
Dragonball? Part 2

In his left-hand clear whisps spun around. His magic was low but easy to wield.

"The more you fight, the more War energy will power up your Ki and Magic. The more Sex you have, not just with your former wife mind you, the more they go up as well. The more people that form Links with you that live, the more you generate, despite War causing Deaths." Jiutian looked at the planet they shot pass. It was the Planet Pluto. "Your former wife understands this from my sister explaining. The rest is waiting on you to agree."

"Gonna pass considering she is the jealous type." Kakarot leaned a little to the side in the pod getting comfortable. "I understand we died and all but.. I still love her. Isn't she like a kid right now the same as me?"

"More or less. Guess when you see each other in a few years you can talk about it some more in person. The hibernation was tampered with. You two will be around the same age when you arrive on Earth. But that does not mean you get to meet each other." Jiutian placed a hand on his head once more. "You need to understand those Saiyan qualities better. As well as those War Tactics given by that body's father."

"Well yeah.." Kakarot blinked at the goddess. She was beautiful and extremely dangerous he noticed. Two of the worse things to deal with. "I have faith in her so I will not step out on her. If she does, well that is a problem to deal with later."

Jiutian smiled as they conversed on a few other matters. Supringsly she gained a new Aspect as they conversed after all this time. The Aspect of Truth. Coupled with her other ones were quite a dangerous mixture.

Traveling was not that bad with someone to talk who no longer passed out.

Out in the woods, a white ball had crashed into a waterfall. Inside was the baby Kakarot. The original soul inside was finished getting devoured by that of the Champion sent by Jiutian Xuannu.

The soul took in the battle instincts as well as the programming that was inside from Frieza's scientists and augments by the Saiyan pod. The damage to his soul was to extensive and caused the Vortex ability that was part of his soul to merge with him completely.

Losing most if not all of its benefits in the process.

Now with A stronger soul with an intuitive ability to figure things out from observation and use, it would be best to be exposed to more stimuli in the future. Giving him self correction from his various flaws was pretty good.

His Internal Space was larger now than most starting Champions. With a little oxygen and water produced from his magic & ki applications used so far and taking in Spatial debris. he Goddess Jiutian suggested when he first started to expose his soul to different Pathogens in the vicinity.

Inside his Internal Space, a woman slept recovering. Jiutan explaining the woman was his teacher for magic. Having not knowing who she was at first, he was happy that the Goddess explain that she was a member of the Demon Realm Race (Evil Core Person) named Towa.

"Achoo!" Kakarot gave a sneeze feeling the slight cold in the air. 'Man who thought it a good idea to send babies naked without clothes on their body to a planet? I mean, programming could be wrong or the atmospheric conditions could have changed from the original projections. At least the constant awakening from the suspended animation allowed me to age more.'

The energy absorbed while traveling through the stars was also used on advancing time around him to heal the soul. Which nourished the soul and body but nothing else during the time in hibernation.

Blinking a little, he moved around in the pod grabbing the elastic battle armor and underclothes. It had been a while since he was exposed to a natural environment. 'Might as well grab the scouter to. Oh, there is a backup as well as a backup remote for the pod.'

Considering that the scouter could activate the pod as well, it must have been in case the children destroyed it by mistake. He couldn't wait to tinker with it later on.

It then dawned on him that Jiutian saw him naked the entire time. But she defintely didn't look anywhere but his chest and head during the times she visited. Scanning him over with magic periodically and paying close attention to the damages around his soul.

The Goddess was very clear on soul recovery being a priority and explaining what happened to damaged ones. The soul was tantamount to resisting and understanding the body in every way. The stronger the soul, the easier it is to resist the influence of others.

The plans she went over with him to gain power were a little scary. Thus the recovering Demon Realm person inside his Internal Space from a Collapsed Subsidiary Dimension.

Going over the information once more, he went to work on taking the scouters apart as well as the pod itself. Repair knowledge was inputted into the Saiyans as well as a way to make replacement parts for quick work. But nothing to complex. Thankfully the use of History Aspect gave him details further about the parts.

It took a few hours before he found the components that didn't belong in both. Trial and error after taking a piece off and hitting the on button helped the troubleshooting process. Eventually, the listening devices were disabled for both and then destroyed at the same time.

He could now build new Scouters and Saiyan pods. With the ability to make small improvements to them both after going over the few technologies he saw over his life. Would have been better if he didn't have an overwhelming need to eat.

*Bwoom." A small ball of magic formed then he ate it. The low-level spell giving the taste of food and providing energy to his body. One of the few spells he created over the journey through space.

"Ok.. now to other things." Kakarot activated the pod and had it float with the door opened.

The little ki in his body circulating to help speed up the growth process from constant hibernation back and forth. With his magic already tapped out from creating tools. Observing as they moved, he thought about what needed to be done to survive the next few decades.

