
Journey Part 7: Dragon Appears, Unknown Situation

The castle itself was pretty large and more of a fortress than anything. Surrounded by desert and Mushroom stalks for miles. A large radar dish would work for excellent telecommunication added back at the mountain.

"Pilaf has the other Dragonballs, but we have the rest." Bulma checked the radar and made sure it was right. "I wonder where he got the fourth one from?"

"You can ask when we get there. Pilaf.. is a little tech genius but the dreams of World Domination is a problem." Kakarot said simply. Through the use of his tail around Mai and the use of the History Aspect, he was getting a good enough dose of the past. "He would be good to match scientific theory against."

"I duno, to many scientists with World Domination on their mind already." Bulma looked at Mai, who was still out cold briefly. Wondering what he planned on doing with her, really. No way did he plan to train her up to join his forces. "You are not planning on running experiments on her constantly, are you?"

"Maybe, don't know." He gave a shrug. "Prisoners are a weird thing with me. I will decide what to do with her fully depending on what happens here."

Magic and the ability to read the History of a person could help "flip" a person to his side. But that took time, and he was rusty after settling down into fatherhood then all this happening with Dimensional travel.

"Hmm, ok." Bulma would keep an eye for any craziness. So far, he didn't let her down with the choices made. Despite turning into a giant red demonic monkey Xenos. "So, are we going inside like this?"

"Yeah, it is just Pilaf in there. The castle is nothing major to deal with for any of us." Kakarot looked to Mai who seemed a little antsy. "Come on.. you can do it. Just take a deep breath and let go all your frustrations."

"Right.. right." Mai walked stiffly towards the castle. "I can do this. Just raise my hand and let out my Ki and Magic. Simple and won't cause any problems." Nervous as she was, it was almost impossible to determine how devastating the attack would be.

*Brrpp!* A clear wave of energy built in front of her palm.

"Yah know... I have a somewhat bad feeling all of a sudden." Kakarot wrapped his tail around Bulma and drifted back. "An awful feeling she might be stronger than I thought."

"Well, she was training with Towa, and she gave her an injection this morning." Bulma thought his tail would be rough, but it felt really soft. 'As comfortable as Cashmere, I wonder if her will let me shave it off?'

"Another one? I wonder what it is?" using Telepathy; he asked the Magic Teacher quickly. 'What did you give Mai?'

'A vaccine to prevent possible heart disease. Modified one of the vaccines you developed for yourself to work on humans. Just in case she can't handle the training in the future, this will help. That and curing a lot of diseases that develop in malnourished people.'

'I take it you knew I was developing them to help those of Nam's village?' Kakarot wouldn't put it past her. But since she took one of the vaccines, that meant she had to pay him with material for work. 'Don't be stingy either.'

'I put more than two tons for you to work with already.' Towa was busying herself in her lab. On the table were a few carcasses from different Namekians and the species known as Tuffle. 'Just worry about taking care of current business.'

Before he could go into it more, a power sike drew his attention.

*PEW!* The full power energy blast from Mai would have destroyed the place n impact. Luckily the massive beam of energy broke into five. Hitting different parts of teh fortress and blasting the walls down. Good thing it missed the radar dish.

*KABOOM!!* The explosion defintely meant something bad was hit.

"Just not fair!" Bulma sulked a little. "Know way can I meet the level of power so fast!"

"Not true at all. Plus... I think she pushed some of her life force into it by mistake." Kakarot floated over, seeing a few white hairs appear in her hair was defintely not good. "If you did what she did, then yeah, it would be more devasting considering you are a few years younger."

"Waa.. wa.. look at the stars!" Mai was delirious. Catching her, Kakarot used his Longevitity Aspect passing over the few lost years to her. "So warm!" Forgetting herself, the mercenary practically curled into his arms.

'That was easier than I thought. But. I lost about a 1000 spirit energy per year she lost.' The math would be looked at later. Feeling a weird fluctuation of magic behind him, Kakarot turned with his arm raised. "Expecting company?"

"Yes." Bulma nodded. "They should be here to finish the issue with the Dragonballs."

*Schup!* Yamacha, Chichi, and Tights had teleported in. The large blast of energy making it easier to locate them for Chichi. Only a bit of small talk with Tights, Chichi, and Bulma going to look through the rubble.

"How was it?" Kakarot checked Yamacha over. A click of the scouter gave a good reading to him.

Yamacha: Human

Spirit: 2,274

Ki: 630

Magic: 0

"The Red Ribbon Army.. was rough to deal with. Have a lot to tell you later." Arms crossed, he wasn't ready for Kakarot placing his hand on his temples. A wave of energy passed through him. "That was trippy; what did you just do?"

"Ready your mind right quick." Kakarot backed away, processing everything he had just taken in. "Didn't have the time for inconsistencies. You have recruited but also taken out several key members of that organization."

"Just that quick.. read my mind.." Yamacha was thinking the worse over a few things that took palce.

"You slept with both Tights and Chichi; that has nothing to do with me, man." Kakarot shook his head as he generally did not care. In fact, he felt elated that he didn't care. "Ex-wife man, not my business, her personal life anymore, really."

"Well... you know the top scientists can not be found, and a lot of the Generals have gone into hiding. Not to mention the newest Rift is now closed." Yamacha relaxed as his eyes moved to the other pulling out the dragonballs and small little blue guy. "Only one possible Dimensional Rift to deal with left.. right?"

"Yeah. I will take care of it soon. Just need to wait to pinpoint it better." Kakarot stretched his senses out to find Puar. "The little shapeshifter made it to Korin's Tower. Plan on doing training with the little cat Deity?"

