
Journey Part 9: Launch?? Lunch??

Training their flying combat skills, Kakarot sped fast, knocking away multiple Ki blasts. Pilaf learned quickly, but his output was meager. Much lower than Mai, who was a human, caused the wannabe Emperor to try harder.

He did fly better than her by a lot. That genius Intellect let him figure out information well enough to survive.

Mostly because she was scared a little, Mai needed to overcome flying outside of a machine still.

Bulma spent a good bit of the flying exercises observing everything.

Old Gohan had taken the task of going to help reinforce the students back home. At the same time, he was delivering a Vortex Spirit Enhancing Pill to Pasta and Bongo. The man opted out of taking it himself, which Kakarot didn't care if he refused at this point.

"Let's try this again in a few minutes. Stopping for them to catch their breaths, he focused on trying a few techniques derived from absorbing the Magic in the Dragonballs. "Multi-form!" Instead of splitting into three or four, he split into seven.

With Telepathy, he was able to communicate perfectly with all of them. The Ki was divided equally between them, with the Magic remaining only in the original.

With a Kakarot each going to Pilaf, Mai, and Bulma to assist. Two shot off high into the air in the lower atmosphere to train. With the remaining two immediately training with each other all out.

"This.. should last long enough." The original charged forward using the Saiyan combat style. The other using only the Demon style. "Tch!"

Dodging immediately, the other used his hand like a blade. Rich Ki tight around the palm as it cut off some hair. Sending a kick out, the other block as best as possible.

"Ugh!" Demon-style defenses were not that great. Sacrificing for more power and sharper attacks. "Ha!" A powerful Ki Shout knocked Kakarot out of the sky into a cliff below.

Looking up as he pushed out of the rubble, a volley of Ki blasts were coming down twice as fast his usual amount.

Parrying each Ki blast back towards his opponent did not come without its problems. Cuts were along the entirety of his hands. The blood sealed up quickly with an exertion of Magic.

*Bam!* Both clashed as they charged at each other in dash. The air started to rupture as they kicked it into high gear. Almost as if they were trying to kill one another. Which was odd considering the the other two Kakarots in the upper atmosphere started doing the same.

"Raaah!" Kakarot delivered an overhead smash sending the other plummeting down into the canyon below. "Die!" His eyes flashed with red energy as he fired a full blast of Ki out.

"Ahhhh!" The Demon style took a deep breath inflating his chest. Delivering a powerful exhale, the Ki Shout actual cut through the full blast towards Kakarot. Building up its Ki, the danger was picking up quickly.

"Ugh!" Kakarot flew back directly into the returning ki blasts. A few cuts appeared along his backside. "Need to focus!" Focusing his energy and bursting downward, he was headed right into a trap.

*Poof!* The surroundings turned to dust, obscuring the view a little. Two balls of ki shined, but Kakarot could detect they lacked a life sign behind them.

'What is the other up to I wonder?' Racking his brain quickly since he was basically fighting himself, the answer came quickly enough. The dust cleared, and the two balls of Ki still floated there. 'Not down below, though.'

A hole was there on the ground. A quick look around gave nothing yet for coming back out.

Both Ki blasts were knocked away, triggering the spell on them. Taking a few seconds to use his senses, the other was finally detected high up in the air. Using the fighting of the other two multi forms to help mask its location.

'Have to fine out how it got up there afterward in detail.' Kakarot calmed himself as he flew up. The two ki blasts coming towards him were knocked away once more and caused a few more cuts on his hands. "Wait a minute...."

The Ki blasts were a lot weaker than the last time he knocked them away.

"To late." Up above and behind the Demon style, were thousands of Ki blasts. The other two multi form had been making countless ones as they fought. However, the two travelled close with the Ki blasts preventing the return from triggering at a dangerous level. "You have access to magic, so the advantage is needed."

*Fwoosh!* With a smile on his face, Kakarot went to work, knocking the thousand Ki blasts away as he moved. He moved in a circle with the Ki blasts all following behind after some time.

"What are we gonna do about that..." The demon style followed the trail as the ki blasts started to fuse into a Ki Bomb. "..giant ball of death?"

"We are him.. so.. we can't let it detonate. Neither can he." Realizing the flaw in the attack pattern, they each took off after the Ki Bomb and Kakarot.

All four slammed back into each other. As the Ki Bomb trailed behind, Kakarot did a flip, hitting it with his heel. Just close enough to knock it into the upper atmosphere.

*Shine!* The Moon bracers lit up along with the moon lens in the eyes. He changed into the Demonic Great Ape in a few seconds. Luckily the Ki Bomb was still sailing away. Gravity fighting against its escape from the atmosphere.

The return back would be aided by gravity so it would be best to make sure that does not happen.

Gathering his Ki and Magic into his hands, he decided to push the technique a little farther. His mouth opened up, following the same pattern as the energy around his hands.

"Bah!" All three were launched forward at the same time. The use of 3 Final Spirit Cannons was not the easiest to do. "Ugh, that's smarts." Rubbing his throat while shooting down, he looked at the Ki Bomb detonating.

"Well.. that was something to scratch off lists to not do on a good planet." Kakarot watched the energy burns a little with the scouter reading if any atmospheric changes took place. "Any higher.. what would have happened, I wonder?"

"You might have brought about an environmental change." Bulma commented. The other three Kakarot's had finished explaining a few things to them and moved to fuse back. "Then again.. your magic manipulated elements before so you could fix it afterward."

"Better to not do that again. Need a place to train without worry on." Shaking his head, it was best to pay attention to how far they would ever go in strength when trying something new. "I need to digest this information."

