
Limitless Potential

A genius striving to reach the greatest heights in power, but is held back due to his restricted human body, is reincarnated into the body of Sasuke Uchiha in the Naruto World. What will a wealthy psychotic genius do when in the body of someone with limitless potential? “I’ll become the strongest.”

DeadOverlord666 · Anime & Comics
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3 Chs

A New Body

So here I was in another world as a baby wondering how it all came to this. How could I have gone from enjoying my life, on top of the world as one of the smartest humans to have ever lived, to inhabiting the body of an infant baby that doesn't even have teeth.


"I'd like everyone to give a big round of applause for the one and only Steve Kain," the announcer exclaimed.

As I walked out to the hysteric applause of the audience I couldn't help but think that after making it all the way to the top, how boring everything is after experiencing all the world had to offer.

My walkout was swift, which would be a surprise to many people considering I was 85 years old. Thankfully my body still functioned impeccably considering all the training and management of my body I undertake throughout my everyday routine. Ever since I was a child I always had an obsession with being the best and doing whatever it took to make that happen.

As a result of this way of thinking, I first began by training my body, since being so young didn't give me many opportunities to improve my living conditions or allow me to make a lot of money, I didn't come from a privileged family and had to work for whatever it was I wanted. As a result, I focused all my attention on building a solid foundation for the future. This involved training my body to being able to withstand any type of situation and would be essential to my success in the future.

The main reason I decided to train, besides my obsession for being the best, was due to the fact that I grew up in a bad part of town and had my fair share of fights. It never got to the point of needing to take a life while I was a child, but I wanted to make sure that if it did ever come to that, then I'd be ready.

After dedicating the majority of my childhood to building up my body, I then moved on to cultivating my genius that had up to that point been focused on training. By shifting my attention from training to creating, I was able to invent new and efficient ways to benefit myself and as a secondary effect, the world.

I made sure I had a hand in every type of product in this world. This included technology, science, and even art. I introduced new computers and phones that were more efficient to use, as well as many cures for the major diseases in the world ranging from HIV to Cancer. I also made sure I learned how to speak and write in every single language in the world, no matter how obscure the language was. Although I was partial to speaking in my native tongue of English and the Asian languages like Japanese and Chinese (Mandarin).

Although my preference for those Asian languages may have been due to my fascination with the manga and anime that was produced in those lands. It always surprised me with have imaginative they could be with the anime there and how diverse the powers created could be.

I never got to enjoy too much of them though due to how busy I was, so my favorites would have to be Hunter X Hunter, Naruto, and Fate Zero. Those are the ones I was the most enthralled by. Especially the power system in Hunter X Hunter and the diverse abilities displayed in Naruto.

As a result of all this success, I accumulated trillions of dollars personally and pretty much had a monopoly on all the world's products, making my business the first ever quadrillion dollar enterprise.

Now here I was, on stage, accepting another award for once again one of my many revolutionary products. It's times like these that I feel a sense of indifference having already experienced these mundane ceremonies and feigning with practiced ease my appreciation for the award. I sometimes wonder what it could be like to go back to my childhood days when all I focused on was training my body and striving for something that really got me excited. The many breakthroughs in my training to push my body to new and greater heights.

Sadly, I've long ago reached the limit that my body could achieve through training. And after fighting many different people in the world, I've long ago grown bored of competing in trivial bouts of martial arts just for the sport of it.

I also participated in some underground fighting where it was a kill or be killed fight and there was only one survivor. Those were my favorite fights since it actually meant something when I fought in those. I actually controlled the fate of someone else just through my fists and it felt so primitive yet exhilarating to actually take a life away from someone. I know that these types of feelings made me a psychopath, but what billionaire or trillionaire in this world wasn't some type of sociopath or psychopath anyways. I always made sure my identity was masked during my battles so what I did wouldn't leak out into the public.

As far as improving and evolving my body, even science couldn't help much due to the fact that I couldn't advance technology enough to give upgrades to my body.

One of my greatest wishes was to find a way to break past the limits I reached but I just could never find a solution to this problem. I hope in the future I can advance science and technology past the point I've already achieved and become something more than human.

After I accepted the award I walked backstage to once again entertain the many important guests that showed up to this event.

It was on my way backstage that the unthinkable occurred. My entire field of vision was all of a sudden blocked and all I could see was darkness as a voice echoed in my head.

"Enjoy striving for the greater heights that you seek."

That's the last thing I heard before I lost consciousness.

When I did regain consciousness I still couldn't see anything except for darkness. I also felt constrained, a feeling I've never experienced before. I began to panic briefly due to never encountering a situation like this, but then the logical side of my mind calmed me down, allowing me to think clearer.

"What is this place and how can I get out of here." I thought.

Already I was trying to come up with different solutions to solving the problem present to me. At the moment I didn't think a lot of them would be feasible since I could barely hear anything or feel anything.

After multiple hours of thinking, which I didn't have trouble doing for so long due to my enjoyment of solitude, I started to take stock of what I could control. That being myself.

I thought back to what I heard before I ended up in this situation, that being the mysterious voice in my head saying, "Enjoy striving for the greater heights that you seek."

"What does that have to do with what I can do now." I thought.

Maybe it could be due to my desire to always pursue self improvement and how I hit a plateau in my human body. Which would mean the body I now have is different from my original one.

Inorder to have a different body, I would either have to have my soul transferred into a new body or I've been reincarnated into a brand new body.

That would actually make sense considering everything I've observed within these few hours. Not being able to hear or see very well. Only perceiving darkness and feeling constrained. That message I heard before I ended up here.

That all points to me being in the body of an unborn child, and that unborn child is now in the womb of some woman, which explains why it's so dark and constrained. Which also means I don't have to do anything to escape here, since my current problem will be solved in at most 9 months or as soon as tomorrow, depending on how long this fetus has been growing inside the mother before I ended up here.

Still just sitting here doing nothing for as long as 9 months doesn't really sit well with me.

"There has to be something I can do." I thought.

It was with this thought that my innate curiosity kicked in and I started to focus in on anything that I could feel within my fetus body.

I knew that with this being a different body and that voice saying to strive for greater heights, that this could be a body that has a special trait to it that is able to reach those grander heights in power that I could only dream of.

After focusing within myself, I began to feel a warm light emitting from the core of my body. It felt heavy but also incredible, It was something I couldn't even describe.

"What is this?!?! I've never felt anything like this in my entire life!!"

And that's saying something considering I've lived for 85 years and experienced countless feelings through my extravagant life.

I doubt I'll be able to solve the mystery regarding what this energy is now, but what I can do is to experiment with it and see what I can figure out about it before I'm born.

When I am eventually re-born I'll be able to learn even more about whatever this energy is and when I do, I'll make sure to train as much as I have to in order to reach the highest heights in power, and then exceed even those heights.

"I'll never be satisfied until I'm the best at using whatever this energy is." I promised.