

Chapter 180 – Two-Month Overdue Question

Actually, how much grudges could there be between children?

In the morning, although Chen Shiyun made some sarcastic and arrogant remarks towards Xixi, which made her unhappy, Xixi had forgotten about it soon after. Besides, she was also happy about making some new good friends!

At noon, as usual, Chen Shiyun was restless. After taking a few bites of her meal, she ran around the cafeteria. Teacher Mu and others had to take care of some younger children who were still unable to feed themselves due to being spoiled by their parents, so they had no time for her.

As a result, when passing by Xixi's table, Chen Shiyun was captivated by the chicken wings that Xixi was eating.

The kind-hearted Xixi didn't refuse and happily invited Chen Shiyun to eat together. Lanxin was actually a little unhappy, but her unhappiness was not because she disliked Chen Shiyun, but rather she was worried that Chen Shiyun, with her big appetite, would take all the delicious food!

However, Chen Shiyun came relatively late, and Lan Xin and Xixi were both full, so she didn't mind too much.

Chen Shiyun, an easygoing girl, didn't think she had excluded Xixi from her group of friends, but just temporarily stopped playing with her because Xixi was "disobedient".

"Chen Shiyun, are we still good friends?" Xixi asked nervously at the time.

"Of course!" Chen Shiyun replied naturally. "I was the first one who wanted to be friends with you!"

Perhaps Xixi was still "disobedient", but Chen Shiyun thought that since she had so much delicious food, it didn't really matter if Xixi was "disobedient".


"So because of the food I made, she made many friends. Haha, it seems like I need to prepare more in the future." Yang Yi proudly said to Mo Fei, as he continued to steer the wheel through the bends and overpasses.

This was on their way back after Yang Yi had just been punished. However, the punishment was nothing serious, and he even enjoyed the admiration of the children.

He, who didn't understand the true situation, still felt that he had made great contribution to Xixi's process of making friends.

"Besides Chen Shiyun and Xiner, there is also Qiqi." Xixi continued telling her mother about her new friends after her father finished speaking. "Qiqi is my third friend. She doesn't like to talk!"

"Qiqi?" Mo Fei asked curiously. "Her name is sounds similar to yours!"

"Qiqi's real name is Yang Luoqi. Her dad calls her Qiqi, hehe. Her name is very similar to mine! Xin'er even asked if we are related!" Xixi playfully stuck out her tongue and continued, "I think if we were family, I would be Qiqi's older sister!

"Haha, you really want to be a big sister?" Mo Fei rubbed the little girl's head and laughed.

"Because I'm bigger than Qiqi!" Xixi said matter-of-factly. But it was unclear whether she meant older in age or taller in height.

"It's okay, you'll get to be a big sister in the future!" Yang Yi said from the front seat.

"Really?" Xixi grabbed the back of the front seat and asked excitedly.

How could Mo Fei not understand Yang Yi's meaning? She blushed and pulled the little girl back, chiding, "Don't listen to your father's nonsense! Go on and tell Mama, who else did you make friends with?"

"There's also Nan Zhaoyu, he also doesn't like to talk, but he can recite poetry! In the afternoon, Nan Zhaoyu recited poetry for us!" Xixi said.

Yang Yi became vigilant: "Is he a boy?"

"Yes! Nanzhaoyu is a boy, and then Qi Qi and Xin'er are girls, and Chen Shiyun is also a girl!" Xixi was confused1 and she explained.

"It's okay if he's a boy. In the future, Xixi will also get to know many boys!" Mo Fei smiled and said, "Quickly tell me, what poem did he recite?"

Yang Yi didn't really pay attention to what Xixi said afterwards. He was still pondering.

Xixi made friends with a boy? And they are good friends?

Next time, he has to see which boy it is! Then pay close attention and keep a close watch!

Yang Yi had even thought about a plan beforehand. If any boy dared to try to get close to Xixi, he would take a knife…

Along the way, the little girl kept chattering with her mother about interesting things in kindergarten, full of energy. Although Xixi used to like talking to her father and mother, she was not as cheerful as he was today.

Mo Fei felt that the kindergarten they went to was very worth it!

Although she was a little disappointed, after all, Xixi's reaction was not as she had imagined, crying for her mother all day long. But overall, Xixi's condition was still good and positive!

Back home, Yang Yi went to the kitchen to prepare dinner. Mo Fei was still asking about Xixi's kindergarten experience in detail, and Xixi was still happily talking about everything, big or small.

"...Qiqi can dance, she dances beautifully!"

In the afternoon, Teacher Mu arranged a talent show for the children, allowing each child to show off their talents.

Of course, not every child was talented, and there were also many children who were timid and didn't know what to do, standing in the middle at a loss.

At this point, Teacher Mu would come up to encourage and guide them, encouraging them to try their best to show off their talents, even if it was just doing a somersault on the ground. After they finished, she would call on the other children to applaud them!

Although some of it may seem nonsensical, it has to be said that these encouragements allowed these children to step out of their little comfort zones one by one, and have more confidence to bravely expressing themselves in the future.

Mo Fei was a little curious and asked, "So, what did Xixi perform?"

"I can do a lot of things!" Xixi puffed out her chest and proudly told her mother, "But the teacher said there was no piano, so Xixi couldn't play the piano, Xixi could only sing. Xin'er also sang, she sang very loudly!"

"What song did Xixi sing?" Mo Fei saw that the little girl had gotten off topic again and smiled, bringing the topic back, "Can you perform it again for Mama to see?"

"Sure!" Xixi was most eager to perform, especially to show her mother her achievements praised by her teacher. She was full of energy!

"Like this, Mom, you sit here, and everyone else should sits in a circle." The little girl went all out with the performance, pulling Mo Fei to sit down and then bringing over her stuffed animals, dolls, and even the throw pillows on the couch to act as the audience.

"Okay, okay, this works too. Let's just pretend there are so many children around." If Mo Fei hadn't called out to the little girl, Xixi might have brought out more than 30 of them…

"Then I'm going to start singing!"

The little girl stood in the middle, confident and bold. She had forgotten how nervous she was before. She really looked like a little singer, and began to sing, "Let it go, let it go, can't hold it back anymore…"

Xixi's voice wasn't as loud as Lanxin's, but it was clear and had texture, delicate yet powerful, with great discernibility!

Moreover, when Xixi sang, she pronounced the words accurately and clearly. She sang the English song no worse than the movie's original soundtrack. It was full of a childish charm and extremely pleasant to listen to.

Mo Fei had heard this melody before and was also sung by the little girl, but at that time, she was busy with her comeback album and didn't pay attention. Now she listened carefully, but after Xixi sang it twice, she stopped.

"Why don't you stop singing? Sing it until the end!" Mo Fei said excitedly. She wanted to see if her daughter could really finish singing an English song!

"I can't sing the rest of it! I can't remember so much," the little girl pouted and said, "Papa is amazing! Papa can sing a lot and sing very well."

Yang Yi? Did he sing this song to his daughter? And an English song? Mo Fei's mind flashed with a question that she should have noticed months ago.

Chapter 181 – Music Producer

In Mo Fei's mind, a question flashed by that should have been noticed several months ago, but it was just a passing thought!

She was in the passionate stage of love, and her IQ wasn't that high. Although she thought of this question, she immediately found a reason for Yang Yi. He had sung the English version of "Happy Birthday" to Xixi on her birthday!

So, Mo Fei didn't delve deeper and continued to listen to Xixi's story.

The next day, Yang Yi sent Xixi to the kindergarten to play with her little friends, and then he sent Mo Fei to the company.

She didn't have the leisure to think about her love life. The preparation for the new album had officially begun, and Mo Fei was full of ambition and wanted to create a miracle!

Mo Xiaojuan arrived at the office early and laughed when she saw Mo Fei.

"What's wrong? Do I have flowers on my face?" Mo Fei felt puzzled and touched her face.

Mo Xiaojian walked over with a smile, pulled Mo Fei to sit on the sofa in the office, and then took out a small mirror for touch-ups and showed it to Mo Fei. "Sister Fei, there's nothing on your face, just your makeup is smudged! Hey, I know you have a deep relationship with my brother-in-law, but you should still pay attention. If you are caught by someone, it will be troublesome!"

Mo Fei looked in the mirror and saw that her face had a rosy complexion, and most importantly, the lipstick on her lips was smudged, as if someone had taken a bite out of it.

"That b*stard!" Mo Fei lightly bit her lower lip, feeling embarrassed to the point where she almost couldn't lift her head. She secretly blamed Yang Yi in her heart.

But she still stubbornly refused to admit it, "No, I was just in a hurry in the morning and didn't apply the lipstick evenly!"

Mo Xiaojian curled her lips and hummed, "You're still hiding it from me? Sister, it's so obvious. Look how rosy your little face is. It looks like you had a good time in your little world with him yesterday."

It seemed that Mo Xiaojian was right not to disturb them yesterday. She secretly rejoiced.

She also leaned over, hugged Mo Fei's arm, and chuckled, "Come on, tell me, is my brother-in-law impressive? His physique is so good, he must have tossed you around quite a bit, right?"

Mo Xiaojuan and Mo Fei were not only relatives but also work partners. At the same time, they could also be said to be best friends. When it came to topics between girls, they could talk without any scruples!

However, Mo Fei was still thin-skinned and was embarrassed by her teasing. She spat at her and said, "Go away, don't talk nonsense. A few days ago, I asked you to buy me sanitary pads, you know that!"