As they decided to break for Lunch, Bulma kept working away with her instruments. Pilaf giving a few upgrades, and a small technical debate broke out between the two in regards to energy sources.




Various instruments were taking all the Dimensional changes better than untrained human eyes and ears. Bulma had this weird helmet on, which allowed her to hear the rapid gunfire in the valley ahead of them when checking readings further.

*Ratatatatatat!* The machine gun fire completely drowned out the sirens. Two cops in hovercars zipped after a woman on a uni-motorcycle. Cash flew out of her bag during the pursuit from either a shot or poor securing.

"Hey," Bulma contacted Kakarot on the Scouter, pointing out the situation. "that looks like a problem, doesn't it?"

"Hmm?" Kakarot looked down after swatting the ki blasts all up in the air with Mai. Taking stock of the situation, he understood well enough after thinking who and what was causing trouble. Remembering what happened in the end, he shot forward quickly. "Yeah, it is; I am gonna try something!"

"Hey!" Mai shouted at the thought of the Ki blasts coming back at her without his support. "NOOO!!" The ki blasts didn't cause harm to her and only entered her body. "What the heck just happened!?"

"You dummy! The bracelets you are wearing prevent them from harming you, fool!" Pilaf shouted at her. "How many times do I have to explain that to you!?"

The pint-sized scientist yelled, annoyed. It didn't occur to him that he didn't actually explain it to her while she was eating. She defintely didn't hear most of what he said at that time.

"Kekeke!" The woman chuckled as she pulled out a grenade. With a toss, it would have defintely been the end of the nearest cop. "Huh?"

*Pew!* A ki blast destroyed the grenade. Due to proximity, the spell activated still. Bringing it back at twice the speed it went out at. Kakarot crushed it in his hand to prevent a further problem.

"Who the heck is that guy!?" The officer looked out the hovercar in shock.

"Damn, new age police!" The bank robber was not wanting to go to prison again. Cornered, she took out her shotgun and leveled it to fire. "Not going back!"

*Tap!* kakarot landed and shot forward like a ram. A punch delivered to the woman's core knocked her out completely. His tail wrapped around, holding her up from the ground.

"She will be coming with us." Kakarot said simply as he held the money over. "Her special psychological condition is the subject of a deep study needed. The money is yours to take back of course. Not about keeping stolen money from a bank."

"We should just do it Johnny." The older officer didn't want to get in a fight with a guy who could fly and shoot laser out his hands. Not to mention he saved them from getting blown away by grenades earlier. "Who are you, by the way?"

Johnny eyed Kakarot closely. Not thinking this was in accordance with policy. Seeing Bulma and the others fly over, he let it go. Making a note to take this up with Capulse Corp Forces later.

"Richard Kakarot, but just call me Kakarot." The officers nodded then returned to their squad cards with the money.

"What are you about to do?" Bulma watched as he placed the woman on the ground. The build up of Magic was scary as can be. "You are not about to kill her in some weird sacrifice thing, right?"

"Wuwu!" Pilaf and Mai hid behind Bulma, scared.

"Yeah, no." Kakarot focused on his Aspects of War and Longevity. The amount of Magic needed was high as hell. But feeling an unusual barrier between the two, he took a shot in the dark. "Oh yeah.. the trigger."

Using his tail to brush against the nose, the woman sneezed. Kakarot felt his Aspect of Sex activate as well. The woman's whole body shook between the Dimension as she seperated into two.

From the head down to her toes, they looked exactly the same besides hair and eye color.

"Glad it worked." Extremely exhausted, he collapsed to a knee. It was the first time he used all of his Magic in one go like this. "Damn, I wish I knew how to do Fission."

"Did you make their clothes to?"

"No, whatever supernatural power existed around the two did that." Kakarot didn't get anything from it besides knowledge, but that was worth it. A small insight into his Aspects and possible Fission would go a long way for the future. "The blonde is aggressive while the other is very naive."

"She is just good-natured." The Blonde sat up first, looking herself over and the other. "What did you do to me? How did you do that?" She didn't go for her guns, which was good. The Timebreaker Mark was on both of them but dormant. "My head is ringing from all the "History" in it."

"Right, Magic, to cover the gap the other did your entire lives. She has it to, but I think it is a little more shocking to her." Kakarot observed the other who was still out. "Huh?" A small pulse of energy left, alerting him to something new. "Oh, messed up a little. She has most of the Longevity between you two."

"That's fine. She is the real one anyway. I am just a mistake." Her voice was a bit bitter.

"Huh, if you say so Launch." Picking up the other, he didn't like the calling one good Launch and the other bad Launch. "Gonna call her Lunch, and you launch. The same name but a different name for identical people."

They looked at him oddly for a moment. In what way was it the same name but a different name?

Kakarot (Richard)

Soul: Intuitive Adaptability

Aspects: War, Longevity, Sex, History

Spirit: 2,700,311 = Soul Refining Art

Ki: 1182

Magic: 7913

Styles: Demon Realm, Saiyan, Army (SFPC)

Skills: Flight, Ki Blast, Sense II, Telepathy, Power Up, Ki Shout, Volley Burst, Cross Arm Dive, Imperfect Multi-Form

Abilities: Absorption, Majin/Timebreaker Mark, Shapeshifting

Transformation: Dark King Aura 1/3, Demonic Great Ape Form

Controlled Regions: Gurumes, Fungus Town, Village of Nam

Linked: 30 Saiyans, Old Gohan, Towa, Mai, Nam, Pilaf

Magmatidecreators' thoughts