Yi's nose, exuding a faint fragrance, a bit like a lily.

"Then tonight, after I pick up Xixi, and ask her about her situation, I'll call you and let you know. Or let Xixi call you. Anyway, you don't have to worry about anything. You just need to know that you can leave everything to me!" Yang Yi said.

Under Yang Yi's comfort, Mo Fei gradually stopped crying. She just sobbed gently in Yang Yi's arms. After a while, she said, "I'm not going back today. I told Xiaojuan, I have to wait for Xixi."

Yang Yi was stupefied and said happily, "That's good. Let's go back and I'll cook you a special meal for lunch, and then we'll pick up Xixi together in the afternoon. Xixi will be very happy to see you!"

"Um…" Mo Fei was held in Yang Yi's arms. Although there was a storage box in the middle and their posture was a little awkward, Mo Fei, who was tired from crying, felt that this support was very warm.

After Yang Yi hugged Mo Fei into his arms, his heart was beating fiercely! It wasn't Mo Fei's soft body that gave him much stimulation, although a JiuKuang's2 body only needed a small fire to start a prairie fire, that wasn't what Yang Yi was thinking about at the moment. That heartbeat, as if two different poles of magnet met, that kind of predestined attraction was at work!

If possible, Yang Yi hoped to embrace her until the end of the world.

Although it was not exactly appropriate to the situation, Yang Yi felt that his thought was just like the lyrics of that hot anime song: "Until the end of the world, I don't want to part with you!"3

However, it was obvious that there was no need to wait until the end of the world. After all, Mo Fei was not a timid and lovable little4 type of woman. After she came to her senses, she felt that the quiet atmosphere in the car seemed to be wine-colored, a bit intoxicating and ambiguous.

Mo Fei raised her head, gently bit her red lower lip, looked at Yang Yi's burning eyes and slightly angrily said, "How long are you going to hug me?"

Yang Yi had some difficulty in understanding Mo Fei's mood, but he didn't want to offend the beauty5, so he let go of her hand with a smile, although he was still a little reluctant to part.

The two sat back in their normal positions. Mo Fei reached out and lifted her tear-dampened hair and causally tucked it behind her ears.

"Here, wipe it." Yang Yi affectionately handed over the pull-out paper box in the car.

"Um." Mo Fei said in a low voice, feeling that she had just behaved a bit flustered.

In fact, it was normal. What mother, who send her children to school – whether it was a nearby kindergarten or far away university – would not feel distress or cry? If so, it was estimated that they were hiding their tears in the bottom of their hearts.

"Let's go back!" Yang Yi started the Tyrant Wolf, released the clutch, stepped on the accelerator, and drove out.

After all, men are not as delicate as women. Yang Yi, this guy, couldn't wait to take Mo Fei home. How could he still have his daughter in mind? Maybe there was – I'll pick her up in the afternoon anyway! He probably thought so.

Only Mo Fei looked out of the window with some worry, still thinking, "I don't know how Xixi is now. Is she scared? Is she still crying?"

What was Xixi doing now?

Although she promised her father not to cry, Xixi still felt wronged in her heart, and tears could not stop flowing.

However, by comparison, Xixi performed well among the more than a dozen new children in the class. Some of them were out of breath from crying so hard and Teacher Mu and the others couldn't coax them.

"Wuuu, don't cry, okay, it makes me want to cry, too." A little chubby girl next to her started to cry.

That loud voice immediately shocked Xixi. The weeping beauty opened her small mouth and looked at her, and she forgot to cry.

Teacher Shen hurriedly ran over and comforted the little girl with a loud voice: "Oh, Lan Xin, aren't you an old student? It's not like you haven't been to kindergarten. Why are you crying, too?"

Of the more than 30 children in the class, nearly 20 were promoted to small classes, including Lan Xin. Only a dozen of them, like Xixi, registered this year, but because of their age, they could only transfer to the middle class.

Lan Xin rubbed her eyes with her chubby little hands, sobbing while complained tearfully, "Because, because they are crying, I can't help it. I miss my dad, too."

Xixi heard her latter sentence, and suddenly, the thoughts of her father came up, and she could not help crying out: "Papa, I miss Papa, Papa…"

Xixi and Lan Xin's voice were quite loud. Together, they immediately suppressed the other crying children in the class, and this kind of sad mood could be contagious…

Suddenly the children in the class began to cry one after another, and as Yang Yi said, this cry almost overturned the kindergarten.

Fortunately, there were still some children who have been used to kindergarten. Instead of crying, they obediently sat on their benches and didn't disturb the teachers who were as busy as ants on hot pots.

Except for one big little girl, who couldn't sit still. She jumped out of her chair and walked around the class.

This girl was as tall as Xixi, the tallest of the children of the same age! But compared with Xixi, who was as thin as her mother, she was much stronger, and her face is round, and other children were a little scared when they see her.

"Ah, you're all useless!" She turned around, then said triumphantly in the middle, "What a bunch of crying slugs!"

"Chen Shiyun, you're making trouble again!" Teacher Cai, who was relatively young, hurriedly ran over and said reproachfully, "Don't talk to the other children like that!"

"Well, they are! When I came, I didn't cry!" Chen Shiyun shouted unconvinced.

"Shiyun, you can't be petty!" Teacher Mu's soft voice came over, and Chen Shiyun wilted. Teacher Mu has a way with her. She pulled her to the side and spoke softly and kindly.

Finally, Teacher Mu pulled her over again: "Shiyun, do you have something to say to everyone?"

"Um, Teacher Cai, I'm sorry, classmate1, I'm sorry, I shouldn't say that you are that." Although Chen Shiyun was pouting, but under the gaze of Teacher Mu, she still said mumbling.

With such an interlude attracting everyone's attention, the crying of the children gradually stopped. The teachers wiped away the tears of the little ones and began the lesson for the day.

"Children, today we have 13 new children, but everyone doesn't know each other, so let's introduce ourselves first, okay?" Teacher Mu asked the children to sit hand in hand in a circle. Teacher Shen and Teacher Cai also sat among the children.

Then she walked around outside the circle and said, "For example, Teacher Mu, what is Teacher Mu's name?"

"I know, I know!" It was Chen Shiyun again. The big little girl raised her hand and shouted, "It's Mu Yuyan!"

"That's right, to introduce yourself, you have to first say your name, and then, say what you are good at!" Teacher Mu smiled and said, "For example, Teacher Mu, I can sing!"

"Hehe, the song that Teacher Mu sings is so good!" Chen Shiyun said complacently to the children next to her.

