
Dragonball? Part 3

In that instant, he understood the red sun was his soul. The influx of information and power caused him to blackout. But he instantly woke back up, then blackout again. Over and over again to help build him up and strengthening for the future.

"This is all to give you an almost limitless "Baseline" Champion. And healing the ravages to your Soul from passing around between Subsidiary Dimensions." Towa floated around observing him.

Only a few pieces of equipment were inside the place so far. One being his Saiyan Pod and other equipment for safety.

The fluctuations were completely protected from alerting anyone on the outside. The current Dimension was already protected by the Goddess, but that didn't mean they should risk anything.

"So many enemies to kill in the future. You will help me get my revenge and get my brother back."

Towa was not concerned in becoming a Champion of the Goddess Jiutan as much as she was concerned about reaching her goals. As a scientist, she was defintely interested in training a Champion to go to other Dimensions afterward of course.

The places Jiutan mention were very promising.

If Kakarot or Richard for that matter became a full Deity of a Pantheon the limit would be unreachable. She just had to get him ready and train him without breaking the "Link" she formed with him. Easier said than done but she had her ways.

"As a fellow scientist, you can appreciate the plans I have laid out for genetic exploitation." With a wave of her staff spear, the ground lit up as two magic symbols formed on him. "You must conquer both the influence of Majin Magic and Infinity Magic to be of greater use for my training."

The M of the Majin appeared on his forehead with the sideways 8 of the Timebreakers appearing in his eyes. One thing Towa did do before calling him, was put a sound seal around him. No need to listen to his various screams and she didn't want to stop if he begged for it.

"Grrr!" Face breaking apart in unbelievable pain was the least of it really. "Guh!" A wave of fierce energy erupted from within causing him to spit out spiritual blood!

Memories of the other getting spit out as the energy was used to reaffirm himself. Resentful, the spiritual blood lifted up and shot into the pores anyway it could. Drilling deep inside and spreading like a virus.

"NEVER!" Feeling a vague sense of where the concentration of it went, Kakarot punched his left leg ramming his fist right through it. "Tch!" The pain was a dull ache and not noticed as the leg reformed with a memory of him riding a bicycle for the first time and hitting a garbage can full speed.

Towa watched as he smiled before the veins bulged all over with a light gray hand shout out of the chest started choking Kakarot. Wiggling and crushing it under his chin only worked so much before another hand sprouted the back grabbing hold of the head.

"This.." Feeling his thoughts changing with a spread of what looked to be tendrils from the arms, it was best to rip them off or tear into them a little. "..don't get handsy with me!"

*Rip!* Tearing the hands away, Kakarot's fingers were glowing with a red-black light. A look of hatred overtaking him at the memory loss further if he didn't succeed.

"So that's how its going to be!" The two arms were burning at the ends with the same reddish black color. "A battle of wills between my soul not just a mixing of us!" He charged forward ripping the arms further apart while fighting the pain coursing through him still.

Unlike the original Kakarot baby soul that couldn't really resist due to Jiutian's assistance and that of an adult soul, the inhabitant of the Nucleus was not that helpless.

The more he fought back, the more his soul was subjected to pain but also memories returning. Some were not his and caused a wave of anger to shoot up inside each time. This spurned the redlight over his Internal Space to produce more.

*Chomp!* A few of the fingers tried to crawl down his throat until he bit down crushing them into soul energy. Eyes lighting up with the Timebreaker symbol before Kakarot collapsed once more, this time not getting back up.

"The first bout can be considered a passing grade." Towa waved her staff stopping the assault against Kakarot's soul. Eyes narrowed as she observed this also healed the consciousness of the Nucleus despite it losing traces of its power. 'She said the heal him first but is possible to gain them both in the end?'

Thinking to herself to try and accomplish both was enough to spurn the scientist on. But seeing four floating orbs float underneath the red ball of Kakarot's soul in the center drew deeper concerns.

"Tch! His Aspects of a Champion!" Towa glowered looking at the four. "Three of them are the power of Jiutian, the fourth is his own developed over the years before arriving." Floating over to them, she was suprised no harm came to her.

War, was the first ball glowing the same red as Kakarot's soul. Giving off the feeling of wants and desires to expand a type of influence through manipulation, bloodshed, finances, and governing. Nothing Towa hadn't experienced before in the Demon Realm.

Longevity was the second ball glowing white almost milky in a way. A small brush from the energy released had Towa somewhat thoughtful. Contemplating on living her long life already and how much longer she could live if she left and search through the Subsidiary Dimensions on her own.

Sex was the third glowing clear almost completely Translucent. The energy released from it had Towa imagining some of the most wildest acts of carnal fulfillment. Steeling her mind, she pulled away giving it odd looks at the need to copulate passed.

History, the one completely due to his own life lived was growing stronger by the second. Parallel to the energy and repair to Kakarot's Soul from the bout with the Nucleus.

"She said to nurture this so best to start now." Moving her staff spear to the orb, Towa was swallowed inside out of her control. "Grr!"

It was not to bad, but she was forced to watch the life of Richard through his eyes. Which for the Demon, created a different feeling deep inside she only felt a few times before in her existence.

The feeling of a true family and friends.


