
Limitless Potential

A genius striving to reach the greatest heights in power, but is held back due to his restricted human body, is reincarnated into the body of Sasuke Uchiha in the Naruto World. What will a wealthy psychotic genius do when in the body of someone with limitless potential? “I’ll become the strongest.”

DeadOverlord666 · Anime e quadrinhos
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3 Chs

Limitless Potential

Having promised myself to become the best at using this energy inside of me, I spent the entire 9 months experimenting with the different ways I could move it around.

Sadly, I noticed that it was impossible to spread the energy to any part of my body. This left me feeling somewhat disappointed but not too surprised. I was still a fetus after all. The good news was that I was still able to familiarize myself with the feeling I got whenever I looked within myself towards the energy.

These experiments allowed me to conclude that whatever this energy was, it couldn't be used at the moment due to still being a fetus inside of another person. So I'm guessing that the only way to properly utilize this new energy is with a living and breathing body that I'll receive when I'm born.

Another plus that I came away with as a result of my experimentation into the energy, was that whatever women I was inside of also had the same energy as me, although it was much more grown and felt warmer.

This supported my initial guess of the energy being able to grow and that the older you are the more time someone has to accumulate and grow the energy.

I was also able to discover the growth of some type of channels within my body as I progressed in the maturation process. When these channels began to grow inside of me, I felt that the energy in my core seemed to resonate with them.

This discovery allowed me to hypothesize that the way to move the energy inside of me was through these channels and that when I'm born, I'll be able to utilize those channels to manipulate my energy to different parts of my body.

I'm hoping that by becoming familiar with this energy and the channels that have been grown inside me while just being a fetus, that I will be given a distinct advantage in manipulating the energy later on when I'm born.

And that time to rebirth wasn't too far away since I could already feel some type of contractions occurring inside of this woman. Meaning that I was finally on my way out of this constrained environment.

When the time came, all I felt was one strong push and all of a sudden I felt very sticky and slimy. I was very disoriented due to this fast and sudden ejection and the first thing I registered was the air touching my skin, and all the fluids that were stuck to my body.

This didn't surprise me too much since I've seen my fair share of births in my lifetime and I know how dirty the baby is when they are born. So I was prepared for feeling sticky with all the fluids I've been maturing in.

After getting over the sudden disorientation, I then felt myself being wrapped up into something warm and then be picked up. I then opened up my eyes in order to observe the new surroundings I was now being presented with.

The first thing my eyes registered was a giant woman staring down at me lovingly. Of course I knew she only appeared giant from my perspective since I was now a new born baby.

The first thing I did when I saw her was to cry, since I knew it wouldn't be smart to stare off blankly. This could give her the perception of me having problems and not being normal. And although I probably won't be acting like a normal child in the future, I still have to give the impression that I'm at least a normal baby.

When she saw me cry, a smile lit up her face and she brought me closer into her embrace.

"There There. Mommy has you now." My apparent mother said.

I was thankful for those words since it provided me with even more information. The reason for that is she spoke them in Japanese. Thanks to my study of all the languages in my past life, I was able to distinguish the words that were now being spoken.

"Your so beautiful, just like your brother when he was born." She went on.

So I have a sibling, a brother at that, in this new life. When I heard her mention me having a brother, I started to look around the room to see if there were more people.

"Mikoto can I hold him." A male voice cut in.

"Of course here you go." Mikoto said.

After that exchange I was handed over to who I could only assume was my father. But that didn't even matter to me at this point. The second I saw this male as well as what he just called my mother, I was finally able to put together all the pieces to the puzzle of where I was reborn.

My mothers name was Mikoto and she had black hair to go along with a soft face. A face I was now able to recognize more clearly with a name to go along with it. My father also had a face I recognized.

My father didn't say anything but did look down at me with a small smile.

"So what will you name him?" He asked my mother

"We'll name him Sasuke...Sasuke Uchiha." My mother responded.

With that response, my mind calmed down and the puzzle was now even more clear.

My mother's name being Mikoto and sharing an identical appearance to someone I remember. My father also looking like someone I remember. And finally my name being Sasuke Uchiha.

This all points to me being reborn as Sasuke Uchiha in the Naruto world, with Mikoto and Fugaku Uchiha as my parents and Itachi Uchiha as my brother.

"Itachi come look at your baby brother." Fugaku called.

I was then handed over to Itachi who took hold of me and stared deeply into my eyes.

He smiled down at me with pure happiness on his face.

"Sasuke I'll always protect you." He whispered down at me.

I just stared back up at him and reached my arms out babbling inorder to continue my act of being a happy and clueless baby.

He responded by smiling even more, then handed me back over to my mother. She just started to rock me back and forth, most likely to comfort me and put me to sleep. So I followed along and closed my eyes.

Once my eyes closed, I began to think about what all this meant for me and my future. I now knew what the energy I felt inside of me was. It was Chakra and those channels that were growing within me were the Chakra Pathway System.

If I was reborn as Sasuke Uchiha in the Naruto world, then that confirms my initial belief of being given a body with limitless potential. I also know all the events that take place within this world, if it's still like it was in the anime.

If everything's the same as it was in the anime, then I have a multitude of ways to progress and get stronger in this world.

I have a bloodline which can allow me to learn almost any ninjutsu as well as taijutsu, and gives me a cheat as far as genjutsu goes. That bloodline being the Sharingan.

That doesn't even go into its mutations and all the abilities that will give me access to, such as the Mangekyou sharingan, Eternal Mangekyou Sharingan, and Rinnegan. Just thinking about all the power I can now acquire with this body gives me a shiver.

I'll also be able to use my knowledge of future events to boost my already impressive body. I know where most of the Jinchuriki are, who the Akatsuki members are, and what jutsu are in the Scroll of Sealing.

I also know many more things that would support me in my goal of becoming the best in this world. Senjutsu being at the top of the list to acquire.

Now that I was being blessed with this body that can reach the heights I could previously never see and the knowledge of future events I acquired from reading and watching Naruto in my past life, I'll become the absolute strongest in this world and continue to grow until I use up every last ounce of my limitless potential.