"Yes, that's right. You can't do the deed anymore!" Mo Xiaojuan said regretfully.

However, she was curious and leaned over to ask, "Sister, didn't you say before that you wanted to test my brother-in-law again? How come you gave in to him so easily?"

"Pah, what do you mean by 'give in to him'?" Mo Fei reproached Mo Xiaojuan, her face flushed. However, she couldn't resist the desire to share her happiness. She took out her phone and whispered, "Let me show you something."

Mo Xiaojuan grumbled, "I don't want to see it, I don't want to see it. It must be dog food again!"

But the flame of gossip was burning fiercely. How could she not want to see it? Although she said so, her body obediently leaned over.

Mo Fei pulled out the photo of the "flowers" that Yang Yi made for her yesterday. She couldn't help but smile when she looked at it. She pulled Mo Xiaojuan and said, "Look, this is what he prepared yesterday noon. Can you guess what it is?"

"Flowers!" Mo Xiaojuan didn't feel anything at first glance and curled her lips, "Sister, do we need to be this cheap? You were captured by just receiving flowers?"

"What are you talking about? Take a closer look." Mo Fei chuckled. She also admired how Yang Yi could make such a realistic fake flower, although it might also have something to do with the blurry pixels on the phone.

Mo Xiaojuan took a closer look this time. From the 3D perspective, there was indeed a difference between it and an actual flower, and it was also placed in a big plate. She asked in surprise, "Hey, this isn't a flower. What is it?"

"It's dumplings…" Mo Fei covered her mouth and smiled. She explained to Mo Xiaojuan with a bit of pride.

"Ah, my eyes are blinded! I can even eat dog food while looking at a photo! Why hasn't anyone given me such cute dumplings? As a foodie beauty, I swear that whoever gives me a plate, I will marry him!" Mo Xiaojuan exclaimed with envy, jealousy, and fury.

"Hehe, okay, since you're in so much pain, I won't tell you what poem he wrote for me later!" Mo Fei suppressed her laughter and said, "I don't want to make you suffer even more!"

But women are creatures that can't live without gossip! Mo Fei didn't say anything at first, but as soon as she spoke, Mo Xiaojuan couldn't help it. She quickly pulled Mo Fei and asked, "Quickly tell me, what poem did my brother-in-law write for you? Is it particularly cheesy?"

Under Mo Xiaojuan's threat of "tickling until you tell me", Mo Fei gave in and read the two poems that Yang Yi wrote for her.

After a while, there was a miserable scream from Mo Xiaojun in the office, "Ah! What have I done wrong? Why did I eat dog food and torture myself like this? Now, my eyes are deaf, and my ears are blind!"

Hmm, something seems off?

Today, Mo Xiaojun arranged for Mo Fei to meet with the music producer invited by the company. There was a difference between Tianmei and Tianxiang. Tianmei was a talent agency while Tianxiang was a record company. Naturally, the former couldn't raise some excellent music producers within the company like the latter.

When it was time to release an album, the company would hire industry production personnel to help, which could be some production personnel from affiliated recording companies who currently have no schedules arranged or some independent production personnel.

It was a bit like the nature of hiring freelancers, but the level of the former was generally higher than the latter, though it wasn't always the case.

This time, the producer that Tianmei invited was a middle-aged musician named Jin Yingming. He belonged to the latter, and had his own studio.

The name Jin Yingming sounded like someone from a small country in the north, but he was actually a real Chinese person and a musician born and raised in the local area of Shanghai.

He wasn't completely unknown. Ten years ago, he produced a record for a singer that was nominated for the Chinese Golden Records. He had a bit of a reputation in the industry.

However, it was also at that time when Jin Yingming chose to become an independent producer, but he did not expect this road to be so bumpy… Over the past ten years, he has not encountered the same opportunities as before. Not only did he not soar, but his reputation was negatively impacted.

Of course, Jin Yingming didn't allow himself to sink into oblivion. He struggled for a few years, rounded off his rough edges, and took on some small projects that he previously wouldn't have bothered with, which helped to hone his skills.

However, Jin Yingming, who lacked resources and opportunities, remained relatively unknown.

Although Mo Fei had heard of this producer a long time ago, she couldn't recall it at all. Before meeting him, she asked in confusion, " Xiaojian. who is this Teacher Jin? What about Teacher Duan?"

Teacher Duan Shurong was also an independent music producer, but before she stepped out on her own, she was already a well-known producer with a wide network and abundant resources. She had her own studio, with over ten assistants, unlike Jin Yingming, who was struggling.

In the past, Mo Fei's albums were basically all collaborated with her, including the platinum-selling album "Love on the Ink Road" that they worked on together. The cooperation between the two was very tacit.

Chapter 182 – Tattooed Man Goes Online

Speaking of this, Mo Xiaojuan became unhappy. She said, "The company's explanation was that Teacher Duan's schedule was too busy. Today, I called Teacher Duan to ask about her health and found out that she indeed had an appointment, but it was for Zhenzhen's new album."

It was unclear whether this arrangement was made before Mo Fei presented the 12 songs. Mo Xiaojuan couldn't argue with Sister Ling, but she felt very unhappy.

Mo Fei frowned, but with her calm temperament, she didn't plan to make a big deal out of it. She nodded and said, "Then how about this Teacher Jin?"

The meeting was originally scheduled for yesterday, but Mo Fei postponed it to today. Mo Xiaojuan still received Jin Yingming and showed him the scores of a few songs and had some communication to a certain extent.

"Teacher Jin is pretty good!" Mo Xiaojuan said excitedly, "He is very humble and not as tough as Teacher Duan."

"Xiaojuan, don't talk about Teacher Duan like that. She's just strict," Mo Fei scolded.

Mo Xiaojuan pouted, "Okay, strict. Anyway, Teacher Jin speaks and acts very gently and is a very easy-going person. Then I asked him about his views on the songs, and some of the concepts he mentioned are quite similar to yours. His thinking is also very agile. He's probably a producer with real talent!"

She was originally faintly worried that the company would change its mind and invite a producer with little ability to perfunctorily handle Mo Fei. Now it seems that Mo Xiaojuan felt she was overthinking things and had misjudged the situation. 1

"Anyway, you should meet him first and then evaluate him! I'm not as professional as you guys." Mo Xiaojuan said with a smile.

In the reception room, Mo Fei met Jin Yingming. The latter was a middle-aged man in his 40s or 50s, wearing gold-rimmed glasses, sitting upright with his hands on his knees.

Mo Fei was not good at dealing with people, so after a few words, she mostly listened and spoke less. Fortunately, Mo Xiaojuan was there to crack jokes, and the initial atmosphere wasn't too awkward.

"What does Teacher Jin think of the songs on my album?" Mo Fei asked lightly.

When it came to the songs, Jin Yingming was enthusiastic and full of energy. He first praised the ability of the lyricist and composer, Mu Li'ang, saying, "This is a versatile creator. I have never seen anyone so talented who can handle blues, rock, ancient style, and many other genres at the same time! And what's rare is that all the songs he creates are top-notch!"

Immediately, he talked about some of his preliminary thoughts on music arranging.

Jin Yingming basically didn't change the original melody much, but added some obscure instruments to make the accompaniment of the song more full and round.

Jin Yingming was in high spirits and talked a lot before he said with emotion, "I heard that Mu Li'ang hides himself very well and rarely shows his face. It's a real pity. I really want to get to know him and discuss the use of some musical instruments with him."

In Jin Yingming's opinion, Yang Yi's original scores were already close to perfection and not at all monotonous. They also integrated various instruments, which was a topic he liked to study. Over the years, he has been experimenting and exploring his own set of methods in the small notes of those small stars!

Mo Fei nodded gently. She still listened more and spoke less, but she approved Jin Yingming's musical philosophy.

At today's meeting, Mo Fei finally felt relieved. Although Jin Yingming was not well-known, he was indeed a capable person. Mo Fei began to look forward to working with Jin Yingming and see what kind of results they could produce with Mu Li'ang's works!

The early promotion of "Prison Break" received mixed reactions from readers. Some strongly opposed and doubted Yang Yi's double opening, while others remained supportive of Yang Yi and looked forward to what kind of story he could create for them.

Of course, most of the latter were converted from the former. 2

For example, Mu Yucheng was initially very worried that the quality of the work would not be guaranteed after Yang Yi's double opening. However, later on, as he followed a group of discerning people studying the tattoo in the promotional poster, Mu Yucheng gradually developed a strong interest in the book 'Prison Break'.

Finally, the day when the new book was released arrived. Mu Yucheng had been waiting in front of his computer. He didn't know if he was the first, but he clicked into the first chapter as soon as it was available.

This novel revealed its uniqueness from the very beginning.

There was no chapter name, and below the chapter number was an illustration.

Mu Yucheng glanced at it and quickly skipped over it, not because he wasn't interested, but because he had seen this illustration countless times. It was exactly the beautiful tattoo on the back.

The story began to unfold with words, and what Mu Yucheng saw was a scene in a tattoo shop. The protagonist, Michael Scofield, was receiving tattoos covering almost his entire upper body, amidst the buzzing sound of the machine.

"Michael Schofield?" Mu Yucheng furrowed his brow. This was a foreign name. Did the story take place overseas? (Note 1)

However, it wasn't hard to understand. Tattoos were still a relatively niche hobby in China and not recognized by the mainstream people.