"Yeah, I think it would be good for Puar. Things are just dangerous with us right now."

Tossing Pilaf near Mai and Kakarot, Chichi looked a little nervous.

Kakarot reached down and checked Pilaf over. Placing his hands on him briefly to put the Majin Mark on him. With the utter dreams of World Domination, the little creature was definitely evil. Making the task quite easy.

'I should really just kill him.. but he is really smart and I can control him as needed.' Using the Aspect of History, and Telepathy, he focused on finding out what he needed to make a better call regarding the minute wannabe tyrant. 'Got to do this right.'

"What do you plan on doing with the Dragonballs?" Bulma was skeptical about how her sister's demeanor changed from the last time she saw her.

"Nothing to crazy." Tights called out the Dragon. Excitied to see it for the first time like most of them. "Come Out, Dragon! Make my wish come true!"

*Shine!* All seven of the balls lit up together. In a flash of light, a long dragon with green scales appeared. It's ruby red eyes looked on Kakarot briefly before turning towards the one who summoned him.

Come, tell me your wish. I will grant any one wish you have..." The Dragon's voice came out soothingly. But that was not the only thing it was doing. Speaking to Kakarot Telepatheically was new. 'One who seeks to save the Dimensions.. I have heard your desire.'

Stunned by the pseudo deity reaching out to his mind, Kakarot was just as daze as Towa, who felt it through the Link they shared.

Trying to wrap their head around the situation, both focused on the Dragon's thoughts to him and not the current situation. Basically missing everything taking place.

"I wish...." Tights hands balled tight as she couldn't go through with the original plan. Fear gripping her from the actions of Chichi the last few days. Then there was Sunu. She was nowhere close to waking up yet. "..grant what is my heart's strongest desire!"

The balls lit up as power flowed through the area instantly.

"Your wish has been granted." The Dragon intoned. "Farewell." The balls shot into the air then spun around. Instead of spreading around the globe, they shot into Chichi, embedding into her skin.

"What the hell!?" Chichi was alarmed. Her true appearance of her soul without the merge showed like an overlay briefly.

Valencia looked at her ex-husband, who stared at her vacantly. With a shine of power of higher tier magic and energy, she had a mohawk of white hair appear in the middle of her black hair classic look.

The hair then dropped in a spread, only giving her a more mop head look.

"Ugh, gonna feel that in the morning." She warbled as the dragon balls moved around in her Internal Space. Absorbing the negative energy inside as well as the purpose and her desire to get rid of it to push forward in her training. "Ahhhh!"

The expel of negative energy was difficult, and the reason was mostly because of her own plaguing thoughts of growing regret. But the wish helped everything along at an extreme speed.

"It worked." Tights muttered to her self disappointed almost. Having her feelings show completely, she knew this would be the end of things. But in a dash, Chichi wrapped her in a hug fiercely. "Make my death quick, Valencia!"

The brief thought that this would be something to kill her over became almost consuming. The training and the constant pressing of the wished getting used for only certain wishes was hammered in by Chichi and the Supreme Kai of Time.

"Why would I kill you?" Chichi held her tight as she twirled her around happily. "Didn't think you were this serious about me!" She leaned into her ear, whispering. "Guess I will have to show you that special spell I had prepared for later!"

'Hmm, they are really in love. Can't compete with that.' Yamacha shook his head, smiling. He waved his head in front of Kakarot, who was still out of it. "You .. ok there?"

"He looks really out of it." Bulma was happy for her sister, but she was concerned like Yamacha was. With the Dragonballs gone, it made the future more promising from certain dangers. A feeling permeated the entire area. "Huh!?"

"That.. was weird." No longer talking with Towa as the Dragon had cut out briefly. "What did I miss?"

"The Dragonballs did something to her." Yamacha pointed out. "She looks.. very peaceful and.. odd."

*Fwoosh!* The seven dragon balls shot out of Chichi then circled around before shooting towards Kakarot. He was not gonna let whatever weird thing happen to her happen to him. The first Dragonball that came towards him was knocked away with force.

The various Dragonball came after him hungrily almost.

"What the hell is going on!?" Knocking away the other six one after the other, he kept eyes on the sky that still looked dark as if the Dragon was still summoned. "What in the world is going on now!?"

'Young man, who are you really?' A voice intoned inside his soul once more. It was powerful and ultimately caused him to freeze up again. 'I am the Guardian of this Planet, the wish on the Dragonballs won't let you go unless you destroy them.'

"Fine by me!" The plan was to get rid of the balls anyway, so this works the same. "Urk!" A current of pain shot through his body as someone used magic to stop him completely. "Who.. did.." The strength was enough to stop him long enough. "..damn it!"

*Fwoosh!* The Seven Dragonballs entered his body, causing him to blackout from the pain. Deep inside his Internal Space. The battle continued on. Seven figures close to that of Namekians charged at him.

Kakarot (Richard)

Soul: Intuitive Adaptability

Aspects: War, Longevity, Sex, History

Spirit: 2,000,103 = Soul Refining Art

Ki: 1071

Magic: 796

Styles: Demon Realm, Saiyan, Army (SFPC)

Skills: Flight, Ki Blast, Sense II, Telepathy, Power Up, Ki Shout, Volley Burst, Cross Arm Dive

Abilities: Absorption, Majin/Timebreaker Mark, Shapeshifting

Transformation: Dark King Aura 1/3, Demonic Great Ape Form

Controlled Regions: Gurumes, Fungus Town, Village of Nam

Linked: 30 Saiyans, Old Gohan, Towa, Mai, Nam, Pilaf

Magmatidecreators' thoughts