
Journey Part 8: Fight Against.. Namekians?

"Humph!" Kakarot bashed the one-star, and second-star Namekians with such forced they were ripped apart and forced to regenerate to reform. "You have made a big mistake coming in here!"

Stronger in this way, he guessed they would just have to get absorbed by his Soul: Intuitive Adaptability the way Mira was done. The three-star and four-star fought better. Each touch trying to take away the evil energy inside him.

Fingers glowing in red energy, each blow contained the power of War and ripped into the Pseudo-Namekians fiercely. He gained an intimate detail of who they were with each blow. A couple of centuries of the people who found or lost the little balls.

"Tch!" Blasting both with a wave of spirit energy, they were carried directly upward towards the Black Red Ball above. Five-star and six-star circled around from the rear but didn't fare well at all. "That is uncomfortable!"

The arms of the pseudo-Namkeians were pulled into his spirit body as Kakarot wouldn't give up a single bit of his magic to them. A lot of anger as he started to absorb the evil energy they took from Chichi and others over all the years of sitting in various locations.

"...!" The seven-star moved with urgency trying to figure out a way to fulfill its purpose. Besides the Aspect Orbs and some equipment far away, the only other thing was the floating infants. ".....!"

Running that way, the seven-star felt a strong pull of Evil behind it. The eyes of a monster looking toward its body with the intent to deliver death. It wouldn't take a fool to understand the danger it put itself in for having any designs on the infants.

"Stop!" Towa appeared between the parties. The other six star Namekians were fighting the pull of being absorbed. Those that were pulled into his body fighting with every fiber of their being to get away. "Freeze!"

With a wave of the staff spear, the Namekians turned into white Dragonballs. Planting firmly inside his Internal Space by ripping out of his spirit body fully.

Grabbing hold of one to crush it, it came as a surprise as they vanished from his grip.

"What are you doing?" Kakarot still had the look of crushing them in his eyes. "They need to be dealt with; the sooner, the better."

"They will be, but not just yet." To tide him over, Towa placed a stronger spell around the two infants. "They only wanted to do their job; we will let them be for now. A chance for you to absorb there energy for yourself further awaits."

"Then take them out of me." Kakarot tailed moved about in a furry.

"Its faster this way." Towa understood his concerns for his children and current power. "Consider this as more training to accomplish. Taking what you call "Evil" energy from sealed mystical creatures is a good chance for a few things I gathered already for later."

It was quiet for some time. The only sound was that of the Black Red Soul and the Aspects pulsing in unison. The energy inside the sealed Dragonballs getting absorbed away.

"Fine then." Kakarot gave in to her logic. "Take care of my body as I get started right now." Towa understood an vanished to the outside in her disguise. "If they are not a threat, then no reason to pass on the chance to get stronger. My magic should kick up a good degree, and the History to obtain with all of them together should be higher."

Using the Soul Refining Art and the Timebreaker Mark on the stones, he got to work whittling away at the protective layer on them.

The Aspect Orbs started spinning along with the Red Black Soul. Evil energy draining away into all of them. Kakarot now in a meditative state to grasp hold of all of the power. A new Link forming with a stranger on Earth.

Bulma popped out a cargo plane for them to load up in. Remembering that Kakarot wanted the radar dish, she searched his pockets, pulling the extra robot security he said would be there.

*Poof!* The ten robots had several prime directives. Security and recovering useable material in an area that was labeled abandoned. The additional instructions were very brief before departure.

"We have a lot to talk about sis!" Bulma shouted over her shoulder. "Like.. what the hell was with that wish! It was not part of the plan at all!"

Tights didn't feel bad but she felt some answers were needed. It was a very long plane ride. With a strange destination at that plugged in after the older daughter of the Briefs family moved up.


Waking up-


Kakarot was suprised when he woke up in a bed somewhere. The sheets were defintely finely made for one. The biggest shock was the person on top of him. Mai was passed out, drooling on his chest.

*Chssh!* The door to the room opened with Bulma, Old Gohan, Yamacha, and Kame Roshi coming in. They were dressed in regular clothes, so odds are he was in the city somewhere with all the noise he could pick up.

"Glad you are awake finally." Yamacha had Puar take Mai to a bed to actually rest.

A somewhat troubled look as he stared at his friend. The time spent with Chichi had his views changing somewhat. Especially now while looking at the Evil Energy moving about after this time.

"What do you remember?"

"Huh, well Tights made some wish. Then someone froze me with magic to allow it to happen.. To allow something to happen. Then the Dragonballs.. they entered me, I think." Kakarot frowned as his head felt fuzzy. Moving his arm, there was an I.V. inside. "What the hell is in this stuff?"

No way he should not remember after the time spent in his Internal Space taking care of the problem.

"A high nutrient solution. Kept your vitals stable. Also, a sedative cocktail to prevent damage to the room." Bulma moved over, changing out a bag. "Mai did good work. Make sure to thank her later."

"Ms.Towa said it best to let you sleep instead of moving you again. The Dimension has gone absolutely bonkers, apparently." Old Gohan was weary, considering Bulma changed to the same bag type as before. Her posture suggested something terrible was about to happen. 'Capsule Corporation has always been one of the good businesses out there; I hope this plan of they concocted works.'

"What do you mean exactly?" Kakarot felt his blood burn underneath. 'What did you do just now?' He used Telepathy on Bulma.

