
Curse of the Blood Rubies Part 2

Lunging forward, Kakarot delivered a blow directly to the head before his opponent could lift the weapon back up. Durable, Bongo's head didn't crack open or anything. He did spurt blood from the nose and ears before collapsing.

"What a hard head." Flexing his fingers, they were at least bruised. The countryfolk came over to the area he took Bongo out at. The pushback from the disc-riding mercenary actually took him about 400 feet away. "Need to pay attention to my fighting area a little better."

"Some of the others spotted a patrol coming over; we should be able to push them back long enough." A villager encouraged. His voice was shaky, but the man was willing to try. "If you head to the caste, be careful; lots of helicopters were brought in to help police the area."

"I see." Checking the scouter, the reading gave a good bearing on how many were coming towards the countryfolk that moved to intercept. "No, it is smarter to help get you all weapons first to help hold the line."

*Schup!* With a raised hand, a few ki blasts were shot over the huddled members who were going to an ambush. Before hitting the group of soldiers, he split the ki blasts in three. He was raining several attacks down to give a better advantage.

"Ha.. ha.." The distance was the problem, as well as his lack of recovery time from training. But he was all smiles at the idea of the stakes raising. Especially if he charged in like this into the castle. "That.. should help even the fight more."

The moment Kakarot caught his breath, he took off towards the castle. He was leaving the people shocked. The smile was a bit scary to most.

As he approached the castle, helicopters exited an opening to greet him. They immediately started opening fire at once. The fire mostly tore up the ground but kept Kakarot on his toes. They freaking stung on contact!

"Have no idea who you are, but you came to the wrong country!" An orange-haired woman shouted. Her blue eyes were just as striking as the bazooka she used. Hanging out the side of a copter, defintely was not the most innovative idea. "But you are going down!"

*Woosh!* The rocket sailed through the air at high speeds. Seeing some pipes on the ground, Kakarot dashed forward, grabbing one. He was not going to hit the rocket back; that would be crazy.

Feet planted firmly in the ground; the pipe was then chucked at the closes flyer. Winging the blades due to good maneuvering but having the pilot exposed. Firing a scattering of Ki blasts out, the sky became crowded as they maneuvered around.

"You are supposed to be some big hotshot; take him out already, Pasta!" The pilot shouted at the orange-haired woman. It was not that easy, considering the target kept moving across the battlefield so fast.

*Kaboom!* Especially when the blast all detonated, sending pressure waves out.

"Dammit!" Pasta, unlike most of the soldiers, was really trained. She was, after all, a capable mercenary. Jumping out and landing on one of the hover discs, she fired once more with the bazooka. 'How did we get found out so fast!? We just started the mining process!'

"You really should stop firing rockets at people." Kakarot dashed at her in the air causing Pasta to freak out seeing a "human" flying. She hastily fired at him, disregarding the proximity. "Tch!" Sharpnel was not the best for one's eyes in any way.

*Kaboom!* The blast caught most of Kakarot in the upper body and head. Sending him pushed back through the smoke. But the mercenary was not so lucky. The disk was damaged and not responding to the commands given.

"Waaah!" Pasta screamed at the abrupt grabbing. Better than hitting the ground, but her "rescuer" looked really dangerous all the same. She reached for the grenade on her side. "Oof!" A blow to the gut infused with Magic had her out cold in seconds.

"That was so dangerous!" A countryman shouted. Scared while holding the gun, it was a wonder any of them weren't killed already in the scuffles. They did take cover when the shooting started. "Don't move you!"

One of the soldiers survived the copter crashing and aimed a rifle at Kakarot about to open fire.

*Pow!* A rifle fired off. Shooting the soldier dead center in the head. The farmer was either lucky, or really good.

Sending little blasts of Magic to the others to secure them, Kakarot instructed the countryfolk to keep a close eye on them. Just in case the spells went out. A few started removing the clothes off the few dead and using it to tie up the survivors.

After dealing with another wave of copters, he made it inside. The explosions left him pretty bloody. He noticed that the more the people followed instructions and did what he asked, the more militaristic they became.

'Has to be a side effect of the Aspect of War. But I am not actively using any excess energy.' Moving throughout the castle was easy. The soldiers were easy to knock out, with most being suprised they were attacked. 'Unless it is because I am taking the Evil energy from the Blood Rubies in the place?'

As that seemed the most likely scenario, it was put for look over later. Both his Ki sense and the Scouter detected a large power was coming up. He was at the throne room pretty quickly.

The sizeable purple monster reeked of evil energy. Whatever he was, it was defintely warped by the rubies. Giving a grin, Kakarot charged at him, ready to fight.

"Well, got to take you out and these Blood Rubies!" Jumping up, he delivered a flying knee strike to the head. Gurumes head was knocked back, but the tub of monster lard did not go down instantly. A counterstrike was blocked just in time. "Nice strength!"

Kakarot landed against the wall before launching forward again. Grabbing at a swipe, he twisted around, kicking the creature in the head. Not deterred in the least, Gurumes finally got a hold of him.

"I am the king, you bug!" Slamming Kakarot into the ground knocked the air from his lungs. "I'm gonna swish you!" His eyes contained a bit of malice from the magic gathering towards the two.

*Boom!* Gurumes tried to stomp on him, showing more speed and reflexes higher than his form would suggest. Everything about Kakarot was showing a type of enjoyment fighting this opponent.