However, the child sitting next to her was sitting upright with his little hands behind his back. It was obvious that his education at home was stricter, and he didn't care about her at all.

Xixi sat opposite Chen Shiyun. On her left was a silly little boy, and on her right was a cute little girl, who was still secretly wiping away tears, a little pitiful little girl.

Xixi watched Teacher Mu with rapt attention. All this was so new to her, and this gradually let Xixi let go of her longing for her father and mother.

"I, I…" It was the turn of the little boy next to Xixi to introduce himself. He learned to stand up but forgot what to say.

"Introduce your name first." Teacher Mu gave a look of encouragement.

"My name is Nan Zhaoyu." The little boy said timidly, his voice was so small.

"OK, little Zhaoyu, what are you good at?" Teacher Mu continued to remind gently.

Of course, for such a young child, there was no need for them to say their names clearly. Perhaps they didn't even know how to write their own names. Teacher Mu could pronounce it correctly because she has long remembered the names and looks of all the children.

"I, I can recite poetry." When saying this, Nan Zhaoyu's voice was obviously a little louder. It seemed that he still has some confident in his skill!

"Recite poetry? That's great! Our little Zhaoyu must have a good memory!" Teacher Mu smiled and clapped her hands. "Let's once again welcome Nan Zhaoyu to our middle class family!"

The applause was very warm. These children were very excited to do one thing together. The little boy sat down in applause, his chest straight.

Finally, it was Xixi's turn to introduce herself!

The little girl stood up and pinched the hem of her skirt nervously. When Teacher Mu was worried that she didn't know what to say and wanted to remind her, Xixi opened her mouth.

"My name is Xixi… No, no!" Xixi thought of something, blushed, waved her hand and said, "My name is Yang Xi, because my Papa is also Yang, his name is Yang Yi, and then he also calls me Xixi."

The little girl has some logical confusion on the things that she wanted to express. After all, she was still young, but she spoke clearly, which was rare, not like other children who stumbled.

"Then, I can draw, Papa taught me to draw very beautiful drawngs, and I can also sing…" After Xixi finished speaking, she stood in the same place at a loss. She didn't know how to end it.

Fortunately, Teacher Mu came to her rescue: "Very good, our Yang Xi, little Xixi did a great job introducing herself! Let's give her a round of applause and welcome her!"

After a round of applause, Xixi sat down happily.

The little girl was all smiles and in a very good mood. She began to have a positive evaluation of her kindergarten life.

At this time, the little girl on her right side introduced herself. There were still tears hanging on her eyelashes, and she was even more shy than Nan Zhaoyu. After Teacher Mu encouraged her several times, she said her name in a low voice: "My name is Yang Luoqi, and my father calls me Qiqi…"

The morning class's time was compressed due to the reporting and calming down the crying children. Teacher Mu asked the children to do a round of self-introduction, and then took a break to let the children drink water and milk, and then played a small game, and then It was almost time for lunch.

The lunch brought by the children needed to be warmed up. Teacher Mu and Teacher Shen went out to help in the kitchen, leaving Teacher Cai to watch the children. Of course, everyone was free to move around at this time.

Xixi was a little restrained. She sat on her little stool, looking enviously at the children chasing each other. In fact, she also wanted to play like them. Our little girl has never been a quiet and introverted girl. At home, she plays the craziest!

But now she has never encountered such a scene and didn't know how to take the initiative to talk with the other children.

Seeing her began to speak and then hesitated, standing up and sitting down, made one anxious!

On the contrary, the little girl named Yang Luoqi next to her was relatively "calm". She was probably really introverted and not very sociable. She was sitting on her small bench and didn't want to talk at all.

At this moment, Chen Shiyun, who was surrounded by several children, swaggered over. She was not as elegant and quiet as her name. On the contrary, she had a tall and strong figure, which suddenly obscured the sight of Xixi like dark clouds.

"I'm Chen Shiyun. Isn't your name Xixi?" Chen Shiyun asked in a loud voice.

Xixi? This sound made Yang Luoqi next to her raise her head subconsciously and look at Chen Shiyun confused.

Mama said that it is impolite to talk to others while sitting!

Xixi stood up quickly. The little girl nodded happily, and then said a little nervously, "Yes, my name is Xixi. Are you here to make friends with me?"

Before, it felt that Xixi and Chen Shiyun were about the same height, but after the two stood side by side, it was seen that there was still a little gap. Xixi was a little taller, not too much, probably about an adult's little finger taller. However, if she didn't stand together with her, Chen Shiyun's big waist and thick figure still made her look as tall as Xixi.

When Chen Shiyun saw that Xixi was taller than her, she felt a little depressed, but after all, she was a child. She only cared about talking to Xixi: "Okay, I want to make friends with you, but in the future you have to listen to me!"

"Why?" Xixi asked, puzzled, "My Papa said to listen to the teacher."

"You may not listen to the teacher, but you must listen to me!" Chen Shiyun was not happy. She put her hands on her hips and said, "They all listen to me. Why don't you listen to me?"

"No, my Papa said to listen to the teacher!" Xixi pouted her little mouth. She didn't like it when others were mean.

"Then I don't want to be friends with you!" Chen Shiyun snorted and said proudly.

Xixi was taken aback. She didn't expect to be threatened like this. It was like her beloved thing was snatched away. The little girl immediately felt very wronged. Her mouth began to quiver, and her tears were about to fall.

"Chen Shiyun, don't bully others!" At this time, a messenger of justice came out. It was our very loud little girl, Lan Xin, who was a little chubby. She ran over in a huff, took Xixi's hand and said, "If you make her cry, I'll tell Teacher Mu!"

Teacher Mu was Chen Shiyun's nemesis. The tall and strong little girl suddenly wilted down, she muttered: "Who said I bullied her, I was playing with her! Forget it, let's go play somewhere else!"

Chen Shiyun's appeal was still quite strong and, at once, the three or four children around her ran away with her with their heads held high.

Lan Xin turned to Xixi and said, "Don't be afraid! Chen Shiyun just likes to bully people. If we tell Teacher Mu, she won't dare to bully us!"

Xixi's mouth still quivered and golden beans dropped1: "But, but they won't be friends with me anymore."

Lan Xin scratched her head anxiously: "Oh, don't cry! If you cry, I will cry too!"

Indeed, her eyes were a little red when she said that, but this time it was okay. Lan Xin had an idea and said: "I can be your friend!"

Xixi stopped her tears at once. Her delicate little face was like a pear blossom bathed in rain, but she has a pleasantly surprised expression. She in turn grabbed Lan Xin's hand and asked, "Really?"