"The Dimension has merged with.. a few others." Bulma was not excited to share this with him. 'I changed the intake for the sedative portion. It will hit you hard but the remainder of the nutrient should trigger better with your Biology.'

"What you know as the various Z Timelines has fused with our own. With at least 13 Subsidiary Dimensions trying to merge outright." Old Gohan moved toward the window taking in the sights. As far as he could tell, it was no different than before.

"Well.. I am going back to sleep. This is just a fever dream. Yup, a fever dream." Kakarot pulled the blanket over his head. Actually trying to go to bed. With the sedative burning in his system already, it was pretty easy to start drifting off. "I must have hit my head on a Dragonball or something."

"More like getting hit in the head by one." Besides Mai taking care of him, little Pilaf was to the side checking over his energy fluctuations. The Timebreaker Mark was deeply ingrained within. "Your body has acted unusual the last three days."

*Chussh!* The door opened up again with a few others coming in. Chichi, Tights, Dr.Briefs, Krillin, and Tien of all people.

"He is still in bed, this guy sleeps a lot." The little boy was the only one in the room besides Dr.Briefs that had any altering to his age. With Chichi, Tights, Bulma, and Old Gohan having entered the Time Bubble, Hyperbolic Time Chamber, or affected by a Deity like Kakarot. "I don't even sleep that much."

"We need to come up with countermeasures." Chichi pulled the blanket off with magic. Observing the various scratches across his chest area for a brief second. "Think of the various possibilities."

"You come up with countermeasures. You think of the countermeasures." Kakarot glared at her. "I am trying not to think about all the dead people. Know one on Earth has the strength to deal with the enemies from the Merge Timeline."

"But the biggest threat won't come here anytime soon. We have years to prepare still." Chichi said unbothered.

"Not with all the changes made, high chances they will come ahead of time. Namely the Frieza Force that is most likely going around expanding their reach." Kakarot frowned. "You also put a big target on my back."

"How so?" Tights didn't think she did anything like that.

"Babidi." Kakarot raised his hand, engulfing it in Dark Magic. "I do not want to contest against that wizard's control just yet. If he wakes the Evil in my heart and manipulates my mind, then what are you going to do?"

"Kill you of course." Chichi stated plainly.

"Time to go." Kakarot, got out of bed taking the I.V. with him. "I didn't think you were that much of a bitch but shit." He ignored the protests from Bulma and the others. "When those around you start dying, you can only blame yourself."

*Chush!* The door closed behind him, leaving the others to think things over.

"The gamble will work, trust me." Chichi said, assured of herself. "The cap of power has been removed all across the Galaxy up to the Z level, we have the time to still prepare. He is just thinking in the negative."

"What if he is right, though?" Krillin asked. As the weakest in the room, yes Pilaf was stronger than him currently. The child was only in the first half of his training. "What guarantees do we have that someone really powerful won't come?"

"Then we deal with them." Chichi turned to leave. "If you are worried, then train. Your advance will be higher than it was before. So push harder. I plan on doing so."

"She is so sure of herself." Old Gohan frowned. "Confidence that borders arrogance. You should be careful, Tights."

The old man left without another word.

"Take care of yourself Gohan." Roshi said simply. He kept quiet, trying to get a bead on Kakarot and what type of man he was. The time was just to short, unfortunately. "You won't be able to seal him with the Evil Containment Wave with your current strength, be happy that he decided to leave."

"What if we did it together?" Chichi didn't think the gulf of power was that big between the two again. "He can't be that much stronger than me already after all I have done."

"Power.. no. Something else inside him." Remembering the time his master Maito fought against the Demon King Piccolo all those years ago, the unnerving feeling matched that from Kakarot in spades. "You went the same path as the current Guardian of Earth and expelled the evil in your heart forcefully.. hopefully, it will be enough for him to take you on as a student."

"I hope so as well, Master." Chichi understood what her master was saying. "I will head there to ask to proceed now." Tights and Yamacha grabbed her shoulders as she left out via Kai Kai.

"Come on Krillin.. you have a lot to learn in a short time." Roshi said. "Dr.Briefs, have a good evening."

The scientist watched them leave. With Pilaf taking a few instruments with Bulma having a troubled look on her face. Once everyone was gone, Dr.Briefs scratched his chin as conflicting information annoyed him a little.

"Dr.Wheelo.. is still frozen and his lab. But technology has changed. It is a good thing security is higher now." The scientist rembered what his daughter told him regarding Kakarot. 'Best I start making those upgrades to the training facilities for them. But we did gain some good intel on new technology.'

Towa passed over some plans that would allow humans to detect magic better. All in preparation for the future of course.

Kakarot (Richard)

Soul: Intuitive Adaptability

Aspects: War, Longevity, Sex, History

Spirit: 2,700,103 = Soul Refining Art

Ki: 1071

Magic: 7796

Styles: Demon Realm, Saiyan, Army (SFPC)

Skills: Flight, Ki Blast, Sense II, Telepathy, Power Up, Ki Shout, Volley Burst, Cross Arm Dive

Abilities: Absorption, Majin/Timebreaker Mark, Shapeshifting

Transformation: Dark King Aura 1/3, Demonic Great Ape Form

Controlled Regions: Gurumes, Fungus Town, Village of Nam

Linked: 30 Saiyans, Old Gohan, Towa, Mai, Nam, Pilaf

Magmatidecreators' thoughts