Mu Yucheng didn't mind and continued to read calmly.

Michael was receiving his tattoo when the tattoo artist, the gypsy woman with a nose ring, Syd, had a conversation with him.

"…Most people, when they get their first tattoo, will choose a small design. Sometimes it's the initial of their mother or girlfriend's name, sometimes it's something similar. But not you, you spent two months and went directly for a whole set of tattoos. If it were someone else, they would probably need several years!"

Michael put on his clothes, took a deep breath, and said with great meaning, "I don't have several years…or, I wish I had!"

Upon seeing this, Mu Yucheng rubbed his stubbled chin and felt that the author had intentionally planted some foreshadowing when describing this part.

However, he didn't need to guess, as the story progressed quickly from there.

Michael, dressed in a suit and leather shoes, returned to a high-end and luxurious high-rise apartment and began tearing down the clippings posted on the floor-to-ceiling window.

Dressed in a suit and leather shoes? So, this guy with the terrifying tattoo is a gentleman? Mu Yucheng found the story more and more interesting.

Even more interestingly, there was another illustration that appeared, showing a hand tearing off the clippings. Mu Yucheng looked at it with great interest.

There were several stickers that could still be seen clearly, such as one that looked like a subway map, and another cut-out that clearly outlined the headline: 'Lincoln Burrows' final appeal was rejected!

The text of this chapter only described Michael opening the window in the bright lights of the night and, like a baseball pitcher, threw his computer hard drive into the artificial lake below.

What happened after that?

Mu Yucheng felt that things were not simple. This tattooed man had already begun to clean up the traces. He was definitely going to do something big!

But the darn chapter stopped right there!

"Ahhhh!" Mu Yucheng grabbed his head in frustration. He went back to the webpage and first gave the author a reward as a leader, and then urged him to update in anger, "Yang Yi, you can't keep leaving people hanging like this. Hurry up and update, or I'll break your legs!"

(Note 1: Originally, Xiaohan was considering adapting the story to take place within China, but since it involves too many sensitive elements and the current climate is too tense, it's better not to touch upon it.) (Author's note)

hapter 183 – Fairy Tale Collection Flops

Urging for updates? That didn't exist for Yang Yi.

He still updated according to his own pace, and updating two chapters at two different times of the day was the limit of his ability.

It wasn't that rewriting the TV drama into words was particularly difficult. If it were just words, Yang Yi could have updated several chapters a day without any problem. But this novel needed to be accompanied by a large number of illustrations to help the audience understand the story and character images!

Drawing illustrations took a lot of time! Updating twice a day was already enough trouble!

Moreover, Yang Yi didn't like to spend too much time on drawing and writing novels. He still has a life, Xixi, music… Oh, and that coffee shop he has been struggling with.

"Boss, another cup of mocha please!" There, another customer was calling out.

"Okay, just a moment!" Yang Yi was helplessly interrupted from his train of thought, quickly brewed a cup of coffee, and served it over.

After school started, the previously unknown coffee shop started to become lively. Even though there weren't many students coming from the back entrance, it couldn't resist the huge student base of the university. Dozens of people came every day, which was enough to keep Yang Yi busy!

Moreover, some customers didn't just leave after finishing their coffee. Some came with friends and could chat for hours. Others even used the coffee shop as a study room. After buying a cup of coffee, they would hide in a quiet corner and read and study, sometimes sitting there for a whole morning or afternoon.

Find the coffee shop's music too noisy? No, they even wore headphones to listen to music!

Yang Yi didn't mind people taking up space. He didn't care if the coffee shop made money or not. Why would he care about these issues?

He felt that with more customers, he had less time for himself and couldn't afford to space out when things got busy.

Yang Yi somewhat missed the state of having only two or three customers a day. It was so much better then. He didn't have to rush to make coffee or wash cups. Most of the time, he would sit alone in the shop with his eyes closed, listening to music.

If Xixi hadn't gone to kindergarten, he probably wouldn't have time to accompany her, right?

Yang Yi brought the coffee over and sat back at the counter, his brow furrowing slightly. He thought to himself, "This won't do, I need to think of a solution!"

How about hanging a sign at the door saying that only two or three customers are allowed in a day? If there are too many, I won't sell coffee.

However, he felt he didn't have that much influence, so what reason did he have to turn customers away? Yang Yi felt this idea was inappropriate.

What if I raise the price? Sell the most expensive coffee to deter people?

But Yang Yi didn't want to become a shrewd businessman who only served the wealthy!

Moreover, Yang Yi didn't want to turn away music lovers like Lu Xiaoshu and Miao Chuan, who couldn't afford expensive coffee. At one point, he had even considered lowering the price!

These ideas obviously wouldn't work.

Yang Yi suddenly thought of Yan Xiaopei, or to be precise, he thought of her flower shop. This woman was very astute, employing college students to work part-time at her flower shop, and paying them much less than full-time employees.

Of course, Yang Yi didn't want to exploit college students or hire cheap labor, but it seemed like a good idea to hire one or two shop assistants to work in his shop!

"I can offer a higher salary as long as the employee is diligent and capable. Money is not a problem!" Yang Yi thought to himself.

He began to imagine that scene, where someone was working behind the counter in his shop, and he, the boss, would leisurely sit in one of the booths reading the newspaper and listening to music. Whenever he wanted a cup of coffee, he would just go to the counter and make one for himself.

How great would that be?

Just as "Prison Break" was released, another book by Yang Yi quietly appeared on the shelves of major bookstores.

"Xixi's Bedtime Stories," a lame name coined by a father who spoils his daughter, obviously didn't have any appeal to readers. 1

Naturally, Sahara Publishing House has done some promotion before this, but they had never been involved in the field of children's books. The marketing materials still used the same approach as they did for adult books. Some of Yang Yi's fans had heard about this news, but they didn't have the intention to buy children's book.

Even when the news of Yang Yi wrote a collection of fairy tales spread among his fan group, many of them still felt it was a rumor and a hoax!

"Are you kidding! Yang Yi writing fairy tales? This is just a fairy tale in itself!" Someone sarcastically commented, and many people agreed.

it was true to say that Yang Yi's impression on book fans was similar to his own. He was a burly veteran who was good at both literature and martial arts, and perhaps a bit aloof and reticent. But he was definitely not the kind of taciturn man who likes to tell stories in a childish tone.

Although the themes of Yang Yi's recent books have gradually started to darken his image, it still has a long way to go before it could be compared to fairy tales.

As a result, "Xixi's Bedtime Stories" received a cold reception on the first day of its release. Thanks to its colorful illustrations, it managed to catch the interest of some children who happened to pick it up, and thus it barely sold some copies.

At the end of the day, Sahara Publishing House counted only a few thousand copies sold nationwide. Compared to record-breaking titles like 'Drawing Sword' and 'Soldiers Assault', this book was a complete flop!

Fu Jun attached great importance to Yang Yi's collection of fairy tales. Even before its release, he, who was also a father, had taken a sample book home to show his son.

His son liked it very much!

Then his wife accompanied their son to read it and surprisingly she also liked it…

Later, Fu Jun himself found it quite interesting after reading it, so he had an inexplicable confidence in Yang Yi's book. He even felt that this collection of fairy tales might create miracles. After all, the readership spanned across ages and genders!

However, reality dealt him a heavy blow.

"Have you notified Yang Yi yet?" Fu Jun asked Mr. Lu during the meeting.

"Not yet, boss. Do you want me to call Yang Yi now?" Mr. Lu misunderstood.

"No, no, don't tell him!" Fu Jun waved his hand and said, "I went to Qiyue's website and saw that his new book 'Prison Break' was really well-written. Although it only had two chapters, I felt like my heart was being scratch by a cat. I wanted to know why this Michael didn't think twice about robbing a bank and didn't run away quickly after stealing the money, so he was unceremoniously caught by the police!"

"I think there's a profound meaning in it." Mr. Lu also read it, and he has long been a loyal fan of Yang Yi.

However, Fu Jun didn't want to talk about "Prison Break" with them. He knocked on the table and said, "The performance of 'Prison Break' were very good. On the day it was released, it surpassed 'Yu Zui'! This is due to the excellent promotion by Qiyue!"

"We also need to reflect on ourselves. Is there something wrong with what we did? How could you sell Yang Yi's interesting children's storybook like this? Is it the worst result in the history of the publishing house?" Fu Jun said, feeling frustrated.

The department managers below moved their mouths, but they didn't dare to speak out: Actually, the worst result in the history of the publishing house… it was the autobiography that the boss wrote himself with pride that did not sell many copies at all.

"Go back and think about it. Where did we fall short? Go and see how others do promotional and sales activities in the field of children's books! You have one week. I want to see sales, sales!" Fu Jun waved his fists and shouted.

"And the online bookstore, promote this book more for me. I think more people will buy it through online sales…"

!Report Chapter

hapter 184 – New Changes In The Voice

Early that morning, after finishing his exercise, Yang Yi continued to practice his voice.

Although he was alone and felt bored without Mo Fei, he did not slack off. After all, he was also a man with a music dream. 1

However, today Yang Yi was pleasantly surprised to discover that he had made a breakthrough.

It happened when he had the idea to use his internal strength to expand his vocal cords. When he gently injected some internal strength into his throat, his voice, which was no longer youthful, suddenly loosened up!

Yang Yi tried to sing a few words and found that although it was still a bit unnatural, he felt that the range he couldn't sing before could now be reached!