"Really!" Lan Xin smiled happily and said, "But you have to tell me your name, I don't even know your name!"

The little chubby girl came to speak out boldly to uphold justice before she knew who Xixi was…

Xixi happily showed a bright flower-like smile, she said sweetly: "You are so kind, my name is Yang Xi, but you can also call me Xixi, my Papa calls me Xixi! What's your name?"

Lan Xin also happily took Xixi's hand, jumped and said, "My name is Lan Xin, my mother calls me Xin'er, you can also call me Xin'er!"

"Hehe, okay, Xin'er, you can also call me Xixi!" The little girl added nervously, "Are we good friends now?"

"mm-hmm, we are good friends!" Lan Xin nodded and said.

The two little girls happily held each other's hands and hopped on the ground.

After Xixi made a friend, she was in a good mood. Although the tears on her face were still hanging, her eyes were full of smiles and her mouth couldn't close.2

However, she was not satisfied. This time she took the initiative to pull Lan Xin to the little girl sitting next to her little stool and asked, "Would you like to make friends with us?"

Yang Luoqi stood up nervously and looked at them at a loss.

"Xixi, that's not the way to ask!" Lan Xin said, "It's not polite! Teacher Mu said to greet others first, say hello!"

"Well, I'm sorry, I should have said hello!" Xixi turned to Yang Luoqi and said.

"Hello." Yang Luoqi timidly waved her right hand. She was really introverted. Her head went blank when she talked to strangers.

Xixi knew what to do this time, she first asked: "Hello, my name is Xixi, her name is Xin'er, what's your name?"

"My, my, my name is Yang Luoqi, but my father calls me Qiqi." Yang Luoqi said nervously.

"Qiqi, Xixi, hehe, your names are similar!" Lan Xin said with a laugh. Her laughter was so loud that it could be heard through a wall. "You both are surnamed Yang. I thought you were sisters."

"Hehe, Qiqi, we really look like sisters! But if we are sisters, then I am the older sister!" Xixi said happily, "because I am older."

Yang Luoqi smiled shyly. She didn't quite know how to answer, but she was infected by their enthusiasm. Yang Luoqi was not impatient either.

"Then Qiqi, can we be friends? Can we all three be good friends?" Xixi asked.

Yang Luoqi's beautiful eyes showed longing, and she asked in a low voice, "Is that all right?"

"Of course! From now on, we are all good friends!" Lan Xin pulled her over and said with a smile.

Xixi was the happiest, she has two good friends at once!

Author's note: Don't be so quick to judge our little friend Chen Shiyun, she's not a bad kid in Xiaohan's setting.

Chapter 175 – Sharing Lunch

At lunchtime, Xixi's group of friends grew to four people. In addition to Lan Xin and Yang Luoqi, there was also Nan Zhaoyu, a shy little boy who was pulled over by the three little girls to play together.

"My Papa made delicious food! Mama let me bring an extra portion so that I can eat with everyone!" Xixi said to her little friends early on. She was so happy to meet so many good friends and was eager to share her favorite things with them.

"But my dad also brought me lunch." Yang Luoqi said regretfully, "I can't eat that much."

"I brought lunch too." Nan Zhaoyu said weakly.

"Then I'll eat with Xixi!" Lan Xin said with a smile, "I also brought lunch, but I can eat more!"

"It's okay, it's okay, let's all eat together!" Xixi smiled sweetly and said, "My Papa is very good at cooking, and the food is super delicious! There is a lot of meat. I like chicken wings the most!"

"I like it too, I like it too!" Little chubby girl Lan Xin's mouth was watering.

Teacher Shen and Teacher Cai led the children to the dining area, a large dining hall where all the children from each class came to eat. The white, clean tables and long brown benches were neatly arranged and had a great atmosphere.

"Children have to wash their hands first before they can eat!" Teacher Mu smiled gently, clapped her hands, and said softly.

Xixi and her friends formed a small line and went to the sink to wash their hands one after another. Xixi looked curiously around, learning how to turn on the tap from everyone else. However, Xixi washed her hands very carefully, At home, her parents always asked her to pay attention to personal hygiene!

Lan Xin was a bit more careless. She washed her hands casually and couldn't wait to leave the line, running to Teacher Mu: "Teacher Mu, Teacher Mu, can I sit with Xixi, Qiqi, and Nan Zhaoyu?"

"Oh, Xiner, why?" Teacher Mu asked with a smile, "Don't you want to sit in your usual spot?"

"No, we are good friends and want to eat together!" Lan Xin explained, "And Xixi said she would share her father's cooking with us, and I really wanted to eat it!"

Teacher Mu rubbed Lanxin's forehead with a smile and said, "Okay, then teacher will arrange for you to sit together later."

Sure enough, Xixi and her friends were soon arranged to sit at the same table by the teachers. Lan Xin happily sat next to Xixi, while Yang Luoqi sat on the other side of Xixi, and Nan Zhaoyu was unfortunately seated across from them.

"I'm telling you, Teacher Mu is really nice…" Lan Xin happily said a few more words until Teacher Shen and Teacher Cai handed out everyone's meal.

Teacher Shen and Teacher Cai didn't make any mistakes, as it was quite easy to recognize each student's lunchbox, as parents were asked to put their children's names on their lunch boxes when reporting that morning.

Xixi grabbed her two lunch boxes and happily opened the blue cat lunch box first. This lunch box had a built-in mechanism where pressing a button would cause it to open on its own and spread out layer by layer, similar to an automatic pen case used by elementary school students.

The bottom layer had white rice that was no longer as nice looking as when it was freshly steamed, but it was still fragrant and tasty when heated up.

The middle layer was mainly vegetables. In order to make Xixi eat more vegetables, Yang Yi put extra effort into making fresh shrimp and vegetable rolls that combine meat and vegetables.

The white rice paper wrapped around green lettuce, finely grated red carrots, and beige almond flakes, but the most enticing part was the fresh red shrimp meat inside. These were fresh sea shrimp that were cooked, peeled and sliced like the shrimp on sushi, and then marinated in vinegar and lemon juice.

The rolls looked very tempting and appetizing!

Of course, what attracted the children's attention the most was the meat dish on the top layer.

This was the first day, and in order to make Xixi happy, Yang Yi naturally made her favorite chicken wings. However. this time Yang Yi changed his method and made the kind of three-cup chicken wings that were both visually appealing and not too spicy. Of course, when he put them in the lunch box, he still picked out the ginger and scallions that Xixi didn't like.