As time goes on-


The first year was quite painful. Anytime he was not sleeping, Kakarot trained with Old Gohan. When the old man needed to recover, he worked on incorporating technology from the Saiyan, Frieza, and Earth Force to use.

Towa spending a lot of her time working on something in his Internal Space. Besides a few five-minute conversations before the "Soul Bouts" took place, she was keeping busy with personal stuff. Building all kinds of different Contracpetions with her magic.

Kakarot was going toe to toe with another in his Internal Space. The final test to complete the 'Healing' of his Soul was to crush the remaining one trace that inhabited the absorbed Nucleus.

Mira, the creation/husband of Towa that he fought every single night and even when he took a nap using his Soul Body. This time the stakes were higher and a change in the opponents' mentality was hard to ignore.

'Who are you!?' A voice shouted from every direction it seemed like. It came from deep within his soul however. 'Where is Towa!? Where is the Future Warrior!?'

"AHHHH!" Kakarot screamed loud enough that the Seal placed around him cracked a little, even after the upgrades applied to it every other month.

Shocking Towa at the intensity and made her grin in expectation. This was a gamble but one she was willing to make as the previous months proved the Champion Intuitive Adaptability was more than capable of adjusting to the fighting.

"Just shut up and fade away already!" Kakarot was ready to have a full night's sleep and not be subjected to meditation to rest his brain.

It was only passing information that popped in his mind he took the soul and body of the original Kakarot, but he was gonna die before and this was also not his decision, in the beginning, to come here. Traveling through space with the Goddess last year already solved any hang-ups with that.

*Brrr!* The Majin magic and Timebreaker magic were still something he was trying to gain control over. His Nucleus or Mira for a better word was much stronger than him in its use. Giving the upper hand currently.

'I need to cause this guy to lose it to gain any advantage I can!' Remembering a little of what the other was thanks to the mention of the Future Warrior, the image of the default Saiyan Warrior appeared briefly in his thoughts as a projection. "You looking to lose again there tough guy!?"

*Splurt!* The nucleus erupted with pure Malevolence ripping through Kakarot. The outburst of power was painful and knocked him out for a fraction of a microsecond. The magic in place immediately woke him up, however.

The same as before.

"Defintely wanting to get this over with!" Dark red waves of power swirled around in the Internal Space. The 4 Aspects spinning and pulsing out power. "War chooses sides no matter what, I need to show I am the better pick!"

"If I had my full power.. you would be nothing to me!" Mira was pretty arrogant despite everything that was happening. His taunts and words just rolled off of Kakarot however. "This body will be mine soon!"

"Haa!" Kakarot smashed him in the face with a full blow. His fist immediately lighting up as Ki erupted outward exploding in the area. On instinct using the Final Spirit Cannon unsuccessfully. "Tch!" The backlash was to much to withstand outright as energy swirled between the two.

*Boom!* The two were blown away from each other a few feet. Kakarot recovering faster after the continuous torture his soul was put through, this blow was nothing pain-wise.

"Running out of steam already!" Kakarot taunted as he felt the power of War push his soul further. Longevity right after answering the need to live. "Let's finish this with everything on the line!"

The explosion had Mira jostled in thought. The Aspect of War and History feeding into him unlike the other two. Unfortunately, the experiment human was to far gone in several ways and unable to really return himself.

"I WILL RIP YOU APART!" Mira's face broke apart in a sickening rage. Unreachable to the mental probing Towa tried to influence to get him back to sanity. But it was pushed away easily. "DIE!" Energy swirled towards his right hand starting from the wrists.

'Yup.. its one of those encounters already!' Kakarot shook himself but did not charge forward. Building his control to the peak to strike back with the little time awarded to him. 'This will be close, but I have to do it just right!'

*Fwoosh!* Gaining the final understanding of the technique transferred to him, it was do or die now. As Mira appeared like a demonic river dragon, wanting to wipe him out completely and utterly.

"Final Spirit Cannon!" Kakarot pivoted to the side going directly for the head with every trace of power inside him. The red-black energy tore through Mira. "Dammit!" Breaking the other's soul apart was not enough to end it.

Mira was quite tenacious as he turned and made an impact before bursting into pure energy invading into the other with a final attempt to take over. The Majin and Timebreaker seal activating once more containing any more of a backlash

"Finally done!" The celebration was cut short as the residual power of Mira flowed through enforcing his soul. "Haa.. at least I am whole again!" Trembling in joy and pain, as he gripped his head both internally and externally.

Having the remaining memory of the Time jumping individual incorporated into his own was enough to take up time later to sift through.

*Beep!* A modified scouter made by the combined efforts of Towa and Kakarot was used by the former to check him over. The one she sported was purple and kept track of Magic. Which was her prime focus of training for him.

Spirit: 500,000

Magic: 150

Kakarot (Richard)

Soul: Intuitive Adaptability

Aspects: War, Longevity, Sex, History

Spirit: 500,000

Ki: 250

Magic: 150

Styles: Demon Realm, Saiyan, Army (SFPC)

Skills: Flight, Ki Blast, Sense, Telepathy

Abilities: Absorption

Controlled Regions:

Linked: 30 Saiyans, Wife???, Old Gohan

Magmatidecreators' thoughts