This was a good sign!

After Yang Yi injected more internal strength, he seemed to have entered a new world, a world full of musical fun!

Of course, it was very tiring. Especially after only a few months of practicing internal skills in that body, Yang Yi couldn't sustain it for more than a few minutes before his internal strength began to run out.

Obviously, it was impossible for him to become a master with an incredible range by relying on internal strength.

However, the surprise hasn't come yet. After Yang Yi withdraw his internal strength, he could still keenly perceive that although his vocal cords had returned to their original appearance, they were no longer as stiff as before. The vocal cord muscles and vocal ligaments seemed to have gain a bit of elasticity!

The changes were not quite obvious, but Yang Yi was very sure they existed!

"There's a chance!" Yang Yi thought to himself, feeling a bit surprised.

Was is possible that by adding internal strength as a stimulating factor in his daily vocal exercises, the benign changes in his vocal cords could gradually accumulate and lead to quantitative and qualitative changes? Could it be possible for him to sing in a range that he couldn't sing before without relying on internal strength in the future?

Yang Yi decided to observe for another period of time before drawing a conclusion!


"Papa, hurry up! We're going to be late!" Just after finishing breakfast, the little girl grabbed her small schoolbag and shouted in the living room.

It was Xixi's fourth day at kindergarten, where she made friends, talked, and played games with her peers. Xixi became more and more cheerful every day and was no longer the shy little girl who would cling to her father and hide behind him when she met strangers.

This was a good thing. Yang Yi didn't want Xixi to be as cold as himself or Mo Fei, and without many close friends!

The little girl seemed a bit impatient, but Yang Yi was very slow. He wasn't really slow, but after starting to enjoy the life of an ordinary person, he liked to do things slowly and methodically like a turtle, and even proudly say, "This is life!"

"So, you want to leave Papa and go play with Zhao Yu and your friends? Papa is not happy, Papa is very sad," Yang Yi helped Xixi pack today's lunch in a plastic bag while pretending to be jealous.

However, it was unknown how much of it was pretense, and perhaps there was some sincerity!

"Okay!" Xixi sighed heavily, as if overwhelmed by a heavy burden, and slumped her shoulders helplessly. She helplessly spread out her hands and spoke like a little adult, "Actually, I really want to play with Papa too, but the teacher said that children who are late for class are not well-behaved and need to apologize to the other children! So, I don't want to be late either!"

Yang Yi couldn't help but feel amused at the little girl's appearance,. He went up and rubbed Xixi's little head and said with indulgence, "Don't worry, Papa won't let you be late. This is a promise from the famous car god from Autumn Mountains!"

Unfortunately, his car was the Tyrant Wolf, not a Wuling Hongguang, let alone the legendary Wuling Hongguang S.

After sending the little girl to kindergarten, Yang Yi started writing a recruitment notice while there weren't too many customers coming in for coffee in the morning.

For this recruitment notice, Yang Yi even bought Wannian red rice paper2 used for the Spring Festival, as well as a brush and ink.

In terms of music, calligraphy, painting, and chess, his musical talent was outstanding, his painting skills were not bad, and his chess skills were average, while his calligraphy was barely good.

Yang Yi hasn't practice calligraphy for a long time, so he searched for the feeling on regular white paper before finally writing it all in one go on the large red rice paper.

"Recruitment notice

Due to operational needs, our shop is recruiting one to two coffee shop employees who can work part-time. Applicants are required to be proficient in hand-made coffee techniques, be humble and courteous, and work diligently. Salary is negotiable!"

Yang Yi didn't write his name as the signature, but instead wrote "The Coffee Shop on the Corner."

The content was very simple, and the number of characters was not many, so on such a large piece of red rice paper, Yang Yi wrote the font very large, satisfying his desire to write big characters.

Fortunately, he rationally didn't have the impulse to show off his running script, and the neat regular script didn't seem to take much effort.

Yang Yi blew on the ink and admired his work while waiting for it to dry.

What great characters with iron-like strokes and powerful impact that penetrates the paper!

He hadn't practiced much in recent years, but his calligraphy hadn't lagged behind too much!

He thought that many people would come to apply after he posted this recruitment notice. He was sure that his calligraphy would have a magical effect!

But nothing happened…

In the afternoon, when Yang Yi closed the shop to go pick up Xixi, he glanced somewhat depressingly at the big red notice posted on the shop door.

He had been looking forward to it all day, but not a single person came to apply!

If only there were one! It was really embarrassing…


At night, after telling bedtime stories to help put Xixi to sleep, Yang Yi went back to his study. He wanted to send the manuscript and illustrations he had saved over the past few days to the editor, Qiang Zi, to help with the layout and publication.

However, when he opened his mailbox, Yang Yi saw a letter from a stranger.

Yang Yi frowned and knew from the title that it was about songs. These people from Tianmei were persistent once they knew his email address. How many emails had they sent him?

He wasn't planning on paying attention to it, but the little red dot was bothering him, so Yang Yi clicked on it, intending to quickly dismiss it.

However, when he saw the content of the email, Yang Yi stopped his right-hand index finger from clicking the mouse.

"Ju Jie?" A smile appeared on Yang Yi's face.

This guy, just like Mo Fei complained to him before, wanted to buy a song from him under the banner of being Mo Fei's colleague, and moreover, he was buying a song that Yang Yi hadn't registered the copyright for.

This idea was disgusting, but also bold!

It should be known that the copyright organizations that has been heavily funded in this world were very powerful! Unless it was with the original author's consent, even if one were to grab someone else's creative song on the copyright organization's website, once the original author sued, all the details would be revealed.

Correspondingly, those who committed acts of copyright infringement would also receive severe punishment, which was the legendary bankruptcy and imprisonment!

So, wasn't this Ju Jie afraid of going back on his word?

"Walking on a tightrope is still a bit interesting!" Yang Yi had some thoughts in his mind, but he still sent an email to ask Ju Jie what he intended to do.

Finally, he added, "If I really sell you a complete song, how much money can you pay to buy it out?"

hapter 185 – This Brother-In-Law Must Lend A Hand

Niu Meiling had gone on a business trip some time ago, but it was hard to say whether she deliberately chose this time to avoid facing Mo Fei. After all, people in the entertainment industry usually spend their days at the company, so staying in one city is abnormal.

After coming back, Niu Meiling called her secretary over and asked in detail, "How has it been recently? Has she been making trouble?"

This "she" obviously referred to Mo Fei.

The secretary knew what she meant and shook her head, saying slightly puzzled, "I haven't seen any movement, Sister Ling. I've arranged everything according to your plan, but there doesn't seem to be any reaction from Mo Xiaojun."

The secretary mentioned Mo Xiaojun because she represented Mo Fei to a certain extent, and… this girl has a violent temperament. Whenever Mo Fei was wronged, the one who would cause the most trouble was Mo Xiaojun.

"And she didn't complain that the music producer wasn't Duan Shurong?" Niu Meiling asked in confusion.

The secretary shook her head and said, "No complaints. It seems like they are quite satisfied with their new music producer. They have started recording officially today!"

Niu Meiling was a little surprised. She thought Mo Fei had no reason not to make a fuss about it!

Duan Shurong has been working with Mo Fei for many years, but she has been assigned to Zhenzhen. Even if Mo Fei wasn't angry, she should complain a few times, right? But from the look of her secretary, it seemed that Mo Fei and her team really didn't care at all.

"Who did you find as the new producer later on?" Niu Meiling asked with a frown.

The secretary said, "Jin Yingming."

Seeing Niu Meiling's puzzled expression, it was obvious that she had never heard of this name before. The secretary quickly explained, "We found a freelance producer according to your requirements, someone who wasn't well-known but had no major flaws in his resume. This Jin Yingming also meets these conditions. After all, ten years ago, he had produced an album that almost won the Chinese Golden Record Award for someone else, but since then, he hasn't had any notable achievements."

"No achievements in ten years?" Niu Meiling was somewhat surprised.

The secretary smiled and said, "Yes, his condition can be said to be terrible. When we found him, he was about to sell his house in Shanghai to pay for the studio's water and electricity bills!"

Niu Meiling was relieved. She smiled gently and said, "Since she didn't come to cause trouble, that's a good thing. I still hope that Mo Fei can calm down and focus on making music! What's the point of fussing around with frivolous ideas all day?"

In her view, Mo Fei's decision to have Mu Li'ang write songs for her was a betrayal and disobedience to her arrangements.

Mo Fei was recording songs with Jin Yingming and several instrumental experts in the company, but Sister Ling and the others were worried about Mo Xiaojuan, who was not in the recording studio. She didn't even come to the company today and asked for a leave.

However, Mo Xiaojuan didn't rest at home as she had told her. She secretly drove to a sparsely populated street in the Tingshan District, sneaked out wearing a baseball cap, and tiptoed towards the telephone booth.

A tall man was standing at the telephone booth, and upon hearing the sound, he looked over at her.

"Brother-in-law!" After seeing that it didn't scare Yang Yi, she stopped sneaking around and ran over with a smile.

That's right, the tall man was Yang Yi. Although it was already autumn, he was still dressed casually in a t-shirt and shorts.

"What's with all the secrecy? You could have just gone to my coffee shop, or I could bring it to you at Tianmei." Yang Yi frowned and asked Mo Xiaojuan.