In addition to a few pieces of juicy chicken wings coated in sauce, there were also wood ear mushrooms, cucumbers, and sliced pork with eggs, which was also known as the legendary Moo Shu Pork. The colorful and bright appearance of the dish really achieved a balance of flavor, aroma, and presentation!

"Wow, it looks so delicious!" Lan Xin said, her eyes shining.

Nan Zhaoyu looked at Xixi's lunch and then looked at his own, which only had a few pitiful pieces of cabbage leaves and a few slices of meat on top of plain rice. Compared to Xixi's lunch, his was really unappetizing. He couldn't help but nod in agreement, his mouth watering.

Not only were the lunches of several little friends not as good as that of Xixi, but the lunches of the other two boys sitting at the same table were not as sumptuous as that of Xixi either.

Xixii was busy opening her second lunch box, which also opened automatically, and had the same internal structure as the first one. However, there was no rice inside, and everything else was the same as Xixii's lunch. The bottom layer had several more chicken wings.

Yang Yi guessed that the children would like chicken wings the most, so he specially put in more.

"All right, let's eat together!" Xixi happily clapped her hands in front of her chest. She also felt her stomach growling as she looked at the food, but the little girl didn't forget to invite her friends.

"I want to eat chicken wings!" Lan Xin said, swallowing her saliva, and reached out to pick up a chicken wing with her chopsticks. She had long set her sights on the biggest chicken wing in this red lunch box, so she wanted to be the first to take it.

After she put it back in her own lunchbox, the little chubby girl felt a little embarrassed. She pushed her lunchbox to Xixi and said, "Xixi, do you want to try the eggplant my mom made?"

Xixi nodded happily and said, "Okay, I'll try one too!"

In fact, the little chubby girl thought it would be best if Xixi ate it all, so she could eat Xixi's portion afterward. How wonderful that would be!

Yang Luoqi ate with small mouthful. Although the child's eating could not be considered elegant, she was relatively quiet compared to the little chubby girl, who was scattering rice grains everywhere, or Xixi, whose face was covered in oil and juice from the food.

However, she also couldn't resist the delicious food either. After being reserved for a while, she softly asked, "Xixi, can I have one too? I want to eat this."

She was pointing to the fresh shrimp and vegetable rolls, but Xi Xi was too busy dealing with a super delicious chicken wing to notice. She used both hands and said with a mouthful of food, "Mmm! Eat it!"

Seeing that Yang Luoqi had moved her chopsticks, even the reserved Nan Zhaoyu couldn't resist and picked up a chicken wing.

The two little boys at the same table were also salivating and felt that their foods were bland. Finally, one of them couldn't resist and hesitantly reached out with his chopsticks.

"Pa!" halfway through, it was intercepted by a little chubby hand.

Chapter 176 – A Plate of "Flowers"

"What are you doing?" Lanxin was actually a kind-hearted girl, except when it came to food. She held a chicken wing in her left hand, gnawing on it, and used her right hand to block the chopsticks that the little boy stretched out.

The little boy didn't have the courage to argue, and he hung his head down as if he had been caught doing something wrong. He said softly, "I saw you all eating, and I wanted a piece too."

Xixi pulled Lanxin's hand. The little girl now looked like a big cat, a beautiful big tabby cat one, with her mouth full of food. She said, "It's okay, Xin'er. My Papa made a lot of food, and everyone can have some!"

Lanxin reluctantly took back her hand, but she quickly picked up the second chicken wing she had been eyeing and put it in her lunch box, feeling pleased as she looked at the little boy.

However, the little boy didn't pay attention to her. He happily picked up a chicken wing and thanked Xixi.

That one "thank you" made the little girl so happy that her big eyes narrowed into crescents.

While Xixi and her friends were having lunch, Yang Yi and Mo Fei were enjoying their own little world.

After returning home, Mo Fei was still a bit worried about their daughter. She turned on the TV but didn't pay attention to what was on. Meanwhile, Yang Yi went into the kitchen, doing something mysterious.

Of course, at this point, Mo Fei didn't have the mind to think about what Yang Yi was doing. He had said he was going to make a special lunch for her, but Mo Fei didn't think much of it.

Yang Yi, on the other hand, was preparing very carefully. After he came up with the idea, he had planned and secretly tried it out for a long time to ensure that everything was perfect. However, he didn't expect the opportunity to come so quickly, and now he could finally present it!

(P.S.The following is a teaching segment. Originally, I intended to skip it, but considering that many male readers may find it useful, I will introduce it to everyone.)(Author's note)

To start with, everything began with chopping the meat, just like making dumplings. The chopped meat was mixed with diced carrots, along with appropriate amounts of five-spice powder, salt, fresh ginger, monosodium glutamate, and sesame oil. All the ingredients were stirred in the same direction while a little soy sauce was gradually added. This created a bowl of dumpling filling

Yang Yi did not plan to add cabbage or mushrooms because he was not actually making dumplings, and mixing them would affect the final result.

However, Yang Yi still took out a cabbage, cut off the leaves, leaving the stems, and also used carrots and cucumbers. The latter two were cut into thin, elongated slices as thin as cicada wings with a diagonal cut.

Then, he lit a fire, heated a pot of water, and when the water boiled, he put in the cabbage stems, carrot slices, and cucumber slices. The carrot and cucumber were blanched for about 30 seconds and then drained, while the cabbage stems were boiled for two minutes to ensure they were softened, and then drained as well.

Next was a test of his knife skills. With Yang Yi's level of expertise, he could only use a diagonal cut to slice the stem of a piece of cabbage to make two thin, transparent skin-like layers, with the middle part being discarded. This thin layer of cabbage skin looked clear and translucent, and even more textured than rice paper!

Or rather, it looked more like a flower petal!

Next, Yang Yi would shape the meat filling into small strips, and then wrap them with the cabbage skin he had cut earlier, with a larger opening at the head and a slightly narrower opening at the tail.

At first glance, it was not clear what he was making, but as Yang Yi placed the "lilies" made of meat and wrapped in cabbage skin along the edge of a large white plate, the outline was revealed.

Then, he used blanched carrot and cucumber slices to wrap the meat filling in the same way. The "green roses" formed the second circle, and in the middle, he filled it with "pink roses". To decorate it, Yang Yi also sprinkled some yellow pepper grains in the middle.

Of course, this was not the final step. The meat filling had to be steamed in a steamer. This took about 15 minutes. After steaming, it was almost ready to be eaten, but Yang Yi was someone who strive for perfection!