'Need more training since I have to deal with the Red Ribbon Army and King Piccolo. Not to mention the other problems that may pop up from the Dimension being unstable and merged with others.'

Training and acquiring funds went a long way. The good news was he had the work ethic to do both as well as low morality if things turned rough. A standard Saiyan fighting style was bolstered by fighting understood from his previous earth. Then the methods imparted by Bardock helped more.

"Hello up there!" An old man called out. It was none other than old man Gohan himself. "Are you ok young boy?" Despite his age, Kakarot still looked small. It was really weird.

Memory served the growth spurt didn't come until he was about 16. But that would not be the case with the implementation of magic and his personal plans.

"I am fine, you ok old man?" Kakarot asked back. Technically he was older than the man below him. He was both born before he was in existence and lived longer in the Void between Dimensions before Jiutian could grab hold of him stabilize his soul from the attack by the Unending Army. "What are you doing around these parts?"

"I am doing fine. And I live in these mountains." Old Gohan looked at Kakarot and could tell he was different than the average child. Especially with the tail moving behind him. "Where are your parents if you don't mind me asking?"

"Oh, they are dead. At least I think so anyway. Got blown up by a demented little sicko. As well as the planet and 90.00% of the population. Math might be off but that is what I remember currently." The pod floated to a more level area to make them see eye to eye. "About two decades from now, his forces will come to wipe this place out and colonize it. Or maybe not.. depends on things going on with the rebellion."

"Eh!?" Old Gohan freaked out a little. At first, he thought the child was kidding. But the tone and his resolute gaze made him doubt it was a prank. "You have any proof of your claims?"

"I do. But if I give you more confirmation then you have to help with some training for me. I may look like a kid but my people age slowly. I am an adult, I assure you." Kakarot finally gained control of his tail. It wrapped around his waist securely. Receiving a nod, he continued. "You are aware of the so-called Guardian of the planet correct? Every sentient planet of importance gets one. Or any random Namekian tired of things on his home might colonize a planet."

The good thing about the Aspect of War, it allowed him to understand and delve into the History of certain creatures after focusing enough. The Namekians counted as a War Race therefore he checked on their history when traveling.

He would need to know the actual Race and an understanding of its features to do so. So, a lot of races were still blank to him. The memory of the series has long since been buried with the passage of time and life.

"Hmm, you mean Kami." Old Gohan answered skeptically. 'What is a Namekian?'

"The Namekian Xenos.. yes." Kakarot leaned a little further on the hatch. "Take me to him and I will help you. You who deserve to live a better life. A good soul like yourself deserves to know the truth about things."

Another thing from the Aspect of War, he could tell who was suited for it or who had done something in regards to it when partnered with History.

"Hmm?" Old Gohan was intrigued and listened as the two moved. The more they talked the more the Old man was receptive to the discussion. A bit of magic was felt by Kakarot who did not have full control of it yet. 'He has magic the same as the masters' sister. I wonder what she would say about this?'

Unfortunately Baba the fortune teller wouldn't be able to see his future due to Kakarot being a Champion of Jiutian. One of the perks shielded them from those who saw the future and trying to scry for them.

The talks went on for a few hours with them heading to a decent place to speak.

After a lengthy explanation using the premises of Earth in danger and the forces of Frieza having gathered intel on planets in this sector, Gohan was convinced a lot more. Especially when notified of close details about King Piccolo and the threat that the Xenos had.

"So you will devour the "Evil" that exists on earth to stop several issues from arising?" Out of everything, this was the biggest appeal to the old Martial Artist.

"Yes. But that is far from now. Well hopefully..." Kakarot nodded. "My magic should let me do so in time. Meanwhile, I will conduct siege warfare against the various threats to help increase the power of the planet to deal with those future problems. Members of my race will eventually come here. I have no real idea when though."

"If half of what is said is true, then steps must be taken." Old Gohan agreed to help train him as well as get in touch with others that were trustworthy. Contacts that were mindful of King Piccolo's tyranny still existed. "We will start in the morning."


That night-


As Old Gohan slept Kakarot was meditating to increase his magic. A pull in his Internal Space alerted him to his magic teacher calling for him. Heading within himself, he marveled at the increased space once more. About 10 miles up, down, and around. Flowing water and a decent air supply.

The light was dim and had a kind of dark reddish glow to it. It was really.. odd.

"Finally made it, that is good." The white-haired beauty brushed her hair back. Her pale blue skin looked, even more, menacing with red highlights from the artificial sun. Her staff, a long rod that functioned as a spear as well twirled between long beautiful fingers. "This will be quite painful."

"Of course it will be." Kakarot didn't even frown. "Well go ahead and do it already Towa."

In the demon's hand was a weird purple like.. piece of meat. She called it a nucleus, but it looked like someone played horror time with some putty. It was tossed directly up to the red sun in the sky of the Internal Space.