Mo Xiaojuan rolled her eyes and said impatiently, "Big Brother, this is a secret operation. Opening a studio has to be done secretly. If Sister Ling finds out, Sister Fei will be in trouble!"

Yang Yi thought about it and agreed. He didn't say much and directly took out a bank card from his pocket. He had already transferred 10 million yuan into it, which was last month's payment from Qiyue and sales share of his physical book in Sahara.

"The password is 666666, which is six 6's. Currently, there is only 10 million on the card. You can use it to cover the early-stage needs. As for the funds required later, I will transfer the money to this card after I receive the TV drama copyright fee." Yang Yi said briefly.

Mo Xiaojuan received the bank card and smiled as if she was holding a piece of gold. She said happily, "Okay!"

Being in a good mood, she told Yang Yi about her plan, "First, during this period, I will find a house to rent and settle our early team members…"

"Why not buy one? Just buy a building as a studio." Yang Yi interrupted.

Mo Xiaojuan rolled her eyes and said, "Big Brother, houses in the Binhai District are very expensive, you know? Do you think it's like Tingshan District?"

"Then buy one in Tingshan District! I think Mo Fei will also be happy to work near home!" Yang Yi said firmly.

Mo Xiaojuan hesitated for a moment and said, "Tingshan District? But wouldn't that be inconvenient? Most of the people working in the entertainment industry in Jiangcheng are concentrated in Binhai."

"If commuting to work is inconvenient, then buy a commuter car and hire a driver for pick-up and drop-off!" Yang Yi waved his hand and said, "Money is not a problem."

Mo Xiaojun didn't have much opinion. For a star studio, it wasn't necessary to have a specific location, as they were all there to serve Mo Fei. Besides, Mo Fei didn't work in the same place. After all, big stars travel all over the country.

Expanding it on a national scale, there wouldn't be much difference between Tingshan District and Binhai District!

Moreover, Mo Xiaojun was also somewhat moved by Yang Yi's proposal of buying a building as the company's property. It sounded very cool just thinking about it!

"Okay, then I'll look for one in Tingshan District," Mo Xiaojun made up her mind and nodded, "But it can't be near a school. I need to find a place with convenient transportation and not easy to attract paparazzi. Also, buying a building means we'll have to renovate and set up a recording studio, which is a lot of work!"

Mo Xiaojuan talked for a while, sounding as if it were all trivial matters, making her feel agitated. However, in reality, her expression was not at all agitated. On the contrary, she was eager to try and seemed ready to take action immediately.

"Do you need me to accompany you to search for it?" Yang Yi asked.

Mo Xiaojun seemed to have been frightened and quickly waved her hand, saying, "No need, no need, I can do it myself, and I also have Xiao Ai to accompany me!"

After speaking, she grabbed the bank card and fled, leaving Yang Yi with a puzzled face. However, Yang Yi also breathed a sigh of relief.

Yang Yi had no intention of working with Mo Xiaojun! He was still a bit uncomfortable with her personality, and he only asked out of courtesy.

Little did Yang Yi know, Mo Xiaojun, who had run away was secretly criticizing him.

"There's something wrong with brother-in-law! First, he called me in the middle of the night, and then he took the initiative to give me a hand. If we keep working together, something might happen! It's better to keep a distance and not let Sister Fei feel sad!"

"Our family Xiao Ai is better, she resigned from her job without hesitation and now she can help me run errands full-time! Hehe, if we want to reward her, let's double her salary first!"

Chapter 186 – Recruitment With Slow Progress

Since Yang Yi didn't go see the house with his sister-in-law, he returned to the coffee shop. The big red notice seemed to be effective. When a pretty female student came to buy coffee and saw the notice, she ran over to Yang Yi with interest.

"Boss, are you really hiring here?" the pretty student asked excitedly. "My named is Zhou Yu, can I apply?"

Yang Yi raised his eyelids, looked at the opposite party, nodded and said, "Hmm."

"What do you think about me, boss? I promise to attract more customers to your coffee shop!" Zhou Yu used her delicate jade hand to tuck her hair behind her ear and gave Yang Yi a charming wink.

The commotion here also caught the attention of two nearby tables of customers. Some girls disdainfully curled their mouths while some boys had shining eyes and couldn't stop staring at Zhou Yu's slender figure.

Yang Yi sized up the opposite party, but his expression didn't change at all. He just said lightly, "Not very good."

Zhou Yu was stunned for a moment, her fingers stuck in her ears, forgetting to put them down.

How could a man be indifferent to her teasing? After all, Zhou Yu was a campus beauty, as voted by her fellow students at the college.

"Why not?" Zhou Yu asked unwillingly.

"According to the recruitment notice, what I need is someone who is skilled in hand-crafted coffee techniques. Can you do it?" Yang Yi asked.

Zhou Yu nodded naturally and said, "Of course, I can make coffee. Isn't it just tearing open the package, pouring it into a cup, then brewing it with hot water and stirring it? It's that simple!"

Yang Yi looked at the opposite party indifferently, and someone nearby couldn't help but chuckle.

"Did I say something wrong?" Zhou Yu turned around, looked at the person, and asked displeased.

"Of course!" It was a girl who wouldn't indulge Zhou Yu. She proudly lifted her head and said, "The boss said to grind and brew coffee with coffee beans, not your kind of instant coffee powder! We also came for the boss's handmade coffee, who wants to drink your instant coffee!"

Zhou Yu became angry and stomped her feet. She turned to Yang Yi and said, "Okay, boss, even if I was wrong, I can still skip doing this. I can help you serve the prepared coffee instead."

If she had said she was willing to learn, Yang Yi might have had a higher opinion of her, but Zhou Yu gave Yang Yi the overall impression that she was frivolous, as if she wanted to apply for the job not to work but to experience life, to experience the novelty of being a waitress!

Yang Yi ignored Zhou Yu's pitiful and coquettish expression, shook his head, and said, "I'm sorry, Miss Zhou, please go back!"

He refused cleanly, leaving no room for negotiation. Zhou Yu felt embarrassed and stomped her foot before leaving with a parting remark: "Hmph, you're looking down on people. I won't come back here again!"

Yang Yi didn't even glance at her back. He stood calmly behind the bar, wiping his glass.

A few customers began to discuss with interest, and one of them, a pretty girl seemed to empathize and said to her companion with lingering fear, "The boss is so fierce!"

"He's a bit strict, but he's not a shrew. He just sticks to his principles, and I think that's pretty cool!" The companion said with a smile.

Yang Yi didn't pay attention to their discussion. He wiped his glass while thinking about whether he should recruit some formal employees. College students may not be able to do these jobs for long, and if they were all like Zhou Yu, with a playful mindset, then he would not be recruiting an employee to share his workload, but rather a master.

Just like the three British Shorthair kittens by his feet right now, they were the little masters!

Usually, Xixi would bring them to play crazily in the shop. Now that Xixi has gone to kindergarten, the three little masters could only bother Yang Yi. They were nibbling on Yang Yi's slippers!

But Yang Yi still knew how to handle them. He took out a fluffy ball of yarn from his pocket and shook it a bit, immediately catching the attention of the three little ones.

"Go get it!" Yang Yi smiled slightly and rolled the ball of yarn from the counter.

Instantly, the three little ones, who had been staring blankly, transformed from being still to being in motion. Xiao Hui was the most active, leaping out first, and DuoDuo and Xiao Guai, not showing any weakness, followed closely. Three blue little figures hurriedly chased after the yarn ball.

"Prison Break" was in the midst of a hot serialization. From the plot two days ago, readers have learned from Michael's conversation with his brother Lincoln when they met at night that Michael was in prison to rescue his brother.

Yesterday's chapter had also been intense enough. Through a series of clever plans, Michael had even designed the former gang leader and now prison boss John Abruzzi to get himself punished and sent to the prison factory to work, thus gaining the opportunity to get close to his brother and cooperate with him!

Today's plot, although not as exciting, still left the readers in shock.

"Have you ever seen the structural blueprints of the prison?" Lincoln was surprised, but still asked Michael incredulously.

Just as Lincoln turned his head to see what Michael was doing, he was surprised to see Michael unbuttoning his shirt. His originally clean and fair upper body was now covered in colorful tattoos.

"I didn't just see it!" Michael said with a slight sense of pride as his mouth curled up, "I've had it tattooed on my body!"

The chapter had ended here, but readers still saw a new illustration, which was a close-up of Michael facing Lincoln. He had had a smug smile on his face, and his upper body bare, as if the deep blue tattoo was his underclothes!

This was the first time the front tattoo has been revealed to the public!

But what excited readers the most was that the tattoo, which has puzzled them for a long time, finally revealed its purpose!

It turned out to be the structural blueprint of the prison!

The investigating party members have already been cheering excitedly: "See, see! We said back in August that Yang Yi's drawings were definitely not just for show. There was a deep meaning behind them, right? Before, people had said that these were just gimmicks, but now they had been proven wrong."

However, not many people were willing to pay attention to these investigating party members who haven't actually figured out anything.

What readers in the book review section were discussing was how these tattoos could possibly resemble the structural blueprint of the prison.

Some enthusiastic people have enlarged and screenshot both the front and back tattoos, and posted them in the book review section for top students in civil engineering to analyze.

However, even the top students were confused: "I can't see it, where is the structural blueprint?"

These tattoos have been taken to universities to seek professors and experts to study them, but they have not been able to come up with an answer for a while.