He also poured out the soup from the steamer, poured it into a frying pan, and heated it up. He added water starch to thicken the soup. This process is called "thickening". After the soup boiled again, he turned off the heat and poured the thickened soup evenly over the "flowers".

Suddenly, the colorful "flowers" seemed to have come to life, sparkling with crystal-clear droplets, and looked so lovely!


"It's time for lunch!" Yang Yi pulled Mo Fei over to the dining table, and the two of them sat down side by side.

Mo Fei also came back to her senses and looked at the table with a hemispherical lid, not sure what dish under it was. Then, there were two clean plates in front of them, along with a bowl of prepared sauce.

It was just too…simple!

Mo Fei has eaten so many meals at Yang Yi's house, but she has never seen such a simple one before. There was no main course, just one dish of vegetables.

However, Mo Fei didn't mind. She was curious about what kind of dish was under the big hemispherical lid. After all, Yang Yi had said that he had prepared it with great care.

"Um, did you make steak? Wait, why don't I smell the fragrance of steak?" Mo Fei asked curiously.

It really looked like they were going to eat steak! The dining style was very western, and when eating, they needed these sauces to pour over the steak, of course, some people liked to dip them in.

However, it also didn't seem like it, Mo Fei noticed that there were chopsticks next to the plate, instead of a knife and fork.

"It's not steak." Yang Yi gentlemanly pulled out a chair and helped Mo Fei to sit down, then poured freshly squeezed orange juice into a tall glass for her. It may have looked like a waste of a glass, but ever since that incident, Mo Fei didn't want to touch alcohol again!

"Thank you!" Mo Fei saw Yang Yi being so serious and felt amused in her heart, so she also became graceful following suit.

Yang Yi slightly leaned forward, placed his right hand on the hemispherical lid, and gently said, "Mo Fei, I specially researched today's dish for you, I hope you'll like it."

After speaking, Yang Yi uncovered the lid.

There was no dazzling light, but there were vibrant colors, and a "bunch" of flowers suddenly appeared in front of Mo Fei's eyes.

Mo Fei was stunned for a moment. At first glance, she didn't see it clearly and thought it was really a bunch of flowers. While feeling touched, she also wondered, "Are we going to eat flowers for lunch?"

But after all, she didn't have nearsightedness, and Mo Fei quickly recognized that these were all fake flowers. Even the flower cores were just lumps of meat filling!

"Pfft!" Mo Fei was both moved and amused. She lightly tapped Yang Yi's arm with her hand and said, "You, how did you come up with such a trick again? Last time it was 'A Pair of Birds Flying Close Together', what is it this time?"

"Uh…" Yang Yi scratched his head. He really hadn't thought about the name for this dish. 'A Pair of Birds Flying Close Together' had a symbolic meaning with chicken wings, but for this 'flower' dish, does it really need any symbolism?

Looking at Yang Yi's embarrassed expression, Mo Fei couldn't help but laugh again. "Okay, okay, don't think about it. Even without a name, I really like it. Thank you for preparing these flowers so carefully!"

Yang Yi had been acting like a gentleman just now, but now he also smiled. Mo Fei's liking was the biggest encouragement for him!

"By the way, how do we eat this?" Mo Fei asked.

"Just eat it like you would eat dumplings." Yang Yi reached out and took Mo Fei's chopsticks, picked up a 'pink rose' made of carrot slices in the middle, dipped it in soy sauce, and handed it to Mo Fei.

"Ah, don't destroy it!" Mo Fei exclaimed anxiously. "I haven't taken a picture yet!"

Chapter 177 – Let's Be Together?

In front of a plate of incomplete "flowers", Mo Fei looked at Yang Yi with a pout, while the latter awkwardly held up his chopsticks.

"What should we do now?" Yang Yi was in a dilemma.

"Put it down, let me take a photo first!" Mo Fei pouted and pointed to the plate.

"Okay", Yang Yi put the "pink rose" he had picked up back to the plate. It was still the same as before, but the color was slightly darker, after all, it was dipped in the sauce.

Mo Fei actually didn't mind. She happily took out her phone and took several pictures. Of course, the phone camera in this era had low resolution, so the pictures turned out just average. She thought it wasn't enough, so she went to get Yang Yi's SLR camera and asked him to take some photos. They even took a photo of her with the "flowers".

In the camera lens, Mo Fei was smiling brightly and even stuck out a "V" sign with her fingers that she felt was awkward, showing off her girlish excitement

"I can't bear to eat it!" After a bout of fussing around, Mo Fei muttered, sat back, and said, "This is a work of art. How can we eat a work of art?"

Yang Yi pondered for a moment and said, "Should I go and make something else and skip this for lunch?"

Mo Fei stopped him and said with a smile, "Okay, I was just kidding. You don't have to go through all that trouble!"

"Come on, you eat first!" Mo Fei picked up her chopsticks, picked up the "pink rose" that Yang Yi had dipped in sauce earlier, and handed it to Yang Yi. "Come on, be a good boy and open your mouth!"

This was how Mo Fei talked when she's trying to coax Xixi!

Mo Fei was obviously being mischievous; her eyes were as clear as autumn water and shining with amusement.

Actually, these were Mo Fei's own chopsticks…

But if Yang Yi still cared about these things at this point, then he deserved to stay single!

Yang Yi opened his mouth without hesitation. He even lowered his head obediently, letting Mo Fei feed him the "steamed dumpling" stuffed with carrots. At the end, he even held the tip of the chopsticks in his mouth for a moment.

"Is it delicious?" Mo Fei looked at Yang Yi chewing and asked expectantly.

Yang Yi nodded and said after finishing eating, "It's not bad, the meat filling taste very good, but it's just a little cold. You should eat quickly!"

Mo Fei also picked up a piece of "pink rose" without minding that the chopsticks had been used by Yang Yi. She imitated Yang Yi by dipping it in the sauce and tasting it. The sauce was made with vinegar and other condiments that aid digestion. It wasn't too salty, instead allowed the delicious taste of the meat filling to fully bloom in her mouth.

"It's really delicious!" Mo Fei's eyes lit up and she mumbled.

Originally, she didn't have much hope, after all, many dishes that looked good sacrificed their taste for appearance. However, Yang Yi's "flower" dish was surprisingly delicious!

Moreover, the meat filling that Yang Yi prepared not only had a delicious taste but also retained the moisture well, making it even more delicious than ordinary dumpling filling!

"Right?" Yang Yi laughed. Mo Fei's approval made him feel that all the effort he put into making this dish was worth it!