"Stay still, you runt!" Gurumes voices came out horrible and choked. The very breath is the same as the rubies' energy.

"Why would I do that, fat boi?" Jumping away, he punched the side a few times. Physical force doing some damage, but whatever he was made out of took a good bit of the blow's force away. 'What weird material. Need to get a sample for study later.'

"I am the king here!" Gurumes stomped madly, shaking the place. "Who are you to get in my way!? They should be happy to serve me! Bring me more food!" He was a bit mad as he ranted.

Using his tail, Kakarot got out the way quickly.

*Boom!* Another stomp was dodged by a simple roll. With a grab after jumping on the body, muscles tensed as Kakarot ripped off an arm forcefully. Tossing it into his Internal Space on a table inside. A ki blast was fired at the stump to keep from letting blood fly everywhere.

"I will crush you and eat your remains!" Gurumes bellowed. He really worked the whole villain thing. "Baaahhh!" Firing an energy blast from the mouth that resembled a fireball, push the fight up a notch.

"Humph!" Kakarot braced himself, arms stretched to stop the attack. Mindful that he still had the upper hand and needed to take the chance to improve. 'Body can only improve if the opposing force is not my own and stronger than what I am currently at the time!'

Burning his skin a little, Kakarot allowed one hand to push against the attack with the second rearing back with a charged fist of Magic. With a smash, the energy exploded violently.

*Ripple!* Dark Red energy entered into Kakarot's body as he used Absorption instinctively. Gurumes bellowed in pain but only got bigger in response. Mouth open wide made for a good target. Kakarot went up to his mouth and sent a blast of remaining ki and his Magic into the gut.

"Tasty!" The mad King licked his lips as his stomach bulged.

"Explode!" Gurumes lit up as Kakarot clutched his fist. An explosion erupted from within, killing the mad tyrant monster. "Wooh! That was something else!" Not wasting time, he started absorbing the remains. "Lot's of magic you got there."

As Gurumes was turned to raw Magic, the Scouter scanned the environment. Highlighting a few Dimensional Rifts that warbled. Circulating his Aspects with the Magic just obtained, he forced them to repair and seal up entirely.

Gurumes was the focal point of the Subsidiary Dimension he came from. Defeating him or saving him was the key to it. With the changes having taken place and no dragon balls, the land didn't have a chance of auto-recovery anyway.

*Warble!* The Dimensional Rift in front of him was so wild with lashing purple energy, it would not be good at all if it ripped open on its own. Even pushing back with his energy left him a little winded.

'Well, can't let this place collapse. No way the people will survive going back. Let alone the resulting damage to everything if left unchecked.' As the Dimensional Rifts closed, the Scouter attempted to determine any larger ones. By tracing the energy signature currently inside.

*Beep! Beep!* It was a no-go, which in itself was a good thing. Less danger right now.

A few hours later and everything was tidied up.

"The Kingdom of Gurumes, does it have an heir apparent? Or some type of backup political party?" Kakarot asked the countryfolk. They shook no. "Well, guess I will take over for now." At the very mention of it, his Magic spread out in the area on its own. "Better than leaving you all alone."

The Aspect of War claimed the place as his own. Which also cemented it from disappearing from the Dimension and everyone dying.

*Fwoosh!* The ground had magical red fumes leave from it. All are heading directly towards him in waves. It only built up over time, causing a few of the villagers to actually back away in fear. Hoping he does not turn into a monster like Gurumes.

"Haaa!" A deep exhale, and he was all good to go. The energy was sucked into his body and invigorated his cells. "Defintely better than leaving in the soil to fester for a small amount of time. Glad I got here so soon."

"My precious Blood Rubies..." Pasta hugged her knees as she collapsed to the ground.

"As for these two?" Little Pansy asked.

"They will earn their redemption by working for the region. Of course, they will be paid." Pointing his hands at them, both were subjected to his Magic. The Timebraker mark appeared over their hearts before the glow vanished. "I will teach them martial arts, for they can get the remaining army personnel up to snuff for later."

"Up to snuff against what?" A member asked.

"The return of evil really. Its a long story that will be hard to stop right now." Kakarot defintely needed to build a force if he wanted to enact his plans down the road.

Bongo and Pasta were just happy not to be killed after hearing the fate of Gurumes. Towa appeared in disguise. She was helping to establish order better than he could for one. Much better with a situation like this, considering she was Demon Princess that had to deal with worse from the different Demon King's after her brother's disappearance and later demise.

Kakarot reflected on how he had to taunt during the battle to gain an advantage. If he was fully powered he could win yes, but that is in a perfect setting anyway. It was smart ro prepare for any crazy thing that could happen at any time.

'It was still fun though.' Smiling to himself, the countryfolk just assumed it was because teh threat was over. They were partially right about that.

Kakarot (Richard)

Soul: Intuitive Adaptability

Aspects: War, Longevity, Sex, History

Spirit: 502,100

Ki: 574

Magic: 262

Styles: Demon Realm, Saiyan, Army (SFPC)

Skills: Flight, Ki Blast, Sense, Telepathy, Power Up, Ki Shout,

Abilities: Absorption, Majin/Timebreaker Mark

Controlled Regions: Gurumes

Linked: 30 Saiyans, Wife???, Old Gohan, Towa

Magmatidecreators' thoughts