"Where can ordinary people like you see the mystery of these patterns at a glance?" Some people supported Yang Yi, but the reason for saying it was also very reasonable, "If it were that easy to see, Michael would probably have had his tattoos removed before entering prison, right?"

Yes, if that was the case, the entire drama would just end…

Anyway, the serialization of "Prison Break" has already surpassed "Yu Zhui", and not just on Qiyue's online novel readers. More and more people were being recommended to read "Prison Break," and once they start, they become fully immersed and couldn't break free.

"Sure enough, the only one who could defeat Yang Yi is Yang Yi himself!" A reader joked

Chapter 187 – Responsible Little Girl

The weekend has arrived, and Xixi was also on vacation. After being busy for a few days, Yang Yi decided to take a break for himself, mainly to spend time with his daughter. So, he arbitrarily closed the coffee shop.

However, he did not follow a certain Mr. Yuan's example and post a note at the door of the shop to request time off. This guy didn't even have the idea of finding an excuse.

To Yang Yi's surprise, Mo Fei also came over. Mo Fei, at some point, became aware of the situation, paused her full-speed recording work, and took advantage of the weekend to reunite with Xixi and Yang Yi for two days.

Mo Fei used to be a workaholic!

When she was preparing for her comeback album, she really spent all day and night in the recording studio. She even had to find time to take Xixi to Yang Yi's house!

"I don't know why… maybe it's because after experiencing failure, I realized that music also needs to be done slowly. The people who criticized me were not wrong – good work takes time." When Mo Fei answered Yang Yi's question, she also felt a little confused.

She leaned against the railing, looking at the starry night sky, and continued to murmur, "Or maybe it's because I now realize that music and family are equally important. I don't want to focus all my energy in work and overlook my daughter's growth."

"And what about me?" Yang Yi hugged Mo Fei from behind, interlocking his fingers with hers.

"Hehe!" Mo Fei was no longer confused at this point. She playfully leaned into Yang Yi's embrace and said, "Maybe, you're also one of the reasons. What do you think!"

Yang Yi's embrace was still very warm!

On Saturday, they just stayed at home, listening to Xixi telling stories about kindergarten and playing with their three British Shorthair cats. And then at night, after Xixi fell asleep, Yang Yi and Mo Fei had a romantic moment.

The story of that night cannot be described.

On Sunday, Yang Yi had a special plan!

"Let's go climb Ting Mountain and have a barbecue on the mountain!" Yang Yi prepared all ingredients, equipment, and charcoal for the barbecue, and announced excitedly in the morning.

"Great!" Xixi, the little girl, was most excited. She jumped and cheered, "I love going to play the most!"

"Barbecuing in the mountains, will it cause a forest fire?" Mo Fei was tinkering with the wind and rain flowers she bought yesterday, spraying them with mist and asking with some concern.

"That is indeed a risk," Yang Yi smiled and said, "But don't worry, when it comes to cooking in the mountains, I'm an expert. With me around, there are no risks!"

"Let's go, let's go!" Xixi shouted to announce her presence, her little face red with excitement.

Since that was the case, Mo Fei had no further objections and nodded with a smile.

Just as Mo Fei was packing her clothes and Yang Yi was preparing the barbecue ingredients, Xixi run over again.

"Papa, can we bring Xiao Guai and the others with us?" The little girl was thinking very carefully. She held her father's hand and asked with some worry, "If we're not at home, Xiao Guai and the others will be very scared."

Yang Yi patted Xixi's little head and smiled gently. "Of course, we're going to bring them along. But, Xixi, can you take responsibility for taking care of them?"

They definitely had to bring the kittens along because Yang Yi and the others were going to play for almost a whole day. If they left the kittens at home, they would probably be starving by the end of the day, right?

Xixi was very happy when she heard this. The little girl stood up straight, her face tense, and earnestly promised, "I can do it, Papa. I will take good care of Xiao Guai and the others!"

The book was right. Don't treat children like they don't understand anything. By giving them some "small tasks" that they are capable of, they can create unexpected surprises for adults!

After a while, Yang Yi carried the large backpack with all the packed items to the living room and was surprised to see Xixi stuffing the kittens' belongings into her own little backpack.

At the same time, the three little British Shorthair cats were lying down, sitting, or leisurely pacing around Xixi, looking up at her.

"What are you doing with all the kittens' toys?" Yang Yi walked over, glanced at them, and asked with a smile.

Yang Yi took out a fluffy cloth mouse and playfully tossed it in his hand, which immediately caught the attention of the kittens. Even Duoduo flipped over and stood up, staring at the cloth mouse rolling in the air with wide eyes.

However, Xixi didn't go along with it. She jumped up, grabbed her father's hand, and snatched it away, saying, "Papa, don't mess around! I just finished tidying up!"

"Are you going to take it outside to play with them?" Yang Yi saw his daughter nod. He smiled and patted the little girl's head. "You don't need to take so much. We'll only be out for a little while, and they won't be able to play with so many toys."

Xixi's big eyes were a little confused. She scratched her head and pouted, saying, "So, what should I do?"

"Come on, Papa will help you pack. We'll take a few toys, the cat food they'll eat for lunch, and the milk the kittens will drink." Yang Yi comforted the little girl and then helped her take out some big toys that were not needed.

A cat toy on the table accidentally rolled down, triggering a fierce battle for it among the three kittens.

"Hehe, Come on, Xiao Guai, come on!" Xixi's attention was drawn over. The little girl didn't pay attention to watching her father pack, so she turned around and joined the fray. As the cheerleader, she not only didn't act as a referee but also often helped Xiao Guai to tilt the balance in his favor!

At around ten o'clock in the morning, they finally set off!

Yang Yi drove the car with Mo Fei and Xixi, as well as the three kittens in the cage in the trunk, and headed towards the depths of Ting Mountain.

Ting Mountain was both small and big in different ways.

The small part refers to Ting Mountain, which borders Jiangcheng Media University. This was the main mountain, but it was not as tall as Mount Huang or Mount Tai, just a small peak!

However, it made sense to call it big because the entire Ting Mountain was a small mountain range. The mountains and valleys that stretch behind it form a small mountain range with Ting Mountain as its head.

The place Yang Yi drove to was another relatively gentle hill, where a mountain road had been built but the corresponding scenic area had not yet been established. The area was sparsely populated, making it a good destination for a self-driving tour.

On the winding road, there was only the Tyrant Wolf, so Yang Yi opened the car window and even the roof, really enjoying the wind.

Mo Fei accompanied Xixi in the back seat, and they were both in a cheerful mood. Mo Fei clapped her hands and sang a song to Xixi: "Time goes slowly, you walk slowly, I want to accompany my baby, ride a small boat and drift along the river…"

The little girl also clapped her hands and shook her head with a smile as she followed the beat. Yang Yi drove with a smile on his face, quietly listening as well. This relatively unknown folk song in this world, when sung by Mo Fei's clear and gentle voice, was actually melodious and moving.

it was unclear whether the cicadas in the mountain had reached the end of their lives in the autumn or were simply intoxicated by the songs, as they made no sound. A warm breeze swept by, and only the rustling sound of leaves echoed with the song.

Chapter 188 – Expert Yang Has Worked Hard

The mountains and forests, which have just entered autumn, were still lush with greenery. The "multicolored layers of trees" described in books have not yet appeared, and only occasionally drifting fallen leaves carried a hint of autumnal yellow.

However, before one such leaf could touch the ground, it was caught by a large hand.

Yang Yi walked at the back, carrying a mountaineering bag. He casually tore the leaf he had picked off and stripped away the withered part, leaving behind the veins. He wrapped the stem around his finger like a ring before tossing it aside.

This was a bad habit he had picked up during his childhood life and death training in the jungle in his previous life. Whether it was a way to pass the time or ease the pressure of life and death situations, this bad habit was still smooth and easy for him to do now.

But it was only a memory.

Looking at the two beautiful flowers walking ahead, one blooming big white azalea and one small and adorable orange jasmine, Yang Yi felt that this life was just perfect.

"This spot should do!" Yang Yi called out to Mo Fei and Xixi, smiling slightly. "Being too close to the stream can actually make it a bit damp."

The place Yang Yi had picked wasn't too far from the road. They could still see the car parked on the side of the road. More importantly, there was a small stream flowing down from the mountain, and Yang Yi could already hear the sound of the water from a distance. Being close to the stream made it easier to wash up.

"I want to play in the water," Xixi looked eagerly at the small stream dozens of meters away while holding her mother's hand and pleadingly said.

"This won't do. You promised Papa that you would take care of the kittens," Yang Yi unhooked the cat cage hanging from his mountaineering pack, pointed to the restless little ones and said.

Xixi pouted, feeling a little reluctant, but still said, "Okay…"

However, there was also a three-year-old Mo Fei here! 1

"It's okay to go play for a bit! Let Papa watch the kittens first, they can't run away from the cage anyway. I wonder if there are any small fish in the stream, we could catch some to feed the kittens!" Mo Fei's eyes darted around mischievously. She put down the backpack she was carrying, moved it closer to Yang Yi's mountaineering bag, and smiled as she pulled Xixi's small hand and said.

Although she knew that the two-month-old kittens couldn't eat them, it was still a good enough excuse. Thinking about the cool stream flowing through her feet, Mo Fei felt a surge of childlike excitement.

"Great, great! Kitties love to eat fish the most!" Xixi quickly put the cat cage on the ground, pushed it towards her father, and pleaded, "Papa, can you help Xixi take care of Xiao Guai and the others?"