"You should eat too!" Mo Fei picked up another "pink rose", dipped it in the sauce, and offered it to Yang Yi.

Yang Yi was stunned for a moment. He didn't expect Mo Fei to offer him another one, but he lowered his head and took another bite.

Mo Fei then withdrew her chopsticks, and a barely perceptible blush appeared on her cool and beautiful face. She suddenly realized that she had just eaten with the same chopsticks as Yang Yi. Did that mean that they had indirectly kissed through this exchange?

In order to conceal her inner shyness, Mo Fei lowered her head and started to eat the other "flowers". However, she encountered a problem with the "green rose".

The cucumber slices were not as long as the others and were very brittle. They did not wrap the meat filling well unlike the other ones. If one wasn't careful while picking them up with chopsticks, they would fall apart as soon as they were lifted.

"Hey, what should I do with this?" Mo Fei asked Yang Yi for help.

Yang Yi smiled slightly, took out his own chopsticks, and gently said, "Let me do it!"

Yang Yi used a very light force as he skillfully picked up a "green rose" with his chopsticks, dipped it in the sauce, and handed it to Mo Fei.

"This is also good. I've fed you twice. Now it's your turn to feed me!" Mo Fei said with a blushing face as she ate the "green rose."

"The cucumber is also delicious!" Mo Fei mumbled.

"Let's try the cabbage next." Yang Yi continued to pick up and serve food to Mo Fei.

Mo Fei didn't just eat by herself. Her interest was aroused by Yang Yi's action, and she also fed him with a smile. The two of them took turns feeding each other, and the large plate of "flowers" was quickly consumed. They even used their hands in the end!"

That's right, Mo Fei couldn't pick up the "green rose" with chopsticks, so she just used her hand and picked up one without dipping it in sauce, and stuffed it into Yang Yi's mouth. She giggled and said, "I'm full, so the rest is all yours. You have to finish it all, you know!"

Yang Yi nodded, but before he could finish eating what was in his mouth, Mo Fei stuffed another one into his mouth, still using her hand, mischievously trying to fill Yang Yi's mouth.

Yang Yi could only grab Mo Fei's hand, and the two stared at each other. At first, Mo Fei was still giggling mischievously, like she had been caught playing a prank. But as they gazed each other, they unconsciously felt a rise in temperature, and the air between them seemed to generate an electric current….

Mo Fei pursed her lips, not knowing why, her heart was pounding hard.

"Mo Fei…" Yang Yi finally finished eating and couldn't help but lick his lips as he gently spoke.

"Mm…" Mo Fei was gently held by Yang Yi's hand. In fact, she could easily retract her hand to break free, but she didn't. She looked into Yang Yi's scorching gaze and felt a bit flustered and uneasy.

"Mo Fei, let's be together? I like you!" Yang Yi didn't actually plan to confess again, but after holding Mo Fei's hand, he couldn't resist the impulse in his heart.

This was not something that could have been anticipated. When Mo Fei saw Yang Yi's intensely loving eyes, she was mentally prepared.

She bit her lower lip, although her expression couldn't hide the truth, her mouth remained stiff and she spoke with a cold tone, "No way, how could I easily give you such a cheap deal?"

But this was not her original intention. After saying that, she quickly added, "At the very least, you have to write me a new love poem on the spot. I will only agree if I'm satisfied!"

Hmm, I can't just agree so easily. Things that are too easily obtained are often not cherished by men. I'll just set a small obstacle for him!

She thought to herself, trying to be clever.

Yang Yi was actually a bit disappointed at first, but when he heard Mo Fei's additional comment, he was overjoyed.

However, Mo Fei started to worry about personal gains and losses again, "What if it's too difficult for him to write a poem? What if he can't write it?"

So Mo Fei changed her words again and said, " Or maybe you don't have to write a poem. You can draw a cartoon instead, just draw 'The Shape Reminds Me of My Love For You', but you have to make me happy and laugh before I can agree!"

This is something that Yang Yi might be able to do, right?

However, Yang Yi quickly shook his head and said, "No need, no need to change. I will recite a poem that I wrote for you now!"

Are you pleasantly surprised?

Chapter 178 – I Love You

If love could be obtained by just writing a love poem, then there wouldn't be so many frustrated people in this world.

Unfortunately, everyone has started their lives in the highest difficulty mode, while Yang Yi seems to be playing in the easiest mode.

Mo Fei said, "If you write me a new love poem on the spot, I'll agree!"

Upon hearing these words, Yang Yi was overjoyed. He had been racking his brain to come up with a romantic gesture, but writing a love poem? That seemed too easy. He readily agreed and then set to work, trying to choose the most romantic poem to give to Mo Fei.

He got it!

Yang Yi stood up, holding a chopstick in his right hand as if it were a microphone. He was a bit nervous, clenching and unclenching his left fist, trying to adjust his own state of mind.

Mo Fei pursed her lips, feeling a bit guilty in her heart. She wondered if she had been too stubborn and pushed Yang Yi too hard.

Perhaps a 17 or 18-year-old girl still has the privilege of acting coquettish and capricious, making a man do this and that for her, and insisting on having all her demands fulfilled.

But she wasn't a 17 or 18-year-old girl anymore! She was 30 years old and had a child. How could she still have the right to be arrogant and willful? Even though he was Xixi's father, would Yang Yi be impatient or annoyed by her capriciousness?

Mo Fei was a little worried, afraid that she had crossed Yang Yi's bottom line. What if things went sour and they couldn't resolve it?

But Mo Fei also wanted to experience the sweet and cloying love described in books! She also wanted to be like a little princess, doted on by a man who would indulge her, come up with all sorts of ways to create romance for her, and give her surprises.

It was very contradictory.

Just when Mo Fei was worrying about personal gains and losses, Yang Yi coughed lightly and began reciting his poem, "I love you!" (Note 1)

Hmm? Mo Fei looked up with some confusion. Was 'I love you' a direct confession or the name of a poem?

"I love you, not only because of your appearance,

But also because for how I am when I'm with you.

I love you, not only because what you do for me,

but also because of what I can do for you."

It really is a poem! Mo Fei was stunned. The first paragraph made her emotions surge, and she thought of Yang Yi's changes over the past two months.

Maybe this was his way of confessing his feelings?

It really was a poem! Mo Fei was stunned. The first paragraph made her emotions churn. She recalled the changes in Yang Yi over the past two months.

"I love you because you can evoke the most genuine part of me.

My foolishness, my weaknesses, almost do not exist in your eyes.

And the most beautiful place in my heart is illuminated by your radiance."

Mo Fei stared at Yang Yi blankly. At that moment, she felt that Yang Yi had expressed her innermost thoughts. Yes, she felt it was the other way around!

Although Yang Yi was confessing, Mo Fei felt that it was her own foolishness and weaknesses that were almost non-existent in Yang Yi's eyes.

She felt a little ashamed because she used to be very picky and often complained to Mo Xiaojian about Yang Yi's stubbornness and rigidity, but she had never noticed his brilliance, his enchanting excellence!

Yang Yi said that she brought out the most genuine part of him. Mo Fei felt that she had not done as much as Yang Yi had thought, so she was both moved and ashamed.

Yang Yi's voice was very pleasant to listen to, with a sexy and magnetic quality to it. He continued to read in a gentle and rhythmic tone:

" Others have never bothered to walk so far,

Others find it too much of a hassle to search,

So no one has discovered my beauty,

So no one has been here.

I love you,

Because you've turned my rotten life to a magical one."

At this moment, Yang Yi's voice became excited because it was infused with his genuine emotions. He felt that the killings and loneliness of his past life had already made him tired, but in this present life, his ordinary world had become colorful because of Xixi and Mo Fei, these two women in his life!

Yes, wasn't that turning something rotten into something magical?

Mo Fei's mood also had an indescribable sense of pride, or perhaps a sense of satisfaction.

Yang Yi was right when he said, "No one has discovered my beauty". Mo Fei now felt that she was very lucky.

Because in the past, he had spent his youth in the army and not long after leaving, he had met her. Although the initial encounter was not good and the process was delicate, the result was good. Fate had bound them tightly together, not allowing other seductive and cheap women to take him away.

Only in this way could she have the chance to discover Yang Yi's excellence.

This man was faithful and never fooled around with other women.

This man took care of his family. He took care of his daughter without complaint or regrets. He was even better at managing the household than a woman.

This man was talented. He could write best-selling novels, compose sweet love poems, cook delicious meals, and tell interesting stories.

This man was also very romantic. He may seem like a block of wood most of the time, but when he decides to be romantic, he can be really mushy.

More importantly, all of these changes seemed to be for her. He's becoming better and better for her.

She was grateful that Yang Yi used to hide his excellence behind a stiff, awkward facade, and that she was able to gradually uncover his beauty.

"Because of you, my life

Is no longer an ordinary inn,

But a magnificent temple.

In my day-to-day work,

There is no longer any complaint,

But rather, it is filled with beautiful melodies!"

Yang Yi was still reciting passionately while Mo Fei was already struggling to contain her inner emotions. She covered her mouth, her eyes shimmering with tears, gazing at Yang Yi affectionately.

At the end of the poem, it still started with a passionate confession:

"I love you,

Because you can make my life infinitely better than any belief or fate.

Because you fill my life with joy, more than fate ever would.

And you do all of this,

Without any effort, any words, any hint,

Simply because you are you!"

What could be more affectionate than telling the other party, "It's not because of anything else, but simply because of you, that everything in my life is wonderful, and that's why I love you!"

Mo Fei understood Yang Yi's poem. She was in tears. She was so moved that she couldn't speak. She didn't know what to say….

Yang Yi was a bit nervous and carefully asked, "How is it? Is this poem okay?"

Mo Fei nodded her head for a while, shook her head for a while, and then nodded again, which confused Yang Yi.

What did it mean?

Was it okay or not?

However, Yang Yi thought that Mo Fei would only agree if she was satisfied! It seemed that this teary expression couldn't be considered satisfied!

"It's okay if it is not okay, I still have more!" Yang Yi was determined today. Even if he had to recite all the poems from his past life, he would make Mo Fei satisfied.

He raised his chopsticks again and recited passionately:

"I wish so much there was a doorway,

In the morning, with the sun upon the grass,

We'd stand there,

Leaning on the door frame,

The door's so low, but the sun's so bright,

The grass is seeding, all around,

The wind's blowing, in the leaves,

We'd stand there, without speaking,

That would be so fine…"(Note 2)

It was another classic. Yang Yi was painting a beautiful picture, a picture of the two of them being together. A picture of happiness!

In fact, it already existed. There have been many beautiful mornings like this in the past, with lush grass and birds flying. They sang together on the balcony or play in the grass field below, but there was not only the two of them, but also a lovely little girl.

These beautiful things were also what Mo Fei looked forward to!

She was so moved that she couldn't control herself. Tears blurred her vision, and happiness choked her voice, leaving her only able to shake her head vigorously.

"Still not okay?" Yang Yi misunderstood. He scratched his head and seriously said, "Then I'll keep reciting."

"I said there's no need! I'm satisfied. I promise you!" Mo Fei shouted hoarsely, but her voice was distorted.

Yang Yi heard it vaguely. He asked in confusion, "What did you say?"

"I said I love you!" Mo Fei stomped her feet and stared. She wiped away her tears and said angrily.

Yang Yi heard it clearly this time, but he couldn't believe his ears. "Ah? You, what did you say?"

"Um…" This time, he couldn't find the words to say.

(Note 1: This poem "I love you" has been slightly edited by Xiaohan and its source is controversial. Some say it's from Roy Croft's "Love," while others say it's Roy Croft's translation of Austrian poet Erich Fried's "I Love You." Note 2: This poem "In Front of the Door" is quoted from Gu Cheng's work and many readers may have read it before. PS: The two poems together are about 300 characters, while the main text is about 2400 characters, so it's not too much of a burden for everyone.) (Author's Note)

Chapter 179 – Unconventional Father Yang

In the afternoon, Mo Fei urged Yang Yi to set off early to pick up their daughter. Although it was still a little early and there were still two hours left until school was over, Yang Yi couldn't resist Mo Fei's urging and drove the Tyrant Wolf out.

When Mo Fei got into the car, her hair was still a little damp and messy.

But don't get the wrong idea, Mo Fei and Yang Yi didn't have any unmentionable activities at noon. Although Yang Yi was pinned against the wall and forcefully kissed by Mo Fei, they didn't take things further afterwards.

It's not that they didn't want to, but Mo Fei's relatives hadn't left yet, so it wasn't the right time!

"Hehe…heh!" Yang Yi looked at Mo Fei, liking her more and more, and couldn't help but grin.

It was said that a woman's intelligence drops to zero when in love, but it seemed that men aren't much better. His smile made him look like a fool.

Mo Fei blushed and scolded him in a displeased tone, "What are you smiling at? You've got what you wanted, so you're getting carried away?"