The little girl's tone was particularly sincere, and she even used her invincible watery big eyes. Yang Yi couldn't resist. He reluctantly waved his hands and said, "Go ahead, go play!"

"Mo Fei, you have to hold Xixi's hand well. The pebbles there may be slippery", Yang Yi couldn't help but remind her.

In fact, he could see that the stream was very shallow, probably just covering the ankles. But as a parent, how could he not worry?

"I know!" Mo Fei took the giggling Xixi and ran out.

Yang Yi shook his head, found a few stones nearby, and started building a stove. In fact, the outdoor barbecue today was much better than in his previous life. Except for the need to find materials to build the stove, everything else, such as charcoal, wire mesh, and forks, were all readily available, and they were all in his large mountaineering bag!

"Xixi, come here. It's comfortable to step on here, it doesn't hurt your feet!" Mo Fei's happy voice came from the stream, mixed with the little girl's silver bell like laughter.

Yang Yi turned his head and glanced. Under the wisps of sunlight shining through the forest, Mo Fei and Xixi were playing barefoot in the water.

Sometimes, the water splashed by Mo Fei's feet would splash onto Xixi's face. The cold feeling made the little girl to exclaim in surprise, but she also found it very interesting. She began to step harder herself!

Yang Yi smiled slightly and continued building the stove, filling the large gaps with small stones.

When Mo Fei and Xixi had enough fun, the little girl came back hoarse from shouting. Meanwhile, a wisp of white smoke had risen. Yang Yi was covering the wire mesh and preparing to wait for the charcoal to turn red before putting the ingredients on for barbequing.

"Wow, you're amazing!" Mo Fei leaned over and exclaimed in surprise, "It only took a moment to light the fire? When dad2used to make barbecue, it would take a long time. Later on, he bought an electric grill to make do!"

"Mama's Papa is Xixi's grandfather!"3The little girl dutifully introduced to her father, afraid that he wouldn't understand, "Not Papa!" 4

Yang Yi smiled and said, "Of course, how else could I dare to call myself an expert in front of you?" 5

"Do you want me to help?" Mo Fei rolled up her sleeves and asked enthusiastically.

Yang Yi remembered the time when she suddenly wanted to go to the kitchen to make fried eggs for Xixi for breakfast. A dark "object" appeared in his mind, and he firmly shook his head and said, "No, I'll handle the barbequing. You guys just wait and eat!"

"Okay then, Expert Yang, you better do a good job! I want to eat delicious grilled chicken legs, grilled eggplants, and grilled mantou…" Although Mo Fei said so, she still helped Yang Yi take out the ingredients from the mountaineering bag and laid them out on the canvas mat.

Xixi was playing with the kittens on the side, but when she heard her mother talking about the food, her mouth began to water!

Mo Fei spread out the picnic blanket and laid it flat on the grass, which would be the place for everyone to rest after eating and playing. However, Xixi took the cat cage and enjoyed it first. She opened the cage and released Xiao Guai, Duoduo, and Xiao Hui.

Although these three little ones were not timid, they were sticking close to Xixi. She even took out some cat toys from her small backpack, and the kittens started playing on the picnic blanket.

Mo Fei wasn't idle either, she took out the cat's bowl and poured some cat food into it.

Soon, a tempting smell of meat wafted over from Yang Yi's side, mixed with a strong and stimulating aromas of cumin powder and black pepper powder. Xixi's stomach growled at the smell, but she couldn't help but sneeze twice.

Mo Fei walked over, and Yang Yi raised his head, smiled and said, "You still have to wait a while, it's not cooked yet!"

He thought that Mo Fei was getting impatient.

However, Mo Fei squatted beside him, holding a small handkerchief, and wiped the sweat off Yang Yi's face. She smiled and said, "I'm afraid you'll get roasted!"

In fact, Mo Fei was also quite distress while she watched Yang Yi barbecue. A 1.87-meter-tall man squatted in front of the small stove in the wilderness. The thick smoke from the barbecue blew east and west, and when it blew straight, it covered Yang Yi inside, making him feel choked and uncomfortable.

"Don't stay here and get choked with me!" Yang Yi said with a smile, "Go play with Xixi, we can eat barbecue later!"

"You're driving me away!" Mo Fei pouted and pretended to be unhappy, "I'm not happy anymore!"

Yang Yi looked at her rosy lips and couldn't help himself. He secretly looked in Xixi's direction, and the little girl didn't look over here, so he became bolder.

With a lightning-fast move, Yang Yi turned his head and kissed Mo Fei's red lips, then pretended that nothing happened. He turned back and used a bamboo stick to poke at the tin foil wrapping the golden needle mushrooms, leaving only Mo Fei with a blushing face.

"Yang Yi!" Mo Fei exclaimed reproachfully, her face blushing red and ears burning. She didn't even bother to hit Yang Yi with her small fists, and instead looked quickly in the direction of Xixi.

These intimate actions were not a big deal, but Mo Fei was just afraid that her daughter would see them!

Chapter 189 – Grilled Marshmallows

"What's so great about barbecuing? My dad often barbecues for us on the balcony."

It was already a new week. At kindergarten, when Xixi excitedly told her little friends about her weekend experience of playing with her parents in Ting Mountain, the tall and big Chen Shiyun pretended to be disdainful and expresses her existence: "'He can grill big chicken legs! I can eat two!"

"I really envy you guys!" Nan Zhaoyu, the quiet little boy who recites poetry, now hugging his legs, muttered, "My mom always says I can't eat too much junk food, so she doesn't let me eat this or that."

After a week of exposure, Yang Luoqi has gradually changed from being shy and introverted at the beginning. Now she also shares her thoughts with her good friends, "My mom doesn't let me eat barbecue, and she wants me to eat more vegetables so I won't get gain weight "

Inadvertently, this hurt the nearby slightly chubby girl Lan Xin. However, Lan Xin didn't have so many petty thoughts. She didn't pay attention to it at all. Her attention was completely focused on the delicious food that Xixi was talking about.

"My Papa also made a lot of vegetables, wrapped in that shiny white paper and grilled them, and the big eggplant was also delicious!" As Xixi continued to talk, she suddenly remembered something and looked at Chen Shiyun with big bright eyes, and said, "Oh yeah, and marshmallows! Chen Shiyun brought marshmallows for us to eat today, and my Papa also grilled them!"

"You can grill marshmallows?" Chen Shiyun, who realized that she couldn't be the center of attention even if she stood up, was discouraged. She sat back down and asked in surprise.

Marshmallow, barbecue? These two words combined caught everyone's attention and they all looked at Xixi.

"Yeah! It's so delicious!" As she remembered, Xixi couldn't help but stick out her pink little tongue and lick her lips. "My daddy melted the marshmallows, then sandwiched them between two cookies and chocolate. It's sticky, sweet, and super delicious!"

Upon hearing the little girl's words, the saliva of her little friends all started to flow down.

Lan Xin couldn't resist the most. She swallowed a large mouthful of saliva and then touched her bulging little stomach, pouting as she said, "Ah, I just finished eating, but I feel like I'm hungry again!"

Fortunately, she didn't need to suffer anymore.

"Children, it's time to go to bed and take a nap!" Teacher Mu walked in, clapped her hands and smiled gently, interrupting the discussion among the children.

The story of "Prison Break" was becoming increasingly exciting, especially after the appearance of the classic character T-Bag.

Unlike other novels where readers rely entirely on their imagination, Yang Yi's "Prison Break" was interspersed with rich illustrations, and this chapter, there was a drawing of T-Bag!

Using almost just sketches, Yang Yi drew the character played by Robert Knepper: a sinister figure with sunken cheeks and prominent cheekbones. He had unruly hair, an untrimmed but still somewhat sexy chin beard, and most striking of all, a pair of dreadful eyes!

That pair of eyes was not fierce, but they were very evil. One could see a murky gleam of mischievousness in them, as if all the people and things in the world were under his twisted control…

Regarding this character, there was a lot of controversy in the book review section, and most readers first expressed their disgust for him.

After all, T-bag was thrown into prison on multiple charges including pedophilia, rape, and murder. Thinking about what he had done in the past made readers shudder.

What was even more disgusting was his introduction, which was written in the book as: "Behind him was a man with exquisitely groomed hair, his face bearing a feminine smirk and disdain. He clung to T-bag like a little bird, tightly clutching the corner of t-bag's pants pocket, following him obediently."

Although it described T-Bag's male lover, it also revealed his twisted personality. In prison, he satisfied his needs with men!

Seeing him, the book review section almost exploded, with most of the active reviewers criticizing this character and Yang Yi!

"This is too disgusting! Why write such a character? I almost threw up my dinner!"

"Can't the story just be about Michael rescuing his brother and the two reuniting outside the prison? Why do this and that, and disgust us readers like this?

"I just want to know how many chapters T-Bag will live for in this book. If there are more scenes with him later on, I won't read it, I'll drop this!"

"Is it necessary to lower the IQ of supporting characters to such an extent? T-Bag is small and weak, anyone in prison could break him like a twig. Why does he get to be the boss?"

"I think the Great Yang Yi must be brain-dead to write such a character that disgusts people. Boss my foot! He just appeared in a few chapters, so delete him quickly!"

"MMP, the thing I hate the most in my life is ** offenders, and he is a BT1 who likes men. Why is the protagonist even talking to him? Will they have to work together later on?"