"How could that be?" Yang Yi reached out to hold Mo Fei's hand and gently interlocked his fingers with hers. However, his hands were bigger and easily spread out Mo Fei's fingers. "I just think you're really beautiful!"

Hey, has this blockhead finally come to his senses? He's spouting such cheesy lines!

Mo Fei's heart was sweet like honey. She pursed her lips, not knowing how to respond, and just gazed at Yang Yi.

Mo Fei secretly thought to herself: "I just realized that this big blockhead is actually quite handsome!"

He was tall and robustly built, but his hair was always neatly trimmed and well-groomed, with a clean and tidy appearance that was different from the carefully-styled look of those pretty boys. His rugged features, along with his piercing eyes and sharp eyebrows, used to seem stiff and unyielding to her, but now Mo Fei found them increasingly masculine!

Other people might not be able to tell, but his body was in great shape too!

Indeed, beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Mo Fei looked at Yang Yi and found herself liking him more and more. The two of them held hands and gazed affectionately into each other's eyes.

After a while, Mo Fei, being a mother, was the first to remember, "Right, Xixi!"

She shrank her hand and found out that Yang Yi was holding it tightly. She complained, "Hey, how long are you going to hold onto me? Aren't you going to drive?"

Yang Yi came back to his senses and quickly let go of her hand, smiled awkwardly, twisted the key, and started the car.

"Ring ring!" The alarm on the phone jolted the two people who were waiting in the car for over an hour and couldn't resist doing something indescribable due to arriving too early.

Mo Fei quickly pushed Yang Yi away and sat up straight in the passenger seat. She turned to the rearview mirror. The famous star Xia Fei1 in the mirror had rosy cheeks and slightly swollen lips, but still stunningly beautiful.

Her hair, which had been washed in the afternoon, was now messy, and her clothes were a bit disheveled, all because of that restless big hand!

Mo Fei hurriedly tidied up and grumbled disapprovingly, "Is it already 5:30? Hurry up and go pick up our daughter!"

Yang Yi reached out and tenderly brushed a strand of hair behind Mo Fei's ear. He smiled slightly and said, "Don't worry, I'll go now."

In front of the kindergarten, there were cars everywhere, and many luxury cars directly parked on the main road in front of the entrance, waiting for their children. Yang Yi walked to the gate of the kindergarten. He was calm and didn't feel out of place.

Of course, they had been in their own little world all day, and it wasn't until now that Yang Yi started to worry about their daughter: "How was our little one's day? Did she cry all day?"

Although he was tall and could see over almost everyone in front of him, Yang Yi still couldn't help but stand on his tiptoes and scan the crowd, eagerly searching for the small figure that had captured his heart and mind.

After a while, Yang Yi saw Teacher Mu first. He looked closely behind her, and finally, after one child after another, Xixi's little head finally appeared in his sight.

The little girl was holding hands with her friends, a pretty girl on her left and a slightly chubby girl on her right, or rather, not chubby, just a little plump. Both of her friends had delicate facial features like her.

"Xixi!" Yang Yi saw his daughter and couldn't help but get excited. He lost his usual composure and raised his hand to shout.

Xixi heard his voice and her eyes lit up. She quickly turned to look for the source of the voice and saw her father standing tall among the crowd of waiting parents!

"Papa!" Xixi exclaimed happily.

At that moment, she forgot about her friends and quickly let go of their hands. Xixi turned her body and squeezed through the crowd, running towards her father's direction.

"Hey, don't be in such a hurry!" Teacher Shen on the side couldn't catch her in time, and the slender Xixi had already slipped out.

At the entrance of the kindergarten, not only were there many children, but also many parents. Teacher Shen couldn't let Xixi run out of the line by herself. With the crowd surging, what if she gets knocked down or stepped on?

Teacher Shen quickly chased after her, but she couldn't bump into other children, so she had to greet them one by one and squeeze past. How could she be as agile as Xixi, who was small and nimble?

Yang Yi also squeezed out of the crowd of parents. After he saw his daughter, he forgot about everything else. He, who didn't care much about social morality, relied on his tall and strong body and strength to force a way through, which also caused many complaints and curses.

"Hey, sir, you can't go in yet!" There were two teachers guarding the entrance. Parents had to be led in by the teachers in batches to pick up their children. So, when they saw Yang Yi, they quickly stopped him.

At this time, Yang Yi became more clear-headed. He wanted to explain, but Xixi had finally reached the entrance. Taking advantage of the teachers not paying attention, the little girl slipped out and happily jumped onto her father, shouting, "Papa!"

"Xixi!" Yang Yi joyfully squatted down and hugged his daughter in his arms.

Small and soft little body, sweet and clingy voice, the feeling of happiness of being a father instantly bursts.

"Father Yang, you can't do this. Xixi, do you know how dangerous it was just now?" Teacher Shen finally caught up and gave a lesson to both Yang Yi and Xixi, scolding them in exasperation.

Yang Yi didn't really think about it. When he saw Xixi, he forgot about the rules of the kindergarten. Now that he has calmed down, he realizes he acted recklessly and feels a bit embarrassed and a little awkward while accepting criticism.

Teacher Shen gave him a small "punishment", which was not being able to immediately leave with Xixi. They had to go back inside the kindergarten and wait for other parents to be invited in by the teachers to pick up their children before they could leave through the gate together.

Xixi, who had been missing her father all day, clung tightly to his neck and refused to let go. Yang Yi had to hold her and stand with a group of children. Then, he became the object of the children's "admiration".

"Uncle, are you Xixi's father?" A chubby little girl looked up and asked.

She has a loud voice!

Yang Yi, who was teasing his daughter, lowered his head, looked at the little girl, and smiled gently.

"Xin'er!" Xixi now wanted her father to put her down. She happily took the little girl's hand and introduced her to her father, "Papa, this is my first good friend, Xin'er!"

"She's such a nice person and she also likes to eat the food that Papa makes!" Xixi introduced excitedly.

Lanxin nodded vigorously, clutching her little fist and saying, "Yes, yes, the chicken wings that uncle made are really delicious!"

Yang Yi smiled and rubbed his daughter's head, then said gently to Lanxin, "Then tomorrow, I'll make you guys something else delicious!"

"Xixi, I'm your first friend!" At this moment, a tall and strong little girl came over and shouted, then looked expectantly at Yang Yi, "Uncle, I also really like to eat!"

"Papa, this is Chen Shiyun. Okay, you are my first friend! She's also really amazing and strong!" Xixi happily introduced her new friends.

Didn't Chen Shiyun have a disagreement with Xixi earlier? How did she become a good friend again?