"It looks like it. Let me guess: the protagonist is forced to work with T-Bag and even contribute his own 'little flower'. Haha, the author is brain-dead!"

Amidst this one-sided barrage of criticism, some people still came out to say a few fair words.

"The author created this character with a purpose, there must be a deeper meaning behind it. What are you all shouting about here?"

"Yang Yi: Come on, I'll give you the pen. You write it then!"

"I don't think there's anything wrong with T-Bag. There are plenty of BTs in prison. Do you really expect all the inmates in a high-security prison to be innocent little flowers?"

"Great Yang's skills are getting better and his character portrayal is getting better and better. It's okay. Everyone can casually scold as much as they want. The more severe they scold, the more successful the character of T-Bag is portrayed."

"T-Bag, Underground Boss Abruzzi, and the protagonist's hindering cellmate named Sucre. You may find the existence of these characters annoying, but they are all reasonable. They are all types of people who may exist in prison and are also necessary for the plot. They create trouble for the protagonist in the midst of conflict. There is no smooth sailing in a prison break, is there?"

But unfortunately, readers who have their own stubborn ideas would not care about the author's internal logic in shaping the story. They would view this "world" with their own biases.

"Creating trouble is not done like this. Writing a BT to disgust readers? Even if you write some heinous criminals and have them capture and beat up the protagonist, it's reasonable! Why do you have to write such a BT?"

"The most hated people in prison are ** offenders. A person like T-Bag would have been beaten to death by the other inmates long ago in real life! I say this character setting is problematic. We shouldn't criticize T-Bag, we should criticize the author! Look at those who are defending it!"

"Author, if you keep writing T-Bag and don't let Lincoln escape soon, we won't subscribe anymore. What a garbage book? It's so annoying to read!"

"The protagonist has such high IQ, why doesn't he design a plan to kill T-Bag? Or tell the warden! He has such a good relationship with the warden!"

"I'm unable to continue reading. This is lowering my IQ, dropping this book, goodbye!"

However, Yang Yi didn't read the book review section, and "Prison Break" was still being updated according to the original plan, without any fluctuations.

So, at the same time, as the story plot deepened, "Prison Break" became more and more exciting. The book review section was filled with curses, but it couldn't stop its popularity.

This was a phenomenon-level novel that was destined to break records!

Chapter 190 – Two Senior Sisters

As the sun sets and red clouds fly over the western mountains, little fatty finished target shooting and returned to the camp.

"We had live ammunition shooting, and I also fired two shots, 'bang bang', the sound was really loud!" Guo Ziyi, who had just returned from military training, ran to the Street Corner's Coffee Shop to look for Yang Yi and proudly talked about his military training experience.

After a few days of military training, little fatty had become even darker and had lost a bit of weight. Apart from his still-round face, he had shed a lot of excess fat from his body.

Yang Yi wiped the glass with a smile and listened quietly.

"It's a pity the food was a bit poor, otherwise I might have stayed in the military camp and not come back!" Little fatty reminisced about his time in military training and said with some emotion.

Chen Yijie's song was playing on the coffee shop's speakers, which reminded little fatty of something. He smiled and said, "Right, when we had the literary and artistic performance later on, many people wanted to sign up to sing the song you wrote to Chen Yijie "Long Time No See".

"Shh!" Yang Yi glared at Guo Ziyi and looked around. Fortunately, the customers were sitting a bit far away, and no one paid attention to their conversation.

Guo Ziyi shrank his head and chuckled a bit embarrassed, "Right, I forgot. Keep a low profile, keep a low profile."

"Did you not perform anything?" Yang Yi asked curiously.

Based on his understanding of Guo Ziyi, this guy still liked to show off, especially on stage.

"Yes! But it wasn't singing!" Guo Ziyi proudly said, "I organized a sketch about life in the army with my classmates, and I even came up with the script myself. We won applause from the whole audience during the performance. Compared to those from the Performing Arts Department, we performed much better!

Okay, he still hadn't let go of his resentment in his heart and liked to constantly compete with the people from the Performing Arts Department.

"Excuse me, I need to buy coffee." Just as Guo Ziyi was still rambling about his military training experience, a tired female voice came from behind him.

Guo Ziyi turned around in surprise, his eyes flashed with a hint of amazement.

It was a very delicate and pretty girl, not tall, with short hair, to be precise, a student haircut with bangs that made her look neat and tidy, and also had a somewhat ancient flavor.

Interestingly, she was holding several books in her hand and dressed in black and white tones, which added more historical charm.


Meeting the gaze of Guo Ziyi, the girl furrowed her brows slightly and looked towards him with a questioning expression in her eyes.

"You go, you go!" Guo Ziyi quickly smiled and gave way.

The girl no longer paid attention to Guo Ziyi. She walked up and said to Yang Yi calmly, "I want Robusta, one cup, to go."

"Wait a moment," Yang Yi nodded and started making the coffee.

While waiting, the girl boredly examined the decoration of the coffee shop when she inadvertently turned her head and caught the intense gaze of Guo Ziyi, who was leaning against the counter next to her.

This was awkward. The girl furrowed her brows and looked at Guo Ziyi with some disgust. Guo Ziyi felt embarrassed and said, "Uh, this, that… "

"I was looking at the book you're holding!" Guo Ziyi quickly came up with a reason, "Ross's 'Three Laws of Acting', I've read it."

Indeed, among the books that the girl was holding, there was one titled "The Three Laws of Acting" by the famous theatrical performer Ross. This reason was quite reasonable, and the girl withdrew the hostility in her eyes. However, she didn't have the intention of continuing the conversation with Guo Ziyi, and just replied with a "hmm", and when Yang Yi finished packaging her coffee, she turned and left.

Yang Yi had no intention of exposing Guo Ziyi's disguise, but he was quite interested. After the girl left, Guo Ziyi couldn't wait to lower his voice and say to Yang Yi, "Du Yuanlei, a talented girl from the Film Academy's Directing Department. She is both talented and beautiful. She's a first-year graduate student and she happens to be in the same year as me." 1

"Graduate student?" Yang Yi was a bit surprised, then smiled and patted the shoulder of little fatty, "Then you'd better give up, it's better not to have any ideas about her."

"Why?" Guo Ziyi immediately asked dissatisfiedly. He really liked this type of girl who was delicate and pretty.

"Because of the age gap!" Yang Yi counted on his fingers and explained, "You're currently in your first year, while she's in graduate school. Normally, she should be around 22 or 23 years old, but you're only 16! There's a six or seven-year gap, isn't this gap a bit big? If the roles were reversed, and you were a graduate student, it would be like finding a freshman as your girlfriend!"

"Really? Wait until graduate school to fall in love?" Guo Ziyi said dejectedly, "Is it wrong to go to college early? Actually, I don't think age is a problem."

Yang Yi thought about it carefully and thought Guo Ziyi wasn't entirely wrong. He smiled and patted Guo Ziyi's shoulder, saying, "Okay then, I wish you luck in pursuing your senior sister, if you really have such a firm determination."

"I don't have any confidence!" Guo Ziyi wailed. "Big Brother Yang, please give me some advice."

After joking for a while, Guo Ziyi said with great interest, "Big Brother Yang, I feel like your coffee shop is getting more and more popular! It's only been a while, but customers have come in several waves."

"Hmm, but I still hope there are fewer people. Too many customers are hard to handle." Yang Yi pursed his lips and gestured to the door. "Didn't I put up a recruitment notice? I want to hire one or two shop assistance to take care of things so I can relax."

"A recruitment notice? Let me go take a look!" Guo Ziyi said in surprise. He hadn't noticed it before, but now he turned and ran out to see.

A little while later, Guo Ziyi ran back excitedly. "Big Brother Yang, do the people you're hiring really have to know how to make handmade coffee? Can't someone who doesn't know about it do it?" 2

Yang Yi looked at him and shook his head. "You? You're no good. You're lazy."

It would definitely be someone respectable.

"How could it be me," Guo Ziyi said with a smile. "I'm a man who wants to become an actor. I don't have time to work for you! I meant my senior sister. She's quite nice, but her family isn't well off, so she needs to work to make money."

"Didn't I tell you last time that I went to the bar to have fun on the day I came to report? My senior sister works as a cleaner at that bar, and its really hard work! I think if you're looking for someone to hire, why not let my senior sister give it a try? It's better than having her, a girl, work in such a dangerous place like a bar!" Guo Ziyi has a bit of chivalrous heart.

"Senior sister?" Yang Yi furrowed his brows and looked at Guo Ziyi suspiciously. "Is she another object of your admiration? Don't use my business to do you a favor. I am looking for coffee shop staff, not beauties for you to admire."

Guo Ziyi protested, "How could that be? Senior sister Ding isn't pretty, and she's skinny and dark-skinned. How could I possibly like her? It's mainly because she helped me a lot when school started, and I also want to help her!"

"To be honest, my senior sister has a good character and is particularly hardworking. She is diligent and proactive in her work! It's just that she may not know how to brew coffee and she doesn't have money to drink one!" Guo Ziyi earnestly recommended.

Yang Yi nodded slightly and said, "If that's the case, as long as she's willing to learn, I can teach her."

It was settled like that. Guo Ziyi excitedly left Yang Yi behind and ran back to school to find her senior sister. They arranged for her to come to Yang Yi's coffee shop the next day for an "interview".